DECEMBER 26, 2021
During the past few months of the drought we had a flood of bobcat and
mountain lion photos coming over the transome. This was largely due to
the predators following their prey down from the hills to the well-watered
lawns in the towns.
Here is a bobcat looking out over a fence for any possibilities.
Due to the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus we are back to selective
lockdowns. Because so many people are vax hesitant and also resistant
to common-sense preventatives like wearing masks and social distancing,
there is a pool of variant breeders who will ensure by their irresponsible
actions this thing continues and also continues to produce yet more variants.
The one good outcome from all of this features the Darwin Award actions
of a certain group of people in the country who are now dying with higher
frequency than folks livining in places gifted with commonsense and higher
So anyway. The skies have gone all dense with high fog and the nights
have gotten chill, for Norcal, and with the sun arising late and descending
early, we have started to live in the crepuscular atmosphere of darkness
from start of day to end.
Last Tuesday was the longest day of the year as the Solstice ticked over
on the ancient stone clock and the sun's rays streamed through the portals
of Stonehenge. Old Gaia sits there on the rickety porch of the world.
Now is the time when Gaia tilts her weathered face creased with valleys,
arroyos, hills, deserts, plains, mesas, continents and the liquid seas
of her deep dark eyes away from gazing at her son, Phoebus Apollo riding
in his bright chariot as she sits and rocks ever so slowly in the ticking
wicker chair, the folds of the quilted Universe draped across her lap,
the rocking becoming the dance of Shiva, the creaking rails marking the
ever ceaseless count of time's advance, ticking each second, each century,
from the first moment of creation until that rocking chair stops at the
moment of that last, terrible, motionless silence.
As Gaia turns her face away from the light, her ravined face gradually
cools with measured shadows covering the valleys of her eyes, all the
world chilling under the frost that puts all of Nature into a deep sleep,
and everything is precisely where it needs to be right at this moment
while Phoebus Apollo gallops in his low-rider at an angle to her repose,
harder to see in his daily journey, a sort of sideshow to beat all side
Now is when the Goddess walks the cold furrows, morning the temporary
loss of her daughter, gone to spend a pomegranate season with the Dark
Lord below, and the sere stalks crunch beneath her sandals.
And so we passed through the longest night of the year. All shall be
brighter henceforth as each day lengthens gradually minute by minute.
The 25th of December wound up on a convenient Saturday and all the usual
suspects showed up on schedule: glittering angels, luminescent deer, fat
inflateable red and green Santas, douglas firs bedecked with strands of
tinsel and blinking bulbs, and Adam Sandler singing that song for all
the kids in the neighborhood without a Xmas tree.
The Household, now fully vaccinated and full of juicy antibodies from
contracting the Disease once again enjoyed a tree in a washtub, obtained
by Pahrump, Denby and Tipitina from some place unknown. Lord knows they
could not have paid much for it as no one has any money since the stimulus
funds ran out. Martini again applied his electrical ingenuity by supplying
lights in the form of LEDs from discarded circuit boards. Beer tabs and
condom wrappers festooned the scraggly branches along with strands of
yelllow and green CAT 5 cable. Gold ribbons and other tchotchkes rescued
from the dumpster helped fill out the gaps. Topping this magnificence
was an armless Barbie doll with pigeon feathers glued to her back.
The weather has been unruly with glorious, thunderous sheets of rain
replenishing the parched earth, restoring the reservoirs all over the
Bay Area and marching East to restore the Sierra snowpack. A great sigh
of relief comes from many people who see the drought coming to an end.
Denby has been arriving at the Hospital where he works in the early hours
before dawn as usual to push his mop down the long corridors where nothing
sleeps. Nurses, Pa's cross from one room to another in white coats. Doctors
wearing silver stethascopes peruse clipboards of information. The MAs
type on silent keyboards in front of glowing screens. And back and forth,
back and forth across and down the hall pass the Providers to and from
rooms of various dramas, various fates.
Denby asks Dr. Rodrigo how many lives he has saved today and the Doctor
pauses, looks up to reflect, says, "About three or four." Then
bends back to his work.
In one room a code is announced and a new mother dies - her intentions
fall to the floor. And the figure of a woman wearing a long white robe
appears, her wings transluscent, glimmering behind her; she closes her
eyes. Lightning crashes outside as the storm resumes and hail beats against
the windows of the Team Room. Down the hall, a new mother cries as the
placenta falls to the pan and the child is raised up to breath its first
breath. And the woman in the robe appears above the new baby to open her
incredible blue eyes.
Denby leans on his mop as the woman with wings passes in front of him,
turns to look and then continues down the hall, padding in bare feet,
unnoticed by the scurrying Providers. She pauses to lay a gentle hand
upon Dr. Rodrigo's shoulder and then passes on to another room.
Denby, the hapless schlemiel who has been no good at anything in his
life, a total failure in all his efforts at love, at work, at music, at
saving people's lives, has one singular talent. Denby can see the Angels
who walk among use while he is still alive. This apparition is someone's
Xmas gift to him. He is still not sure how to make use of it. So he dips
his pole and continues mopping the corridor on this Xmas Eve, Year 2021.
Back at the Household, the hours advance to midnight with all inside
asleep in their cots, sleeping bags and hammocks. The decorated tree continued
to blink through the night as the small creatures who live behind the
walls came out to cavort and dance their usual dances until mama raccoon
appears with three young ones who pull at the pinecones hanging from the
lower boughs of the tree.
It was a peaceful night in Silvan Acres. No sirens rent the night air
and no one got shot and no one got stabbed.
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais, following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, the sound stirring the
coyotes who began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds
over Fairfax and White Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded
niches of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along
the ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
NOVEMBER 28, 2021
Blessed rain and a good Covid report ensured the 'Shoot happen on time
this year. But this being the 23rd Poodleshoot in the Bay Area, there
is no rushing to press on this.
their dog really "understands me"
It is hard to imagine that more than 20 years ago a daft group of lads
decided to hold a humble Poodleshoot in defiance of misdirected sentiment,
obnoxious aesthetics, and hideous twisting of values where an asinine
species we will never truly understand gets more attention, devotion,
and preference than members of our own species. Some foolishly claim that
their dog really "understands me". It can be argued that in
this present day in the 21st century we still have problems understanding
each other, let alone another species and that species, us.
a miserable scrap of fur and teeth
23 years of Poodleshoots and still people lavish more attention and affection
upon a miserable scrap of fur and teeth than suffering fellow human beings
that really has little more capacity for returning love than a Real Doll
made in China. It is all illusion and self deception. Well, that is why
the Poodleshoot came to be.
"Poodles, or Piddles, as they sometimes are called . . ."
Actually the original Poodleshoot was held in Monterey Bay, possibly
as early as 1985, when the grand prize was a set of bronzed ship's propellers.
It is hard to find the original news article; for some reason the local
government has diverted traffic from the old site, which is just too bad.
The original was created to commemorate two beloved animals with significant
acknowledgment of the human perversities regarding the breed. "Poodles,
or Piddles, as they sometimes are called . . .". began the original
All that aside, the 23rd Annual Poodleshoot proceeded as follows.
The annual Island Tradition took place again, beginning with the usual,
traditional ceremonies.
she trailed her gauzy banners across the firmament
As per Tradition, on the day of the 23rd Annual Poodleshoot, rosy-fingered
Dawn arose from the horizon's dark bed and pushed back the shutters of
night to allow Phoebus to mount his golden chariot and so, preceding the
day, she trailed her gauzy banners across the firmament, traveling across
the yard from the battered old half-moon privy hard by the weeds to the
house back porch, leaving behind a sort of dew after her passage. Gently,
she flushed, and gently she tugged upon the coverlet, and gently she kissed
the eyelids of the sleeping Padraic, but he stirred not. Gently she nudged
the man, who only mumbled and snorted as he remained held fast in the
soft, woolly folds of Morpheus. Playfully, she noodged him once again,
but he remained walking in that shadow kingdom of the somnolent God.
Her fingers becoming rays of sunlight, turned the dial so as to allow
the sweet strains of muse Calliope to thrum the air as guided by the goddess
Rosalie Howarth of KFOG, but Padriac snored and stirred not.
Dawn O'Reilly was not a woman to be trifled with
Then Dawn reared back with her rosy fists upraised and brought them down
heavily to smite Padraic a mighty thwack, and that got him up all right,
for Dawn O'Reilly was not a woman to be trifled with at any time of the
day. And so Padraic bestirred himself to make ready for the Annual Island
Poodleshoot and BBQ.
So it was that Padraic rolled out the barrels of the Water of Life and
set up the Pit for this year's festivities under bright, chill skies,
which had cleared briefly from the storm clouds for the day, once again
down by the disputed Crab Cove on the Island while Bob Brown, owner of
Rancho Nicasio, helped setup the Silvan Acres site with tables, BBQ drums,
and all the fixin's for a great feast.
John Phillip Sousa's Liberty Bell March
The ceremonies began with the traditional playing of the Paraguay National
Anthem, as arranged by Terry Gilliam, and performed by the Island Hoophole
Orchestra accompanied by the Brickbat Targets chorale ensemble. This piece
has been favorably compared to John Phillip Sousa's Liberty Bell March,
with which work the modality is inextricably entwined.
In Marin the Hapless Jerrykids noodled into Walking on the Moon, which
was followed by the San Geronimo Acoustics who performed Neal Young's
"Pocahontas". Ensemble then brok e all their instruments and
stalked offstage with a number of war whoops.
This was followed on the Island by the devilish meisterwerk composed
by Marie Kane entitled, "Die Sieg der Satanische Landentwickler",
an adaptable work which allows insertion of alta-contemporary chorales
at the whim of the Conductor at the pleasure of any municipal governing
The ensemble group which has made something of a name for itself by inventing
entirely new parts for voice, consisted of Mayor Izzy as soprano alla
triste in the Misericordia segment and Councilperson Daysog as mezzo soprano
mournful did a fair version of Iago's treacherous soliloquy, with former
Councilperson Frank in his basso triste "You're Gonna Miss Me When
I'm Gone" performance in the esoteric work La Chambre à l'arrière
Enfumee Boogie by Brooks and Dunne.
John Knox White and Tony Daysog performed a lovely duet as well as a
lovely pas de deux in pinstriped pinafores with nunchucks. The two sang
"Our Town" and "I got you Babe with astonishing verve.
In Marin, the ensemble performance of Le Papillion Enragee caused a number
of ladies to faint and gentlemen to resort to flasks of bourbon to revive
our beloved Monarchs.
Karen D'Souza of the Contra Costa Times has called it "devilishly
Many reviewers have called this piece amazingly impossible to accomplish,
and quite a pastiche. The East Bay Express found "this game of smoky
backrooms is too much to believe." Karen D'Souza of the Contra Costa
Times has called it "devilishly complicated" and "hard
to believe it goes on. And on. And on still more," while Jim Harrington
has called this performance, "the most dreadful rubbish since the
last time I wrote a mixed review. I never fully approve of anything but
this gave badness a new name."
The Chronicle, always more reserved due to the heavy influence of conservative
ACT in the City, has commented, "It should be interesting to see
how well this thing floats in the future amid this stormy time for companies.
We miss Trish Spencer performing as City Mayor, a role she continued to
adopt with nearly convincing theatricality. Mayor Izzy Ashcroft is far
more persuasive although less a comic genius."
Of course, their theatre/music review got mixed up for that issue with
the economic report and the elections special, so the meaning of that
is up to interpretation.
The East Bay Express got the dates wrong on its Calendar section, as
usual, so they had no review.
The Examiner, as usual, ignored Reality and talked about the batboy who
had been abducted by space aliens.
Fox News ran a piece about how the Examiner's Space Aliens had stolen
the Presidential Election and that former President Obama had never really
been President and all this fol-de-rol about poodles was a LIberal Hoax
involving COVID attempts to rob Patriots of their Freedoms, and so sensible
people paid them no attention save for Ms. Boebert, who is insensible..
This year, with the addition of the venue in Marin, featured a number
of local dignitaries. There were also some modifications to the Official
Rules in deference to the ongoing COVID19 pandemic.
The high number of absurdly decorated piddles in Fairfax has caused a
problem of antagonistic bent. It seems owners are deliberately dieing
and barbering their animals and provocatively trotting these creatures
in front of impressionable women and children, and the City Council is
now holding meetings on the issue. Things may change next year as the
boundaries of the 'Shoot expand.
This year, with the change in venue from the Island to Marin, featured
a number of local dignitaries, along with national representatives according
to tradition. Lauren Boebert appeared, fireing at random at anything that
seemed to her feasible until she was taken by the Seargeant at Arms into
the Stockade for safekeeping.
The horns tootled and the drums pounded and all the hunters marched into
their respective fields of honor with many a shout of "Poodle there!"
and "Ahoy! Poodle!" as the grenades went pop and the AR-15's
opened up with abandon all across NorCal under delightful skies of mottled
blue and grey and the 23rd Poodleshoot was underway.
Thanks to the 2nd Amendment . . . .
Thanks to the 2nd Amendment there was plenty of firepower to be had to
let fly upon these Liberal pom-poms dyed with absurd colors of scarlet
and blue. Old Grannies emerged from their doors to blast away with riot
guns and blunderbusses while little tykes crept out from shrubs to let
fly with their 22 longs.
There proceded a set-to with the dog-walkers
It was a grand scene until Margorie Green appeared with an cohort of
Border Patriots who joined a phalanx of dog-walkers down by the formerly
named Drake High School and she wore a golden chain that was all imbued
with the power of Trumpian Evil. The renaming of the local landmark caused
consternation among the populace, allowing for the Enemy to gather in
great numbers and so assail the red-blooded Californios. There proceded
a set-to with the dog-walkers armed with morning-stars, poopy-missles
and impermeables against the defenders of the one True Faith. Faith in
the True and the Real.
The Margorie Green cohort was supported by members of the Flat Earth
Society who hold that the entire world is flat, not round, and the corners
are bound by the cities named Springfield. There are many who hold this
to be true and that Donald Trump is the Messiah.
Well what can you do when people believe nonsense like that.
The Dawn arose wtth golden spears and incarnadine striatus.
Things went bad for the Believers in Truth and Justice and they were
driven back under pressure to the edges of San Anselmo Creek where they
took up a line of defence along its banks. There they passed a hard night
shoved against the muddy banks under constant sniper fire. The Dawn arose
wtth golden spears and incarnadine striatus. Then came over the hip of
the Sleeping Lady of Mount Tam the figure of Gandalf the White, who had
been formerly Gandalf the Grey, upon his white steed Edward P. Murrow.
Gandalf galloped into the throng of the falsehoods and confronted Margorie
Green and leveled his bony finger at her affronted face.
"You are a lying, dismal bitch!" said Gandalf amid a clap of
lightning and thunder.
And with that the goblins and devils who had supported the banner of
Baggot, Bushy, and Green, wilted away. And the host of Californios arose
from the banks of the San Anselmo creek and beset their enemies, who were
bested and so driven back to the East. And so there was jubilation after
this great victory on the Marin side while the Island reported similar
victories in what surely would become known as in future times as the
War of the Blings and the objects created in error by the Elven Kings
of yore that contained so much evil of their Master, Maldoc Trump snarling
in his dungeon of Mal de Lago, would continue to plague all the races
with his demonic legions until his kingdom would be overthrown.
In the meantime, another poodle was tossed on the barbie and a fine time
was held by all on this 23rd Annual Poodleshoot and BBQ.
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais, following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, the sound stirring the
coyotes who began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds
over Fairfax and White Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded
niches of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along
the ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
NOVEMBER 14, 2021
Going to have a full moon eclipse around here. Certain to be a fair amount
of witchery.
So anyway, Pedro was out upon the sea-lanes after the Officials had given
the go-ahead for crabbing. But with restrictions.
The days begin with misty haze and dew. This burns off by early morning,
leaving a sort sunny condition that used to be assigned to October.
The lakes are all at 50% capacity after a long dry period. We still are
not up to snuff.
This is the time of dank morning mists shrouding the hills with protective
coverlets. The heat wave has come and gone and the buckeyes are all gone
sere with battered, bare limbs. Mornings and evenings the pogonip drifts
in over the hills.
Yes, that special season has come upon us when the air turns brisk with
scents of apples and chimney smoke and thoughts turn to traditions and
season rituals. Dick and Jane go gaily scampering through the fallen leaves
with ruddy cheeks and panting breath hand in hand, leaping over babbling
brook and fog-damp fallen tree, each dreaming of popping a few rounds
into a Fifi, blasting the stuffing out of a silver-haired poo with a brand
new, polished thirty ought-six.
God! It is such a magical time! It is glorious America in Fall! Praise
the Goddess for the Red, White, and Blue!
Yep, that much anticipated Island event is nigh upon us once again, the
Annual Island-Life Poodleshoot and BBQ.
We will be posting the official rules presently in the sidebar. For now,
last year's rules are up there to give you an idea of what this dreadful
celebration is all about. What is the Annual Island-Life Poodleshoot you
may ask. This year marks the 22nd year that the 'Shoot has taken place
and the 2nd time it will be held off the Island after it moved to Marin
where the infernal species abounds in great numbers and so provides splendid
opportunity for Red-blooded American Sport. To commemorate past glories
a small ceremony will be held on the Island which still holds the Old
Same Place Bar that funded much of the beverages. It is, in short a Tradition,
and around here we are big on Tradition.
Each year avid gun-nuts and hunters have gathered in the Bay Area for
the Poodle Hunt, renowned throughout the world as having few events of
such magnitude and utmost serious rivaling NASCAR races and the Victoria's
Secret Fashion Show.
This year the hunting promises to be very good as Marin is a haven for
misapplied sentiments and distracted emotions applied to a scurrilous
creature rather than fellow humankind. Herds of the repulsive animals
are seen daily cavorting on pampered booties with atrocious pompoms and
bowties while NIMBYS protest the building of homeless shelters in a nearby
Haze is in the forecast, dull fogs and overcast skies instead of the
relief of rain, the Editor thinks as he looks out at the sere buckeyes,
the oaks and acacia that have been cut back for fire protection. He returns
to his desk with all the lights off save for the one pool of light spilled
by the desklamp and he sits down. The night passes as he continues to
work as he has for the past 22 years, face lit by that lamp and his remaining
hair flying about his head in an aureole, surrounded by the curtains of
darkness and the sharp longing that somewhere out there must be a like
mind filled with piercing desire for a monad of ecstasy, also pursuing
these failed meditations, and so he continued doing all for Company.
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais, following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, the sound stirring the
coyotes who began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds
over Fairfax and White Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded
niches of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along
the ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
OCTOBER 31, 2021
This fellow was photographed in several locations in Woodacre. We thought
this image is appropriate since an owl features prominently in this week's
So anyway. The long drought and Fire Wars have come to an end -- for
the moment. Heavy rains blasted the countryside and refilled the lakes,
bringing the salmon up, or down, the creeks as if they materialized out
of nothing, flashing and flailing with vigor the still shallow shallows.
The oak trees have gone sere and buckeyes have lost their leaves, the
bare branches heavy with pendulous fruit and the nights have gotten somewhat
chill. It is the time of the full moon again, and the last days of Los
Dias de los Muertos showed up as an apparition.
The time came for Denby to make the annual crossover, which had remained
as a Tradition even though the offices and the Household had been transplanted
by force during the Night of Shattered Fires. Tradition has its own powerful
force as some of you may know.
The sun descended and shadows grew long across the little avenues of
Silvan Acres. Because of the creek passing through, and then the long
absent train line and now the road, this place had been a traveling place
for many hundreds, if not thousands of years.
The Editor said, "Go now," and so Denby took his walking cane
and went out to the uplift where the earth was embanked higher than in
other places along the road.
A train came trundling along the way beside the Sir Francis Drake Boulevard,
even though the tracks that once had gone to the coast had been torn up
long ago.
The machine heaved to a stop with steam and groaning and Denby climbed
aboard and took his seat in a cabin with no other passengers in the car.
The train proceeded down Sir Francis Drake, stopping at Yolanda Landing
and various points not known to Denby and then proceeded south and east
through a dense fog that made identifying landmarks difficult. For a long
time everything outside the windows was entirely black and Denby assumed
they were somehow crossing one of the bridges.
"Endstation! Endstation!"
At one point the train stopped and the conductor, a gaunt man wearing
a robe, came down the aisle announcing in a foreign accent "Endstation!
Denby disembarked to find he was on the Shoreline Road on the Island.
He walked along the path there that bordered the brightly lit condos and
the seawall until he came to the Iron Gate, the gate which appeared only
for a few hours each year. He undid the latch and was greeted by an owl.
"Who? Who are you? Who?!"
An iron bell began to clang and then he saw the vast expanse of bonfires
lit upon the beach. Those bonfires lit by the souls waiting passage to
redemption or eternal fire.
A distant dog or set of dogs set up a jarring sound of barking.
He used his cane to push open the gate and so step through a veil of
mist to the Other Side where a long reach of strand with bonfires extended
to north and south, broken only at this height by the extension of a stone
As in years past, as he approached the Portal, the Voice bellowed to
him from some echoing deep cavern.
"Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate!"
"Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate!" and the words flamed
inside the skull as if poured in molten steel. Just as it had for the
past 22 years.
For pete's sake. As per Tradition, dammit, Denby muttered.
A large owl, about two feet tall, perched on a piling scolded him with
large owl eyes.
"Hoo! Hoo! Hoooooo!"
Okay, okay. Poor choice of words.
On the other side the ground sloped down as usual to the water for about
thirty yards, but he could not see the far lights of Babylon's port facilities
or the Coliseum. A dense, lightless fog hung a few yards offshore, making
it appear that the water extended out beyond to Infinity. The sky above
was filled with black cloud and boiling with red flashes of lightening
and fire although not a drop of rain had fallen.
All up and down the strand he could now see that countless bonfires had
been lit, as is customary among our people in this part of the world to
do during the colder winter months along the Strand, and towards one of
these he stumbled among drift and seawrack.
Sitting around that fire, he recognized many faces. And many more all
up and down that beach.
"ch'io non avrei mai creduto / che morte tanta n'avesse disfatta"
Strange words in another language reverberated again inside the skull:
"si lunga tratta / di gente, ch'io non avrei mai creduto / che morte
tanta n'avesse disfatta" echoing and echoing down long hallways of
echos into eternity
A small child, barefoot and wearing a nightdress ran past and disappeared
as quickly as she had come.
A glimmering figure appeared before him, a woman shining with internal
light, her blonde hair glowing in that dark atmosphere, and clad in gauzy
fabric blown by an invisible wind.
"Denby!" said the woman. "Here you are again!"
"Hello Penny," Denby said. "Back again."
A year has passed up there in your world, I guess. Here another year
is all the same for waiting.
Several little girls, all between the ages of six and nine, wearing pinafores
ran barefoot across the sands between them and vanished into the misty
There are usually a couple people you should meet, said Penny.
Same as usual," Denby said.
"But," said Penny, "This time is different. Different
from all other times. I think the time is coming when you need to start
thinking about yourself and the Last Crossing."
The infernal wind whirled about them and the scads of barefoot girls
in pinafores ran this way and that in play on that dark beach.
They sat down together on a hillocky hump of sawgrass, the older man
and the ageless woman with her arms wrapped around her knees above bare
feet. Out beyond spread the sands with their scattered bonfires to the
right and the left while the black expanse of water extended into the
darkness. More than 22 years had passed and she had not aged one bit.
So, Penny said. After all these visits we finally have a chance to chat
for a while.
"I have come down here some 22 times. Usually I meet somebody I
used to know," Denby said.
Who died, Penny asked.
"The question is who is left to die," Denby said.
Well Strange de Jim is over there at that bonfire. And your friends Johnny
and Julie are jogging way down that way. Most of the others have made
the Final Crossing. But lets not talk about that. It is so lugubrious.
(An impish smile appeared on her lips) How's your singing been?
"Umm . . . well, ah not much time for that these days. I think all
of that is done now forever".
Penny burst into peals of laughter. Little, little mortal man you know
nothing of forever! I am the one who knows about Forever!
So spake the Angel of Death, because it is true. No mortal can possibly
know the Infinite.
"Well there is no more opportunity and at my age unlikely to be
any forthcoming." Denby said.
O really, said Penny. Are you so sure? No possibilities hovering in the
wings, no friendships that might turn torrid?
"Je suis seul, comme tout." Denby said, with some cynicism.
Penny put her hand up to her forehead and leaned back with her eyes closed.
O my magical dead lady powers foresee a dark haired maiden, er, a dark
haired damsel in thine future with flowing locks, lots of tattoos, and
naughty underwear. . . .
Now it was time for Denby to burst out laughing. "I do not think
that is possible, but thanks for mentioning. Surely you do not mean Pimenta
Penny kept her laughter rolling. Pimenta? For you? She is way way too
much a butch fiend, as your friend Chad used to describe her. Pimenta?
Surely you are joking.
"Well I have a pallet on my floor and it is narrow and admits only
one these days, so that is that."
That is just too bad, Penny said. You really ought to practice your singing.
I remember that . . .
From far across the water came a glimmering from what seemed a single
source. As the thing drew closer the glimmering divided into two wheels
of fire.
The Ferryman is coming, Penny said. But I still have no obolu,
she said sadly in a tone that tore at Denby's heart. And so here I must
remain for yet another Season.
"Penny, could anything could have been different than what happened?"
Of course my friend. You could have found a way to take in my cat, Snowball,
after I was gone, but you did not. The past is always conditioned by our
Bevies of children ran this way and that down below along the glimmering
The fire revealed a towering figure controlling a skiff that approached
a stone jetty towards which a multitude of souls approached, each holding
the gold obolu, the passage fare. Each soul offered up its fare and those
that were destined for the Eternal City of the West were allowed to board.
Those others destined for the City of the South were unceremoniously shoved
down and away to be fetched later for their journey to Hell.
This time around Denby observed few individuals he knew. A man wearing
journalist clothing passed by and said, "Senator, why do you want
to become President?"
A girl walked by with a guitar, singing "It's a hard life, a hard
life, but Love's on sale tonight at the 5 and Dime."
A lean English gent passed by carrying drumsticks. "When people
talk about the '60s I never think that was me there. It was me and I was
in it, but I was never enamoured with all that. It's supposed to be sex
and drugs and rock and roll and I'm not really like that. I've never really
seen the Rolling Stones as anything. The world of this is a load of crap.
You get all these bloody people, so incredibly sycophantic."
And then he was gone.
After a while the skiff had loaded its cargo and so then departed across
that stygian water.
A squadron of girls dressed in pinafores scampered across the sands before
them. They passed this way and that like petrels.
"Life is a harsh and violent series of disappointments, full of
sorrow and suffering," Denby said. "LIfe is a vale of tears."
Of course it is, Penny said. But you do not need to stick yourself in
some gloom as a result. There are many things you among the living can
still enjoy.
A girl ran up to Penny with eyes as clear as centuries and said, "Mama?"
I will be along in a little bit sweetheart, Penny said. And the little
girl ran off into the dark. You see, said Penny, even the disappointed
Past can contain some measure of joy.
At that moment the tolling of the iron bell rolled across the vast wasteland
Time for you to go, Penny said. I am sorry we don't have more time during
your annual visits to talk. And then she stood up, a shimmering vision
of luminescence.
Denby arose and turned to go up the slope back to the gate which led
out of that place. He stumbled up as the insistent bell clanged its fateful
hours on the last day of El Dias de los Muertos, that day when
the veil between the worlds is thinnest.
"Denby." Penny said simply and he paused as a wind kicked up
with gusts.
She reached out her hands to cup his face. Cold, so cold. He felt a wetness
on his lips, on his face. The rain had returned to NorCal.
Good-bye. Until next time.
He ascended the slope as the sound of the bell and three dogs became
more insistent until he stumbled through the gate which slammed shut behind
him. There, an open door to a train compartment waited for him and he
climbed in to plotz into a seat in an otherwise empty railcar with salty,
wet cheeks. On the return journey, he reflected Penny had become in the
afterlife what she had been before. In life she had been a nurse during
the height of the AIDS plague whose job it had been to handle the affairs
of patients who had been sent home from Hospice as they lapsed and eventually
died and allowed her to handle the paperwork of such things, there always
the angel to usher souls to the door and through it to the next form of
existence, if any, beyond.
The train passed through shadowy regions of smoke and the skeletal forms
of houses and the smoke of spooks until it passed Yolanda Landing and
eventually to the San Geronimo Station, where Denby disembarked. From
there he went dutifully to the Island-Life offices although he felt exhausted
unto death.
The Editor awaited him as in years past.
"So this is the 22nd time you have crossed over," said the
Editor. "How was it this time?"
Denby fell into a plush chair Martini had snagged from a For Free roadside
pile. He gave the Editor the one thousand yard stare.
"I can tell you are wanting a drink. And by just the look of you,
so am I." The Editor reached into the desk and pulled out a bottle
of Glenfiddich and set two glasses on the desk before pouring more than
two fingers into each glass.
"So any talk about how the Pandemic will end up and what the Economy
is going to do?" asked the Editor.
"Somehow the subjects did not come up," Denby said.
"Well, I suppose given past reports I should have expected that,"
said the Editor as he poured out the bottle. "But no harm in asking."
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the spectral estuary to echo
off of the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through
the haunted redwoods of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over
the sleeping bulk of Princess Tamalpais, following the old, forgotten
railheads that once led along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast,
the sound stirring the coyotes who began to howl their evensong which
carried forth on the winds over Fairfax and White Hill, ululating through
Silvan Acres and the ghostly mist-shrouded niches of the San Geronimo
Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along the ridge-tops through the
drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown destination.
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
OCTOBER 24, 2021
This is a blue-tailed skink photographed by a Nextdoor neighbor. Most
people get enthralled by the mammalian life around here but recently an
amateur herpetologist presented several photos of absolutely gorgeous,
colorful reptiles that inhabit Marin.
So anyway. A "cyclone bomb" has dropped on Norcal for the past
few days and as we speak the flood sirens are going off from all the firehouses
from San Rafael out to West Marin. Those little parched trickles a few
inches deep two weeks ago are now topping 8, 12, 15 feet tonight. Nixle
let us know earlier today the Sheriff wants people to stay home as tree
branches come crashing down and water collects in the usual places.
Just now another alert from the County Sheriff over the transome: "Please
stay off the roads!"
Obviously, for this area, Fire Season is put on hold, but with other
hazards taking the place of fire. We shall see if the bulwarks that the
DPW built shall prevent White Hill from again descending onto Sir Francis
Drake Blvd.
That road remains named SFD because all of the municipalities needed
to agreed unanimously to rename it to something softhearted and bogus,
mushy and unnecessary as a sop to White guilt over slavery (instead of
really doing something realistic about its consequences) did not come
to consensus. Some towns saw the whole thing as nonsense and so balked.
You cannot rename a road extending some 25 miles through several different
districts with alternative names; that, of course, would have looked as
ridiculous as the entire idea was originally.
You can change names of streets in European cities from block to block
but Europeans are charming and sweet and lovable in their historic old
school sensibilities Americans are not like that. We are brash and abrasive
and entirely the new Germans of the world. Yes we are the new Germans.
Obnoxious, arrogant, full of self-superiority, pushy, smug, self-entitled,
waving No. 1 foam fingers, plus all the things Hollywood and the Greeks
used to accuse the Nazis of being.
During the Bush Error, a German friend called and said, "At last,
at last! We Germans are no longer the World's Nemesis! Now it is America!"
For now the rains come to Norcal in a Cyclone Bomb, as the Meteorologists
call it. There are also events occuring in other parts of the Country.
Love your "global warming is a Liberal agenda" message you
idiots of the formerly GOP. The GOP is not the GOP anymore. The GOP has
become the Greatly Obtuse Party, denying electorial factual outcomes,
denying scientific evidence, denying all realistic plausibilites when
facts interfere with agenda. The GOP is now the Greatly Obtuse Party and
no longer the party of my parents and my family who have abandoned the
former GOP because the Party has become idotic.
As the rain pelted down a miserable Denby sat upon the Island-life porch
looking out at the drenched trees and the downpour in back of the Island-Life
offices. Little Adam was sittling there with him.
"So what does it mean to be Chosen every time," Adam asked.
Adam was referring to the annual Tradition of choosing the Island-Life
staffer who would cross over into the Other World when the veil between
the Worlds was thinnest. Each year there was a game of chance in which
the one who drew the shortest straw must cross over into the Infernal
Realm for a night. And each year, according to Tradition, Denby always
"Tradition is a hard thing, my friend." Denby said. "It
is all that binds us together as a people with Culture and the weight
of the Past that makes us what we as a People happen to be. To violate
Tradition is a mighty risk for you risk destroying the People."
"Isn't there an end to this sometime?" Adam asked.
"Well, " sighed Denby. "Some say there shall be a Second
Coming and the dismal fields of Hell shall be harrowed and all the gates
broke open. Then there will be no need for the Crossing."
"Is that day coming soon?"
"Don't hold your breath."
The rain beyond the porch fell with persistant insistance. Fire season
was abated and the world was awash.
What about until then? Adam asked.
"Until then each year I am fated to cross over until that day I
cough up the obolu and cross that last distance myself and Shiva
puts down her foot for me once and for all, ceases her eternal dance,
and time comes to an end and I make that last ride on the ferry to the
Other Side."
And Little Adam's head, weary from the labors of the day nodded until
his chin touched his chest with drousy sleepiness as Nixle alerts continued
to arrive on Denby's iPhone.
Yes, the text messages were right: Rain was general all over Norcal.
It was falling softly upon the Bay Area and, further westwards, softly
falling into the dark waves of LandsEnd. It was falling too upon every
part of the lonely graveyards of Colma. It fell covering the crooked crosses
and headstones, on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns.
His soul swooned slowly as he heard the rain falling faintly through the
universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon
all the living and the dead.
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, stirring the coyotes who
began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds over Fairfax
and White Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded niches
of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along the
ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
OCTOBER 17, 2021
Here is a charming couple taking their ease after their Weight Watchers
Many are the artists and bands that emerge each year, each deserving
a shot at the famous Brass Ring of fame and fortune. Most are cast down
after much struggle . Box Set, a band that has grown from a trio to a
quad-person band and shrunk to just a duo to grow again to a five-piece
has certainly seen its share of ups and downs.
This weekend the Freight and Salvage opened up its own Post-COVID lockdown
with the 30th Anniversary of a band that has long eluded "signing"
either by design or by the fickle ineptitude of an acknowledged inept
Industry of entertainment.
Jeff Pehrson and Jim Brunberg have forged a following of many over 30
years of performance and Saturday night at the sold-out Freight proved
they have good reason to hold such a following with a solid performance
over two set sets and 120 minutes of excellent music and superb harmonies
that this band certainly had demonstrated it has solid "legs".
They performed a number of old favorites along with brand new music, showing
that this band has the chops and the staying power over bands that are
far slimmer in depth.
At the end of an incendiary performance the standing ovation and the
repeated calls for an annual return were a testament to this band's extraordinary
sonic achievements.
The band has long been considered an underdog in the signing arena for
reasons that are difficult to analyze. Their lyrics range from the problems
of being on the road to longing for home and difficult endings to romantic
relationships. In one song Jim Brunberg describes taking an ax to a bicycle
owned by the ex, who had run off with a cocaine dealer. "It was that
or hours of therapy, "explained Brunberg about the true story.
Whatever you do, do not offend a song writer
Saturday's performance before the packed house at the Freight led to
two standing ovations. Not a small accomplishment in the Bay Area.
So anyway. COVID notwithstanding that old sun had done its great revolve
and once again it was come time for the annual Island-Life Drawing of
Straws for the candidate who was like to transit between the worlds when
the veil between the worlds is thinnest and so return with news of important
Before that time the Editor holds the Traditional Drawing of Straws which
determines who shall traverse on that awful day from the world of the
Living to that of the Dead on the last day of El Dias de los Muertos.
So anyway. She made arrangements down the hall with Carol to have Henry
cared for and then packed her overnight bag and set her traveling hat
upon her head and stepped out into the hallway of the St. Charles Home
for Wayward Souls and Demented Managers and locked her door, knowing that
locked doors in that place had no special significance among the nest
of thieves and lockpickers that inhabited the building. Nevertheless,
one must put on a show of defiance.
From the front doors of the St. Charles Infirmary, Rachel walked down
in the early afternoon to the bus stop on Central to catch the last bus
heading out to the Ferry Landing. There, she waited an half hour until
the ferry came to deliver her to San Francisco's Ferry Terminal. There
she wended her way to the landing that allowed her to board the ferry
to Larkspur after some 45 minutes playing Hero Wars on her iPad.
Rachel took the bus from Larkspur that dropped her at the Red Hill Hub
and from there took the Point Reyes bus that brought her all the way to
Silvan Acres in the San Geronimo Valley
She strolled in to the Offices, dropped her bag and the Annual Drawing
of Straws began. By the rules, anyone who draws the shortest straw is
commissioned to cross over to the Other Side on the last day of El Dias
de Los Muertos, the days when the veil between the worlds is thinnest.
That Rachel is appointed as the Straw-bearer is a matter of Tradition.
That the Drawing of Straws occurs in mid-October had been a matter of
Tradition these past 20 years. That the end result is always the same,
is also a matter of Tradition, but nevertheless, Rachel must make this
long journey, leaving behind dear Henry the cat to be cared for by apartment
hallmate Carol so as to preserve Tradition.
In the new Island-life offices that were created in the space of a former
barn by the labor of Pahrump, Denby, Mancini, and others, the surviving
staff gather for the annual ritual.
As in the 20 past years, Rachel walked around with the hat filled with
straws and each member of the staff drew so as to determine who shall
be the one to cross over to The Other Side, their charge being to inquire
about the possible future.
As Rachel walked down the aisles, each staffer drew a straw with great
hesitation, sweat beading out on the brow, nervously clutching the straw
until it was revealed to be longer yet than any other to that person's
great relief. Even Festus was made to draw -- nothing is uglier than an
anxious, sweating hamster -- but it had to be done for the sake of Tradition.
Finally it came around to the reluctant Denby, who, as Tradition dictated
each year, drew the shortest straw.
"Why must it be me each year," Denby lamented.
"Because you are Chosen," Marlene said. "It's just it
is not always to advantage to be Chosen. Okay everybody, tea and coffee
and cakes on the verandah!"
And so they all filed out, clapping Denby on the back congratulating
him on his good fortune while muttering under breath as they exited the
door, "Thank god it is not me, poor sod!"
Mancini put up Rachel for the night with a space heater in one of the
better quarantine cabins.
Finally Denby was left alone with the Editor.
"So I guess the infernal train shall arrive on schedule to take
me there as usual," Denby said.
"Right you are." The Editor said, huffing on his cigar. "You
can see that the way the Pandemic is going we need to know what is going
to happen. Are we to suffer a new variant?"
"This organization is entirely too much like health care,"
Denby said.
The Editor removed his cigar for the first time in a long time. "What
the heck do you mean by that?"
"If you are not a licensed professional with the Board you can just
Go To Hell," Denby said.
The Editor lit up his stogie. "You have your charge. I expect thorough
professionalism and the utmost order of quality response in all efforts."
"Just like health care: you can have all you want, just so long
as you pay for it." Denby said. "I think at this point I deserve
better compensation."
This was the first time in 22 years anyone had ever demanded anything
of the sort at Island-life..
"Who put you up to this approach," said the Editor. "We
have had Union reps lurking around here lately. May I remind you that
the Union people can talk all they want off the clock and off the property
and all other discussion is forbidden.
"I am my own man," Denby said. "But I think 22 years of
consecutive passage to the netherworld needs to be looked at. "
"Is Tradition," said the Editor. "You are Chosen and that
is that,"
It was late in the day, and the sky, which had been overcast with tumultuous
clouds briefly seized up and produced an heaven-sent burst of rain upon
the earth as the sun set.
There might be Pandemic and Insurrection, but blessed rain was in the
forcast and the end of Fireseason upon us with great relief and the smokes
of the North sent up arms of suppliance to that inconstant God that may
or may not rule over us. .
Denby walked out onto the porch and breathed in the soft, cold air of
rain. Once again he was Chosen for the Crossover as part of Tradition.
And rain had returned to the NorCal Earth. Someone asked, "What does
this mean to you to be Chosen year after year"?
A Tzadik once said, "It is not always to advantage to be Chosen".
But one has no choice. No one ever does.
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, stirring the coyotes who
began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds over Fairfax
and White's Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded
niches of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along
the ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
OCTOBER 10, 2021
This was the commute last Friday into the San Geronimo Valley.
Fortunately the blaze was confined to just two acres on White Hill. This
one was a little too close to home for comfort.
The past 18 months have been incessant rock 'n roll with FQHC's battling
pandemic COVID and an epidemic of ignorance fed by lies. We have been
in the forefront of the medical fight and so with 12-18 hour days six
to seven days a week there has not been much time to devote to Island-Life.
Now that we have not just one but three vaccines out mean that we just
might begin to turn the corner on this thing, which after the Delta, Lambda
and Mu variants now has over 14 variants in the wild with the Delta appearing
to be the most dangerously virulent. Marin is 87% vaccinated with 2 shots,
and 91.4% vaccinated with one or two shots. The other Bay area counties
hover around 81.5% vaccination. Case rates per 100,000 are well below
the State average of 15.1 so the Bay area is loosening up with outdoor
and indoor dining, bars open with owners requiring proof of vaccination
for service, sports events are filling up the arenas with the Warriors
playing to a large crowd last night. Yoshis and Freight and Salvage are
presenting acts again.
We just might resume the event calendar again.
As for the mask-wearing, you know you are not the only ones finding it
onerous. Here is an anecdote: working afterhours at a big Urgent Care
Clinic on the weekend we heard this nurse yelling as she came around the
Just as she turned the corner her eyes went wide when she saw me standing
there in front of the switch closet. "WHOOPS! SUH SUH SORRYYYYY!"
Spare a thought for the nurses who have really been put through the wringer
far worse than any of you people defending imaginary "freedoms"
out there. Not to mention the physicians.
So anyway. The Equinox has come and gone. Old Gaia, sitting on the porch
of the world begins to tilt her weathered face creased with valleys, arroyos,
hills, deserts, plains, mesas, continents and the liquid seas of her deep
dark eyes turn away from the direct gaze, away from her son, Phoebus Apollo
riding in his bright chariot as she sits and rocks ever so slowly in the
ticking wicker chair, the folds of the quilted Universe draped across
her lap, the rocking becoming the dance of Shiva, the creaking rails marking
the ever ceaseless count of time's advance, ticking each second, each
century, from the first moment of creation until that rocking chair stops
at the moment of that last, terrible, motionless silence.
As Gaia turns her face away from the light, her ravined face gradually
cools with measured shadows covering the valleys of her eyes, all the
world chilling under the frost that puts all of Nature into a deep sleep,
and everything is precisely where it needs to be right at this moment
while Phoebus Apollo gallops in his low-rider at an angle to her repose,
harder to see in his daily journey, a sort of sideshow to beat all side
shows, galloping toward the Solstice time of deepest remove.
Now is the time when the shadows of the afternoon grow long, the days
get shorter, and tiny monsters breed and bellow forth from the shadow
doorways as the days and the hours tick by to the time when the veil between
the Worlds grows thinnest.
During the month of October the Bay Area normally enters a glorious orgiastic
celebratory holiday period in which people let go of inhibitions, put
on avatars of their imaginations and generally have a good time up to
the day and evening of Hallowed W'een.
This year promises to be specially exhuberant due to the long period
of denial. This is usually party time and, man, right now we really could
use a good party. Jan 6 insurrections, Isis, Taliban in Afganistan. Trumpism,
Covid 19, lockdowns, mask mandates, pandemics, the debt ceiling (!!?!!)
-- it goes on. We really could use a break.
Martini has returned to his job as sawboy at Veriflo in Richmond. The
alloys used to make the long rods cut into blocks that will become high-pressure
valves are made in America, so there is little supply-chain problem there.
Tipitina and Marsha have returned to their AA jobs in the City and Suan
is back at the Crazy Horse taking her clothes off with a pole for support,
but wearing a mask. She and Sarah had gotten through the lockdowns by
working for Good Vibrations, which the City of Oakland wisely and quickly
determined was an Essential Business. Gradually the demand for those little
vibrating friends grew in demand.
Hey, all alone and locked down for 18 months? What's a healthy girl gonna
Pedro has not stopped going out on the fishing lanes, save that because
of unusual temperature conditions crabbing season was affected independent
of COVID. And Mrs. Almeida managed to save her chickens from the Night
of Shattered Fires caused by the Angry Elf gang so with the subsistence
garden her family remained well supplied as well as fully occupied, for
when the kids were kept home by the contagion, Mrs. Almeida simply put
them to work on the gardens, just like in the Old Country.
The gardens were kept well supplied with recycled water via an ingenious
system devised by Martini, who sometimes revisited the Island.
Javier remained continuously employed as a gardener because in Marin
gardens are considered to be as inviolable as churches and perhaps even
more important. Besides he was of Mexican heritage and therefore his life
of less value than some others. In this respect, Marin is no different
than the rest of the Country.
Chiton Manioc, seeking to capitalize on the situation, tried to set up
"Masking Stations", where a person could obtain a necessary
mask, hand sanitizer, and laminations of vaccination cards. Along with,
for a fee, official vax cards allowing a person to enter any venue having
the requirement. In addition his stations also sold Black Lives Matter
t-shirts. Along with this product was a bright red t-shirt that said TRUMP
LOST 2021! As a capitalist Chiton had some good ideas. As a pragmatist
in today's America, he was wanting.
His booths were vandalized and wrecked by brownshirt groups of Anti-maskers
and his Black Lives Matter provoked yet another nasty group in Marin that
would have nothing to do with the idea that all people were created equal
and liberty and justice for all means just that. Chiton's agents were
attacked on the street, vilified in public and his merch burned and destroyed
in a sequence of pogroms organized by servants of Steve Bannon.
The night fell and the air cooled from the horrific temps experienced
the past weeks. Violent storms are forcast for the middle of the country
this coming week and we are scheduled for dry winds, which all fortells
an ill will for all. Fire on the one hand and floods on the other.
The Editor sends each employee off to bed and stands in the new offices
at Silvanacres looking down at the aisles of desks at what was rebuilt
after firey disaster, the Night of Shattered Fires.
Red Flag warnings issued for this troubled night. High winds and dry
conditions and Planned Power Shutoffs all around.
The fight shall go on.
Tonight the Nixle alerts are all buzzing with warnings and PGE might
renege on its promise not to shut down power. A Red Alert arrives every
few hours about high wind warnings.
Water bottles in the car and bags kept packed by the door for Evacuation.
It is the start of Fall in the Bay Area and everyone is on edge, praying
for rain. This is life in the Golden State in the year 2021.
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, stirring the coyotes who
began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds over Fairfax
and White's Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded
niches of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along
the ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
SEPTEMBER 19, 2021
Neighbor sent this one in, afraid they had found a rattlesnake in their
pantry. In reality this is an harmless gopher snake.
So here is the beef. Americans, not ever willing to sit on their hands
even if action results in general safety and prosperity for all, have
unhooked the various restrictions all over the country, resulting in a
sharp uptick of COVID positive cases along with hospitalizations and deaths.
The two new variants appear more malicious and injurious than the preceeding
strains. And as it turns out the vaccinated need booster shots against
the newer virus strains.
California is better off than some other states because the response
to the COVID outbreak was more organized and more agressive than in states
which allowed anti-virus measures to become politicized.
Because the states have not been roped into a common, standardized approach
that makes sense, various foreign nations have restricted travel from
the USA due to fears of uncontrolled contagion invading their borders.
The Bay Area has a high vaccination rate due to aggressive non-politicized
efforts and a generally well-informed public, but we see an uptick in
cases and hospitalizations due to our exposure to visitors from out of
Denby, working for a large healthcare consortium that includes Tri-City,
Asian-American Health, La Clinica, CHCN, Native American, Lifelong Medical
Care, and various municipal governments has noticed the several vaccination
pavilions to be working in overdrive with streams of people coming in
to get the shot.
In Marin, where many people live their entire lives aloof from the problems
that plague the majority elsewhere. people have started to congregate
at places like the Iron Springs cafe. Freight and Salvage in the East
Bay has opened up again.
In other news Fire Season continues with sporadic outbreaks in Marin,
some of which appear to have been caused by Angry Elf activity, which
were quickly suppressed.
So anyway. They call me Lucky but I don't know why. I aint been lucky
since the day you said goodbye.
The pogonip has started to move on in and the days are heavy with morning
cloud and the evenings are breezy with a welcome relief from the hot temperatures
we have been experiencing. The aftenoon shadows grow long and the autumnal
equinox came and went amidst all of our troubles with hardly a notice.
Old Gaia sits on the porch of the Universe with the coverlet of the starry
Milky Way spred across her lap to acknowledge the change of the seasons.
Time to talk about her tumultuous relationship with Phoebus Appollo carreering
across the heavens in his blazing chariot and the sad return of Persephone
to her underground domaine.
Baby Boobie lost his election attempt to depose Ronald Handsome from
the Governership seat in the Official Treefort for the State of Caligula
on the Island, and so the minions of Boobie have returned to their persistent
insistence that the Election of 2020 was a total fraud and that Boobie
won the election by a landslide (despite all evidence to the contrary)
and that Boobie should be the rightful President just as he was selected
in the previous election (also garnering a vox populi minority at that
Boobie's minions have hitched up their diapers and once again issued
a barrage of lawsuits contesting every trivial aspect of the elections
and the fourth grade teachers at Longfellow are much put out about the
fol de rol caused by the ruckus.
"Fourth grade! Fourth grade! Can we stop this shouting and attend
to today's history lesson?" So pleaded Ms. Sanchez at Longfellow
while wags on the Right continued to hurl spitballs at their classmates
on the Left side of the center aisle.
Life continued apace with the recent heat wave dipping into the cool
evening forties and fifties to help ease the pain. Now we move toward
the COVID-INTERIM. All this time, for 18 months we have been dealing with
the COVID-ONSET period in which we collectively have been dealing with
the appearance of a deadly virus pandemic and the subsequent attempts
to qwell its affects. We attempted lockdowns and a robust drive to create
a vaccine. As we enter the Interim period, we deal with the variants,
and the understanding there is vaccine resistance among the populace,
and the realization this thing is just not going to go away in the space
of a soundbite of news. The Intertim is the grind of the daily and continuous
economic and social effects of a contagion that will restructrure our
society whether we like it or not. Nobody, Left or Right is going to like
what comes out of the Interim Period.
Previous Pandemics had their post-Interim period erased from historical
memory by large world events that dwarfed the occasion. The 1918 flu epidemic
end was washed out by the elation of the end of World War I.
The Editor stood on the back porch of the Island-Life Offices and considered
what was to come. Almost certainly a Recession, guaranteed, stamped and
approved by Donald Trump, who set up the conditions to make it happen.
The area out back was sere and dry and the pink ladies that bloomed each
year had wilted within a matter of days.
One day posterity will look back and wonder how could we have been so
stupid, thought the Editor. How could we have been so possibly stupid?
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, stirring the coyotes who
began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds over Fairfax
and White's Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded
niches of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along
the ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
SEPTEMBER 05, 2021
This image was captured by a Nest Cam looking at part of the back porch.
Seems the fox is quite comfortable in a bed that looks like it was intended
for use by the cats or dog during the day.
So anyway, Shanah tovah. May the next year bring in better realization
of hopes and desires than this past one cursed by the Pest and the interference
of imbeciles who still possess far too much power for our own good.
A number of anniversaries are upcoming. Of course everyone remembers
where they were on 9/11 and the twentieth anniversary of that terrible
attack. But against that let us remember 9/9/21 as the 50th anniversary
of the release of John Lennon's remarkable song Imagine.
Randy Handsome was elected by a majority of the sixth graders at Longfellow
to be Class President. The Presidential palace happens to be a tree fort
set up in a Madrone that sits on the edge of Guilliam Hensy's peach orchard.
Bobo (Baby) Boobie always had a dislike for Randy's associates who listened
to their moms, never cheated or stole and always got good grades while
Bobo always got caught and punished for throwing crabapples at Mrs. Reina's
windows and stealing candybars from the 7/11.
It was all unfair. A kid couldn't have no fun around here. That Mrs.
Reina was an old wrinkled cow anyhow.
Burt and Hanrahan sniggered and Burt nearly swallowed a booger, which
would have been a waste.
Baby Boobie had tried during the first week of January to storm the presidential
treefort with his gang of miscreants but had been foiled by the simple
expediency of closing the trapdoor entrance and liberal application via
a rain of pissy and poopy missiles.
Then Baby got it into his mind to hurl fruit from the neighboring orchard
at the open windows of the treehouse to force an eviction, but this attempt
at im-peachment proved to be quite costly when Hensy found out and made
them -- or their parents -- pay for the destruction of so many peaches.
Hensy wanted the kids to act more like adults when it appears they had
only been following by example what supposed adults were doing on the
national stage.
This attempt continues yet as of this moment and the future of the California
kids hangs in the balance amid this senseless war of slingshot turds and
ruined produce.
The sun's savage assault upon the landscape eased with cooling shadows.
The animals that owned the crepuscular time started on the move. Small
mammals were pursued by the predators which had followed them down from
the dry hills to places where they sensed water. This is the time of the
fox, of the coyote hunt. All of the fawns and turkeys have vanished; either
grown up or eaten.
The Editor walked down the lines of desks in the Offices of Islandlife
where some things had returned, uncomfortably, to some kind of new Normal.
Plexiglas shields between cubicles. No gathering in the former lunchroom.
Rules for restroom Occupancy. Rules for conference room occupancy, a room
nobody occupies any more save for the occasional one person who needs
to get something done with no one around.
Life had changed and there would be no going back to "Normal".
In a few days, the nation will commemorate something that happened on
9/11/2001 which led to widespread, permanent changes in American life.
Now we have this disaster, minimized by the Baby Rumps and followers to
our detriment.
Will we ever arrive at a comfortable place? The answer is no. There never
was a comfortable place, not in 1868, not in 1950, not any time during
the Cold War period and certainly not during the Vietnam period. Life
has never been at a standstill.
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, stirring the coyotes who
began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds over Fairfax
and White's Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded
niches of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along
the ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
AUGUST 29. 2021
A neighbor got this image of a bobcat snagging squirrel dinner. A number
of others moaned the cost of life and offered suggestions on how to "prevent"
such distressing displays of nature's cycle. Others, more realistic, commented
this is just what happens and the bobcat needs to eat and feed her family.
So anyway. It has been a while. Because idiots hesitated on the vaccine
and stupid governors acted, well, stupid on mask mandates, we now move
from the Delta variant to the Ypsilon variant, which was inevitable, given
the lack of action from people who should be protecting us, the antivaxxer
contingent and the anti-masker folks.
Dunphy was coming into the Valero station to get gas as his wagon started
gasping on vapors when he saw one of the middle pumps was out of commission
and people were jockeying for position at the remaining six pumps. Dunphy
pulled in behind a fellow whose BMW sat there blocking two pumps while
folks struggled to fill up during a busy time.
The man in the BMW looked slumped over with his chin to his chest and
Dunphy became concerned the man had stroked out as he appeared entirely
ignorant of the situation at the station. Dunphy got out of his car and
rapped on the window of the car. The man rolled down his window and looked
up. He had been texting someone on his phone.
Apparently he was not dead or stroked out, and that realization was a
brief relief.
"Are you going to move forward?" Dunphy asked.
"Yes, I have already filled my tank," said the man, apparently
satisfied that his personal needs had been met. "I am finished with
the pump."
"Um, if you are done can you please move forward to clear the pumps
for use? You can see there are disabled pumps here and people are . .
. ".
"Just drive around and back in," snapped the man, who was named
Tscherk. "That's what I always do."
There was an open space 50 feet in front next to the tire inflation area
that Denphy normally used for anything involving something other than
gassing up. He did not understand why the man had not pulled forward to
this spot while so many were inconvenienced.
"Could you just please move forward, man?" Dunphy asked quietly.
"I need to finish what I am doing here," Tscherk snapped.
Dunphy was unused to such patrician self-absorbed attitude, but he needed
gas. So he left the station from one entrance and entered from the other
50 feet away but failed to jockey his car into position. His father had
foisted a mini-suv upon him before dying as a sort of revenge as Dunphy
had always hated any sort of SUV for being too large for the roads and
the times. Dunphy banged into one of the guard poles positioned for some
odd reason on the far side of the pump lane. Fortunately some people cleared
out after seeing the situation was getting precarious, fearing some kind
of road rage incident, and so drove down Sir Francis Drake to the next
station at the shopping mall to get gas; all because of this self-entitled
yahoo blocking a third of the pumps.
This exodus opened up a pump on the far side where Dunphy could drive
around and start filling his dry tank.
To his surprise Tscherk opened his window to shout at Dunphy that his
bang against the guard pole was comeuppance and that Denphy was all at
Denphy said calmly he had only asked politely for the man to move and
was by the man promptly contradicted.
Denphy insisted on his version of the facts.
Tscherk shouted the negative and Denphy insisted that he had only politely
requested the man to roll forward.
In response Tscherk shouted "ASSHOLE!" probably because he
was unused to being contradicted, and so he drove off in his expensive
European sportscar.
Dunphy rubbed off the yellow pole paint when he got home -- apparently
the rearview cameras had a blind spot -- and he repeated this story to
an acquaintance who said, "Yeah there are a lot of people self-entitled
like that in Marin. It's turned the place into something else."
Life at the Household had adjusted to the new norms of the COVID world.
The Veriflo factory in Richmond had opened up again, with restrictions,
so Martini returned to work as a sawboy. Tipitina also returned to work,
also wearing a mask, in the City. Masks were required to ride the ferry
and the busses. Suan returned to work at the Crazy Horse where strippers
could remove everything -- save for the mask. Same for patrons. There
never was kissing allowed anyhow.
The restaurants had all reopened in some manner or form so Pedro had
returned to sailing out his fishing boat El Borracho Perdido some time
The Old Same Place Bar had resumed operations with Padraic requiring
all patrons to submit proof of vaccination, which did not sit well with
some libertarians and Trumpist loyalists, so there were frequent arguments
at the door necessitating the liberal use of Padraic's hawthorn shillelagh
more than once to calm down recalcitrant individualists.
You can say what you want and do what you do but nothing in the Constitution
guarantees the right to scream FIRE! in a crowded movie theatre and smoking
is still prohibited most everywhere for damn good reason.
The northern fires send smoke to the Bay Area and every day the sun rises
as an orange ball through the murk as entire towns are destroyed. Sunsets
are equally as colorful.
The Editor strolls the aisles of the Island-Life offices after yet another
impossible day. Trump is no longer directly in power but stupidity and
assholism remain rampant throughout the country. The sun set in a bright
orange ball through the murk sent out by the Dark Tower of Mordor. We
live in dark times of contagion and drought, hurricanes and floods. The
world is not a safe place to be right now for anyone.
In the past year so many friends have died. As many as back in 1969 when
he lost so many in combat. This time we human beings are engaged in a
new war, a war that determines who we are as a people. We need to turn
from being soldiers of War to warriors of Mankind.
The old soldier, The Editor, drew down the blinds to the windows and
started the evening fans to cool the place from selected windows so as
to beat back the accumulated heat from the current heat wave assaulting
the Valley. One day the rains will resume again.
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, stirring the coyotes who
began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds over Fairfax
and White's Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded
niches of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along
the ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
JULY 11, 2021
The West is suffering the worst drought and heat conditions in 1,200 years.
The causes appear to be a conflation of natural climate shifts and human-created
climate change. This image is of the troubled Oroville dam reservoir.
Text is a reference to Fela Kuti of Nigeria.
So anyway. All the gang has been let out of jail and ICU after Javier's
last birthday descended, as it usually does, into an atavistic orgy of
uncontrolled chaos and savage ultra-violence.
Milch bar me droogies?
Anyway. Javier managed, as usual, to escape entirely unscathed with the
help of the Most Interesting Man in the World who arrived with a hovercraft
in the nick of time. The MIMITW issued a number of commands laden with
his imitable accent to whisk Javier away on the winds. As Fernando Lamas
used to say, "When you speak with a person who has an accent then
you know you are speaking with someone who speaks one more language than
So it goes. When you speak with the Most Interesting Man in the World,
you are speaking to someone who has surpassed your life's work, so you
need to get jump started my friends. The MIMIW climbed Mount Everest,
bench pressed four lovely ladies, stopped the Polynesian Revolution while
jumpstarting the one in Nicaragua, written several novels, produced 7
operas and promoted the band known as U2 to promenance. He has also composed
three concertos, five symphonies, two operas and rescued the reputations
of several pop singers with ghosted material.
His books of collected poems have enthralled women from Columbia to Senegal
where he collaborated on projects with Fela Kuti. In this latter effort
he achieved mastery over the saxaphone and the keyboards. In his Polynesian
effort he found time to master the drums of gamelan.
So what have you done with your life in this time? Stay thirsty my friends.
The Household, which consists of characters considered interesting not
so much for exploits, but stupendous errors of judgement and sheer haplessness,
has been muddling along in these waning days of COVID. Javier's birthday
seems timed to allow Denby's probation hours earned on the previous V-Day
in February to have been all used up. Then it is once again hauled before
the increasingly irritated Commissioner for another round of Community
Service. Some County departments have started to count on Denby's assistance
for various DPW projects on a regular basis.
Laterly Denby was consigned to scrubbing a waste-water purification tank,
an odiferous job for which it is difficult to obtain volunteers, even
from San Quentin. As for Denby, the motto goes "Born to lose and
destined to fail."
He was down in the tank when a delegation of officials came by to survey
the Works operations amidst the drought and the men stalked with shiny
shoes and the women fluttered with feathers of many colors as they passed.
Some of the women were clearly note-takers and go-fers in training, sported
smart and sharp haircuts, and looked young and fresh and neatly pressed
for Politics.
Denby was paired with Nilo Salgado (30 days, Reckless driving, public
nuisance). "Don't pay them no mind," Nilo said. "They aint
gonna have nothing to do with the likes of us."
The Flat Earth Society of Marin, now combined with sections of the GOP
(Greatly Obtuse Party) has continued to hold meetings throughout the Pandemic,
with occasional enforced hiatuses when members came down with a sickness
all deny is COVID, because COVID is entirely a Liberal conspiracy to rob
us of our rights, control our minds and take away our guns.
Flat Earth Society believes the idea that the earth is round is a fiction
foisted by the usual Liberals and enforced by the Deep State. In reality,
the earth is a flat irregular shape bounded on the corners by cities with
the name of Springfield.
This evening, the Society was hosting a Distinguished Speaker who would
indicate by his words the level of sane discourse involving the Deep State
and Donald J. Trump.
"Ladies and gentlemen, those who have preserved their sacred pronouns,
I am honored to welcome our guest speaker from Q-Anon."
"Good evening fellow germs. Given the existence as uttered forth
in the public works of Puncher and Wattmann of a personal God quaquaquaqua
with white beard quaquaquaqua outside time without extension who from
the heights of divine apathia divine athambia divine aphasia loves us
dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown but time will tell and
suffers like the divine Miranda with those who for reasons unknown but
time will tell are plunged in torment plunged in fire whose fire flames
if that continues and who can doubt it will fire the firmament that is
to say blast hell to heaven so blue still and calm so calm with a calm
which even though intermittent is better than nothing but not so fast
and considering what is more that as a result of the labours left unfinished
crowned by the Acacacacademy of Anthropopopometry of Essy-in-Possy of
Testew and Cunard it is established beyond all doubt all other doubt than
that which clings to the labours of men that as a result of the labours
unfinished of Testew and Cunard it is established as hereinafter but not
so fast for reasons unknown that as a result of the public works of Puncher
and Wattmann it is established beyond all doubt that in view of the labours
of Fartov and Belcher left unfinished for reasons unknown of Testew and
Cunard left unfinished it is established what many deny that man in Possy
of Testew and Cunard that man in Essy that man in short that man in brief
in spite of the strides of alimentation and defecation is seen to waste
and pine waste and pine and concurrently simultaneously what is more for
reasons unknown in spite of the strides of physical culture the practice
of sports such as tennis football running cycling swimming flying floating
riding gliding conating camogie skating tennis of all kinds dying flying
sports of all sorts autumn summer winter winter tennis of all kinds hockey
of all sorts penicilline and succedanea in a word I resume and concurrently
simultaneously for reasons unknown to shrink and dwindle in spite of the
tennis I resume flying gliding golf over nine and eighteen holes tennis
of all sorts in a word for reasons unknown in Feckham Peckham Fulham Clapham
namely concurrently simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown but
time will tell to shrink and dwindle I resume Fulham Clapham in a word
the dead loss per caput since the death of Bishop Berkeley being to the
tune of one inch four ounce per caput approximately by and large more
or less to the nearest decimal good measure round figures stark naked
in the stockinged feet in Connemara in a word for reasons unknown no matter
what matter the facts are there and considering what is more much more
grave that in the light of the labours lost of Steinweg and Peterman it
appears what is more much more grave that in the light the light the light
of the labours lost of Steinweg and Peterman that in the plains in the
mountains by the seas by the rivers running water running fire the air
is the same and then the earth namely the air and then the earth in the
great cold the great dark the air and the earth abode of stones in the
great cold alas alas in the year of their Lord six hundred and something
the air the earth the sea the earth abode of stones in the great deeps
the great cold an sea on land and in the air I resume for reasons unknown
in spite of the tennis the facts are there but time will tell I resume
alas alas on on in short in fine on on abode of stones who can doubt it
I resume but not so fast I resume the skull to shrink and waste and concurrently
simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown in spite of the tennis
on on the beard the flames the tears the stones so blue so calm alas alas
on on the skull the skull the skull the skull in Connemara in spite of
the tennis the labours abandoned left unfinished graver still abode of
stones in a word I resume alas alas abandoned unfinished the skull the
skull in Connemara in spite of the tennis the skull alas the stones Cunard
tennis... the stones... so calm... Cunard... unfinished..."
The evening descended unfortunately into an atavistic brawl as is characteristic
of all Q-Anon sponsored events.
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, stirring the coyotes who
began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds over Fairfax
and White's Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded
niches of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along
the ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.
JULY 4, 2021
A lot of people claim to have seen mountain lions around
here recently. We know of only one verified sighting; most are of bobcats
and lynx's which have a similar coloring but tufting in the ears. Bobcats
are as common as raccoons and other animals and so is the lynx. Mountain
lions are rarely seen although one was seen around July 4th up high on
the San Anselmo ridge. The image above is of a bobcat seen in Fairfax.
Because of the drought killing the grasses, the deer have
been coming down to populated areas to feed in watered areas and the predators
have been following them.
So anyway. All Silvan Acres denizens boiled out of their mansions and
hovels to view the resurrected Unofficial Non-Incorporated Silvan Acres
Independence Day Parade, a name that is bigger than the town itself.
Our parade is better than any other largely because, since we are unincorporated
there is no Mayor, no Council and no Assemblyman car draped in bunting
to spoil the fun of hurled candies, prancing horses, old jalopies, stiltwalkers,
music bands playing on flatbeds, and one very cute and adorable bagpipe
And nobody wore a mask.
Even so, although we are blessed in the Valley other places still face
the contagion.
This July 4th, with its usual mixture of self-congratulatory jingoism,
old fashioned traditions, celebratory familial joy, and BBQ, this time
was tinged with a reflective quality of commonality not felt for a long
time across the country. This sense of everyone having passed through
the fires together in isolation was so quiet, so subdued, that few remarked
upon it. Your Q-Anon extremist and your Black Lives Matter cohort will
still angrily deny something in common, but that is now. History will
tell otherwise. And History is most likely to be on behalf of people struggling
for freedom and the simple right to live over conspiracy agigators subsisting
on a Big Lie.
The country stands at the brink of a tremendous opportunity for reconciliation
even as we continue to battle this Pandemic. We are in an excellent position
to restore our international respect in the minds of millions by assisting
other parts of the globe now experiencing the devastating third wave in
the form of the Coronavirus Delta variant. Even at home there are parts
of the Country that are woefully and inexcuseably unvaccinated.
With a vicious drought choking the West there were no fireworks anywhere
this year, which gives us all some quiet to reflect each in his and her
own way, on the state of our lives and where do we go from here.
And so, the Editor elected this year -- voting is a right you know --
to not have the Parade dissolve in chaos with explosions and Harold flying
overhead on a handglider puttling a patriotic banner of stars and stripes
as a bowling ball pulled his pants down, and the Presbyterian float packed
with strawbales and a mule did not catch on fire, and as the sun set on
the quiet San Geronimo Valley no wirens wailed and no body got shot and
nobody got stabbed.
The train horn keened from Oaktown across the estuary to echo off of
the embankments of the Island and then ricochet its way through the redwoods
of Marin's well-matriculated hills and slide over the sleeping bulk of
Princess Tamalpais following the old, forgotten railheads that once led
along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the coast, stirring the coyotes who
began to howl their evensong which carried forth on the winds over Fairfax
and White's Hill, ululating through Silvan Acres and the mist-shrouded
niches of the San Geronimo Valley, coursing with faint gray shapes along
the ridge-tops through the drifts of fog and dripping redwoods to an unknown
That's the way it is around the Bay. Have a great week.