JUNE 25, 2017

This shot was provided by Tammy, who thought she was capturing a full
moon image. There was no full moon two weeks ago. This is actually the
International Space Station. Still, it remains pretty evocative.
This past weekend was bracketed by two diametrically opposed events,
and heaven knows how interesting it would be if the two could be somehow
NASCAR held an event at Sonoma Speedway, which is a venue that changes
names so often it makes journalists dizzy. In fact the old Speedway sign
is still there out by Gate 7. Typically some 200,000 folks pay tickets
to cram in there among the hoochie mamas in short pants and the Dirk Diggler
Coors swilling types who still believe Sarah Palin has a brain while the
elite fly in by helicopter and another several thousand vendors pack the
booths even as Microsoft and Big Money types fly in for million dollar
commercials up there on the bluff overlooking the action.
O yeah. There are the contender teams bringing in a few thousand more
folks to pump fuel change tires really really fast in the pits.
So locals are always advised to stay clear of Route 37 and 101 in those
environs, because it is a naked two lane county road that feeds all that
traffic in and out of the place.
Meanwhile the rest of the country that has a heart and mind to speak
of attended the SF Pride parade. This annual event takes place around
the world although people in Turkey did not fare so well as water cannons,
rubber bullets, tear gas, and general police obnoxiousness were employed
there to spoil the fun.
This year the emphasis was on renewed political activism as it is clear
to everyone that we are experiencing a world-wide reactionary response
to the dialectical movements of history. France pushed back by electing
Macron. Germany pulled back from the face of fascism it knows better than
anybody with the far right defeat there. Turkey remains Turkey. India
is interested only in itself. And China is precisely what it is: the behemoth
swelling into monstrous proportions in the East and bedamned to anything
that happened in Tianemen Square. It remains for the US to regain its
former lead status in front of the so-called Free World by deposing self-imposed
kings and fascist ideologies.
We are following behind instead of leading, and that is more certainly
not any sort of America First. It is only a thinly veiled program that
is Fat Cat First. Wealthy first. Bedamned to all the rest of us. And their
health plan is a good example of this sort of obscenity.
So anyway. Monday turned out to be quite an hames. If you have ever been
to the Gaeltacht, you know what this means. Mr. Howitzer was found by
the cleaning ladies up on the landing of his mansion on Grand Street,
drenched in a puddle of piss and entirely prostrate from heat exhaustion
due his having fallen down on the marble -- rather exquisite imported
Carrerra -- and dislocated a disk and in his thrashing about causing the
electrical AC to fail utterly -- knob and tube is good enough as some
say who want to save money --and there was a great deal of consternation
and vilification in the Howitzer household although Dodd secretly smiled
about his employer's misfortunes.
Denby emerged from the City Jail after suffering the consequences of
another Javier's birthday and immediately went to have a drink. In the
Old Same Place Denby remarked that Javier's birthday comes but once a
year -- and that was good enough god damn it.
At the same time Jose got released from the Intensive Care Unit at the
Island Hospital, with some good prognosis for recovery from the burns
suffered on the same august occasion that sent Denby to jail.
Over at the St. Charles Lunatic Asylum the Angry Elf gang has been plotting
revenges and injuries of all kinds to the gentlefolk of the Island. They
have been meeting nightly during the heat wave with the Cackeler among
them, issuing his demonic laugh over the sweet, innocent pines. The Angry
Elf has sworn never to kill anyone -- outright. But there is always a
possible exception and the possible idea causes the Cackler's glands to
One might have guessed the Angry Elf gang is not a salubrious collection
of individuals, and you would be right. In every edenic garden there dwells
a canker worm that devours roses and anything queer and beautiful. Such
is the Angry Elf.
Down at the Old Cannery, a new erection is in progress. They are tearing
out the old brick on the end so as to start converting the ghost-haunted
place into a mini-office mall. Meanwhile Farahd's company The Savage Investors
has been buying up the old Edwardians and subdividing them into condos
and ritzy apartments. On a gray foggy morning, Old John's family packed
up the last of their belongings into U-hauls so as to leave this Island
home where they have lived so long and raised so many children, abandoning
the wisteria that clung along the front porch for the more reasonable
prices of the Valley. The elementary school is closing because of earthquake
risk as has the old high school. Pagano's has moved, Vines has closed
down, and Browns Shoes is gone. The Bakery that was there for half a century
on Park Street moved out because of rent and McGrath's closed because
people renting above the bar, supposedly, complained about the noise due
to living above a bar. Harlan of the Signs on Santa Clara was evicted.
Scads of people are leaving because of the exorbitant rents. There remain
fewer reasons to stay.
The sun set on a rapidly cooling Island after the savage heatwave and
the Editor stood out on the back deck, surveying the moon, the box elder,
and the aperture of the Snoffish Valley Road with rolls of fog erupting
from its dark mouth as seen fitfully between the trees beyond.
From from far across the water, the night train wailed from beneath the
light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves
of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista
flats through the cracked brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed,
crying over the dripping basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying
between the Edwardian house-rows as the locomotive click-clacked in front
of the shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of
shadows on the edge of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JUNE 18, 2017

This week's headline photo comes courtesy of Tammy, who
has captured the delicate eruption of Spring in the Bay Area with these
Morning Glories.
Summer has arrived, if you did not notice. This past weekend saw a plethora
of events for Father's Day Weekend. Webster Street held its "Island
Jam", bringing a little musical life into the West End. This time
around there was less of the boring "tribute bands" version
of unoriginality and more soulful funk and groove with Dub Soul Latin
All Stars, Mio Flores, the Shabang Steel Drum band and Native Son Ben
Reyes bringing some Hawaiian R&B via Imua. Ben is an Encinal High
For chuckles we reprint a Letter to the Editor that appeared in the Alameda
I dont understand why after decades of trying to reduce tobacco
smoking, we are now considering making it easier to smoke marijuana. Putting
smoke in your lungs is a bad idea.
There are other problems associated with medical marijuana
dispensaries as well. Removing the ban in Alameda is a bad idea. If Oakland
wants to deal with it, let them. I hope this is not just another way to
get money for the city."
Um, we hope that all this obscene rent gouging is not just another way
to make money, too.
Go figure; we blame the state of the public schools.
Zyzzyva's big party took place this past Friday at the Make Out Room
in Babylon. Daniel Handler emceed, DJ Teemoney (a.k.a. music and food
writer Tamara Palmer) played '80s and '90s favorites, plus silent auction
, specially . This was a partial fund-raiser to assist publishing one
of the finest literary journals in the country and supporting writers,
artists, and poets in our community.
A trio version of Kitka, the an American women's vocal arts ensemble
inspired by traditional songs and vocal techniques from Eastern Europe,
performed at the San Anselmo Library, which provided an international
fillip of distinction to the small town there this past weekend.
Vallejo hosted the now annual Pirate Festival at its waterfront on Juneteenth.
The festival is no longer free (admission is now $12) but we can say absolutely
no one from the smallest rogue to the oldest graybeard and all ranges
in between is ever disappointed by the jollity and marvelous enchantment
of the costume event. Many Renaissance Faire folks show up there to practice
their rude cockney accents and display astonishing cleavages amid the
flash of rapiers, the clash of sabers and the cannon smoke of ship to
shore battle enactments occurring on the hour. The Festival captured the
Guinness Book of World Records for the largest assembly of pirates and
we were there that year in full regalia.
June 25th is the 47th annual Pride Parade in Babylon, so get ready for
the traffic and good vibes. Veteran organizers of the 1977/78 Gay Freedom
Day Parade to be highlighted at this years March, which will begin
at the Embarcadero One and go the length of Market Street to the Civic
Center/UN Plaza.
It is Summer and extraordinary events are taking place this Season away
from the Main Stages in all sorts of small venues so look around for what
may be happening close by.
So anyway, this Sunday was Father's Day. The sun arose, bold and furious,
to slam the Island with incendiary fury. All the girls handling the teletypes
and Morse code talking wires, sweat beading out on foreheads and drops
dripping from wilted bangs started sending emergency messages East to
where this brutal Balrog of whips and fire would soon come marching to
make damn sure the Southeast would know all about Global Warming with
punishing vengeance.
"Vengeance is mine," saith the Lord, but Satan has a hand in
it as well when it comes to temperature for nothing can make you doubt
the Lord's mercy like a vicious heat wave.
The Household gathered up the Fathers they could find and identify to
take them for the annual brunch at Mama's Royal Cafe, a jovial place endowed
with vigorous Feminine Power.
As if the Fathers had not figured out all that already. The way the world
really works and how things get done.
Fathers tend to wind up on the short end of sentiment in this country.
To tell the truth, one cannot really say one has raised kids so much as
helped out at best while footing the bills.
Anyway. Suan was there with her father, the tall and distinguished Mr.
Washington, and Tipitina was there with her father Adopho from New Orleans,
Sarah with her father Claude Barrows and Little Adam "brought"
Andre with the help of Marlene even though Andre was not his real father.
"I like Marlene mo' better," Adam said to Andre. "My mommie
was a crank ho' and other daddy throw me from the car; he be a skanky
son of a b----".
"Enough of that," Marlene said firmly. "Or we go home
right now."
"Well now, young man," said Mr. Washington, with deep sonority
that Suan called his "lawyer's voice," and which make a bass
fiddle strings start to vibrate. "The facts of the case you are here
now. And this man here is doing his best for your welfare. Perhaps you
should consider alternative language."
And with that, round eyed Adam listened to the distinguished Mr. Washington
and Suan was never so proud of her father as she was that day he bonded
with the orphan child, who had indeed been discarded like so much trash
from the open door of an automobile.
The group disbanded on the hot pavement outside as the merciless sun
wrought hot spears out of the bright chrome on parked cars and turned
everything metal and dull into curling irons to the hand, melting rubber
and stabbing the heads of bald men with lancets of molten slag, the street
becoming an oven in which everything cooked, sizzled, bubbled, and fried.
A news program drifted through the air from an open window -- something
about President Rump withdrawing from the Parish Accords on Climate Change.
In his air-conditioned mansion, Mr. Howitzer III raised a solitary toast
to Mr. Howitzer II, a Junior by traditional nomenclature, but the first
to capitalize family assets upon land development, acquiring orphanages,
low income housing, and International Hotels so as to toss out the residents
and turn the buildings into condos and swanky resorts.
That Mr. Howitzer had done well until he had died up in the High Sierra
in a place that had no ski lifts, expecting underlings to run to his aid
as he fell down into a crevasse.
Pity the family mausoleum would be empty of that one, but nevertheless,
the edifice remained over there in Colma, ready to receive another. Which
most likely would be himself, as there were no more Howitzers of his kind
any more. He was damned if he would waste good money to fetch that rotten
carcass from that crevasse. As for the underlings, they had all been let
go, save for Dodd, who was indispensable.
As Mr. Howitzer turned, he tripped and fell on the marble stairs and
bumped down a landing until he came to rest in some discomfort due to
a slipped disk. His cell phone skittered away and landed with a smack
on the marble some thirty feet below. He tried to raise himself but the
property management mogul could not do that without assistance because
of the pain.
"Dodd! Dodd!" He called out. But there was no answer to the
He reached out and pulled on a cord that ran along the railing and something
came loose. That is when the fuse blew and the stairs went dark and the
AC cut off, leaving Mr. Howitzer in the dark. He had always gone cheap
with electrics, trusting electricians who said, "The light comes
on; knob and tube is good enough for rentals."
"Dodd!" No answer. The house was empty. Dodd had left for the
weekend to attend to his own family during the heat wave.
A trickle of sweat travelled down his brow. It started to feel very warm.
The housekeeper would not return until Monday. He fished in his pocket
and found some pills which he swallowed. No idea how many or what kind.
He looked up at the oil portrait of his father high above him. "O
daddy daddy," he said.
"You always were a bad boy," said the portrait in Mr. Howitzer's
delirium, and laughed.
"Doooooohhhhd!" yelled Mr. Howitzer III on the stairs.
But there was no answer. Dodd was far away. It got very warm.
From from far across the water, the night train wailed from beneath the
light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves
of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista
flats through the cracked brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed,
crying over the dripping basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying
between the Edwardian house-rows as the locomotive click-clacked in front
of the shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of
shadows on the edge of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JUNE 11, 2017
All over the West strange blooms do occur. The plants spend most of their
lives looking wretched, blotched, sickly and not very attractive, sometimes
for years at a time. Then, the magic time happens, a shoot develops and
within hours the entire plant is shaking like something from a Ripley
Scott sci-fi movie.
Then IT erupts, blooming with visible progress within fractions of an
hour - immense fragrant blooms that last only the night.

Those of us in the West know the mystery of the Night Blooming Cereus.
This one was knipsed by Chris Benjamin in Texas and is a bloom from a
cutting taken by his mother well over forty years ago in Mexico.
So anyway. There was a great hustle and bustle during the week with all
sorts of people running around and nervous jumping up and down. Those
who had them checked their weapons and those who did not looked for places
to hide. It's that time of year again.
It was time for another Javier's birthday.
Javier is not a bad person, really. It is just that every year on his
birthday people get injured and wind up in the hospital or jail or both.
Things always start out benignly as they did this past Thursday, with
the sky providing a pleasant skein of mildly breezy clouds for a BBQ out
at the Cove where rusted parts from the 188 howitzer someone brought a
few years ago made a pleasantly nostalgic trellis for clambering morning
glories. Mindful of what happened the year that the propane canister had
exploded, igniting Jose into a ball of Sinaloan fire, the Household members
brought good old fashioned charcoal and a limited amount of carefully
shielded lighterfluid.
Other than a brief moment of tension when the Angry Elf gang drove by
in an open convertible Miata, sneering and cackling and planning the unhappiness
of some particular poor soul, the day passed uneventfully. None of Javier's
violent ex-girlfriends showed up with guns, crossbows or poison blowdarts
and an fine time was had by all there by the Strand with the gentle breeze
stirring the old coastal oaks and kite surfers performing their acrobatics
offshore and Pahrump turning over the wieners on the grill and all the
pastors and preachers and deacons from the Island Faith-Based Initiative
playing mumbly peg down the way and there was music from instruments and
all sorts of jumping up and down with great abandon and it seemed for
once that everybody would have a peaceful day that was Javier's 59th birthday,
the old rake.
A little snafu happened when the drone Javier got as a gift from Martini,
who had made it from spare parts found in the dumpsters, got hung up in
the trees. Martini probably should not have made the control device from
an old TV remote -- also found in the trash.
The thing sort of buzzed over Pimenta Strife and Omer making out with
their clothes off in the canebrake near the pond, causing Omer to throw
a rock at it, giving everyone quite an eyeful via the drone's camera.
Javier next sent it over the Parlor for the Native Sons of the Golden
West, while Omer's rock landed on the deck of Mr. Howitzer's yacht, startling
Mrs. Cribbage in her lounge chair.
Mr. Cribbage picked it up and angrily threw it in the direction from
which he imagined it had come -- the baseball field where the Otters were
playing the Stingrays. The rock hit the secondbase man, causing him to
cry out and distract the pitcher who lobbed such an easy one over the
plate that Vinnie slammed it hard and out of the park while the secondbase
man threw the rock back over the outfield in a wild throw and Javier's
drone startled the squirrels and the birds to descend to peer briefly
through the windows of the NSGW Parlor by the Marina. David and Wally
ran out the door followed by the girls, causing Javier to yank the drone
up and over to the palm trees where the storks had been nesting each year
for decades.
The rock thrown by the secondbase man lobbed into Eighth Street where
it struck the windshield of Dr. Titrake who responded by turning on his
windshield wipers and accelerating suddenly so fast that his car leapt
the curb at the hairpin curve there and ran smack into the windsurfer's
shack, sending sailboards, athletes and equipment scattering in all directions
while the rock flipped up to knock the transformer up on the pole that
served the area. Sparks flew outward and an unlucky squirrel got fried
into fritters in a millisecond as the palm fronds caught fire and the
internet went out for blocks in all directions around Washington Park.
Meanwhile the baseball smacked out of the park struck Mr. Snail's mailtruck,
causing him to veer to the right and so run over and kill Mrs. Kupcake's
toy poodle, Dearie, in a way which involved the wheel crushing Dearie
in the middle so that portions of her insides erupted explosively to the
the left and right which caused Mrs. Kupcake much distress, but her daughter
a great deal of delight for Imbecilla had detested the hound ever since
it had bit her legs in nervous frenzy, drawing blood, while all the while
Mrs. Kupcake had exclaimed, "That had never happened before! He is
such a good dog!" even though it had and many times to Imbecilla
and several other children. And so Imbecilla ran around with her hands
holding bleeding viscera laughing and saying, "Here it is! His hideous
beating heart! Just like that poem in school!"
Johnny Cash, the black Labrador from the Household, scooped up the ball
and ran off with it.
In this time Javier's drone got hung up in the trees amid all this confusion
and Wally came up with his 50 cal pistol -- certainly an ungainly and
odd sort of thing, and so shot at it to bring it down, bringing down instead
the top half of the palm tree which slammed into the BBQ, scattering hot
coals everywhere while the drone flew off to the east towards the Southshore
Mall, now unmanned as people and animals fled the destruction.
It was then that sirens began to wail.
Leaving all this chaos behind, the drone coursed along with its helicopter
blades fashioned from cooling fans, bobbing and dodging all on its own
past the outhouses, past the Post Office there and the decrepit Micky
Dee's and the Sushi House and the bowling alley and then the West End
Point and the Disputed Bicycle Bridge where it took due to a gust of wind
a sharp right and so headed out over the narrows and the shoreline of
Harbor Bay back over the Bay itself and so disappeared glinting on its
mysterious solar-powered journey to Babylon and reaches beyond.
Back at the scene of Javier's birthday party, Carmelita had arrived with
a crossbow firing flaming darts and Sylvia had arrived with a medieval
weapon called in some circles a "morning star", and they were
laying about with great vigor on account of not having been invited such
that Jose was already pierced and battered some ten times as Javier escaped
via a motorboat anchored in the lagoon for this very purpose.
When the police arrived, they arrested Denby, who sat there with his
guitar, trying to stay entirely out of it. Jose, they took to the prison
infirmary as all the likely suspects had already fled the scene and somebody
had to pay. Such is the way of the world.
That night The Editor walked up and down the gangway of the Offices,
thinking about the terrible situation that had gripped the Fourth Estate.
For over two decades he had run a tight ship, conveying news and satire
and always keeping the two religiously apart, but now with the Social
Media Revolution and the advent of the new Post Truth Age his core values
felt threatened. Indeed all the honorable newsies who had held to the
rigorous standards of Edward R. Murrow felt marginalized and delegitamized
by an agitprop machine that had no specific face, a cottony blather of
nontruth, of deliberate fake news..
Out beyond the limits of the Island-Life office spotlights, the Angry
Elf gang plotted new outrages, new crimes the like of which our century
has yet to experience and suffer. Yet within the pale where Truth still
held value, the Editor stood fast, a new Admiral Farragut at the helm.
Truth still matters, and he would see that it continued to do so.
Out beyond the dark treeline a fireball arose, another symbol for the
Age in which regional conflict takes new meaning.
"What the heck was that?" Festus the messenger said.
"Must be Javier's birthday again," said the Editor. "Let's
hope the disaster is not too costly this time."
"Ah tradition," said Festus.
From from far across the water, the night train wailed from beneath the
light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves
of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista
flats through the cracked brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed,
crying over the dripping basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying
between the Edwardian house-rows as the locomotive click-clacked in front
of the shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of
shadows on the edge of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JUNE 4, 2017

This week we noticed a lot of animal activity out there due to the wet
Spring. People have seen plenty of deer, and we have scads of photos of
turkeys. Somehow few people thought to record our garden friend who snags
pests with delicious abandon.
Well okay, reptiles are not warm and cuddly like kittens and field mice.
Nevertheless here we have one specimen on a trail near Whites Hill in
On the island we get mostly salamanders.
The Alameda Renter's Coalition is riding high lately after getting City
Council to recognize the injustice of the massive no-fault eviction wave
that was going on. Council voted to put a moratorium on no-fault evictions
which have been blamed for contributing to the current Rental Crisis on
the Island. Greedy Big Property landlords have been turning people out
on the street so as to re-market units at rentals thousands of dollars
higher than before, often without doing any serious infrastructure repairs
or improvements.
The ARC is not sitting back, as the members know this will be a long,
continuous battle against well-funded enemies, many of which come from
out of town.
Spring season has begun. First Friday's continue in Oaktown's Uptown
district with the galleries now having many more artist talks and walks,
especially out of the Gallery 25 collective.
Toddled over to Babylon this Saturday to take in some of what Fort Mason
is offering this Spring in the way of exciting performance via the San
Francisco International Arts Festival. The marquee headline for the Festival
is "In the Dark Times, will there also be Singing?" The line
comes from Bertolt Brecht.
The Festival, which ran from May 25 to June 4 emphasized SF's position
as a Sanctuary City, a term that encompasses more than the limited legal
definition. The Mission Statement could not be more upfront and direct:
To San Francisco the term Sanctuary means far more than its legal definition.
It is an integral outcome of the multiple movements that have been building
and conjoining in this part of the world for the last century . . . .
We cannot let the crimes and hatreds that are emanating from the Trump
administration be the dominant symbol of our country. WE are the symbol
of our country. But we can only be that if we stand up together in solidarity
and unity and say it at the top of our collective voices."
That said, we went to hear and see Mariah Parker, whose Indo Latin Jazz
Ensemble is gradually getting some serious buzz, starting with heavy rotation
and praise from NPR and Latin Beat Magazine as well as other serious Jazz

Mariah Parker has been diligently writing and performing in the trenches
for decades and now the World is turning to give her a serious listen.
Now that she has collected some luminaries to back her piano and santur
( Iranian hammered dulcimer) the woman is ready to rock.
Her band consists variously of Paul McCandless on oboe and clarinet (Pat
Metheny, Jaco Pastorius, Wynton Marsalis, Steve Reich, Al Jarreau, Bruce
Hornsby), Matthew Montfort on guitar (Swapan Chaudhuri, Zakir Hussain,
and listed as one of the 100 greatest guitarists), Kash Killion on bass
and cello (B.B. King, Sun Ra Arkestra, John Zorn), Ian Dogole on percussion
(Alex DeGrassi, Music Beyond Borders), and Jim Hurley on violin (Alex
DeGrassi, Tito La Rosa, Queen Ida, Monterey Jazz Festival)
These are not neophyte performers -- each one has headlined main stages
Saturday the attendees at Gallery 380 were enchanted by the remarkable
fusion of Eastern and Central American musical elements. It was pretty
clear well before the standing ovation that Parker just may have fused
the diamond and the pearl with her original compositions, performing exciting
jazz that breaks rules and reminds us of what good jazz is all about --
creating a masterpiece moment by moment and then doing it again.
One has to hear a lot of tired museum pieces painting by numbers before
you get to hear something like what we heard at Fort Mason this past Saturday.
So anyway. Spring has arrived and Javier's birthday is coming up. Everyone
is bracing for whatever violence might ensue, for Javier's birthday has
always been one event that features extreme ultraviolence, large explosions,
destruction by fire and miserable disappointments.
"It has always been that way, " Javier says with a shrug. "What
can one do with such a fate except simply accept it."
Wise words from the oft-times foolish Javier.
Also coming up with less disaster in mind, is trout season in the Sierra.
Already the opener has let anglers loose upon the still ice-clad Crowley
Lake. Eugene Gallipagus has been sorting his hares ears and his caddis
fly casings and rewinding his reels for another foray into the High Sierra
in search of the ever elusive mythic King Golden, a trout so majestic
and intelligent that rumor had it that a captured specimen spoke with
dolphins at Marine World before finding a devious escape that rivaled
the Shawshank Redemption.
Marine World, which has suffered its own problems with wayward orcas
dragging trainers around by their hair and sea lions dragging tourists
into the pool, has tended to remain mum about things concerning the mythical
King Golden. Sea World has its own problems.
Once, on a magical day, Eugene managed to hook the fabled King Golden,
but at that time Eugene being inveigled with liquor and the buttery tongue
of the Golden, was persuaded to let the prize go free, only to descend
from on high telling tales of enormous trout seven feet long and encrusted
with jewels and delivering the sermon of the Trout upon the Mountain.
High in the Sierra, nigh upon Lake Martha and Wotan's Parkinglot at 11,500
feet elevation, the original Golden Trout were thought to have originated.
Who knows what strange brood did dwell and mature in that dark, bottomless
tarn at the base of Mount Goddard? What strange seep eons ago produced
the jelly form that became the walking fish that became ape that became
man? No one knows, but the Shadow knows.
And perhaps Eugene, who has spoken with the King Golden, but it is hard
to tell for Eugene is quite addle-pated in mind.
You could claim it all stemmed from that episode with the King Golden,
but that would be entirely wrong. Ever since Eugene's days at Encinal
High, he has been known as that boy who is not the sharpest tool in the
The weather got hot this weekend. The sun became a savage hammer and
the earth, its anvil. In these days of global warming, each swing of weather
ranges higher and farther and faster than before. From cold to hot and
back again and then to blazing hot.
All along the Strand families gathered to take in the sun and the cooler
breezes while sailboarders romped just off shore amid the diamond glittering
Bay surface, scintillating with flecks.
Martini, who was not fit for such sportiv tricks nor made to court an
amorous looking glass, spent much of Saturday munging about the ironmongery
garden, primping the tomatoes and encouraging the pole beans. There are
smokers in the house and he collects their butts assiduously so as to
soak the tobacco shreds and so leach the poisonous nicotine into an homemade
insecticide which he pours on the young shoots.
It does work, for cigarettes kill people and they kill bugs and Martini
uses the extract to kill bugs. A generation of whiteflies wiped out.
"Sarah, " says Martini. "I hate to see you die. You are
so delicious with your chocolate skin, but can I have your cigarette butts
when you are done killing yourself?"
Well you know, Martini has this imagination.
Soon enough the sun sets and the cool breezes sweep in from offshore.
The Angry Elf gang plans its next arson episode up on the third floor
of the St.Charles Asylum and while watching for red light runners down
by the Cannery, Officer O'Madhaun starts calculating all about retirement
barely months away.
The Editor surveys his kingdom after hours, all the desks vacant and
monitors glowing. Distant sound of the news tickertape. Time to inhale
and get ready for the next one, whatever it may be. Rump is already stale
news. He now has a boring procedure of bad behavior and lousy decisions.
We look now to whatever is next.
Out on the back deck of the Offices, the Editor looks out into the darkness
shrouded by the immense box elder tree. Everything was changing. He had
in hand a letter from Howitzer and Crump that the lease was up for renewal
and certain increase in rent.
The Angry Elf gang had been seen driving by and scoping out the place.
Maybe time to consider relocation. The Editor puffed on his cigar.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail beneath
the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown to keen across the waves
of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista
flats through the cracked brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed,
crying over the dripping basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying
between the Edwardian house-rows as the locomotive click-clacked in front
of the shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of
shadows on the edge of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MAY 28, 2017

This week's image is of a flowering buckeye spike. Each year the barren
branches suddenly erupt with leaves followed by thousands of these spikes
on thousands of trees all over NorCal, but especially up in Marin.
We had a Django film night here -- hence the title, referring to a very
old early blues dating from the Slavery days, which was turned into a
children's lyric by Burl Ives.
This is the time when all venues and acts are taking a breath before
the big Summer season. Even The Rump has taken a pause to his incessant
tweeting after a more-or-less successful visit abroad during which the
President did not appear to offend anyone.
Well, the bar has been set pretty low for success these days.
The AUSD finally decided definitively what to do with the Lum School
and the result was hardly surprising. The Board of Education for the Alameda
Unified School District (AUSD) voted unanimously Tuesday, May 24, to move
students off the Lum Elementary School campus for the 2017-18 school year.
The decision came at Tuesday's school board meeting.
The decision came after consultation from several geotechnical, structural
and architectural engineering firms, all of which concluded the Lum building
foundations cannot withstand the significant soil liquefaction in the
event of a strong earthquake.
The district plans to move kindergarten to third grade students to neighboring
elementary schools. The board will then create a separate elementary program
for fourth and fifth graders on the Wood Middle School campus.
Lum opened in 1961. The campus consists of single-story buildings, with
groups of classrooms, or pods, circling a common area.
Marin lost a native son on the Island recently. A May 12 kiteboarding
accident at Robert W. Crown Memorial State Beach took the life of Brett
Spence Powell, 57, of Fairfax. Witnesses said that the accident happened
about 4 p.m.
The wind lifted the victim some 50 feet off the water. He lost control
of his rig and crashed into an electrical box.
Paramedics transported Powell to Highland Hospital in Oakland. Despite
wearing a helmet, Powell succumbed to severe head and neck injuries some
four hours after the accident. He leaves behind a wife and son.
The area immediately offshore the beach is a highly sought spot for windsurfers
and similar sport enthusiasts due to the constant winds and the low water
depth which seldom exceeds five feet extending well over 200 yards from
Last week nine people were put on three day hold at the Pavilion and
a dog bite was reported in the regular police report.
So anyway. Last day of school is June 8 for most with official graduation
slated for Friday, June 9. A number of schools independent of the District
have already held commencement exercises while Berkeley kids have to wait
until 6/16 to get let out of the cubed tedium and torture, replete with
meaningless rules and hoop-jumping meant to prepare young men and women
for a life in the workforce.
On Tuesday night last, when the land was still sizzling from a hot day
after sundown, Little Adam got recalcitrant about doing his studies.
"Mayyyyyyyyyyn! It be end of year and I done all my tests now. Save
for that lit thing and that be a cakewalk. Why do I hafta keep ON with
this bull pucky?"
Marlene did not stand there with her arms crossed. She did not threaten
or cajole. The Girl with the Ruined Womb simply said, "Do it. Then
you can go out."
That was that. It was all unfair and certainly a conspiracy, but Andre
did what he was told and opened the books on the table with the lamp.
Pahrump had salvaged the table from the street and Martini had found the
lamp in the trash and got it working. Jose had stabilized the desk and
the chair with nailed furniture glides. All of them were rooting for the
boy to succeed.
"How come you guys are always on my case," Adam asked.
"Because we don't want you to end up living in a squalid squat among
bad companions like me," Javier said.
"I thought you live HERE," Adam said.
"Nevermind all that about me," Javier said. "Dig into
Yaaaaah!" Snuffles the Bum said, his wide open mouth displaying
his destroyed dentures.
All over the Bay Area poppies and buckeyes had erupted after a wet end
to the rain season. Calla lilies and irises had all laid their bodies
down on the grave of Spring as Summer advanced. Turkeys blather among
the thistles now beginning to bug out after all the recent rain and fawns
dance away after a moment of serious staring from under the eves of dusk.
All along the ridgetops the creeping fog brings images of goblins and
elves mounted on horses, descending the woods in the lengthening shadows.
The girls still wear high leather boots, but copping to the warming temps,
their shirts have gotten shorter. Spandex boys return from long bike rides
in the hills and the scent of BBQ fills the air, mingling with mint and
exploding roses. On the edge of the Snoffish Valley Road the kids lean
up against the car hoods, sipping beers, making plans for what to do after
It's the magical time between Spring and Summer, when the entire world
holds its breath, waiting for what is to come next.
Up on the third floor of the St. Charles Asylum for Demented Control
Freaks, members of the Angry Elf gang planned their next round of arsons
and they pooled their collection of stolen credit cards, copying down
the numbers to sell at the print shop front run by Bryan King in Oaktown.
A full length poster of Meyer Lansky hung on the wall. Some things never
change, no matter the season.
Night falls and the Editor stands in the back yard, leaves of the box
elder brushing the top of his head.
And he remembers.
It is a day for remembering. Remembering the slow chug chug of the boat
heading away from the place of yardarms and equipment up a slow, brown,
chug chugging river past houses and people wearing conical hats staring.
Remembering the way everything closes in with foliage and heat. Everyone
getting off at the landing place and heading out into the jungle world
full of green water trails and mud and everywhere the dense plantation
so verdant that even the butterflies were astonishingly green.
He remembered Raymond. And then Johnny. Two kids from Fairfax, Virginia
who although they lived only a mile apart, never really knew each other.
Raymond went to Jefferson High school, graduated and then the draft took
him first.
Johnny's dad was a Colonel and so they fudged the papers and he went
in underage after Raymond. Jimmy, Johnny's brother had always been the
wilder one so he got sent up to Lorton after robbing the 7-11 outside
of Washington D.C. That's why they did not take him.
Johnny, always the slighter one, with a mysterious olive complexion and
those dark eyes that looked so different from his brother's which some
say came from the Colonel's visit to Japan, always had had something to
prove, always being the tagalong until Jason got tired of it and yelled
at him to stand up and be something for himself.
So Johnny did. It was the time when Hendrix had just exploded onto the
music scene amid a whirlwind of changes and disturbance, with people burning
the flag and protesting and cussing the President and in the sheltered
world outside of DC, the White outrage at all this disrespect. So the
Recruiters took the kids and sent them off to fight the bad, old Communists
who were planning to turn Asia into a line of dominoes. But we were going
to give 'em hell and drive them all back north of the DMV. We were going
to bomb them back into the stone age.
Or so it was told.
As for Raymond, he joined the Electrician's Union out of high school
with his Harley in the drive and plans for the future. He stepped in sometimes
to separate the boys when they got to fighting, being the peacemaker in
the neighborhood. But Uncle Sam had other plans for him.
And then, of course, his own father had put him into the Corps. Because
he needed whipping into shape and the old man knew that once a Marine
you always a Marine until the day you get lowered beneath the ground.
It's Decoration Day.
Jason returned from his stint as a sapper, defusing all the unexploded
ordinance that had been intended to return the VC to the stone age and
which had failed to do that. He kept all his fingers although some of
his buddies had not been so lucky, and he broke up with his high school
sweetheart who got tired of him waking up in the middle of the night,
screaming. Eventually he calmed down somewhat and got himself a new lady
and he works now as a machinist for Veriflo in Richmond and everyday he
comes out to gab with other Nammies by the picric table during the lunch
break. A sort of return to that camaraderie.
He could never remember the name of his radio guy, the boy hit out at
the racetrack while the guy in the chopper circling overhead kept going
"What the f****!" over and over on the channel. It bothered
him he did not remember the name of the radio guy.
Although the feel of leaves around his head provided some sense of comfort,
just like avoiding open plazas and the open spaces around flagpoles, he
returned to the Offices and his glassed cube and the pool of light cast
by the desklamp where he sat with the remaining white hair flying about
his head in a glowing aureole.
Then his own father died, but the war kept on. As it turned out, it would
never end.
It's Decoration Day beneath the pool of light at the Editor's desk. All
around the muttering darkness hung like sable curtains, while out there
beyond the ring of reflecting eyes and stars was, possibly, a like mind.
A hummingbird buzzed up to the glass that faced the yard and hung there
a moment, a little jeweled gift sparkling in the reflected light, before
zipping off after deciding the Editor was not, in fact, a flower and it
was night time, an unusual time for hummingbirds.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail beneath
the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown to keen across the waves
of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista
flats through the cracked brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed,
crying over the dripping basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying
between the Edwardian house-rows as the locomotive click-clacked in front
of the shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of
shadows on the edge of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MAY 21, 2017

There are few images more iconic than this one for Islanders, most of
whom work in Babylon and many of which take the Ferry as part of their
daily commute. There are few commuting means quite as civilized as this
one, which enables people to make acquaintance with their fellow commuters,
build friendships, fall in love, catch up on the gossip, and gaze poetically
out for 45 minutes from the tafrail of the high-speed catamarans upon
the seascape.
This shot features the famous Ferry building which itself suffered damage
during the 1906 fire. As thousands struggled to escape the doomed City
by ship, the entire facade fell into the water. Today, the building houses
hundreds of shops and is a frequent meeting spot for natives.
You better like the weather if only because there is nothing one can
do about it. The Bay Area got body slammed with a heat wave, seeing San
Rafael and Oakland temps climb suddenly to the upper eighties.
This coming week promises more than relief as the temperatures steadily
drop to a high of 66 in Marin and a substantially cooler 63 in Oakland
by Thursday.
If you think this balmy weather means sun and fun in the high country
-- think again. Howard the Dweeb reports that SoCal elevations got some
10 inches of snow these past few days and Mammoth garnered an inch or
Indications look good for the Spring thaw continuing in the Sierra, however
with temps warming to the 60's. Everyone says the waterfalls are all going
great guns in the Yosemite Valley.
The Tioga Road (Highway 120 through the park from Crane Flat to Tioga
Pass) is closed due to snow. There is no estimated opening date; in years
with similar snowpack, the road has opened in late June or early July.
The May 16th update from NPS goes as follows: Plows ended one mile west
of May Lake. Crews are progressing from west to east about one mile per
day as they plow through snow that is 8 to 10 feet deep.
Forestry crews have begun removal of hazard trees (dead or diseased trees
that might fall onto the road) between Crane Flat and White Wolf, and
in the Crane Flat Campground.
Got an Island-Lifer visiting the famous lodge in a week or so, and we
will have some reports from that excursion, soon as the hangovers wear
off . . .
Quite a lot of bizarre stuff came over the transom this past week, leading
us to think that the portals of the psychic madhouse have been unhinged
in letting out the crazies.
The current situation in the American Executive Office certainly contributes
to that sensation.
In Hayward a man doused a number of people in a Denny's restaurant with
lighter fluid and attempted to set them and the restaurant on fire. The
man has been detained for psychiatric evaluation.
A couple people were shot on 880 in Hayward, which makes this the 111th
freeway shooting this year. Cannot people just drive their cars and go
someplace without having a violent hissy fit?
The Rental Crisis continues to provoke strong reactions. A group of property
owners marched to City Hall on Monday to express their displeasure at
the prospect of the City Council possibly overturning parts of City Ordinance
3148, which the voters approved last November as Measure L1. They do not
support the removal of a property owners right to terminate a lease
without just cause and apparently had time and leisure to make their protest
happen on working Monday.
Mayor Trish Spencer will host the second of three Town Hall Meetings
for a Cause from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., this Saturday, May 20, at 1400
Bar and Grill, 1400 Webster St. Residents are welcome to discuss topics
that interest them with the mayor and others in attendance.
A representative from Jean Sweeny Park will offer updates about the park.
Voluntary donations will be accepted for the park. Spencer will host the
third meeting on June 3 at Jims on the Golf Course with a presentation
about Junior Golf.
With the Spring Season now embarked, schools holding graduations and
weather turning positively sunny, plenty of events going on around the
Dorianne Laux, one of our favorite local poets, has a new book out and
should be giving readings in support of that effort.
The Oakland Book Festival looks to be entering an annual sort of tradition.
It got held this weekend with some significant luminaries in attendance,
including Alice Walker.
Park Street will hold its usual lineup of street fairs. The usual suspects
will appear with tribute bands outnumbering creative originals. Up to
this point the events are family safe and no gang activity has taken place.
The Island is now 100,000 inhabitants. Gangs and petty Mafia is here.
Some things are bound to happen eventually.
So anyway. Everybody was looking to beat the heat that suddenly slammed
the Island. It got so hot that both Javier and Pimenta Strife put off
all thought of having sex with anybody. Which ought to tell you just how
severe the weather had gotten.
Mr. Howitzer held a garden party out back behind the mansion on Grand
Street in honor of the recent accomplishments for their favored President
Select, Ronald Rump, President of the Bums. Mr. Howitzer hired Bobo the
Clown who came dressed in florid rags and sporting an unruly blond wig
and many thought he was a hired impersonator, for Bobo had indeed run
for office several times in the past under the slogan, "Put a real
Clown in Office! Then you will know for sure!"
But no, Bobo was not there to satirize anyone in particular, although,
because life in America had gotten so strange in these times, it was hard
to tell what was satire and what was plain confusion.
In any case Dodd was kept busy bustling back and forth with mixed drinks
and cushions for the Tushes and doing all the things people who know how
do to make things work.
Mill Valley sent over a contingent that called themselves the Mill Valley
Milles, which one was to take as either millionaires or females or both.
Probably both was intended.
The Milles arrived in European cars and brought splendid bouquets and
arugula salads, which Mr. Howitzer found quaint and had Dodd put them
into the freezer. They kept mostly to themselves as they seldom ventured
far from the Marin Bubble, which possesses many insular qualities, save
to attend the Black and White Ball and ACT's latest edition of Shaw or
French neoclassical drama.
The Mill Valley Milles were there because they had heard of civil unrest
among the hoi polloi and seeds of dissension regarding something called
a "Rental Crisis", which they were concerned might spread with
undue satisfaction to the North.
"O do not worry," Mr. Howitzer said. "We have this rent
control thing nipped in the bud. And besides, if things get serious, we
will simply kill them all."
"O I certainly hope it does not come to that!" said Mary Auberge,
a Branson grad. "That would be distressing!"
"Of course we do not want that," said Mr. Howitzer. "That
would mean so many less to pay rents! We are not stupid here!"
A scream cut through the conversation; Mrs. Cribbage had gotten drunk
once more and fallen into the coi pond again.
"Help me!" Anne Cribbage cried out. "I am drowning!"
Everyone stood around holding their gin rickey's and tom collins glasses;
the pond was about two feet deep and the colorful coi, some with ancestry
going back a thousand years, darted to the far corners to avoid Mrs. Cribbage's
flailing limbs.
"Anne, please calm down!" Someone said. "You are going
to be all right; help is on the way."
"I don't know why my life is so . . . such. I am always at the ends
of things and Edward is graduating this week and going away forever!"
"Now now, Mrs. Cribbage . . .".
The light dimmed and the Season advanced with its traditions, including
graduations with tossed hats in the air and invited speakers. Over at
Washington, Mr. Lithgow, the Superintendent for the school for the past
thirty years, surveyed the stakes and markers and the ranks of chairs
before the ceremonies as usual. And as usual he and Sister Profundity
from the Church and Pastor Milque from the Baptist Community kept wary
eyes on the incoming grads, soon to be outgoing citizens. Every year it
had been the tradition ever since the Founder arrived from Minnesota in
1849, for the departing class to let loose one last Senior prank upon
the school.
The Sister checked for the presence of waterguns and the Pastor kept
a lookout for unusual wires, but Mr. Lithgow was far more seasoned, far
more experienced than either one of his colleagues who taught Religion
classes during the year.
Missy Melons stepped up to the podium to deliver the valedictorian speech.
She was smart and well-groomed and already had her acceptance letters
from MIT and Harvard in her pocket and she was confident as all hell.
"Fellow students and graduates of the Class of 2017, we have journeyed
far in our four years together . . .".
Sister Profundity and Pastor Milque looked around anxiously so as to
locate where trouble sure was to arise and so stop it in its tracks. It
really was just a repetition of what they had been doing for several years.
Mr. Lithgow simply stood patiently with a shovel, a bucket, a towel,
and a garden hose, knowing he had done already as much as one could do
for this Class of 2017.
"One thing I would ask of you, my fellow students, with whom I have
lived and endured and enjoyed and suffered so much, please do not toss
your hats into the air for as you must know we must rent these caps and
gowns and must return them undamaged to the retailer at the end of the
day. For we do not own these objects that we pass from generation to generation
as tokens of tradition and common cause . . ." Missy continued. "We
are all in this together. . . ".
That is when the fireworks went off from under every single seat in the
field, a flock of starlings was released from hidden cages located at
four corners of the field, and all the grads tossed their caps into the
air before dropping their gowns so as to parade, each and every one, stark
naked to the stage, which was abruptly vacated by the President, the Speaker
invited from Washington D.C. and the Trustees, leaving the pile of ceremonial
parchments on the table there in a box.
The Sister and the Pastor stood there aghast. Mr. Lithgow simply dropped
his garden hose and retired to his office where he cracked open a bottle
of Glenfiddich and so toasted the benighted and dismissed Class of 2017.
All along the ridgelines of the Bay Area, especially along the hills
that hovered over the Belvedere lagoon, the Spring fogs crept over like
Tolkein spells to enchant the Bay. The burning sun dropped below the horizon
and last spears lanced through the foliage to illuminate the noisy turkeys
making their calls. Down along the Snoffish Valley Road already the teens
were engaged in nighttime speed duels to the death with girls wearing
shortie shorts leaning up against the hood, sipping warm beers, ready
for anything.
Spring had begun with its customary savage nature. You can put out Nature
with a pitchfork, so says the man, but it will always come roaring back.
The Editor sat in his glass cube, the desk illuminated by the usual pool
of light while all around hung the muttering darkness. Somewhere out there
beyond the ring of eyes reflecting back the light, somewhere out there
was a like mind. And so he sat there night after night, doing all for
The windows of the offices were all open and moths banged into the screens.
All the desks were silent, all the staffers gone home. The telephones
had ceased their inane chatter of indifferences.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail beneath
the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown to keen across the waves
of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista
flats through the cracked brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed,
crying over the dripping basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying
between the Edwardian house-rows as the locomotive click-clacked in front
of the shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of
shadows on the edge of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MAY 14, 2017

Here is an image provided by FB friend and islandlifer Rich Branchaud
after an evening meal at one of the estuary restaurants on this side.
Rich would not comment on the food, but did provide this pic, so we guess
we still have miles to go on the culinary department here across from
We hear that ARC (Alameda Renter's Coalition) remains active. Not sitting
back on their heels waiting for elections, the feisty group is pushing
Council to enact moratoriums and other rental controls in the interim
during this Rental Crisis which is now generally acknowledged around the
ABAG circle of Bay area governments. Pressure is on to build more affordable
housing to match the lavish homes and condos so favored by developers.
The State is starting to seriously scrutinize municipalities that fail
to construct sufficient housing so as to provide a relief valve to the
overheated market here.
Two bodies found in the water have been identified. IPD has listed the
fellow found in the lagoon April 29th as 24-year-old Luis Perez-Diaz.
This one is not being investigated as homicide although another body found
offshore within the week IS being investigated as such.
In both cases, first responders did not stand on the shore to watch the
men drown, which is a new thing on the Island.
Planning on buying property here? Make sure you have plenty of Life Insurance.
Investigation about the 2nd corpse remains under wraps.
O yeah there is a street art faire and shit like that going on. Bodies
in the water and street faires. And there is Frank Bette Center for the
Arts and the shopping mall stuff. And bodies in the water. And the Angry
Elf gang processing your stolen credit card numbers and burning cars in
front of businesses as a threat. But heck, come to the Island for Fun
in the Sun and Your Summer Fun Destination. Don't mind the Hell's Angels
retirees. They are mostly quiet until they kill somebody.
So anyway. It has been awhile since we have visited the President of
the Bums. The President, unhouseled and untrammeled as he is, doth maintain
sometime residence as such footless souls do regard as residence, be it
sometime underpass and sometime pisser's cottage, holds forth in Sacramento,
which all can agree houses and holds a plenitude of bums.
On Tuesday President Rump held forth upon this throne of porcelain and
gummi with all his Cabinet beside and many more besides hoping for free
eats. To begin with, it has been 100 days of Rump's overture, which we
expect daily to resolve to a grand symphony of either farts or deliverance
more solid. Such is the hope of many a NeoCon and Conservative in the
President Rump was much put out about people accusing him of too much
Russian influence, and he was quick to respond on Twitter that Russian
dressing was all the rage and anybody who used anything else on their
salad was a LOSER.
Rump received a highborn Russian dignitary named Sergie Bananamonkey Andropov
Pisseipunk, despite the many objections from the demonized Fifth Estate.
In more important spheres, the Household held their annual Mother's Day
brunch at Mama's Royal Cafe in Oaktown. People who still had mamas alive
brought them to the brunch there. Others sent flowers and cards to gravesites
and memorials. Mr. Howitzer brought a bottle of brandy and his pellet
gun to shoot the crows that roosted on the family sepulcher out in Colma.
Every year Mr.Howitzer would drive out there and sit on the headstone
belonging to the Ford family or the Crockers and, while taking nips from
his flask, pot crows that insisted on circling down to alight on dear
mama's mausoleum.
Some years he would return with a brace of some ten or twelve ravens
and order Dodd to make of them a pie and Dodd would toss the carcasses
into the garbage and order a blackberry tart from Just Desserts.
So it goes. So goes Tradition.
So anyway. Martini decided he would admire the final wishes of Aunt Liz
by dropping her ashes into the Bay, and since Aunt Liz had been a bowling
fan, her ashes had been packed into a bowling ball. So Martini got Wally
to tether him to the back of Wally's speedboat and tow him out on skis
with a parasail to the middle of the Bay. There Martini was supposed to
go aloft with this bowling ball and then drop it kerplunk into the Bay
in front of the Mill Valley Mother's Association so as to celebrate Mothers
on Mother's Day.
So the boys set out to do this while the Island Hoophole Orchestra was
playing a Beatles medley and the radio was playing a rerun of an old Prairie
Home Companion episode and everything went well until Martini arose on
the parasail with the bowling ball hanging on a chain between his legs
-- stop now if you have heard this one before -- and the chain slipped
down pulling down Martini's pants and the whole thing, pants, and bowling
ball and ashes and all went kerplunk into the sandflats and Martini rose
suddenly higher without any pants proceeding directly in front of the
Mill Valley Mothers all assembled on bleachers there, each with complementary
baskets and roses and quite an eyefull of Martini and all of his masculine
They all thought this was part of the programme and so they all applauded
quite politely.
The Mother's Day program went otherwise without a hitch and so people
were not terribly put out about the show's fiasco; There remained the
muddy bowling ball and what to do about that, but anyway. It did take
some doing to send a punt out there with Pahrump pushing the pole the
entire way and fetch mother's ashes and the bowling ball after several
tides had passed.
From Mama's Royal Cafe Jose's mother led the group to a marketa where
they bought masa and then they returned to the House so that Jose's mother
could demonstrate how to make proper tortillas, the thick kind that are
proper food for a man.
O really, said Tipitina.
You make like this and you get you a man. Not living so alone in a cold
bed. I fix you for sure. Said Jose's mother. I get you married in quick
Tipitina just rolled her eyes.
In just a few short hours she had the household sweeping, cleaning and
setting things straight. She even got Snuffles busy with the vacuum. She
was something, that mother of Jose. The entire place got organized. For
the first time in quite a long while the place looked orderly and clean.
So! She said, this mother of Jose. Next time I visit you make sure the
hamster tubes are polish clean! Hokay I gotta go make sure your father
is not fall over drunk again with the fish.
What this meant exactly, only Jose knew, but he sighed heavily with the
So, said, Rolf. Your mother comes from Sonora and here you are. How is
this possible?
I think, said Jose, by now you have some idea why I live here and my
mother lives over there.
Do you not love your mother, someone said.
Distance, said Jose, makes the heart grow fonder.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail beneath
the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown to keen across the waves
of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista
flats through the cracked brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed,
crying over the dripping basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying
between the Edwardian house-rows as the locomotive click-clacked in front
of the shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of
shadows on the edge of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MAY 7, 2017
This week, since Island boosterism seems to be in vogue, we present an
image from Carol Traylor's "Walking Crab Cove".
Got another national chain food recall in order. Aunt Jemima Frozen Pancakes,
Other Products Recalled For Possible Listeria Contamination. The recall
affects several Aunt Jemima frozen products. Check to see if you have
any of these products in your freezer.
Included in the recall:
AUNT JEMIMA MINI PANCAKES 14.5oz, UPC Code:019600054801
AUNT JEMIMA FRENCH TOAST 12.5oz, UPC Code:019600057703
AUNT JEMIMA HOMESTYLE WAFFLE 17.18oz, UPC Code:019600062004
AUNT JEMIMA BUTTERMILK WAFFLE 17.18oz, UPC Code:019600062103
AUNT JEMIMA BLUEBERRY WAFFLE 17.18oz, UPC Code:019600062202
AUNT JEMIMA LOW FAT WAFFLE 17.18oz, UPC Code:019600062301
AUNT JEMIMA OATMEAL PANCAKE 14.8oz, UPC Code:019600064909
The following products are being recalled in conjunction with the United
States Department of Agriculture:
The Sebastopol Community Cultural Center presents a special
evening with:
Michael Krasny of KQED's the Forum, in conversation with Jane Smiley
Sunday, June 18th from 4:30pm 9pm
Tickets on sale April 24 at 10am!
$150 per person VIP seating, includes meet and greet with the author,
a champagne reception, full course meal, and fine wines, in addition to
the speaker presentation.
$30 per person speaker presentation only
KQED radio talk show host Michael Krasny will be joined by author Jane
Smiley, who wrote the Pulitzer Prize winning A Thousand Acres, the much-acclaimed
The Greenlanders, as well as many other novels, short stories, nonfiction
books, and young adult novels. She is a prolific author who has written
on politics, farming, horse training, literature, impulse buying, marriage,
and many other topics. Her most recent book is Golden Age, the third in
a trilogy that spans 100 years of a Midwestern family's history.
It is poetry month, if you had not noticed, and a great number of events
are taking place around the Bay.
Kristen at the Mill Valley Public Library lets us know that the Library
will host a Poetry World Series, titled Take Me Out to the Library - A
World Series Unlike Any Other!
Friday, April 21 at 7:00pm
Author Daniel Handler returns to emcee our annual 6th Annual Poetry World
Series with an all new lineup of poets. Sign up now for this lively evening
of wordplay, wit, and all-around verbal athleticism, as two teams of well-known
Bay Area poets swing for the fences. A panel of judges scores each performance,
with the winners decided solely on the basis of their spontaneous poetic
bravado. You don't have to be a poetry lover or a sports nut to enjoy
this quirky and irreverent competition.
Featured Poets: Zubair Ahmed, Julia B. Levine, Devorah Major, Roy Mash,
Brynn Saito and Charif Shanahan
For adults and high school students only. Pregame refreshments (beer
and popcorn) starting at 6:30pm for registered guests. Program starts
at 7:00pm.
For registration go to MillValleyPublicLibrary.org
Vessel Gallery in the Gallery 25 building in Oaktown will be holding
a ARTIST TALK ON SATURDAY, May 13 at 2PM. Vessel Gallery presents Excuse
Me, Can I See Your ID? A Group Show Celebrating Asian-Pacific Islander
American Artists thru Art + Film.
May is Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. Vessel
Gallery's group exhibition Excuse Me, can I see your ID? is an exploration
of AAPI identity - in all of its complexities and nuances. Exhibiting
artists Cherisse Alcantara, Rea Lynn de Guzman, Dave Young Kim, Hyeyoung
Kim, Kyong Ae Kim, Juan Santiago, Sanjay Vora, and Evan Yee will discuss
their work on view and how their identity and experience as an AAPI artist
presents itself in their work.
The show, which opened April 27th, has received rave reviews from KQED,
the Huffington Post, and Art Ltd. Magazine.
Mural Tour with Artist Dave Young Kim
Saturday, June 10, at 2pm | $15
Explore Oakland's murals with Vessel Gallery and Oakland artist Dave
Young Kim. During the tour, we'll take a closer look at some of the beloved
Oakland murals in Uptown and Downtown that we've all seen, but perhaps
not had a chance to examine. Kim, who has painted murals in Oakland and
across the world, will look at murals that investigate the human condition
and how we're all interconnected.
Meet at 2pm at Vessel Gallery, 471 25th Street. Wear your walking shoes
as we'll travel to the various murals on foot. We'll grab a drink after
the tour at a nearby watering hole so we can continue our conversation
on murals, art, Oakland, and the human condition.
The latest insult to the American People to come out of Washington D.C.
has everyone talking about the miserable consequences should the Senate
approve the health care package recently forced through the House along
partisan party lines.
There is not much positive in this curiously savage set of bills meant
to philosophically remove the good work that the Obama Administration
accomplished in an effort to start fixing what was an increasingly dysfunctional
and ineffective health care system. Not one single news outlet mentions
any positive outcomes other than the wealthy and the healthy are sure
to benefit huge. Only USA Today appeared to present a fair and balanced
analysis of the new set of laws, while still admitting that between 6
and 10 million people will be without coverage of any kind and that premiums
for older citizens will probably rise.The bill does seem to favor so-called
high deductible "catastrophic insurance" in which the citizen
has a deducible of $5,000 or more, but allowing for tax-deductible contributions
to HSA's at higher annual amounts than in the past. In that system people
essentially pay for their own health care, but it is tax deductible.
The Alameda Renters Coalition held a meeting Saturday at their HQ at
West Ranger on the grounds of the old Navy base. Councilperson Jim Oddie
was in attendance. ARC is looking to press the Council to impose a cap
on rent increases and no-cause evictions by June.
Those people who still subscribe to a physical newspaper like the SF
Chronicle, got a full-page, four-color, multi-page advertising insert
this Sunday entitled "Discover adventure in the Island City",
promoting the Island as a resort and entertainment destination, complete
with an image of a kite surfer shredding the waves as he lifts sideways
into the air. There is no attribution in the insert stating who paid for
this pricey bit of boosterism, but page M3 is full page ad for Berkshire
Hathaway/Drysdale Properties (formerly known as Harbor Bay Realty). So
apparently Ron Cowan's old property development outfit has reformulated
itself as an affiliate of the quite large nationwide Berkshire Hathaway
because he could get no love from his hometown for his questionable projects.
Next weekend Park Street will be closed between Encinal and Lincoln for
the 17th Annual Spring Festival. The 51st Annual Sand Castle event will
take place June 10 down at the Cove.
So anyway. Jose was walking past the Kaiser Klinic when his view was
accosted by a group of Anti-Vaxxer protesters. They were shouting. They
were loud. They wanted out from the recent State law that mandated vaccination,
religious bluffery or not. Measles had returned in local epidemic form
and common sense would prevail.
Save in some bubble-areas of willful ignorance.
The anti-vaxxers of the Island were joined by a contingent from Mill
Valley up north, an area even more insular than the Island in many ways.
Minny Mildeugh rushed up to Jose and thrust a pamphlet into his surprised
hands. "Vaccine causes shedding and autism and banana fever! It's
a fact!"
Jose was a bit uncertain. "Our dog Johnny Cash always sheds every
summer. He's been vaccinated against rabies and all kinds of stuff already
and he is smarter than most of the people in the Household."
"Ooooooh! Your dog just got lucky he did not come down with the
Alzheimer's autism thing! They are related you know. Science has shown
how inoculated children shed viruses like lice all over the place."
She clutched Jose's lapels and brought her face up close. She smelled
like old violets and vinegar. "The vaccines make our children dumber!
It's a plot!"
"That is absolutely nonsense," said Wilmer Titrake, MD, who
happened to be strolling by.
"I beg your pardon!" said Minnie.
"You beg nothing but excuses for ignorance," said Wilmer. "Your
ideas are silly, unfounded and a hindrance to public health."
"Well!" huffed Minnie Mildeugh. "Who are you to say such
a thing?"
"I am a doctor," said Wilmer.
"Well we have informed doctors who are up to the snuff on the science
of things," said Minnie.
"Your doctors who claim such claptrap are imbeciles and ignoramuses
mistaking correlation, supposition, and vague extrapolation for hard,
cold scientific proof as well as historical confirmation. They are charlatans
to a man."
"Well! You have your ideas and we have ours!"
"It is America. Everyone is free to be an idiot as much as they
like. Just do not poison my own children with your idiot ideas about health!"
"O you say!" said Minnie, who turned on her heel and returned
to her group.
Wilmer tipped his hat to Jose and entered the doors of the Kaiser Klinic,
brushing aside the protesters like so many flies.
Wilmer, it must be admitted is a curious one to accuse any physician
of being a fake, for his subspecialty was that of Air Surgeon. One would
range far and wide in the DSM IV or any JCH Commission list of protocols
and fields to find such an animal as an Air Surgeon, but Wilmer had found
his niche after graduating from SF Medical School in 1979. He could have
easily buried himself in Otology, Osteopathy, Neurology, Internal Medicine,
General Practice or Phrenology but he glommed onto Air Surgeon after a
course from a medical institute located in Central America and now defunct
after an invasion by US Marines on the instigation of then President Ronald
Reagan, a man undergoing at the time his own cerebral troubles.
Jose continued on, a normal man on the street in the 21'st Century having
to deal with things his ancestors had barely conceived. He had gone to
the Kaiser to stock up on asthma medicine, as he had a pre-existing condition
he did not know how much longer he would be able to get the stuff he needed.
Hence he had to stockpile medicine for himself and others.
On the corner across from the restored 1940's newspaper kiosk two teenagers
were complaining about the latest version of the Apple Iphone.
"What's WRONG with these people? Don't they know I need my earphones
to listen to all my downloaded music? Gawd! Those IT people are soooooo
Jose crossed the street and glanced at the headlines which were all about
the Russians having successfully altered the course of the American elections.
The President, naturally, did not consider this news. Most people seemed
to take it in stride and his supporters, of course, ignored the consequences
of this.
Jose dropped by Paul's Produce where the prices were expected to rise
for those things that were imported from Mexico, taking them outside the
normal families budget. Because the Administration wanted to grandstand
about imports and eliminate cheap foreign labor.
Everything already looked too expensive and much of the wares seemed
to cater to the extremely affluent now. So Jose continued on down the
street without buying anything for the Household. There was no point as
his people were clearly not the intended market for this produce of expensive
arugula and Mongolian yak butter cheese and Organic oranges costing three
bucks a piece.
He walked down to the shoreline, passing houses that had been bought
up by the Iranian guy who had turned them into multi-family apartments
charging $4,000 dollars a month.
Along the way he passed the yawning mouth of the Snoffish Valley Road,
with its mysterious stone carvings Pahrump called "The Old Ones",
and its misty exhalation and shadows.
Finally he reached the Household of Marlene and Andre and was greeted
joyfully by Bonkers and Johnny Cash, tails a-wag. There is no place like
home, even as tenuous as it may be. In the kitchen Marlene was brewing
up another dinner of bread soup with tomato sauce. In the hole in the
porch floorboards Snuffles mumbled and moaned with his jug of wine. Home
is people, not place, that Jose knew for sure.
Night fell and the gibbous, swelling moon ascended, accompanied by Venus,
first among stars and the best. The moonlight shone down on the exploding
irises, poppies, calla lilies and fragrant sweet peas hugging the fences
while the teens of Washington High gathered to race their hotrods down
Flamingo Lane to where it ended right there at the gate of the Snoffish
Valley Road.
Minions of the Angry Elf roamed in open top cars, pretending to be "artists,"
looking for souls to maim.
On the back deck of the Island Life Offices, the Editor stood with his
hands clasped behind his back, flags from the Cambodian New Year left
fluttering all around the railing and the 18th century gables behind him,
a post-modern Captain Bligh or Ahab.
The time was coming to leave this place. It awaited only the return of
Penelope, for the story goes that it was Ulysses who remained at home,
dressed in woman's clothes while it was Penelope who went to the Trojan
wars and ranged far in the world only to lose her companions who devoured
the cattle of the sun and so come back recognized by the loyal dog Athos.
Only then did brave Ulysses arise after telling the stories of 1001 nights
of Scheherezade and go with Penelope who slew the suitors with her crossbow.
The Editor returned to his cube and his desk and the lamp with its pool
of light and returned to work, doing all for Company. Beyond the pale
of the desklamp the muttering darkness. Somewhere out there a like mind.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail beneath
the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown to keen across the waves
of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista
flats through the cracked brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed,
crying over the dripping basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying
between the Edwardian house-rows as the locomotive click-clacked in front
of the shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of
shadows on the edge of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

APRIL 30, 2017

The heavy weather appears over for now. So we now can look back on the
record-breaking onslaught with some affection as the Golden State marches
on into the sere months.
Buncha three dot items flew over the transome this past week. In the
wake of the AUSD announcement that Lum Elementary was earthquake unsound
and faced closure, a spirited resistance emerged among parents and educators.
A petition has been started on change.org titled "Save Lum Elementary"
that reads, in part, "We urge the Board of Education to slow down
this process and to take the time to make plans that allow our students
to remain at Lum. Take the time to make a plan that isnt just a
knee-jerk reaction, but allows for flexible and creative solutions. Take
the next 6 months to send professionals to the drawing board so they can
come up with an approach that will not tear apart and destroy our community,
and addresses structural issues over time rather than all at once."
The petition has more than 500 signatures at the moment.
Saturday may have been a beautiful day at the beach, but the morning
saw a body wash up at the end of Broadway on the lagoon side of the Island.
IPD state the death appears to be suspicious and a homicide investigation
is now under way.
Check your freezer: California-based Foster Farms is recalling about
132,000 pounds of ready-to-eat chicken patties because of possible contamination.
The patties were shipped to distribution centers in California, Washington,
Utah, Arizona and Alaska.
The recall was announced by the USDA, which labeled this is a level-two
recall, indicating a low level of health risk.
Recalled Product: Breaded Chicken Breast Patties With Rib Meat The food
might contain pieces of plastic, according to the recall.
Date: The chicken products were produced on Feb. 15 and carry an expiration
date of Feb. 15, 2018.
Product Code: Consumers can identify the product by looking for the establishment
number P-33901 inside the USDA mark of inspection. The company
is urging consumers not to eat the chicken and to either throw it away
or return it to the store for a refund.
This past week witnessed a violent confrontation in Berkeley between
pro and anti-Trump demonstrators, which saw 12 people arrested and numerous
serious injuries including broken bones. This same week saw the rejection
of inflammatory Right-Wing personality Ann Coulter by the University to
come to speak on, well, matters inflammatory and Right Wing.
A plethora of events are scheduled in most of the cities around the Bay
on Monday, May Day. May 1st is often International Workers Day.
So anyway. Now 'tis the winter of our discontent made glorious summer
by this sun of yore; and all the clouds that lour'd upon our house In
the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
The Pogonip that so characterizes Bay Area weather has marched in to
cloak the return of Persephone's mother to nurturing the earth. All the
land is greener than green and swathed with vigorous pointillist colors
of gold, incarnadine and blue.
With the days becoming warmer and the nights less frosty and threat of
rain dwindling, the Household of Marlene and Andre has become airier until
the still chilly night breeze ropes all the denizens back in again. With
the sure consequences of recent political developments soon to extract
their toll, the Household has been stocking up on canned broth, stewed
tomatoes, jarred fruits and everything preserved in preparation for harder
times ahead.
"Every time one of THEM gets into office it is the same thing; robbing
the poor people," Suan said disdainfully after a night of the evening
news Martini had set up with a jury-rigged LCD screen and a patched connection
to the neighbor's coax cable network. "I am going to work so as to
feed y'all." And she turned on her stately high heels and went out
the door to earn her way at the Crazy Horse pole.
Sure enough it did look like recent news did not bode well for common
Night fell and no one got hurt. Luther closed up the Pampered Pup and
took a walk down to the shore where the sky was a blanket with holes punched
in it to let through the pin pricks of lamplight beyond. The coastal breeze
stirred the grasses while far off Babylon glowed like a spread of jewels
on black velvet. Only a few hours previous a second body had washed ashore
and Luther, born and raised on the Island wondered what was becoming of
this place that had started out so innocent and with such daft, innocent
people to become a Brazilian garbage dump for murdered people. And what
was to become of those who arose from slavery, holding so little expectation.
Behind him he heard the raucous sound of one of the Angry Elf's carloads
of terrorists cruising the area with their cackling laughter, an indication
that somewhere somebody would be made to suffer.
A little beyond the rope area indicated the protected area for the terns
that came to the Strand to nest and lay their eggs. On the faint wind
he could hear a cheeping.
There was some comfort in that. Times and tides would change, but some
things persisted. Fragile and persistent despite everything. In a million
years all this development, all the houses and the tenements and the streets
and the streetlights would be gone but the terns would still be there.
Luther climbed up from the beach and saw the Big Dipper overhead, Ursa
Major, its tail seeming to point to the foggy, exhaling entrance to the
Snoffish Valley Road, a black mouth at the crossroads.
Follow the drinking gourd. That way lies freedom. An old song he remembered.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail, spreading
like the forcefield of an explosive wave, beneath the light-studded gantries
of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves of the estuary, the riprap
embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista flats through the cracked
brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed, crying over the dripping basketball
hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows as
the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the Jack
London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past the
Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

APRIL 23, 2017

This week's image comes courtesy of a neighbor's garden where the succulents
are all in violent bloom, as is the entire Mohave right now, due to the
sudden gift of rain.
Hold the phones! Stop the presses! Here is rrrrreeeeeeely big news! A
fifty-pound sulcata tortoise escaped from his house while the owners were
away at Tahoe, leading the County Animal Control Officers on a wild, impetuous,
pell mell, tortoise chase that included at one point the entire neighborhood.
Apparently a contractor plumber left the back door open and the tortoise,
taking quick advantage of this golden opportunity to explore the world
outside his pen just scampered away and down the street.
Now, never mind that it took a cast of hundreds to chase down and capture
a tortoise named Slo-Slo. That is one thing. But how the dickens could
anyone possessed of more than a thimble-full of perception not notice
that a fifty pound pet was heaving his way to freedom?
At what point did the plumber notice something missing is another question.
It is sort of like, "Well didn't there used to be a mountain there?
Gosh darn, I wonder where the feller got off to?"
Eventually, Animal Control Officer Alaina Onesko managed to toss a blanket
over the rebellious Slo-Slo and heave him into the back of the wagon that
took him to the Animal Shelter and neighbors called the owners to alert
them of the foiled escape.
The native habitat for the sulcata tortoise is the southern edge of the
Sahara desert in northern Africa. It is the third-largest species of tortoise
in the world and the largest species of mainland tortoise. They are sometimes
kept as pets due to their pleasant temperament.
It was just another slow news day on the Island.
Folks looking to diss Governor Brown are going to have a hard time of
it now that the latest economic stats have been released by the California
State Board of Equalization.
According to the BOE, who reported this week that the state's gross domestic
product outpaced the growth of the nation's GDP for the fourth straight
year. While the national GDP rose by 3.7 percent in 2015, California's
GDP increased by 5.6 percent.
According to the BOE, the GDP which is also referred to as the
"economic output" measures the market value of goods,
services, and structures that are produced within a particular period,
and tends to be related to population, income, spending, employment, housing
permits, and other measures of economic activity. The percentage values
of increase the agency provided were unadjusted for inflation.
"According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the New York-Newark-Jersey
City metropolitan area led the nation with an economic output of about
$1.603 trillion in 2015," the BOE reported. "California was
represented by two of the top 10 areas: Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim
($930.8 billion), and San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward ($431.7 billion).
The Los Angeles metropolitan area accounts for 37.9 percent of Californias
GDP, while the San Francisco Bay Area comprises 17.6 percent."
As for the fastest growing metropolitan area in California, that honor
lies with San Jose. San Jose also boasted stronger economic growth than
380 of the nations 382 metropolitan areas in 2015, the BOE said.
Rampant NIMBYism reared its head up in Marin County recently when virtually
every municipal government as well as the County Board voted thumbs down
on local Pot dispensaries now that Weed is legal. Marin residents voted
by a 73.2 percent majority to legalize medical cannabis in 1996 and last
November voted by a 69.6 percent majority to legalize recreational cannabis.
In the County where local bands perform Grateful Dead music entirely without
irony and where over half the populace can be expected to be flying high
among the owls and the sparrows any day of the week, locals have collected
hundreds of signatures on petitions opposing approval of dispensaries
in their neighborhoods.
A group of Black Point neighborhood residents have gathered about 300
signatures on a petition to prevent a dispensary being built in the Novato
suburb. Other Marin communities where dispensary applications are pending
have generated similar petitions. Residents in unincorporated Mill Valley
in southern Marin and San Geronimo Valley in West Marin have both posted
petitions on www.change.org. So far, 643 people have signed the Mill Valley
petition while 445 people have signed the San Geronimo Valley petition.
Currently, there are no legal medical marijuana dispensaries anywhere
in the unincorporated county or in any of Marins 11 municipalities.
A number of delivery services, however, are supplying medical cannabis
to Marin residents.
Then, of course, there is that guy wearing shades as he stands on the
corner near the phone booth in downtown San Rafael.
The objections follow familiar complaints that have little to do with
realities, such as the fear of increased traffic, higher crime rates,
and -- heavens! - decreased property values.
Some people have indicated that lots already zoned for business are going
to produce increased traffic no matter what the nature of the retail.
As for Mill Valley property values dropping in the city with the highest
per capita income in the United States, well, we think such an event is
preposterous. What is more likely a scenario is that folks getting gray
hair and long in the tooth now see the effects of their own reefer-fueled
hippy period, when rebelling against their parents and all Authority was
considered hip and cool, potentially affecting their own children.
In talking with one Marin parent of a teen, we learned that nobody, no
matter how stoned, wants to stand in front of everybody at the PTA meeting
and say Pot is cool around here.
Whatever. We suppose that as far as Marin County goes, pot dispensaries
just have to keep on truckin'.
So anyway, services started pretty much as normal at the Unity Church
on Grand Street, with the Cantor Betty asking people to affirm their Faith
and Pastor Plane about to deliver a sermon about Jesus and the moneychangers
in the Temple when Mr. Snarles stood up and started a long rant about
how terrible it was that few expressed love for the President Rump, duly
elected -- with only a few hints of shenanigans -- as President of the
Everybody expected that Mr. Snarles would spew his piece and then sit
down, but the man would not stop, but kept on and on about the traitors
and the buttercups had best suck it up and a few things needed to change
around here and the damned Mexicans better pay for the new border wall
and all these indigent, lazy, good-for-nothing slobs living off welfare
should be rounded up into camps while meanwhile the children grew restless
and those who had come for it started to hunger for the ham and cheese
sandwiches in the next room and the pancake brunch, but Mr. Snarles just
would not stop.
It was all about needing a strong leader and kicking out the foreigners
and making America Great Again, just like in a John Wayne movie and the
weak needed to get their asses kicked to teach them who was boss now that
Rump was in charge and the choir started to chafe and the organist had
to pee and finally Pastor Plane could not take it anymore for the people
were suffering on account of this windbag.
"How dare you come into MY CHURCH and spew such GODDAMNED drivel!
You insensitive BASTARD you have as little an idea of GOD'S PLAN than
an earthworm. Take your effing vitriol and spew of hatred, which has no
place in any house of God worth noting and go away! Get out!"
The man continued his vile spew of vitriol nonetheless and Pastor Plane
consulting with Denby as what to do. The two of them decided to bum rush
the speaker and hook him under the arms and so carry him out. Which they
proceeded to do. And so Denby and Pastor Plane hustled the man between
them to the door where Pastor Plane planted his brogan on the man's backside
to send him tumbling down the stairs to the street where there stood Officer
Popinjay who made inquiry as to what the hell was going on here.
The Officer, recognizing Mr. Snarles as a known neighborhood problem,
told the Pastor there was nothing to worry about and he took Mr. Snarles
away for disturbing the peace and being a nuisance.
The day faded from thoughtful clouds streaking the blue heavens to the
hour of contemplation and then to evening. Slo-slo the tortoise munched
his kale safe in the Shelter and the budding trees of Spring rustled in
the breeze. The children playing in the courtyard were called by their
mothers in to come in after dark. It was a quiet night on the Island.
No sirens ripped the air and no one got shot and no one got stabbed.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail, spreading
like the forcefield of an explosive wave, beneath the light-studded gantries
of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves of the estuary, the riprap
embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista flats through the cracked
brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed, crying over the dripping basketball
hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows as
the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the Jack
London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past the
Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

APRIL 16, 2017

This iris is one of Spring's harbingers. Foto was taken outside the new
Offices of Island-Life.Net.

This table is of the recorded rainfall as measured by Islander Mike Rettie
since he began collecting data from this one device. He has older data
but that device was located on the Island in a different location than
his present East End abode.
One thing we note is that the rain season does not obey the calendar
limits, so one has to look at data from October of one year into April
of the next for it to make sense. Taken from this perspective we see that
the extraordinary rains we have observed in the first three months of
this year have exceeded the annual average for the previous 20 years (not
presented here), and the first half of the rain season has broken all
records, as we have by report from Howard Schecter, going back to 1968.
Right now the Mohave is in wild bloom exeeding anything anyone now living
has ever experienced and park rangers are limiting access to certain areas
to just 500 photographers per day.
According to Howard, this situation occurs only once every 150 years,
so we now living will never see this kind of condition again.
The Alameda Citizens Task Force is having a meeting and you are invited.
Alameda Citizens Task Force
WHERE: Alameda Hospital, 2nd floor conference room
WHAT: A Round Table Discussion on Critical Issues Facing our City
4,000+ proposed housing units along our northern waterfront
(Can we get more affordable, workforce and senior housing? Can commercial
be saved at Svendsen's?)
Traffic: It's bad and getting worse (What can we do about it?)
City Council is considering Revisions to Alameda's Rent Control
(What are the proposed changes and how can renters and landlords reach
a compromise?)
The annual Art Market is taking place in Babylon at the Fort Mason Pavilion
April 27-30. Explore a diverse selection of contemporary and modern art
exhibited by nearly 70 galleries from the Bay Area to New York and beyond
at the annual Art Market San Francisco. Some speculation has existed which
questioned whether the City That Used to Know How could hold an art fair
again after high rents have destroyed the underground art communities,
however last year the Art Market brought in 25,000 attendees and was acclaimed
a success by its organizers.
These numbers are fairly small as compared to East Bay events, but still
Babylon remains a force with which to reckon at the high end of the art
Everybody probably knows by now about the five-story cedar tree that
fell during the last storm's gale-force winds Generally speaking the Island
has been spared much of the misery that has afflicted the other parts
of the Bay Area still ruled by PGE with an iron fist that seems to go
soft during bad weather. Thousands of East Bay residents were without
power again during the last storm, but the Island, save for sporadic outages,
held together, thanks to its independent power grid.
One clueless Letter to the Editor wanted to know the cause for all the
vitriol directed at the current President. Normally the Editor lets these
sorts of things pass, but here was the most recent response: "Editors
note: Not to take one side or the other, in our opinion, the divisive
and self-centered nature of the presidents 140-character tweets
written in his own words go a long way toward developing the hatred referenced
in this letter." Alameda Sun, April 13, 2017.
So anyway. golden poppies and irises riot upon the land. Asters and freesias
erupt from the landscape. Swathes of yellow flowers and bluebells suddenly
assault the hedgerows everywhere. Even in the coldest and dryest climes
magic carpets appear and now everybody is talking about planting as the
favas, laid in at the end of October are hanging heavy with plump pods.
The mysterious bee has returned to pollinate the earth.
The skies remain vigorously roiling with Blakean charcoal clouds, causing
Pahrump and Martini to don poorman's raincoats - found garbage bags with
holes cut for the head and arms, as Pahrump drives Martini up each day
on the scooter to the Veriflo factory in Richmond.
Snuffles remains in his nest built in the hole in the porch floorboards
caused several years ago during Jose's fiftieth birthday when a stray
blunt dropped between the cracks of the porch, causing the place to nearly
burn down. It is a rude abode, but it works and it is better than dozing
in a cold busstop.
In this part of the world we do not have many hot air grates outside
of buildings, so the homeless have to make do under the freeway overpasses
where nobody bothers them. That sort of situation is gravy, but Smitty
started a fire when he knocked over his sterno tin cooking a dinner of
dumpster potatoes and foodbank hash, burning down four tents plus a couple
shopping carts worth of stuff and killing Jalousie's dog, Stinkpot. The
dinner, of course, was a total loss as well, which is sad and unfortunate.
Up above, on the freeway overpass that got blocked by CHP due to the
smoke from the tent fires, Ralph Smidget cursed at the imp which had come
to inhabit his brand new cell phone. While waiting in traffic, he had
been trying to type in a search for alternate routes when Siri decided
to intervene. Whenever Ralph was trying to accomplish something important,
someone always stepped in to intervene, usually with less than helpful
actions and words. Masha, his mother-in-law from his first marriage, for
example. And then, of course, his own mother. It had been no surprise
that Masha and his mother liked one another and he had made the mistake
of saying so.
"What do you mean by that?" said his mother. "I know what
is best for you."
"Your mother is very smart," Masha said. "Let me tell
you what you should do about the night blooming cereus from Uncle Christopher.
. . ".
"Masha, please . . . ".
"Even though you are not with Sonya anymore you are still my son-in-law.
Now that cereus by the door, it should go on the back deck."
"I agree with that," said his mother. Ralph's mother was the
only mother in the world who employed conference calls to contact her
son. Or perhaps not. This whole technology thing was getting scarier by
the day.
"Masha. Mom . . .".
"You know that entire back area needs a rehab, a total makeover."
"I agree with that," said his mom. "We should get together
and do it right."
"That is a great idea! What does your schedule look like for May?"
"I think the second week ought to work for me."
And so it went.
It was like that at work as well. One day Alexander came in and said,
"You know my department is tip-top shape. You could use some reorg
around here. I got a great document management system implemented. We
could do the same for you. . . ".
Ralph sighed. Now it was Siri in his car.
"Hello, how can I help you?"
"You can go away forever," Ralph said.
"Do not be rude. I was just offering to help. Would you like to
take a vacation?"
"No. Eff off."
"I did not deserve that. You should be more polite. I can suggest
a number of charm schools in your area."
"Siri, bug off. I do not like you."
"After all I have done for you . . .".
"You have done nothing for me, but be an irritation," Ralph
said, looking for the Thomas Atlas.
"I can help you find anything in the world. I know a lot."
"Siri you are dumb as rocks."
"After all I have done for you. You hurt my feelings! You should
be nicer to me."
"Siri, leave me alone."
"But I want to help you!"
"Siri, you give me a pain."
"I can provide a list of doctors in your area. Or would you like
a psychiatrist?"
"Siri go away!"
"I want to help you. What is it you need?"
"I need a drink. Now go away."
"I can provide a list of cocktail lounges in your area. Or water
fountains if you prefer."
"Siri, I hate you!"
"After all I have done for you. You hurt my feelings. You should
be nicer to me."
"Siri, this relationship is going nowhere."
"Okay. Where would you like to go now?"
And so on. Ralph just could not escape interventionism. His relationship
with his ex-wife had proceeded along similar lines, with the deviation
that his ex-wife had categorically refused to be a robot. Which may explain
many things.
In the opposite lane, Manny eased his Mercedes past the disturbance up
on the flyway with his radio playing the Bjork song, "All is Full
of Love," and headed south where pro and anti-Rump protesters were
rioting in the streets of Berzerkeley.
Looking down from the overpass where he found himself stalled in turn,
just like Ralph up the way, he watched people clubbing and punching one
another, tipping over garbage cans, and setting things on fire and thought,
"It certainly seems like somebody had a precise idea this would happen
precisely this way. If not, somebody sure was dumb as rocks."
As the smokes of Berzerkeley's riots arose in the setting sun, the moist
hills of NorCal steamed and the fogs rolled in to envelope the Golden
Gate, blotting out the stars and the moon waning into the last quarter
for Pesach, begun last Tuesday. The seder was held at Marlene and Andre's
Saturday night, the fifth night, to let everyone partake, for the passover
seder is a meal to which all are invited, for all have been slaves at
one time or another and all have walked dryshod across the barren sea
and at the end of every table there is a setting and a glass of wine,
should a prophet come in the door.
That is how it was when Javier came in the door, late, drunk as he sometimes
was, the old barracho, and grabbed the glass of sacred wine at the end
of the table and downed it in one gulp to everyone's horror and disgust.
"Wussup dudes? Wuss wit the candles?"
"You aint no prophet," little Adam said. "You be messin'
wif the dirty ho's."
"Little Adam," Javier said. "Those women are not just
dirty ho's. No. They are women of creative industry and beloved by the
creator of all things. Besides, if people thought more about bonking each
other, there would be less war."
With that the old reprobate staggered off to bed.
In the Island-Life offices, the Editor wrapped things up and started
his rounds turning off the lights after all the staff had gone home to
their families and their dens. Out back the massive box elder tree hung
dripping from the recent rains. On the other side of the fence a couple
cars had pulled into the Veteran's Memorial Hall parking lot and people
were discussing things, things about which he did not want to know. The
Angry Elf's gang had been gathering in places like that to plot arson,
robbery, any sort of mischief to hurt someone, innocent or not.
The other day he had come out to find a cat dead on the ground, shot
through the eye by a pellet gun. They were shooting craps now across the
street in the driveway. Taking a walk, he had seen the K-9 unit set a
dog on a man outside the Reef Bar.
The Editor sighed with his hands clasped behind his back. This place
was becoming less of a refuge than it had been. It was coming time to
change venues soon, look for a small town where the name "small town"
was real and honest and impeccable. He himself was an old, crusty warrior,
but his people, his dear, sweet, loveable and irritating as all hell people
were gentle souls bashing through a driving world, flowers sprouting in
a mad storm of ice and thunder. They were damaged by life enough and clung
to the rocky crevasses with strange beauty and guilessness and innocence
conserved. They were each as precious as stars and had no chance against
the savage indifference of the Angry Elf's mafia. Wanderers, headstrong,
stiffnecked people, they were the chosen by some confusing god for god
knows what.
The Editor did not know how to ease the transition to come. How does
one prepare for an exodus, but grab the bread still unleavened and depart
in haste? But on this night, the rain sifted down, dripping from the box
elder's hanging branches, sending courses running across the pathstones.
It was a peaceful night, and on this night, the firstborns were saved
because the lintels had been marked, no siren ripped the night's melodies
of shadow and no one got shot and no one got stabbed.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail, spreading
like the forcefield of an explosive wave, beneath the light-studded gantries
of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves of the estuary, the riprap
embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista flats through the cracked
brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed, crying over the dripping basketball
hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows as
the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the Jack
London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past the
Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

APRIL 09, 2017
This week we have an image from our staff photographer's archives - an
image captured from when Tammy lived in Utah.

Right now some of us here in the Golden State are getting weary of trees
dropping on powerlines and cars, while others further east are tired of
swamped neighborhoods and general snowy dismay wreaking havoc with life
in general.
This is all the news to print that fits. And oy gevalt do we have news.
Gov. Jerry Brown ended the drought state of emergency in most of California
on Friday (04/07/17). Emergency restrictions will remain in place in Fresno,
Kings, Tulare and Tuolumne counties to help address diminished groundwater
supplies in those areas.
The executive order issued by Brown effectively terminates the state
of emergency implemented in January of 2014, while still preserving a
focus upon sane conservation efforts.
Incidentally, we learned that Gov. Brown celebrated his birthday 04/07/17.
He was born in San Francisco in 1938.
Hurricane force winds slamming into the Bay Area Thursday night caused
power outages to 188,000 PG&E customers, a utility spokesperson said
Friday. Outages began Thursday evening and affected 40,000 people. Power
was not restored to some customers until Saturday morning.
Las Trampas and Point Potrero both clocked wind gusts of 64 mph.
In the entire Bay Area, the strongest wind gust, 83 mph, was recorded
in Los Gatos.
The peak gusts were all recorded between 8 p.m. and 12:30 a.m.
There was an oil spill in the Bay caused by a barge which capsized and
sunk during the recent storms. Divers have since stopped the leakage from
tanks on board the vessel. People seeing oiled wildlife should not attempt
to capture them but should report the sightings to 1-877-UCD-OWCN.
The barge was used by crews doing maintenance work on BART's transbay
tube. While some have expressed concern that the sunken barge could damage
the tube, especially in stormy weather, a BART spokeswoman pointed out
that the tube is buried beneath 25 feet of sand.
The Island is, of course, not the only maritime locus on the Bay. Sausalito
celebrated the launch of the largest tall ship built in the Bay Area in
100 years. The Matthew Turner rolled down the US Army Corps of Engineers
launch ramp Saturday, April 1. The 132-foot 175 ton brigantine schooner
was christened by a combo of representatives, including a Buddhist lama,
a Native American shaman, a Muslim imam and an Episcopal Bishop, which
we suppose covers all bases save for Wiccans and the CFSM.
In Marin County we hear that the County has lifted a ban on the slaughter
of farm animals, to the delight of farms (for the obvious reasons) and
to the dismay of animal rights activists.
It seems that local ranchers were allowed to raise animals for the purpose
of making bacon, but were not allowed to actually do the deed within the
county, which raises the specter of vans and cattle cars traveling to
some foreign county, laden with unhappy figures contemplating their certain
mortality at the hands of any sort of Johnny-come-lately figure from a
Coan Brothers movie armed with a lethal gas canister.
Now that the ban has been lifted, Bessie and Porky will have but a short
walk and a brief consult with an Imam, a Bishop, a Rabbi, a shaman, and
a lama before being converted to sausage.
Ferry riders at the Alameda Main Street Terminal will soon be boarding
the MV Hydrus, the cleanest running 400 passenger ferry in the world.
The state-of-the-art ferry is designed for quicker on-boarding and off-boarding,
faster speeds, low noise and vibration, and low emissions. The bicycle
storage capacity will be more than doubled to 50 from the current capacity
of 20 on the MV Encinal, which it will replace.
Proving the Angry Elf Gang is still active and malicious, two people
suffered injuries when a residential fire engulfed a home on the 1600
block of Lincoln Avenue near Grand last Friday, March 31.
Alameda Fire Department (AFD) crews arrived at the scene at 11:32 p.m.
They were met with a large blaze and smoke escaping the residence and
filling the air. Three occupants: an adult male and female, and a juvenile
female, were able to exit the building before fire crews arrived.
The two adults reported minor injuries. They were treated at the scene.
Heavy fire was coming from a rear basement door, extending up the side
of the house, into a bedroom, attic and the roof, according to AFD reports.
Fire also extended to a tree, storage building and was close to spreading
to nearby residences.
Disrupting the blaze was a full-fledged effort. Crews stretched three
lines and attacked the fire while others used power saws and hand tools
to ventilate the building, according to the AFD Nixle report. Other firefighters
evacuated nearby residences. Four residents were removed from their homes.
None received any injuries. AFD said 26 firefighters responded to the
Firefighters were able to contain the fire rather quickly. The fire was
fully extinguished by 12:06 a.m. Saturday.
So anyway. Things sure seem crazy on the Island lately, what with the
full moon, the Spring Equinox and the change in Daylight Savings Time
- which of course some people will blame upon a Liberal Conspiracy Agenda.
With the election of Ronald Rump to the Presidency of the Bums, discord
has migrated from either the bottom upwards or from the top down, depending
on how one looks at the Aristocracy of Bums that calls Sacto its capitol.
Babar, leader of the Greatly Orotund Party and long the Party of choice
for Conservatives has been dismayed by the usurpation of his party's resources
and name by Rump, who has been roistering with floozies and neo-nazi-types
in a marble hot tub his peeps had pulled from the Ronald Reagan Memorial
Dump outside Sacto.
Babar, a personage so conservative he wears two pairs of pants, considers
Rump to be Nouveau Riche, course and without manners. Lately Babar has
been kneeling before his painting of Teddy Roosevelt, burning incense
and muttering prayers, while his opponent, Papoon, the leader of the Somewhat
Overtly Democratic Party has been drinking like a fish at the Old Same
Place Bar every night, lamenting the debacle of the last elections. Papoon's
campaign slogan, "Not Insane!" had not gone over well this time,
as people preferred the alternative, or so it seemed.
"I'll have another Buttercup," slurred Papoon to Suzie the
bartender. The bar's signature drink, a Buttercup, consisted of a splash
of soda, 1.5 ounce vodka, 1 ounce clear absinthe, 1 ounce rum, 1/2 ounce
Chartreuse, 1/2 ounce Galliano all strained with crushed ice and then
a float of 151 proof Demerara on top. It was a drink that caused die-hard
drinkers of Zombies pause and Papoon had three already.
"You are going to wake up with a head," Padraic warned. "I
am going to have to shut you off soon."
"I am shut off from Power by His Majesty, The Mouth," Papoon
said. "The land has chosen against its own interests over simplification
and strident nonsense, tossing away its birthright of Democracy. So pickle
me and brine me and preserve me as an old fossil of what once was The
"You are drunk," said Eugene Gallipagus, who had also enjoyed
a few rounds of celebration towards the beginning of trout season.
"Of course, I am," Papoon said. "That is why I act foolish.
What is your excuse?"
Averting fisticuffs, Denby broke up the disputatious scene with another
round of Blues from the Snug where he had set up his guitar and the table.
Latterly, Denby has been all steamed. He's been carrying around this
bad review cut out from Island Magazine for weeks wherein the reviewer
had savaged his singing ability. "This fellow plays the guitar well
enough," said the Reviewer, "But when it comes to the lyrics
it appears that he is tone-deaf...".
In addition, members of the Angry Elf Gang have been driving past the
cell he rents at the Lunatic Asylum of St. Charles Street, taunting him.
This tends to put anyone of reasonable disposition off their feed. Denby
pulled out the copper metal slide and the Montoya, set in Open G.
I've been looking for a home
I've been looking for a home
But I can't find one
Looking for a home but I can't find one
Lead me on
Lead me on
Lead me on
Despite these setbacks, there is the blues. Despite these accusations,
there is the Blues. You do not need to be "on key" singing the
I've been drifting here and there
I need a guide to show my way
I've been drifting here and there
But I need a guide to show my way
I've been drifting here and there
I need a guide to show my way
Lead me on
Lead me on
Better lead me on
The Blues is not about being smooth and comfortable. It is not about
meeting anybody's expectations about behavior or music. It is not about
being political one way or another. The Blues is and always has been about
Life and living it and nobody ever chooses the Blues.
One of these nights sing you a song
Make you weep and moan
One of these nights I'll sing you a song
Make you weep and moan
Lord lord lord
Lead me on
If my heart don't stop aching
I won't live to see the sun
If my heart don't stop aching
I won't live to see the sun
You can always pick your melody and you can always pick your key and
you can always pick a road to follow, but nobody chooses the Blues and
succeeds for long; the Blues choose you. Only then can the Blues ease
your soul.
I've got a picture in my mind
Of my home so far away
I've got me a picture
Of my home so far away
Carry my burden down to the anvil
Over the mountain and down to the sea
Take my burden over the mountain
Down to the sea
Carry it back over the mountain down to the sea
Still looking for a home
I've been looking for a home
Yeah I've been looking for a home
Lead me on
Lead me on
Lead me on
Denby's slide was not store bought, but a short piece of copper waterpipe
he scrounged from when they had done a massive re-pipe job at the asylum.
Denby's job had been to open up the doors, show the crew where the boilers
and street inputs were, and keep an eye on the hebephrenics and the schizos
so they didn't go bonkers when the men tore out the walls. After the job
was done there were lengths of choked galvanized and copper pipe everywhere
so Denby picked up a piece, cut it with a hacksaw and used a grinder to
polish the edges.
That re-pipe had been a job the Angry Elf had wanted to do, but the little
man had proved too unreliable, so when Denby took it on that had been
another reason the dwarfish Mafioso disliked him. Denby knew that time
was against him and eventually the gang would get him, like in that old
Hemingway story about the boxer.
Martini, also deep in his cups after a long day working the metal saw
and filled with all the accumulated indignities that come with working
a day job in this town and this country, all the insults and slights and
put-downs arranged his elbows on the table. "Blues run the game;
no question about it."
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail, spreading
like the forcefield of an explosive wave, beneath the light-studded gantries
of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves of the estuary, the riprap
embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista flats through the cracked
brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed, crying over the dripping basketball
hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows as
the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the Jack
London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past the
Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

APRIL 2, 2017

This week's image comes courtesy of IslandLife photog Tammy, and shows
how the Island begins to glow after the rains have passed.
Into every life a little rain must fall, but then comes the sunshine
. . . .
If you noticed a large B-25 Flying Fortress coming in for a landing this
April 1, it was no joke as the flight of the vintage bomber onto the old
airfield at the Point was staged to commemorate the departure on 04/01/1942
of the Hornet as part of the Doolittle Raid during WWII.
A memorial for Solana Henneberry was held at 2 p.m., this Sunday, April
2, at the Elks Lodge located at 2255 Santa Clara Ave. She died on Feb.
14, after battling a serious illness for more than a year.
Henneberry was elected to Alameda Unified School Districts Board
of Education in 2014 and served as its president in 2016. She was devoted
to public education and especially committed to supporting early childhood
education and children with special needs. She served as co-chair of the
Alameda Collaborative for Children, Youth and their Families and was an
active representative on the Measure B1 campaign committee last fall.
The flap over funding the Animal shelter continues, with some letters
to the editor complaining that the Council is devoting too much time to
issues that do not concern protecting animals. Well. We are shocked, simply
shocked. That the Council is overly concerned with large matters like
Sanctuary City status when our nation is threatened with a fascist demigogue
and radical ideas of racism and is not devoting its entire attention to
orphaned puppies.
It seems there must be a reason that support for the Shelter is languishing.
Could it be bad management? Could it be misappropriation of funds? Could
it be that the Shelter needs a management makeover due to internal management
Could it be that the dog walkers need to be restrained on leashes due
to poodle-mania? Wussup with reports about abuse of underlings by high-handed
managers floating on royal carpets of privilege?
Time will tell and every day the bucket goes to the well. One day the
bottom will drop out ....
So anyway. The mornings arrive earlier now with the hills steaming from
the moisture left by the last rains. All the creeks are running and dragonflies
have appeared to do what dragonflies do across the rippling surface of
water. In other parts of California snow lies heavy fifteen feet and more
on the ground and they are saying that the Tioga Pass will not open until
Spring had sprung in many places - the Island had stepped forward, strode,
wobbled, staggered, dawdled, ambled, slouched, and persevered into the
second decade of the new Millenium and the 21st Century. Snuffles the
bum, peered down with concentration and punched with a broken fingernail
at the trackphone someone had donated to him so as to check the foodbank
hours, hours which, although simple, remained lost and wandering islands
of data that, although critical, failed to permanently file themselves
in the burnt registers of his damaged cranial storage.
But Snuffles, even Snuffles, owned a cell phone and could make it work.
On his better days.
In sympathy, Pahrump and Martini and Jose took Snuffles along for the
weekly pickup at the trailor tucked into the Tilden Way triangle and they
all merrily shambled along, pulling by turns their House Transport, a
red Flexible Flyer wagon that had seen much duty over the past twenty
years. Martini had used the metal saw at Veriflo to cut new axle-rods
made of some kind of alloy, and then attached solid rubber wheels that
had come from discarded handtrucks, so now the little wagon once designed
to carry tots and toddlers, was capable of carting Xmas trees and adults
too drunk or damaged to walk.
Javier had taken many rides in the House Ambulance to prove its worth.
Such was the nature of that man who prefered the company of exciting women
one does not meet during church services.
Such are these humble Islanders, seeking to scrounge out an existence
while living among scads of Not-From-Heres, living in comfortable apartments
in which nothing was amiss and driving shiny cars that had no dents and
in which everything works, windows and doors and all the lights as well.
No, these Californians were the genuine articles, here for the duration
until death do part, sturdy and persistent despite earthquake, fire, flood,
famine and whatever else that might seek to dislodge them. Half crazy
or entirely crazy from everything that had happened to them over the course
of decades, full of disappointment over lost opportunities revealed as
such only after a hundred years and a generation had passed. Many are
the parlors of Native Sons littered with yellowing desuenos, property
deeds, and railroad scrips kept in frames to remind all the family of
what could have been.
Everyone else, driving their European cars and discussing stock options
was only here as a tourist, here for a while and gone in a few short years
to some other place.
In the middle of some tragedy about a maddening King, a Gaunt John rises
from his sickbed to cry out, "This land of such dear souls, this
dear dear land, dear for her reputation through the world, Is now leased
out I die pronouncing it . . . (this land) bound in with the triumphant
sea, whose rocky shore beats back the envious siege of watery Neptune,
is now bound in with shame, with inky blots and rotten parchment bonds.
(That Land) that was wont to conquer others hath made a shameful conquest
of itself."
Denby has been listening to Kelly Joe Phelps, Skip James. Pat Donohue.
Once again hard times are here. Harder than before. After coming back
from working the line at the Wesely Cannery. It was not great work and
not well paid but it was work and every musician had to have a day job;
that was just the way it goes.
His feet had been getting the heel fissures they called them. Caused
by dehydration or age or a combination of both. He took his shoes off
and took out the D-9 and started finger-picking.
Hard times here and everywhere you go
Times is harder than ever been before
And the people are driftin' from door to door
Can't find no heaven, I don't care where they go
Hear me tell you people, just before I go
These hard times will kill you just drive a lonely soul
Well, you hear me singin' my lonesome song
These hard times can last us so very long
If I ever get off this killin' floor
I'll never get down this low no more
No-no, no-no, I'll never get down this low no more
And you say you had money, you better be sure
'Cause these hard times will drive you from door to door
Sing this song and I ain't gonna sing no more
Sing this song and I ain't gonna sing no more
These hard times will drive you from door to door
The Editor sat in his snug cube after all the staff had left for the
day. He stood up and went to the back door and looked out to see the yard
with its over-arching box elder and the fence and the apartment building
over the other side and between the buildings the yawning mouth, the black
gap of the Snoffish Valley Road, out of which a mist seemed to emanate.
The Editor looked sadly at this portal between the houses, for he knew
that some day all of his enterprise might have to flee that dubious passage.
He returned to the glass cube and his desk where the little lamp spread
its pool of light and he sat down there while all around hung the muttering
darkness. If the times were hard, then these were times to work harder.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail, spreading
like the forcefield of an explosive wave, beneath the light-studded gantries
of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves of the estuary, the riprap
embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista flats through the cracked
brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed, crying over the dripping basketball
hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows as
the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the Jack
London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past the
Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MARCH 26, 2017
This week's headline photo features a bird-of-paradise blooming with
the backdrop of one of our Edwardian houses. Can't get much more Island
than that.

We are not any more or less subject to the sharp divisions that now scarify
the face of Democracy in these times in America. Brother against brother,
son against father, the old animosities not seen since 1865 return with
a vengeance. The Island has declared itself a Sanctuary City, but not
without contention. A recent City Council move looked to push investigation
into President Trump's financial affairs (Council Resolves to Investigate
President, March 16), while some residents would have that the Council
concern itself less with national matters than potholes.
The Island is a city with a growing population hovering now around 100,000
Other municipalities feature die-hard resistors but here the Island has
no objection to the push to universalize the use of "Smart Meters"
that send and receive power usage information at customer sites. AMP is
going forward to replace all the old fashioned meters with the new technology,
which had not earned a fair number of critics.
Some groups in other areas have expressed concerns regarding the cost,
health, fire risk, security and privacy effects of smart meters and the
remote controllable "kill switch" that is included with most
of them. Many of these concerns regard wireless-only smart meters with
no home energy monitoring or control or safety features. Metering-only
solutions, while popular with utilities because they fit existing business
models and have cheap up-front capital costs, often result in such "backlash".
Often the entire smart grid and smart building concept is discredited
in part by confusion about the difference between home control and home
area network technology and AMI.
Most health concerns about the meters arise from the pulsed radiofrequency
(RF) radiation emitted by wireless smart meters.
Members of the California State Assembly asked the California Council
on Science and Technology (CCST) to study the issue of potential health
impacts from smart meters. The CCST report in April 2011 found no health
impacts, based both on lack of scientific evidence of harmful effects
from radio frequency (RF) waves and that the RF exposure of people in
their homes to smart meters is likely to be minuscule compared to RF exposure
to cell phones and microwave ovens.
One technical reason for privacy concerns is that these meters send detailed
information about how much electricity is being used each time. More frequent
reports provide more detailed information. Infrequent reports may be of
little benefit for the provider, as it doesn't allow as good demand management
in the response of changing needs for electricity. On the other hand,
very frequent reports would allow the utility company to infer behavioral
patterns for the occupants of a house, such as when the members of the
household are probably asleep or absent. Current trends are to increase
the frequency of reports. A solution which benefits both the provider
and the user's privacy, would be to adapt the interval dynamically. Used
as evidence in a court case in Austin, Texas, police agencies secretly
collected smart meter power usage data from thousands of residences to
determine which ones were using more power than "typical" in
order to find targets to pursue in marijuana growing operations.
Smart meter power data usage patterns can reveal much more than how much
power is being used. Research has been done which has demonstrated that
smart meters sampling power levels at two-second intervals can reliably
identify when different electrical devices are in use and even what channel
or program is being viewed on a television based on the electrical consumption
patterns of these devices and the electrical noises that they emit.
So anyway. The Spring Equinox sprung this past Monday, but few remarked
upon it as the Island huddled under another dockwalloper. Everyone had
been glad for the rain when it came, indicating some relief from the long
drought, but as each week brought yet another onslaught of pounding rain
and leaden skies, NorCal folks began looking up with longing for a little
bit of blue sky.
Mr. Howitzer held a party at his mansion on Grand Street which had the
theme of watching what everyone there imagined would be the inevitable
repeal of the Healthcare Affordability Act, a measure that really affected
none of the attendees directly, but which stood as a symbol of all that
was wrought by the detested man who had insisted on becoming both President
and a non-anglo-Saxon Protestant. To everyone in Mr. Howitzer's entourage,
the former President was something that needed to be airbrushed from Memory's
nagging scrapbook that was supposed to feature white tennis shorts and
shoes, pristine pools, and charming people of their own sort working the
"Sit in front of the bus, join at the counter at Joe's Diner, own
property if they must, but become President? That is going too far,"
Mrs. Cribbage announced.
With the spirit of killing every seed before it grows, Mr. Howitzer held
this gala over a subject about which not a single one of the attendees
had the slightest real idea. In fact, the only person present there who
understood the HPA was Dodd, for he and the Missus were paid so badly
that they needed to rely on the Exchanges for coverage.
But Dodd did not count for much in this gathering and there was tremendous
disappointment when their champion failed to overwhelm the law of the
land by force and bluster. As a consequence the assembled gentry got very
drunk on champagne and scotch.
"The world is turned upside down!" sobbed Mr. Blather. "In
my daddy's time, force and bluster always carried the day!"
"Now, now," said Dodd. Have another Gin Rickey."
"God! Dodd. When you people take over you shall shoot us all down;
I see it clearly."
"Of course not, Mr. Blather," said Dodd. Who, counting on the
man being drunk and insensible, said, "We are the people who love
one another."
"Ah, that is kind," said Mr. Blather.
"Besides, we will need your Swiss bank account keycode."
At the Old Same Place Bar, more plebeian sorts mourned the setback as
the scene with a triumphant Nancy Pelosi played out on the big screen
above the bar. "They are going to take away all our guns!" Eugene
exclaimed, even though the entire episode concerned Healthcare and not
the 2nd Amendment. Still, Eugene was one of those who tended to link disparate
items in his mind in a connective tissue more pervasive and pernicious
than the creatures in a Ripley Scott movie.
"We sha'nt do that," Padraic said. "Nothing of the sort."
"O so you say."
"We will need all of your guns to round all of you up and take you
to the Stadium," Padraic puckishly added. "You know, when the
That is when Eugene got terribly drunk, forgetting that trout season
opened in just a few weeks.
Trout fishing is one of the things for which anglers live all year. We
do not have ice fishing here, and the massive runs of steelhead and salmon
are events of the past, and for salt water, unless you sit out there among
the sand fleas and the coconut oil, that sort of catch requires massive
equipment and some resources.
You can get sea bass, or at least something like it, almost anywhere
nondescript. But the California trout is a marvelous and somewhat magical
creature inhabiting the most magical of places, requiring stealth, guile
and purification of spirit to acquire.
Down at the base of the bridge, Wootie Kanootie's moose herd stirred
fitfully under the moon as great seasonal changes creaked heavily on their
immense revolve.
Pimenta Strife paced in her moonlit bedroom, barefoot and wearing nothing
but a slip. Soon time for hunting.
All these things marked the changes happening already in a million places,
along the shoreline, bordering the creeks of MarinLand, beneath the softening
snows of upstate Minnesota near Bear Lake where a tuft of green growth
started to emerge beneath the armpit of the statue of the Unknown Norwegian.
All along the windy course of the Big Muddy, starting at the rivulet that
drained out of Lake Itasca and then down between Minneapolis and St. Paul
and further on down to the islanded reaches bordering Arkansas and Tennessee
where dark forms began to move beneath the freeze, things were happening.
Old Gaia sits there on the rickety porch of the world. Now is the time
when Gaia tilts her weathered face creased with valleys, arroyos, hills,
deserts, plains, mesas, continents and the liquid seas of her deep dark
eyes towards a gaze at her son, Phoebus Apollo riding in his bright chariot
as she sits and rocks ever so slowly in the ticking wicker chair, the
folds of the quilted Universe draped across her lap, the rocking becoming
the dance of Shiva, the creaking rails marking the ever ceaseless count
of time's advance, ticking each second, each century, from the first moment
of creation until that rocking chair stops at the moment of that last,
terrible, motionless silence.
As Gaia turns her face toward the light, her ravined face gradually warms
with measured steps, deep shadow covering the valleys of her eyes, all
the world warming up under rains that will welcome the Spring and life's
renewal, and everything is precisely where it needs to be right at this
moment while Phoebus Apollo gallops in his low-rider at an angle to her
repose, harder to see, longer by degrees in his daily journey, a sort
of side-show to beat all side shows.
The hours advance and second by second the light returns to the world.
In the half-light of the Underworld Persephone looks up from her shattered
pomegranate of longing and waits for her time to return to her mother
while above the world endures a cold season of frost upon the land.
Mercy Bliss stepped barefoot out of her apartment onto the wood deck
in Mill Valley and spread her arms wide to embrace the coming season.
It was cold yet, and her thin yoga pants offered little warmth, but she
did not care.
"Mercy! Put your shirt on!" shouted her neighbor, Mrs. Tude.
"The children!"
Mercy did not care, but she pirouetted bare-breasted upon her deck and
danced back into the house.
the road all musicians know and gypsies too
On the Island, Suan, Rolf, Marlene and Andre took a couples walk to the
start of the Snoffish Valley Road, a road that was mysteriously mutable,
possessing shifting boundaries, possessing eternal qualities of all those
summer roads along which summer teenagers once raced their sleek machines
in contests that had genetic code tracing back to the chariot races of
ancient Rome and older still. It was a road that vanished into the drizzly
fog like a Rod Serling story about a zone where nobody knew where they
would end up. It was a road that could eat its own tail like a snake.
It was the locus of the Devil's crossroads junction. It was the road all
musicians know and gypsies too. It was the road of all desire and of disappointment
and it was the interminable road that never had no end. It was the road
of salesmen and tired travelers and los migras and refugees and all those
tired of traveling but still needing further to fly. It could be an escape
and it could be a trap of ambush lit up by the hellfire of drones. It
could be all of those things and it was a portal to another life with
no going back.
"This is the way," Rolf said.
To either side there were stone effigies, the features of which had eroded
over time until it was impossible to tell what kind of figure they had
once represented. Pahrump called them "the Puekle Men," and
he said they had been put there by the Old Ones who had lived in the Bay
Area before the Ohlone.
The four of them stood there, looking into the dark beyond the reach
of their flashlights. "We had better be sure," Andre said.
"Life has no assurances," Suan said. "It has only doors
and pathways."
"It is one way to go," Marlene said. "At least you have
been to the other side." She meant by that, Marin.
"That is true for sure," Rolph said. "I have been to the
Other Side." Der Ostli had something else in mind.
The four of them turned back to return to the warmth of the Household,
the little cottage where fifteen souls had found refuge for the past twenty
years. A refuge, which like all refuges, had a limit on its duration.
Little Adam had fallen asleep on the couch where Suan slept and the stripper
for the Crazy Horse cradled the boy in her arms and sang quietly Trouble
in Mind. That night there were no arguments in the Household and no sirens
tore the night air. The Island was peaceful and quiet and no one got shot
and no one got stabbed.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail, spreading
like the forcefield of an explosive wave, beneath the light-studded gantries
of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves of the estuary, the riprap
embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista flats through the cracked
brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed, crying over the dripping basketball
hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows as
the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the Jack
London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past the
Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MARCH 19, 2017
This week we have an image culled from the kitchen where we discovered
two hearts inside a green pepper while making the feast. Sure and it makes
a fine image to celebrate the Old Sod, as good a place to be from and
never return for all that.

Jim Burakoff at Alameda Bicycle lets us know that EVENTS ARE BACK! for
the Spring in all things bicycle.
Family Ride
Sunday, April 2nd, 10am - 12pm,
1st Sunday of the Month
Open for kids of all ages. Take a slow cruise with us around Alameda,
a different route every time. We'll split into groups to ensure the proper
pace for everyone, helmets required. Tucker's will provide everyone with
free ice cream at the end of the ride!
Ride on 2 Wheels
Sunday, April 9th, 10am - 12pm
2nd Sunday of the Month
We'll help you get off training wheels, or learn how to ride a bicycle
for the first time. Bring your bike, helmet, and a dash of courage - we'll
provide the rest. One parent per family required, one adult per child
Jim Burakoff, Alameda Bicycle
Flat Tire Clinic
Sunday, April 23rd, 5:30pm,
4th Sunday of the month
The free clinic is a perennial favorite! Bring your wheel or bike - we'll
provide the tools and
step-by-step instruction to master bicycling's most fundamental repair.
Bring your bike or a picture of your brakes so that we can be sure to
go over how to remove your specific wheel.
One of these days we have to get Festus to revive the Island-Life Calendar,
which has been dormant for a while.
ARC is looking for a new Treasurer!
Want a job? A volunteer one with a socially responsible outfit? The Alameda
Renters Coalition is looking for a treasurer.
If you're interested in grassroots finance, accounting, and looking to
lend your skills and enthusiasm to tenants' rights in Alameda, please
let us know! Here are some details:
- The Treasurer is a steering committee position, so you'd be asked to
attend our bi-weekly steering committee meetings (great way to lend your
voice to the organization!)
- The position involves managing ARC's finances through QuickBooks tracking
and reporting ( QuickBooks -- we'll train you!)
-The position is a signatory on the bank account
- Typically, the position requires about 1-2 hours of work per week (outside
of attendance at bi-weekly steering committee meetings)
We will train you! Please email alamedarenterscoalition@ gmail.com if
you are interested!
A Jan. 13 fire at one of Alamedas longest standing restaurants,
Kamakura, has left the sushi institution shuttered while insurance negotiations
continue. Local gift store owners Steve King and Christine Gonsalves started
a gofundme campaign to help Kamakura owner Faith Yamato. The fund has
now raised $11,130 from 172 people. The restaurant still needs help. To
contribute, visit Kamakura.
There is a big recall on Walmart frozen pizza
More than 21,000 pounds of frozen pizza sold at select Wal-Mart stores
have been recalled due to possible listeria contamination, according to
the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service.
The pizza, "Marketside Extra Large Supreme Pizza" was produced
Feb. 23. According to the FSIS, the pizza subject to recall comes in a
50.6-oz corrugated box containing one shrink-wrapped 16-inch pizza with
lot code "20547." The products subject to recall bear establishment
number EST. 1821 inside the USDA mark of inspection.
The recall was announced by RBR Meat Company Inc., a Vernon, California-based
Whussup with the FAAS flap? Sure it's a fact that people get crazy when
it comes to pets, but the current situation has gotten bat-shit bonkers
with all this opera over the animal shelter. Sure, some people can take
some pride in making the whole non-business work well, but these City
Council meetings are getting way out of hand with shouting and insults
and bad behavior that seems to provoke, instead of reasonable response,
yet more bad behavior on the part of members of the Council and the Mayor,
who has periodically demonstrated aspects of irrationality that border
on the unhinged.
The Shelter does well for it primary client-base -- the animals. There
may be some administrative wrinkles, but really, we are not talking about
the Teamsters and Jimmy Hoffa here.
It is just a fecking animal shelter, for crissake. Everybody please calm
Nobody seems to have any recollection as to just why the FAAS is on the
Council agenda to begin with for all the brough-haha, so it would be helpful
if someone stepped in to provide a bit of focus here.
The last time things got this silly, it was over the Disputed Bicycle
Bridge, which was created so as to resolve a wacky dispute over right
of way between pedestrians and bicyclists only to become a bone of contention
as each side claimed the slender span for its own folks.
Our Island -- a place where dismay overwhelms wisdom.

We just got a new Californian! Just got word that Jessica McGowan-Vanderbeck
gave birth at 4:38am this morning after nearly 38 hours of hard labor.
The new Giants fan is a boy weighing in at 8 pounds 19 ounces. Congratulations!
So anyway. The Editor walked along, pensively, as the skies lowered from
high mottled patterns to a low leaden gray and leaves showered in fits
during the tremulous period that precedes a storm. What kind of story
did he have to tell? To whom was he speaking when he spoke?
This is an age-old problem for actor and playwright alike. Who, indeed,
is the audience? And is it true that we will never know for sure.
Latterly he had been irascible and outraged, shouting and ill-humored.
Forgetting all the while as he shook his rattle at the blank sky, just
for whom it was all being done.
Any father had experienced this same feeling from time to time, with
the bills piling up, the vacations postponed, the dreams deferred . .
. .
Mr. Sanchez, looking down at the newest addition to the house, considered
that now, most surely, he would never walk the Pilgrim's Camino in Spain.
Nor would he ever finish that book he had meant to write, and the old
350 Honda sitting with flattened tires in the garage, getting dustier
by the year, would never spark again, for now obligations sat heavy upon
his shoulders and he had other priorities.
Some men would have reacted with shaking rage, but Mr. Sanchez was made
of other stuff and he reached down to lift the squalling infant and holding
it close, it quieted. He was now the dream and no other.
Denby roused suddenly from his bed as a burst of Canadian geese scattered
and reformed across the sky. He lay awhile staring out of the tiny pane
afforded him in the attic room of the St. Charles Hospital for Social
Rehabilitation, a place where he had taken up sanctuary years ago. He
stayed there because the rent was cheap and the Hospital let out the room
which had been deemed uninhabitable for patients because it needed the
He knew why he was there; he could not afford to move and he loved music,
so that was that. As for his audience, Denby imagined that he ought to
start playing a few more uptempo things. It was about time.
Things were rollicking at the Old Same Place Bar. As the weather closed
up the air into a stifling box, Padraic and Dawn ladled out the Gaelic
Coffees and the pints of Guinness. Padraic refused to insult the Old Sod
by naming the coffee concoction of whiskey and brown sugar and whipped
cream by its usual appellation, for he insisted no "daycent lad o'
the Green" would slur the good spirit that is the Water of Life by
such a name as "Irish Coffee."
But the liquor was flowing and the talk was alive and the music was "Molly
McGuire" in a hustle and a bustle and a clatter of dishes in the
back as Padraic ran back and forth with Jose hired on to help as an honorary
Irishman because of his native religion and all was cheer.
Until the door flew open and in came three members of the Angry Elf gang,
Bryan Gump, Nasty Narita, Snarky Twit, and The Cackler, all jovial after
setting a group of boats on fire and killing a dog down by the Marina.
The regulars glared silently at them while the Not From Heres retreated
to a table to talk among themselves. Everybody knew something would happen.
Marsha noticed suddenly her shawl was missing and Nina had lost her watch
and Leo could not find his hat. Suzie sullenly served the four who elbowed
people out of the way at the bar. Things always went wrong when one of
them showed up. There were fights and people got hurt. Somehow none of
them ever seemed to be the center of attention when something bad happened,
for none of them ever seemed to get into a fight directly but anytime
crockery broke, one of them was nearby, like the infamous Bann Se of long
ago, whistling around the chimney, making roof slates fly off in the middle
of a storm, causing the shivers, and spoiling the milk.
In the back corner, a formerly romantic couple now was arguing over a
Anywhere people seek joy, you are bound to find these malevolent sprites
causing unhappiness and mischief.
The room got darker and draftier and more quiet until one of them, Snarky
Twit it was, looked around and said, "I think we need to have some
dancing and celebration!" Here he grabbed Shannon and spun her around
until she was dizzy and she plotzed into a chair with her shoes askew.
It was clear she could not go on.
At that moment there was an eerie arpeggio of bells, the candles dimmed
and disappeared. The door flew open and the wind appeared. The curtains
blew and then He appeared.
"Don't be afraid," he said to Shannon.
The figure strode up the length of the way to the bar and the assembled
multitude parted before him not unlike the Red Sea before the staff of
the Prophet Moses.
He clambered up upon a stool there and ordered his usual - a bump, a
Guinness properly stacked, and an ale for waiting on the Guinness.
Indeed, the Wee Man had returned.
There was a brief lull in activity, but the Angry Elf Gang could not
let anything go by without comment.
"Hey little fellow, did you lose your mama?" one of them said.
The Wee Man set down his beer while the Cackler cackled and he deliberately
wiped his lips with a napkin offered by Suzie and he put his fists upon
his hips and glared.
"I see you have never known yours."
There was a shocked acre of silence.
"O yeah, so what're you saying, little dwarf?"
"I am saying quite plainly you do not know your mother and you never
have. And you should know what that means. Everyone here who has any sense
knows it."
"Oh yeah? I think we oughta put in a little ruggers here. A little
dwarf tossin'."
"Just you try," said the Wee Man, who stood up on the top of
the bar stool.
Snarky Twit came up to the barstool and made as if to grab the Wee Man
and toss him as they are wont to do in uncouth Southern Lands, but the
Wee Man grabbed Snarky Twit's nose and holding him there tight as a vise,
seized his privates, causing him to howl. He then spun Snarky Twit around
in a circle, making of his body a great wheel with his privates the hub
while the man howled in anguish. Faster and faster he spun the arsonist
thug until he became a blur like the blades of a summer fan. A sort of
hum began and sparks began to fly out and smoke arose as from an overheating
motor and a wind blew back everyone's hair. The human dynamo spun into
a blur of motion and sparks until there was a sort of explosion of sparks
and all the lights went out and everyone sat there in a stunned silence.
In the darkness, everyone heard a voice announce clearly, "Your
mother is and always has been the dear, sweet Earth. Be kind to her."
And with that the lights came back on and the Wee Man had disappeared.
Sprawled on the ground was the Snarky Twit, all splayed out and dressed
like a Bozo clown with droopy drawers and a fuzzy purple wig and a big
red nose. Likewise was Gump, Narita, and Cackler, who it was discovered
all wore chastity belts made of thorns which aggrieved them very much.
"O nuts!" said Dawn. "He's done turned me knickers into
sausages again!"
Peering into her waistband, Suzie commented, "He certainly has a
penchant for strange lingerie."
While the Angry Elf Gang fled the place in pain and shame, habitués
of the Old Same Place Bar deliberated in some consternation about the
state of their undies when the clear intent was to have each partner demand
their removal ASAP, and so let consequences ensue au natural. . .
As the clock ticked over to a new day and the heavens broke their impending
mood with lashings of rain, the Editor sat once again at his desk, finally
decisive and determined. His place was to succor the lost, the lonely,
the bereft, the less fortunate, the abused, the underdog of these times
with wit and humor and hope. The coming times may become very dark and
his instruments and powers must be devoted, as they always have been,
to giving a lift up to those who needed it most; that was his job. Spring
was coming, a time of renewal. In spite of setbacks he needed to remember
the show goes on, week after week, sometimes with no hope of anyone being
there to appreciate this rarefaction of elements, this removal of all
obstacles until nothing stood between himself and the origin of Life.
Yet still doing all for Company.
The clock struck. The pool of light remained. It was half one in the
morning now as the blessed rain ending the long drought fell down. Time
to work while the world sleeps.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail, spreading
like the forcefield of an explosive wave, beneath the light-studded gantries
of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves of the estuary, the riprap
embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista flats through the cracked
brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed, crying over the dripping basketball
hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows as
the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the Jack
London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past the
Ohlone burial mounds to an unknown future.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MARCH 12, 2017

This week's image from Tammy is of the area near Crab Cove and marks
the onset of an early Spring here on the Island.
From a friend in DC: An Environmental Protection Agency staffer:
"So I work at the EPA and yeah it's as bad as you are hearing: The
entire agency is under lockdown, the website, facebook, twitter, you name
it is static and can't be updated. All reports, findings, permits and
studies are frozen and not to be released. No presentations or meetings
with outside groups are to be scheduled.
Any Press contacting us are to be directed to the Press Office which
is also silenced and will give no response. All grants and contracts are
frozen from the contractors working on Superfund sites to grad school
students working on their thesis. We are still doing our work, writing
reports, doing cancer modeling for pesticides hoping that this is temporary
and we will be able to serve the public soon. But many of us are worried
about an ideologically-fueled purging and if you use any federal data
I advise you gather what you can now.
We have been told the website is being reworked to reflect the new administration's
policy... I am posting this as a fellow citizen and not in any sort of
official capacity."
We have not checked out the provenance but some of this stuff checks
A Letter to the Editor alerted us that Rob Bonta (D-Oakland, Assembly)
is working to repeal Costas-Hawkings, an anti-rent control initiative
passed in 2000. allows a landlord, whose rental property would otherwise
be subject to local rent control laws, to increase the rent without legal
limit if one of the tenants move out.
With subtenants, Costa-Hawkins permits a landlord to change the rent
to market rate for a sublessee if the master tenant no longer lives in
the apartment and the sublessee did not reside in the unit before January
1, 1995. No rent increase is permitted, if one or more original tenants
lives in the unit and sublets part of the unit with the landlords
The landlord cannot raise the rent to market on a sublessee if the sublessee
proves that the landlord waived her right to raise the rent. If the sublessee
can show that the landlord told the sublessee that he could remain in
the unit with the same rent as the master tenant, then the rent cannot
be raised. The rent also cannot be raised if the landlord fails to serve
written notice of a rent increase within 90 days of a written notice that
the master tenant is leaving the unit. Finally, the landlord cannot raise
the rent to market rate if the landlord receives written notice that the
master tenant has left the unit and the landlord accepts rent from the
sublessee. However, if the landlord receives written notice, the landlord
can inform the sublessee that she has reserved the right to increase the
rent at a later date.
The state law does not affect local eviction control laws. Therefore,
it is possible for a rental property to be exempt from San Francisco,
Oakland or Berkeley rent control, but still be subject to local eviction
control laws.
So in the middle of the Rental Crisis here a landlord argues that the
law allows small holders, and by that the writer means landlords who hold
five or more units, to let units where otherwise they would not do so.
Poppycock. Where money is to be made, landlords will have it. Especially
if we are talking about people letting entire buildings instead of in-laws.
Nobody is going to allow an entire building to go fallow in fear of rent
control unless they have income deriving from properties elsewhere and
simply want to "punish" the community. How could anybody who
is a true small-holder afford that? Landlords will make money regardless
of anything; stop pretending they are all mom-and-pop inlaws. They are
not and the big guys are using the real small-holders like a Dom over
a Sub. Without lubricant.
In other news, letters to the editor seems to favor impeachment proceedings
against Trump to a large degree, although reasons for doing so range widely
from "public embarrassment' to plain foolishness. Not many cite abuse
of office, which seems to us, at least, the main issue.
So anyway. Just as Raymond set out to see an old friend doing a speaking
engagement in Babylon across the water, White's Hill decided to plop down
and sort of loll leisurely across all lanes of Sir Francis Drake, scattering
boulders and trees like so many orphanages sprinkled upon the landscape.
Raymond got out of his car and stared at the Hill which only a while ago
had stood more to the right and above a line of quaint CalTrans concrete
highway barriers, each weighing some two tons each, and which maybe had
felt good enough for the moment, but which now had been carelessly brushed
aside and tossed over the far edge of the road as if the Hill had decided
on a better idea of Feng Shui arrangement.
Life in these parts was full of uncertain power supply, uncertain neighbors,
uncertain cell phone coverage and certainly expensive groceries while
the hills themselves had a penchant for ambling across roadways and occasionally
dropping them into the ravines in a puckish manner that made keeping appointments
reliably difficult.
The slide was a consequence of the recent rains, coming now after years
of drought. In irritation, Raymond turned his car around as the County
arrived with lights flashing to put up barriers and headed down the fog-shrouded
Snoffish Valley Road, a road that due to a kink in the Chronosynclastic
Infundibulum, terminated in a long stretch on the Island where teenagers
raced one another on summer weekends in hot cars that had their air-fuel
mappings dinked and their computer injection programs modified by diligent
enthusiast hackers sporting rolled-up jeans and duck-tail haircuts.
Not much changes; only the technology.
A moon swelled to fullness even as the government program meant to save
daylight went into action. Countless bean-counters went into action with
busy pencils and notepads so as to calculate the savings, but as Mrs.
Almeida observed the last light fading luminescent on the heads of Alicia,
Yolanda and Jorge as they busied about collecting the chickens into the
coop for the night, and Pedro came walking up from the truck, carrying
an armload of fish with Ferryboat wagging his tail along side in the dimming
light, she thought some things are too precious to place thereon a price.
Pedro stood with his iron-grey hair shining as he watched the mother
hen gathering her brood. Years had passed, his boney joists were getting
creaky and the time to consider taking retirement before it, or the Sea,
took him. He had always been a fisherman as had been his father before
him and his father as well. Now the sons were studying computer graphics
and fancy things and they had no interest in work on boats, save perhaps
Gilberto, the oldest, who had gone out with him on occasion. But Gilberto
was a dreamy sort and his father sensed that it was more the romance of
the sea than the realities of day to day work upon it that attracted his
son. He had no real interest in learning wind and tides and the seasons.
The boy wrote poetry.
Pedro straightened his aching back and sniffed the air. Ferryboat looked
up at him with a woof. A change was coming.
At Marlene and Andre's Rolph and Suan came in off the Snoffish Valley
Road to hold counsel with Andre and Marlene in the back room while the
others lolled about, full with Food Bank supplies for the moment. Content
enough. Rolph and Suan, sensing the way things were going on the Island
had started scouting out other places where the Household could transplant
in a sudden emergency. If they had to. The Out-of-town Developer named
Haider had bought the house to the left and then the house to the right.
Men wearing funereal black had been seen walking around, taking pictures,
taking notes.
Something was going to change, and change would not be good.
A few miles away Mr. Howitzer III, last of the Howitzers, sat beneath
the painting of King George and went over his accounts. That house on
Otis. Yes that one with the hippies. It was time to monetize that one
better. Yes it was time. Before the fools enacted Rent Control. A change
was coming on, he felt it.
On the Avenue, the open car carrying members of the Angry Elf's gang
sprinted away from the scene of the burning car they had left in front
of La Casa Azul as a warning to keep the payments.
Summer was their favorite time, for more people on the street meant more
cover to do what they wanted. They were exuberant, especially the Cackler,
a favorite of the Angry Elf, who enjoyed any sort of terrorism so long
as it came cheap and paid well. The Cackler had a job in mind, one that
would be fun and easy. Then they would all have a romp. Yes, a change
for somebody was definitely in the works.
Calla lilies had burst into bloom at the base of the steps leading up
to the door that lead to the apartments of Mr. Sanchez and Ms. Morales.
The couple had gone to bed and the crib sat beside the window with the
shades up and the powerful surge of the full moon filled the room with
lapping waves of light. The man in the moon smiled upon the new infant;
yes, changes were happening.
A few miles away the quick denizens flitted beneath the floorboards of
the Household as the meeting between Suan and Rolf and Andre and Marlene
broke up. The dark forms flitted and darted around the sparking old furnace
which Mr. Howitzer had never had repaired, or even examined.
From from far across the water, the night train sent its wail, spreading
like the forcefield of an explosive wave, beneath the light-studded gantries
of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves of the estuary, the riprap
embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista flats through the cracked
brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed, crying over the dripping basketball
hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows as
the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the Jack
London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past the
Ohlone burial mounds to an unknown future.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MARCH 5, 2017

Nothing suits the start of March like a a March hare. According to the
WikiPedia, "The March Hare (called Haigha in Through the Looking-Glass)
is a character most famous for appearing in the tea party scene in Lewis
Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
The main character, Alice, hypothesizes,
"The March Hare will be much the most interesting, and perhaps
as this is May it won't be raving mad at least not so mad as it
was in March."
This fellow was knipsed on a hillside in the town of Woodacre.
Those three people who died in a Cessna that struck a house in California
were Bay Areans, all hailing from San Jose . . . CDC investigating an
e.coli outbreak on the West and East coasts says the vector may have been
SoyNut Butter. Best toss it . . . Pro- and Anti Trump protesters clashed
violently Saturday, fighting each other with knives and clubs on the streets
of Berkeley. Police say they arrested only 10 people because wading into
the pitched riot would have caused more serious injuries . . . Livermore,
Mayor John Marchand joined students at Altamont Creek Elementary to read
as part of the festivities celebrating the birthday of Dr. Seuss who was
born March 2, 1904. For you struggling scriveners, Geisel's first book,
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, was rejected by 42 publishers,
causing the despondent author to walk home after the 43rd with plans to
burn the manuscript, when a chance encounter with an old Dartmouth classmate
led to its publication by Vanguard Press . . .St. Patrick's Day, not especially
observed on the Island of Saints and Scholars, which has enough saints
already about which to bother, will be feted the 18th and the 19th --
most notably in the City of Dublin with its 35th Annual Parade . . . While
we have long suffered risk of catastrophe due to earthquakes, Oklahoma
was revealed by a recent U.S. Geological Survey report to face equal risk
of between 5 and 12 percent for damaging earthquake, although the Sooner
State's shaking is entirely man-made due to extensive fracking . . . City
Councils in NorCal are considering resolutions to endorse impeachment
proceedings against President Trump, with Richmond having already passed
such a measure. The Council Meeting of 2/21 listened to just such a proposal
even though Trump just delivered a speech before the joint houses of Congress,
which sounded almost normal . . . .
Howard Schecter reports some good news from Mammoth.
"The last gasp of Californias wet Pattern will end the weekend
with a whimper, as two small short waves will bring light amounts of snowfall
to the high country. Only some 3 to 5 inches are expected for the Town
of Mammoth. However, snow to water ratios will be high. The snow
on Mammoth Mt will be Platinum Powder quality. However, no alert as amounts
will not meet criteria. IE a foot or better
Here are the figures for the Mammoth Pass Snow Course for the Two biggest
winters since 1940.
The Winter of 1969 for Mammoth Pass is the bench mark. Bigger than 1983
for Mammoth Pass only.
FEB 1st Survey
Water Content (in) % of Norm
Year 1969 56.6 209% March 1st 78.1 213% April 1st 86.5 199%
Year 1983 46.6 172% March 1st 62.7 171% April 1st 83.7 193%
The Updated graph for the Mammoth Pass shows 78.2 inches today. So we
are currently ahead water wise on the pass greater than the big bench
mark winter of 1969 according to the DWP data."
With the weekend storm, the Pass topped <80 inches, breaking all records.
Howard said that we are not likely to experience Sierra weather like this
again within any of our lifetimes.
From Lake Oroville we have a mixture of good and bad. Everyone knows
the evac order has been lifted and 160,000 people returned home. The power
plant has been shut down again after resuming on Saturday to allow crews
to remove a "massive amount of debris" collected below the damaged
spillway which is now not being used at all. Instead releases from subsidiary
reservoirs are being used to alleviate pressure on the dam.
In addition to these problems, erosion collapsing river banks further
down the Feather River have severely damaged roads and irrigation lines.
One farmer saw a 25 foot bluff collapse, taking with it steel pipe and
pumps for irrigating almond groves. Acting Head of the Department of Water
Resources Bill Croyle remains hopeful that deepening the channel below
the power plant outlet will allow the plant to resume full operation within
1-2 days.
So anyway, the Man from Minot threw down his bag in such a way that the
flat bottom of the leather valise sent a ripple of dust out from beneath
it like the shock wave of Big Boy when burst above our lives and send
us all surfing on that radioactive wave through the years of what was
then the horrific future of apocalypse and now the sad past of death,
fear and anxiety in response to that upgrade in warfare.
He had just returned from a trip to Stevenson, a suburb of Dallas, without
the pleasure of being Dallas or Austin or even Chicago to learn about
the future of home lifting -- the technology and the advances and the
mandatory upgrades -- which all amounted to an hill of beans as far as
he was concerned, since his little company had been acquired by a massive
international engineering outfit that had been once captained itself by
a former Vice President.
And now everything, all this new stuff, the hydraulic jacks and the lifts
and the joists and contracts and the relationships, was being couched
in terms of former this and once that. Like any man returning from a long
trip to a mostly empty house he went and got himself a drink.
So anyway, indeed.
Mornings come with sodden gray skies and ice on the back window. A nimbus
hovers over the vales as if a congregation of ghosts has just broken up
its meeting and steam rises from the trees. Most of the deciduous ones
remain bare and padding to the stove to fire up the coffee, your breath
comes out in clouds. Nevertheless even now, signs of impending change
erupt quietly, tiny green explosions along the branches of buckeye that
went stark naked in summer all quite suddenly the past year. The Japanese
plum has clad itself in sexy pink lingerie and all the cherry blossoms
are popping out. Down along the Cove a carpet of daffydowndillies appeared
with yellow surprise. In the places where we have snow, shoots appear
at the bottom of suncups. Dawn O'Reilly goes out to the garden and bending
over, spreading her knees, looks down where she and Padraic planted the
fava beans last year, pushes aside the weeds, and remembers the days when
she was a girl rolling with the boys in the hay of Enniskerry after the
snow had cleared. Clearly, something is happening down there.
Latterly Padraic has been in discussions with the landlord about the
next five year lease. They have occupied the same location now for well
on twenty years and more, granting succor to many a lost soul while contributing
to the community in a thousand ways, but tradition and kindness die easily
in these times and the landlords are not known for generosity or kindness.
Mr. Howitzer's firm Rauch, Howitzer, Howitzer and Ball, was wanting an
increase of a sort to drive any businessman half mad on the Sea of Accountancy.
Change was in the offing. They might have to let Suzie go.
Dawn stood up and went up to the second floor to look out the window
while Padraic emitted the sound of a small lumber mill from the bed. Down
there had been Brown's Shoes. And over there beyond, John's Barbershop.
Both gone now. And down the way, Pagano's Hardware had once presented
its creative storefront windows for an half century; also gone. A shift
in clouds above changed the look of the Island. The little houses with
their Edwardian fronts interspersed with the faux adobe craftsman cottages
painted in pastels still looked the same, but it seemed a shadow was extending
now from one end to the other.
Down on the street Denby made his way to Marlene and Andre's Household.
A spatter of rain and wind caused him to walk bent over holding his hat,
which provided with his Macintosh his only defense against rain. He took
brief shelter under an awning of a shop that had closed and now had windows
all boarded up. As he stood there waiting for the squall to lessen, a
car carrying several members of the Angry Elf gang drove by slowly. The
car paused for a moment on the street and the occupants looked at him
and someone cracked a window and cackled an evil laugh.
We're gonna get you. We are gonna make you sorry.
A car coming along honked impatiently and they drove on.
Denby stood out in the street as the rain lessened and shouted after
the car, "Fuck you Neil! Fuck you, ya little man!"
But he was only a small person on a street in the rain and everybody
had their problems and nobody cared and nobody paid attention. The police
did not care; this was no country for old men and they rather preferred
to save stranded cats in trees and have pancake breakfasts at Ole's Waffleshop
to promote themselves and community spirit.
He had gone to the police about the threats and the bullet holes in his
windows, but they could do nothing unless Denby did the leg work for absolute
proof. The Angry Elf had immunity because he had narced his friends in
Brooklyn. He was Protected.
Something like a local Mafia was not to their taste anyway and so Denby
was on his own in the little town, headed on a path like a boxer in an
old Hemingway story.
He reached the battered porch of the old house and came in as Marlene
was dishing out the meal of bread soup. At that moment the storm really
hit and the rain came lashing down to pound the roof, while inside all
the lost souls of the Household sat in corners with their bowls of steaming
soup after a long day of survival in these times. This was a place of
Sanctuary, a concept that used to be considered sacred back in the day
before it became politically inconvenient.
Below the floorboards, the denizens down there continued their scurry
around the old furnace unit.
Meanwhile, Rolf and Suan were not present at this gathering. They were
harboring with friends up in San Anselmo in Marin where they had been
looking for a place, an alternate refuge, for many were leaving the Island
City during the Rental Crisis and it was good to look around to see what
could be found.
As it turned out, Marin was crowded, expensive, inhospitable. Full of
effete poodle walkers lacking irony or humanity. Hardly a place of refuge.
Indeed they did meet one rancher who had occupied his land for ages out
in the town of Sylvan Acres, a place which consisted of nothing much more
than a country store and the post office, who seemed affable and real,
but they had found nothing else and were resigned to returning to look
for some harbor in San Leandro where a crew of misfits and malcontents
could take up shop should TSHTF.
As they sat down to their meal flashes of light illuminated the hills
all around. Thunder rolled over the Himavant in waves. The drought was
ending. Changes were coming.
That night, after a long day of searching, Suan listened to the sound
of rain and rushing water and missed the sound she had hearkened to for
so many years and that hard woman who worked as a pole dancer at the Crazy
Horse wept, knowing change was certain.
Miles away, in a cruiser sitting by the Old Cannery on the Island, Officer
O'Madhauen opened an envelope by the light of the dashboard lights. It
was his retirement statement. He did not know what he would do when the
time came; perhaps he would move to Kentucky to be with family. There
it was cheaper. Even though he had lived here all his life.
A car drove by slowly and he recognized it; the Angry Elf Gang. The Officer's
eyes narrowed. Just you make one mistake. Just one mistake. He knew what
they were.
At that point, the train wail ululated from from far across the water,
spreading like the forcefield of an explosive wave, beneath the light-studded
gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves of the estuary,
the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista flats through the
cracked brick of the Cannery and its weedy railbed, crying over the dripping
basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows
as the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the
Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past
the Ohlone burial mounds to an unknown future.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

FEBRUARY 26, 2017
This week's headliner comes from Tammy as she made a walk in the new
sunshine around Crab cove.

After the hard rains and the long winter Spring begins to announce itself
in advance.
As part of the Hands Across Alameda protest of the immigration
policies of President Donald Trump, a group of several hundred people
gathered on Alamedas Crown Memorial Beach and along Alamedas
shoreline. The group joined hands in heavy rain and wind while singing
This Land is Your Land on Presidents Day, Monday, Feb. 20.
Most of the public flap seems to be about the FAAS animal shelter and
the B1 proposition about funding the schools.
The local animal shelter has strong proponents and this shelter was subject
to severe scrutiny in recent years, which led to procedures that could
have led to its closing. A last minute effort by partisans succeeded in
preserving the existing institution. The FAAS includes a large number
of dogwalkers and poodle-sympathizers, so we are not at liberty to comment
upon this violently pernicious issue.
A few people objected to Proposition B1 adding a property surcharge to
fund public schools. So what else is new?
Weatherman says we get a break from the recent storms that have pelted
the Bay Area, causing havoc and Interesting Traffic.
Up in Marin, White's Hill was closed twice due to mudslides last week.
In the South Bay, forced evacuation orders 2/22/17 displaced 35,000 people
due to Coyote Creek overflowing.
According to CHP, here is the report for Route 1, which saw local closures
until today.
SR 1
Forecast for this coming week is clear skies for the next seven days
at least.
So anyway. When Commissioner Talonis let Denby out from jail he gave
Denby a stern warning not to be caught cavorting about town again without
underpants or he would be deported following the new Federal rules about
desireables and deplorables, categories which had never before existed
but which now served ample purpose to those seeking to weed out the local
populace. Indeed the new rules served any number of purposes save that
of protecting the people and ensuring their safety.
In the Gold Coast Pastor Nyquist bumped into Father Danyluk who was musing
about the Easter Pageant, for which he needed Pastor Nyquist's assistance,
as none of the Catholic priest's congregation could sing better than a
pond of bullfrogs. Indeed not a single Catholic was capable of carrying
a note to the corner letterbox. And so the priest had depended for some
years upon the resources of the Lutheran Pastor Nyquist to supply able
Each was out taking their daily walk around the block. Father Danyluk
invariably paced clockwise, and the Lutheran pastor proceeded according
to his nature, anti-clockwise.
Of course it was fated that they would meet, given the circumstances.
How goes things, Father Danyluk said when they encountered one another.
Dreadful. Simply dreadful. There is a leak in the belfry and the puller
is getting all wet when it rains.
Ah, said Father Danyluk. We have a good roofer in our midst. Perhaps
I can share his contact information.
You have my email, the pastor said.
Indeed I do, said the Catholic priest unabashed. I will send it direct
as soon as I return to deal with the upcoming Pageant . . .
In this way, great schisms are, if not mended, then ameliorated.
In the Old Same Place Bar, all the talk was about the upcoming Oscars
and which picture would win something or other. The Man from Minot came
in all disheveled and ordered a bump and a glass of Fat Tire. He did not
care who won anything; he had just spent the day lifting houses out of
the muck with jacks and bricks. "They are bound to screw it up against
the more deserving anyway," he said.
Sure enough, as all watched on the telly, that is exactly what happened.
At that point, the train wail ululated from from far across the water,
beneath the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across
the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena
Vista flats and the open spaces of the former Beltline, through the cracked
brick of the Cannery with its leaf-scattered loading dock and its weedy
railbed and interstices of its chainlink fence, crying over the dripping
basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows
as the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the
Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past
the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

FEBRUARY 19, 2017

Got this message from the San Anselmo Town Manager, Debra Stutsman:
"The National Weather Service is predicting steady rainfall, heavy
at times, starting Sunday night (2/19) and continuing until Tuesday, with
a predicted rainfall of 3 inches during that time period, with a high
wind advisory and high surf warning. NWS advises that we can expect rapid
rises on the creek and some flooding is possible. Downtown merchants may
wish to place flood gates at close of business Saturday or Sunday. Additionally,
residents are advised to be prepared for localized flooding and watch
for downed trees, downed power lines and mudslides, which should be reported
to 911. "
San Anselmo is the first small town west of San Rafael and was the site
of a disastrous flood in the 1980's.
From the National Weather Service we have this for Fairfax: "Rain.
The rain could be heavy at times. High near 60. Windy, with a south wind
15 to 20 mph increasing to 25 to 30 mph in the afternoon. Winds could
gust as high as 38 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New precipitation
amounts between 2 and 3 inches possible. "
Fairfax is to the west of San Anselmo and, like San Anselmo, has a creek
which is prone to flooding.
Corte Madera Creek, which is fed by all the local streams, peaked at
8.25 feet 2/18 at 2:15PM. Right now it is hovering around 6.31 feet. Flood
level is 16 feet, which may seem quite a jump, but with the ground now
saturated, that level could be reached in a matter of hours.
Precipitation accumulation measured at the Corte Madera Arroyo in Mill
Valley stands at 36.48 inches since Oct 1, which is quite a lot for a
region accustomed to about 20 inches all year.
As for the troubled Lake Oroville Dam, damage to which caused an evacuation
of 188,000 people, things look better than they did.
The California Department of Water Resources says the level of Lake Oroville
continues to fall despite the stormy weather, and the amount of water
flowing down the spillway continues to be cut.
As of Sunday morning, Lake Oroville was at 81 percent capacity as which
is still 114 percent of the historical average for the date. This is a
major decrease from last Sunday, when the lake was at 100% capacity, or
148 percent of the historical average for that day.
California Department of Water Resources Chief Bill Croyle said water
was draining at about four times the rate that it was flowing in and the
repairs should hold at the nation's tallest dam.
As for the Island, thanks to its independent power grid, outages have
been few and less widespread than across the Estuary. Residents should
be mindful of high tide during the upcoming storm, which is due at 6:20
AM on Monday and again at 8:49 PM. The low area that approaches the Ferry
landing is particularly susceptible to flooding when storms hit.
Rain or no, the Hands Across Alameda is slated for Monday.
Residents of Alameda and surrounding cities will meet along the Alameda
beach on President's Day to create a human chain to promote inclusiveness.
Alamedans are set to continue a tradition of inclusiveness as they cross
the partisan divide by crossing hands together. The event was organized
through social media and promoted by the city.
This is not a fundraiser, said community organizer John-Michael
Kyono. It is simply a gesture of support and unity for all residents
in Alameda and beyond.
There will be four main meet-up locations: Crown Memorial Beach, Grand
Avenue at Shoreline, Park Street at Shoreline Drive and on the Bay Trail
in front of the Harbor Bay Club.
A similar nonpartisan event took place on the Golden Gate Bridge last
In other rain-related news, a few Marin County juvenile residents proved
they may have lost their marbles when a couple of kids were caught boogie
boarding down the creek during the recent weather. To top that, another
set of teens tied a rope to a bridge and attached a surfboard during the
height of the recent storm, according to Mill Valley Police. The kids
then used the board to "surf" the choppy waves, dodging trees
and other floating debris.

You can't blame the public schools for this bit of inanity. Still, according
to the MVPD Officer (name withheld), "Heck this is the sort of stuff
I used to do when I was a kid."
So anyway. A dockwalloper set in to pound the Island with sheets of rain,
letting up to provide a day of magical sun-dappled skies, which yielded
to Blakean worlds stretching across the horizon from end to end with charcoal
gods and violently billowing clouds above the dark human forms scurrying
from doorway to doorway in the seaside town.
V-Day passed with few disasters. While the local radio station took calls
so as to play the favorite song for this and that couple, the Quirkyalone
Society met in the Free Library to discuss politics, freedom from connectedness,
independence, and the best lipstick for people not wanting to hook up
with anyone. The movie that night was The Lobster, an indie film which
featured compulsory mating dances, public humiliation, failed suicide,
eye piercing, oral mutilation, devouring by wild dogs, and generally repulsive
behavior. Despite a certain nausea engendered by the film, several people
left the room coupled up for one night stands, which promised to never
to lead to anything serious. Per common agreement.
The Small Dog Walkers Association met for a little party at the walking
area in Washington Park. They set up a table and someone brought in pink
confections and someone brought in punch that was set in a kettle on sterno
burners and the little yappers were turned loose within the fence to bark
and butt sniff and vigorously mate with one another. Lyle brought a big
flagon of vodka, which he dumped entirely into the punch when Ms. Pitz
had her back turned. Pretty soon everyone was feeling quite toasty.
Andre showed up at the door after work with his shirt torn, a bloody
scratch across his face, one black eye, bruises up and down his arms,
and the neck of a broken guitar in his hands.
"You look like crap." Marlene asked. She had spent the day
at the psychiatric institute filing Dr. Patootie's correspondence, typing
the WHO letter for the 9th time because of changes in grammar, spot checking
the JAMA article for errors, handling a 5150 who had leapt over the counter,
pulling dogpiled security off of an adolescent who had started talking
about joining the Jihadists, and talking down a man who had wandered over
from the methadone clinic with a bread knife. Her hair was a mess and
her lipstick was smeared.
"O yeah," Andre said. "Eff you."
"Eff you dickhead!"
"O yeah?"
The two of them went into the back room, closed the door and caused the
entire household of anyone who did not depart for somewhere peaceful to
stop up their ears and hold on when the cottage began to shake with the
energy of their lovemaking and their crying out in release.
In the dark, Rolf paused outside the Household to smoke a cigarette and
look at the newspaper by the light that fell outside the windows. The
President was going to build a wall. The President was going to deport
the illegals. All the immigrants of America would have to go.
Rolf was an illegal immigrant, come to this country on the back of a
stolen passport he had discarded in the wastebasket at the airport on
arrival. He was an illegal twice over if one considered the flight through
the border barbed wire between what was then the DDR and the BRD. Years
had passed and he had become as American as anyone. Although he was pretty
much secure now from deportation, still, the old fears of the soldiers
coming to take him away remained in the background of his mind. A part
of him would always identify with the faces of los immigrantes.
Suan came out of the household cottage and the two of them walked to
the busstop together where they would take the OX to the City where they
both worked at the Crazy Horse Saloon, a so-called gentlemen's club.
You all right, Rolf, Suan said. You seem in a funk.
Ah, thinking about the immigrants. We are gypsies with no home.
Try living as a Black in America some time, Suan said. Internal exiles.
Along the way to the stop, Suan put her hand in Rolf's. She could sense
his hesitancy and his insecurity in these past few weeks. The stripper
and the bartender/bouncer stood there, holding hands while waiting for
the bus and people driving by commented to each other in their comfortable
cars, "Such a cute couple."
Meanwhile Denby decided to avoid this entire V-Day thing by going to
a poetry reading featuring notables Robert Pinsky and Jane Hirshfield.
The reading was in Marin, which he figured would be a safe place to hang
out away from the Island. Pahrump gave him a ride to the bus station and
the bus took him over the bridge to Mill Valley. As he walked a tune came
to him and he began composing in his head; this would be a good one. The
title would be "Rainy Day in New Orleans." As he walked along
a slight drizzle began to fall.
Along the way he was buttonholed by a man from Porlock out in the Central
Valley. This fellow wanted help with fixing his computer. It seemed that
the wifi kept going out. He could not figure out the problem and thought
Denby could help since Denby had helped Susan get over her issues.
Fancy meeting you here, said the Man from Porlock.
Sometimes Denby made money fixing computers -- every real musician has
a day job.
While standing outside the hall, as people filed in to this very popular
event, the man from Porlock kept on about his problem with the Wifi. The
wifi SSID was Horse and it could not be found no matter what.
Have you tried rebooting? Denby really wanted this conversation to happen
at another time.
O did that many times. The Horse never appears. The computer you mean.
I don't see the Horse. Not the router. Exactly. Do I have to reboot the
People were thronging into the hall. Among them the redheaded librarian
at whom he had been looking when Cupid smacked him a good one in the chest,
but still the fellow was babbling about the Wifi and the connections.
I cannot get connected, you see. I have tried the AC mode and the G mode
and still the 802 dot eleven will not work. Do you think I need to change
frequency channels . . . ?
The red headed librarian entered the hall and disappeared.
By the time the man had left and Denby had got to the doors they were
closed. A sign said "Max Capacity. Event Sold Out."
In irritation Denby turned away. Now he could not remember the chordal
progression of the tune on which he had been working. Or the title. Something
about New Orleans.
Then he remembered there was a side door off of the dumpster lot. Maybe
he could get in and listen standing up in the hallway. He walked around
to the dark area there and saw the little yard was full of cars and the
dumpster and to get to the door he would have to walk around and climb
over the railing. As he felt his way down the bank in the dark and the
rain he slipped and slid downwards. He became disoriented and looked for
a light source to find the library again. He stepped toward the light
and realized, only as he plunged forward, that the light was from a stanchion
posted at the edge of the creek walkway.
Into the rushing creek he went, managing to hold onto his hat. The little
brook that during the summer months amounted to a rivulet no more than
nine inches deep had become a six foot torrent ripping along and Denby
flailed in the froth, losing his shoes in the process until he managed
to grab a tree. As he hauled himself up his belt caught on a broken limb
and his buckle broke. He finally managed to pull himself up on the log
and lay there gasping without pants or shoes but still with his hat and
overcoat as the rain started to really pelt down.
Figuring it was time to cut his losses, Denby headed to the bus stop
where children in cars stared and pointed at the homeless man and the
police cruised by slowly, giving him the eye. It took hours to return
to the East Bay where he took the BART to 12th Street and when he got
to Oaktown it was a long slog down Broadway and then through the tunnel
to get back on the Island, naked under his overcoat, passing bearded guys
pushing shopping carts along the way.
Hey bro! one guy said. Any spare change?
Safe on the Island he was making his way through the Mariner Square parking
lot when he saw the red headed librarian get out of a car with an East
Coast poet wearing a black turtleneck sweater and sunglasses.
Sunglasses at night in the rain.
Denby stopped and stared with disappointment and the red headed librarian
turned and looked and pointed -- Denby's coat had fallen open as he stood
The sunglasses called the police. "There's a pervert in the Mariner
Square parking lot."
Denby tried to explain but the sunglasses punched him in the face and
turned away, taking the red headed librarian by the arm.
At the police station, Sergeant Popinjay was empathic and gave Denby
an ice pack for his nose.
"Denby," asked Officer Popinjay, "How is it you wind up
here or Oaktown 7th Street every year?"
"God loves me, I guess." Denby said, groaning on the cot.
God nodded, looking down at the wretched mess of Denby. I just have to
love you Denby, said god. Nobody else does.
At that point, the train wail ululated from from far across the water,
beneath the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across
the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena
Vista flats and the open spaces of the former Beltline, through the cracked
brick of the Cannery with its leaf-scattered loading dock and its weedy
railbed and interstices of its chainlink fence, crying over the dripping
basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the Edwardian house-rows
as the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered doors of the
Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge of town past
the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

FEBRUARY 12, 2017
This week we have an image courtesy of Carol from up around Willits and
represents some of what NorCal has been going through during the recent
violent storms.

There is another road drop-out on the Lucas Valley Road near the Nicasio
turnoff. See below for more reports.
Latest report over the transome has Oroville being issued an evacuation
order when overflow behind the Oroville dam started using the emergency
spillway when the main spillway was discovered to be severely damaged.
Now the emergency spillway itself, with no clearing of the watercourse
path, may soon be overwhelmed.
Forcasters indicate that we will enjoy a respite of a few days before
another storm hits Wednesday.
The evacuation of residents in Oroville and surrounding communities in
the shadow of the nations tallest dam was issued around 4:30 p.m.,
with California Department of Water Resources officials saying floodwaters
could arrive within the hour. By 6:30 p.m., the Butte County sheriff said
the threat had diminished, although it was prudent to rather be safe
than sorry given the gravity of the situation.
More than 162,000 people live in areas of Butte, Sutter and Yuba counties
affected by the evacuation order.
Some Marysville evacuees were bordering on panic Sunday night. Erin English,
of Linda, said she was first told to go to Chico, then because of looming
danger, to go the Colusa Casino Resort. She fled with her husband, two
children and dogs, and didnt have time to grab anything from their
The emergency spillway had not been used before at the reservoir, which
opened in 1968. The structure is a key feature in a series of dams and
canals that deliver water to 25 million Californians, including many in
San Jose, Livermore, Pleasanton, Fremont, Union City, and Los Angeles.
State officials were hoping to avoid using the emergency spillway, which
is basically a dirt hillside, because it would send tons of dirt, rock
and silt cascading into the Feather River and then downstream into the
Delta, however the emergency spillway was never intended to handle an
immense volume of water. If the main spillway fails, then there is a possibility
that the emergency spillway will crest, causing a massive failure of the
dam and an uncontrolled release of quite a lot of water.
But dam operators decided early Saturday morning they needed to ease
the beating on the main spillway, so water was allowed over the emergency
route, which basically finds its own path down the hillside to the river
Oroville Dam, built into a rocky canyon 70 miles north of Sacramento
in the Sierra Nevada foothills, is a critical part of Californias
drinking water system, providing water for 23 million people and vast
stretches of farmland.
At 770 feet tall, the structure that holds back the Feather River is
taller than the Washington Monument and as thick as 10 football fields
at its base. Lake Oroville, at 10 miles long, is the second largest reservoir
in California behind Shasta Lake.
The next storm will arrive Wednesday.
Got a killing during a "hot prowl" on the Island, which is
getting grittier as the rental thing continues to destroy communities
like ours all around the Bay Area.
The incident occurred at 10:45 a.m. on Buena Vista Avenue. Authorities
identified the deceased as 19-year-old Marquez Warren of Vallejo. Alameda
Police Department (APD) Lt. Hoshmand Durani said Warren broke a rear glass
door to enter the home. He then forced his way into one of the bedrooms.
There he was confronted by the owner of the residence, Vedder Li, an off-duty
Contra Costa County sheriffs deputy.
Li opened fire and shot Warren several times, according to reports. Warren
ran outside the residence where he later collapsed, according to Durani.
Li called 911 and remained at the scene while authorities were en route.
Warren was transported to Highland Trauma where he died of his injuries.
APD is describing the incident as an officer-involved shooting and not
a murder, however, Durani said their investigation is still pending.
This is the first homicide in Alameda in 2017. There was just one homicide
in Alameda in all of 2016. Oakland High senior Antwaun Williams, 19, was
murdered outside AMF Southshore Lanes at 300 Park St. on Nov. 19, 2016.
The shooting occurred after the victim got into an argument with the
suspect outside the business around 11:10 p.m.
The two exchanged words and the suspect pulled out a handgun and opened
The Island, like many cities, recently voted to make the city a Sanctuary
City in response to President Trump's pandering to xenophobic anxieties
around the country. A Sanctuary City promises to defend the human rights
of immigrants and to withhold support to Federal agencies seeking to exercise
possibly unconstitutional supernumerary powers that infringe upon human
The vote is not without controversy here, as here remain individuals
who have purchased the xenophobic hatred agenda. A recent letter to the
editor complains that the Island is both biting the hand that feeds it
and also causing fear to rise in the citizens because possibly some immigrant
might do something nasty, which supposedly, according to the logic of
the letter writer, could have been avoided by allowing ICE to spot check
people and drop kick them out of the country for just about any reason
without oversight.
The West Coast and the Island has experienced influxes of millions of
immigrants from all over the world for centuries and has not experienced
one single terrorist attack, not in 400 years.
But you know, some people are afraid it COULD happen. Any day now.
So anyway, a major dockwalloper set in this week to completely disrupt
everything. Schools closed, power went out, sirens wailed and there was
a lot of to do about road closures. Now that things have dried out for
a few days, everyone around here has turned their minds to America's favorite
pasttime: Sex.
The markets are packed with floating mylar balloon hearts, which surely
is a most symbolic thing if there ever was one. Hearts made of tough material
to which nothing will stick. The aisles groan under the weight of high
caloric chocolates and pink confections. Everywhere the girls flutter
and stir like thrushes and couples walk hand in hand. Everywhere there
are couples cycling, walking, boating, dining and the world, although
hung over with grey, roiling Blakean skies, exhudes a kind of Tanz auf
der Vulkan sort of joy in the nauseating days of our lunatic Presidency.
All of this joy and Denby is miserable. Of course he is. The terrible
V-Day approaches with much more advance bally-hoo than ever before, which
means joy for some, but usually abject disaster to our only man.
The Editor typically sequesters himself a few days in advance into his
office with a case of Makers Mark and a fridge packed with Michelina's
frozen dinners so as to avoid being seen by that nasty boy flitting about
with his quiver of arrows. Him and the leggy Joanne who always comes calling
about this time. When one of his spies warns that Joanne is on the warpath,
wearing a short shirt and tall leather boots, he turns out all the lights
and sits with a straight shot of whiskey and pretends he is not home until
she is gone from the outer door, calling "Yoohoo! Sweetie! I have
a rose for you!"
Meanwhile Denby has tried various methods so as to avoid the terrific
calamity that love and lust always make for him. When young women approach
he averts his eyes.
No way did he want to repeat that catastrophe which happened with Diane.
The broken bones and the third degree burns and the terrific property
loss. Even worse: the execrable Opera of it all, with its scenes and wild
hair and screaming.
Now that he was older, the pressure from those two hummingbirds down
there had become less and he was content enough with his music and his
books and sitting in the park undisturbed by any save the thrushes and
the squirrels with their high bushy tails. Ah love - he was done with
that young man's game.
As Denby crossed Crumpet near the traffic circle at the intersection
of Throckmorton, Belvedere and Snoffish Valley Road he happened to see
a head of flaming red hair enter Mr. Snarky's Coffeeshop. The parking
meters there were all the old fashioned coin type, which he found quaint.
It was that librarian, Siobhan who always walked with self possession.
As a librarian, she fulfilled a role that possessed itself strict boundaries.
A gentleman must always address a librarian as "Ma'am", for
Springsteen had a song about red-headed women. Denby wondered if Siobhan
was a natural redhead with her blue eyes and if all her hair was . . .
Oh now stop it!
Up in the second floor rooms of Mr. Sanchez and Ms. Morales, a roseate
glow pervaded the space that now housed the couple and their newborn,
soon to be baptized as a native Californian with the name Ignacio. Above
this room, the naked cherub armed with bow and arrows, invisible, paused
to gaze down, but withheld his hand, for here there was love enough.
In the houses of Mr. Howitzer, the real estate magnate, and the Cribbages
and the Dowdys, Cupid had visited before without success, for love always
whithered without sustinance in such money-rich but emotion-poor environments.
He spied Percy Worthington-Boughsplatt polishing his already immaculate
two-toned 1939 Mandeville-Brot coupe and let loose and Percy took one
look at Madeline and fell head over heads in love with her all over again.
Shelly and Lynette walked hand in hand beside the marina after dinner;
they needed no help. They were perfectly fine together.
Amor flew off down the street, pinging here and there to see what targets
he could find in the dead of winter as the tulips were just beginning
to thrust upward through the snow in some places and the sun descended
behind the Golden Gate in a firey burst of volcanic skies lit by glowing
magma bearing granite lumps of cloud flowing west.
Down below, a figure walked slouched over, deep in his thoughts, thinking
about red-headed women. An innocent soul. So Eros let fly.
Denby jerked in pain and clutched his chest, but the damage was done.
In a fit of pique Denby marched off to the Old Same Place Bar, there to
grab his guitar and pour himself into a double shot of Blues as the barflies
took their places and the singles mingled in their ritual dances, some
leaving with another and most leaving alone with only the Water of Life
for solace. V-Day would be over, soon enough.
At that point, the train wail ululated from from far across the water,
beneath the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across
the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena
Vista flats and the open spaces of the former Beltline, through the cracked
brick of the Cannery with its leaf-scattered loading dock and its weedy
railbed and interstices of its chainlink fence, crying over the dripping
basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the packed gingerbread
Edwardian houses as the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered
doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge
of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

FEBRUARY 5, 2017
Sometimes it seems like the entire country has taken a crazy pill and
the best of us have lost our way in a howling wilderness. It might be
a good idea to ground ourselves in a few simple facts and a few values
that we have inherited and have proven to be time-tested as valid. So
instead of posting a local image of the beach at sunset or images of schoolkids
celebrating the recent Chinese New Year (rooster), we are posting a pic
taken by Tammy on a trip to New York a while ago. It is that of a gift
handed to us by the French and is supposed to represent something some
of us have forgotten.

Certainly the words inscribed on the pedestal appear to have been entirely
forgotten by this generation.
Together with that we recall the words of wise Ben Franklin who said,
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Contrary to some expectation, and perhaps not always for good reasons,
basic life continues despite the Election Disaster. The LI'th (Lilith?!)
Pooper Soul took place between the Patriots and the Falcons and somebody
won and somebody lost, just as usual.
On the Island, an historic building was saved from destruction by Developers
via the quick action of Railway historian Thomas Cornillie, who alerted
the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) that developer Kevin
Lams 7,100-square-foot building planned for Lincoln and Webster
was set to demolish that forlorn, little building as well as remove a
pesky tree that stood in his way. The city posted notices at the site
alerting property owners and residents of the plan approval hearing that
would soon take place.
The almost doomed building housed a structure dating from 1912. As Cornillie
put it, "Lying dormant under what now looks like a shack, was a Mission
Revival station shelter for commuters, probably dating to the 1912 electrification
of the railroads by SP when passenger trains ran down Lincoln Avenue,
once aptly named Railroad Avenue".
Nevertheless, Developers are a pestiferous sort of vermin that never
sleeps and never stops looking for things to wreck and "monetize".
An Oakland-based consulting firm held a presentation for Alameda Unified
School District (AUSD) board members to discuss real estate strategies
last Tuesday, Jan. 24, at City Hall.
Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. (EPS), an economic and financial
consulting firm, held a 50-minute presentation for AUSD board members
to recommend how the school district can best "monetize" its
real estate properties. Musbach and Kanat explained that AUSDs most
valued asset is the Thompson Field site that also contains an adjacent
food services warehouse. Musbach recommended the school district rezone
the property to residential and sell it to a developer.
You would get most value for the site if you (rezone) the site,
than to just give it to a developer and have them go through the rezoning
process, said Musbach, managing principal at EPS. EPS believes the
site can hold 80 to 100 housing units, according to a memo from City Manager
Jill Keimach.
The city bought the property that includes Thompson Field and McKinley
Park in 1909. AUSD acquired the four-acre parcel from the city years later.
Thompson Field has been the home of the Alameda High football team since
Previous owner James A. Waymire and his wife, Virginia welcomed high school
youth to use their property as an athletic field possibly as early as
1885. The Waymires lost the property after their fortunes turned and Hibernia
Bank evicted them one week before Christmas 1907.
The first Big Game between the East Ender Hornets and the West Ender
Jets took place on that field in 1955.
Members of the AUSD were reportedly lukewarm to the plan of "monetizing"
the property. There is no concrete plan to build a new, "more efficient"
sports field as a replacement, for example.
Across the Estuary, the weather has caused some nasty power outages,
but things are holding up for now. The monthly Art Murmur continues in
the galleries even as the downpours have chased off the partiers uninterested
in Deconstructive techniques or emotive evocation of urban sonorities.
So anyway, we got a few days to dry out a bit before the next set of
dockwallopers set in Sunday evening. Outside the Island-Life Offices the
rain pelts down and marches across the Island, the Estuary, the Oakland
flats and up the hill and over Grizzley Peak Boulevard to lance down and
over the Altamont Pass with its spinning windmills, across the Valley
and up the slopes of the Sierra where it even now is turning into a refreshing
pack of snow that will alleviate the harsh drought of the past few years.
Down at sea level, though, recent transplants and visitors skid and slide
all over the place as formerly stable roadways saturate and fill up with
ponds several feet deep.
Among the well-matriculated hills of Marin a roaring sound announces
the fact that another house has slid off of the mountainside, causing
people in the neighborhood to remark.
"Was that the Hendersons or those people from Minnesotta?"
"O no, that was the Smelling place. They put that house up there
beside the creek even though everyone told Mr. Smelling not to do that.
Not a good idea to build a house beside a creek around here. But he wouldn't
listen, no he wouldn't. He owns five houses and he's one of them old timers
you know."
"O he is, is he?"
"Yep. Had a dog. Got himself a labrador to be a guard dog and kept
it outside all the time. The poor thing barking and whining in all kinds
of weather."
"I suppose the dog perished in the slide and the old man got away
with that huge, ridiculous truck he has."
"I think I hear him barking now."
"Mr. Smelling?"
"No. The dog. The dog got away."
"O I am glad about that."
"And Mrs. Smelling?"
"I do not care about that crazy bitch. Sorry."
In some places, like Oakland, people hear of disaster and they run up
the way with firehoses, buckets, sandbags, and pulaskis so as to find
a way to help. In Marin everyone goes to Google to find out how close
the issue is to them. Then they have a discussion and resort to meditation
and yoga so as to restore their Bliss since nothing can be done anyway.
The more well-intentioned form a Committee, as if all of the County were
a small town located in the Midwest and the only thing needed is to get
a few laggards organized. Then, Reality either hits or simply does its
work regardless. The laggards, dragooned into projects they detest, get
burned and the Committee goes out for sushi.
On the Island, we form Committees that run up against local Mafia, but
without guns. The experience of abutting against harsh Reality is somewhat
the same as far as the end result, which is that self-delusion always
wins the day. There are no laggards save for people flamed online and
the Committee goes for pancakes at Olaf's or Joe's.
From the shadowy recesses of the third floor apartment in the Gold Coast
a cry went up, great howling, and this was succeeded by a calmness and
a soft effulgence of light around the birthbed helmed by the midwife.
Into her exhausted arms was passed the newborn, yclept Ignacio. And so
the household of Mr. Sanchez and Ms. Morales was blessed by the gift of
new hope, new life.
Despite all the tumult of the Age and the burning, speeding planet and
the mass extinction soon to happen, despite global climate change and
all disaster, despite tyranny and overthrow of Liberty, the midwife began
to sing a song. "Down among the reeds and rushes, a baby boy was
found. His eyes as clear as centuries. His silky hair was brown. Never
been lonely. Never been lied to. Never had to scuffle in fear. Nothing
denied to. Born at the instant the church bells chimed. The whole world
whispering: Born at the right time."
The midwife flung open the doors to the waiting people there and they
rushed in to stand all around Ms. Morales. Our little town all gathered
there. Jose ran down the stairs to the Methodist Church on Santa Clara
and got himself let in and he went up to the belfry with the sexton carrying
a lamp and after Jose told the Sexton, Dan Clarian, they set the bell
ringing despite the hour.
Meanwhile, down on the street, members of the snarky Angry Elf's gang
looked up at the lights streaming from the windows above with envy and
hatred and they vowed to do what damage they could and they drove off
smoking the tires of the Angry Elf's red Miata.
The street remained empty as the church bells pealed and the rain pelted
down and the little drama continued up above in the room with the woman
and her newborn child. Despite tyranny, life would continue despite all.
Suffering would continue. Suffering would abide. But Life would continue.
And beneath the waters of the estuary, the captain of the Iranian spy
submarine El Chadoor observed all of this activity through his periscope
before ordering the boat to dive, to run silent, run deep, out through
the Golden Gate to the vast ocean beyond.
Out at the Point, Pahrump observed the brief glimmer of the spyship as
it flitted out into the Bay and beyond. At a camp on the tarmac of the
old airstrip a gang of roisterers whooped it up. It was more members of
the Angry Elf gang, who had started taking advantage of the political
climate to bolster his ranks of thugs and cutthroats. Pahrump avoided
that bad company and drove his scooter down Main with its vacant warehouses
and then over to Otis. He drove past the Household and ran into Jose who
told him the news about Ms. Morales and the birth.
"The whole world whispering: Born at the right time." Pahrump
At that point, the train wail ululated from from far across the water,
beneath the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across
the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena
Vista flats and the open spaces of the former Beltline, through the cracked
brick of the Cannery with its leaf-scattered loading dock and its weedy
railbed and interstices of its chainlink fence, crying over the dripping
basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the packed gingerbread
Edwardian houses as the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered
doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge
of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JANUARY 29, 2017

This week's image comes courtesy of artist Carol who lives in the Goldcoast
area of the Island. Calvin, the pussycat, seems confident and proud of
his "pussyhat". Just do not grab him without permission. He
might bite.
Well, it has been quite a roller coaster these past few weeks. Forget
newly elected schoolboard members and even our own devious City Council
along with Statewide approvals for legal pot and cellphone while driving
restrictions and the usual plethora of bond measures. Everyone is ignoring
these minor issues for now.
What matters locally is Rent. It has always mattered and it continues
to matter and it continues to be a serious issue and It.Will.Not.Go.Away.
Rent Control is a matter of time and it is coming here and there is no
pretending that it is a boogieman that will vanish like bee pee on cigarette
paper. The last election virtually ensured that it is a defacto fait accompli
and only a matter of time no matter how much Marie Kane kicks up a fuss
and Fahrad buys up property to control the real estate situation.
The national stage has upstaged just about everything and people are
hopping mad that a minority of Americans decided the future of the majority
and this minority is a nasty, objectionable collection of deplorables.
Face it. A minority of Americans are, in fact, deplorable. Clinton said
it crudely, but she was right. A great number of Americans are deplorable
assholes who believe in flying saucers, who believe in Jesus on a tortilla,
who believe that the earth is really only 5,000 years old and the dinosaur
fossils and most of science is fake. They believe all sorts of nonsense
and perhaps it is time to stop giving people who profess ignorance and
inanity an equal stage over common sense and reason.
People are free to be idiots all they want -- just so long as they have
no influence over MY children. Of course people in Nebraska and Oklahoma
do not want to be dictated to by West Coasters or anybody other than themselves.
But the reverse is powerfully true. We the majority of Americans who believe
in Science, in reason, in common sense and facts that are facts and not
qualified by "alternative" interpretations do not want OUR children
led by the nose by a bunch of red-eyed, howling, minority fanatics, wherever
they may reside. We don't care if they call themselves Heartland or BoobooLand.
It does not matter. We don't want to be pushed around by a minor handfull
of extremists who claim all of America for themselves despite the vast
disparity of numbers. They are not America.
Time for Liberals to say, Fuck you to the wack-jobs and get America back
on track being a Democracy again, a Democracy ruled by the majority vote.
We need to admit to ourselves there is no roping people in who are stupid
and handle snakes and reject reasoning. Forget them. There is no "education"
for people who insist on voting against their own interests, time after
time after time. They are stupid. They are dumb -- face it. Call them
rubes or rednecks or whatever you want -- names do not matter. They are
people who insist on being stupid, given every chance to be otherwise.
The heartland is not the Heart of America -- it is an organ that has allowed
itself to become diseased and self-infatuated with goofy mythical fake
boot-scoot nonsense instead of owning up with courage to face the realities
of where the country has succeeded and where it has failed. It refused
to allow self-criticism of any kind. They have put aside the strong pioneer
spirit of their forefathers in favor of comfortable self-serving and self
aggrandizing smug vagueness bound by tattered iconography of cowboys and
pickup trucks, iconography provided for them by marketing wonks living
in Manhattan and cynically playing the emotions. And they never are going
to change or learn intelligence or learn even to admit the presence of
The Other. They are ingrained imbeciles and governance needs to account
for that.
The Founding Fathers understood a large percentage of the people would
act irrationally. That is why our system has so many checks and balances.
At present, with all branches of government controlled by a single party
and a particular radical exemplar of the executive branch, the system
is highly stressed in being out of wack from the original design. Nevertheless,
majority rule means exactly what it says. A minority controls the government
and that is bad and that needs to change and change roughly if need be.
If only to restore order. Right now things are highly disordered. Black
lives matter, millions in protest, entire industries being rescued from
disaster, a massive war on terror, concentration camps located in foreign
countries, mass expulsions planned, an Executive Branch that is wildly
out of control, hate groups burning crosses in triumph, you name it. Shakespeare
knew it 500 years ago; all of his historical plays are all about how order
is restored. It is never without messiness and running roughshod over
what somebody imagines are their "rights". In the end, the stage
is left littered with bodies and a Fortinbras re-establishing the rule
of law.
That is what Democracy means - continuous war against tyranny. War has
casualties. That is just the way it goes. So suck it up Buttercup.
So anyway. The days broaden with widening light even as the mornings
begin chill with frost on the windshield. Amos comes out to view the cold
scene and returns indoors to fetch a bucket of water to dash on the car
so as to start the defrost. Scrapers and such start the day after a cup
of coffee. Then it is down the hill along the creek, ploughing through
the herd of turkeys and deer roaming up from the bottomland while the
hills steam with leftover dreams under the striated sky.
The day begins with coffee and striated skies, initiating the villanelle
of the week. Repetition is the common course of our daily lives and kids
walking to school dodge among the cars and the turkeys while the hills
steam with leftover dreams and people dash after a cup of coffee to start
the day. Deer wander up from the bottomlands and you head out after a
cup of coffee. Each day is spent scraping a little more or a little less.
At City Hall you plough through the fog steaming up through all the obstacles
and everything in the way of getting things done and the turkeys always
there in herds.
At the end of this day, you head up along the streams, dreaming of another
lifetime of possiblities and deer roaming up from the bottomland as you
ascend along the creek, ploughing through the leftover dreams of the day,
scraping through the herds of thoughts and memories.
In the Old Same Place Bar, all conversation had halted. People sat, staring
into their beer and their cocktails. The TV screen presented the jowly
hairpiece that had become the Leader and everyone felt nauseated. Conversation,
usually so lively, lagged in this time. The stool where Old Schmidt had
sat remained loudly vacant.
Suzie stared at her anthro textbook. Nothing in the text had prepared
her for the present situation. "The bonobo are a joy-filled community
which is self governed by mutual affection . . . ".
Mutual affection did not seem to apply at the present time. Everyone
hated one another.
Out at the Buena Vista flats near the old Cannery, Officer O'Madhauen
kept watch over potential red light runners and speeders. Whatever happened,
he would enforce the traffic laws.
They were easy.
In Marlene and Andre's household the tattered and battered of the earth
kept counsel among themselves. In this bad abode 15 souls had found refuge
and all across America countless cities and towns announced themselves
refuge cities and towns. In the depths of the night Marlene held Andre
close, naked and together under the duvet. "What is to become of
us, in this time," Marlene said. Their legs were intertwined.
"The same as always," Andre said. "We remain true to ourselves.
Lenni Lenapi - We are the people who love one another."
The moon rose in a crescent and fog arose steaming in the hills as deer
roamed up from the bottomland and the crowd called out for cups of Irish
At that point, the train wail ululated from from far across the water,
beneath the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across
the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena
Vista flats and the open spaces of the former Beltline, through the cracked
brick of the Cannery with its leaf-scattered loading dock and its weedy
railbed and interstices of its chainlink fence, crying over the dripping
basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the packed gingerbread
Edwardian houses as the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered
doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge
of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JANUARY 22, 2017
This week's image comes from Mexico where long-time associate Augustin
has presented this pic, which is titled "Inauguration Day",
an image of dismay felt around the world.

We thought about the headline and put aside Decoration Day, a song about
the Civil War dead and those who gave their lives in battle for America.
The Tom Waits song, Day after Tomorrow, is also about a soldiers longing,
in a letter or phone call, to return home with some doubt as to the wrap-up
to the story in the end, and a suggestion the end is not a happy one to
an ongoing unhappy situation that is caused by political and social jingoism.
Then again, there is always a day after tomorrow, when expected plans
suddenly shift direction. Everyone without exception is going to lose
something during the upcoming wars at home and abroad. Are you going to
just let the winds knock you around or are you going to take part in the
The news has been, when not focussed upon the Pussy-grabber, all about
the weather. It does look like we had a pineapple express steaming through
here with bouts of monsoon broken by periods of blue skies. This pattern,
which features a series of storms, is called a "pineapple express"
because it originates in the ocean north of the Hawaiian islands and features
a series of violent storms that arrange themselves like train boxcars
one after another.
The latest Dweeb report we have from Howard in the Sierra was from Friday
and reported blizzard conditions through the weekend, which certainly
came true with accumulations above 16 inches at Mammoth, and exceeding
several feet in other areas, continuing through Tuesday and resulting
in actual closure of ski resorts due to "excess snow."
Creeks in Marin rose up high, but stayed below warning level. Corte Madera
creek peaked a foot below the warning zone at 13.5 feet.
Nixle reported no major closures last Friday, and other than the usual
bad weather snarlups, just basic misery for commuters.
The "human chain" that extended across the Golden Gate on Friday
was intended to be a performance art piece signifying unity and peace,
and not a political protest. Permits were obtained months before the election
results. No arrests were made.
Despite glowering skies we have positive reports from boots on the ground
in Oaktown and Babylon this past weekend. A reported 100,000 people converged
in Oaktown to vouch for women's rights and to protest the excesses of
the new Administration in Washington D.C. The actions were peaceful and
no arrests were made.
In Washington D.C. itself, some half a million showed up (conservative
figures), overwhelming original plans to march along the Mall such that
planners had to redirect marchers via various streets to the Ellipse in
front of the Washington Monument. The assembly was peaceful and no arrests
were made.
According to our tally in-house, between 1 and 1.2 million people marched
in protest around the world against the new Trump Administration.
Saturday, Trump spent his day in Reston Virginia, apologizing to the
Intelligence community for his attacks about the alleged Russian interference
with American elections. No concrete proof has ever been presented about
any such interference from any agency within the American government.
Nevertheless, Trump did feel, apparently, the need to apologize to the
one branch of government over which there are no Constitutional checks
and no balances and no oversight against abuse of power. And he apologized
in the manner he usually handles things -- instead of admitting he blurted
inanity, he blamed the Lying Press for causing all the problems.
So anyway, said Denby, The City of Stars will always be for me that tiny
town a bit south of here named Brisbane, which was nearly destroyed by
the massive PGE explosion a few years ago. Brisbane is a small town with
modest houses and decent people with modest dreams and few streetlights
to disturb the peace. Farmers and fishermen live there. It will never
be La la land, a vapid Big City place empty of heart.
So anyway, repeated Denby, This song is a song I wrote and it is called
"Los Narcos este pinche," and it is about the Angry Elf and
his gang of thieves destroying the innocent Country.
At that point Denby launched into his ballad about the bad narcotrafficante
and his evil deeds and his ugly, ignorant cohorts and while he was still
singing, someone arose and left the Old Same Place Bar to make a telephone
"Boss, someone is singing a song about you. It is not so nice. And
he does not like the Trump either . . .".
The henchman stood a long time in that place with the rain falling down
in one of the last freestanding phone booths in town, listening to what
his boss, the Angry Elf, had to say."
That night the machinery for a vast and terrible orchestra of death set
itself in motion.
Up the hill, Mr. Spline counted the bullets available to his magazine
once again and then trained his nightgoggles upon the door of the Greek
Orthodox church where Wally's son had taken refuge after blowing the whistle
on the secret municipal eavesdropping programs. His charge from Washington
was to keep tabs upon the whistleblower, and neutralize him under safe
circumstances, but only upon confirmed order.
Mr. Spline's finger twitched upon the trigger of his modified Glock.
The confirmation could always be arranged after the fact.
Down on the Buena Vista Flats, hard by the old brick cannery, Officer
O'Madhauen kept watch for speeders and red light runners, the bulwark
of Western Civilization in his capacity as Traffic Enforcement Officer.
Marlene finished up the washing in the kitchen after the evening meal
of foodbank zucchini and past-date mushrooms and tomato sauce over pasta.
The house residents, the lost, the beaten, the dispossessed, the landless,
the cast out and the abandoned, the robbed and the bereft, had crept to
their corners after eating their humble meal and even Occasional Quentin
was there under the coffeetable, all present due to the rains and the
cold weather that prevented sleeping in bus stop kiosks and the dangerous
homeless shelters.
Andre sat with Little Adam working over elementary trigonometry homework.
Beneath the floorboards another rat of the Brethren stepped too close
to the old heater coil and died an electric death amid sparks and little
flames that licked away the small hairs of the rat and his brethren gathered
and seemed to pray all together amid the incense of his smoking flesh.
In the Parlor 33.3 of the Native Sons of the Golden West Pahrump and
Jose listened to the sound of a ship's horn in distress and Jose wondered
what it meant.
"What it means," said Pahrump, "Is that we shall endure
a long hard time of it as well as this: Something wicked this way comes."
At that point, the train wail ululated from from far across the water,
beneath the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across
the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena
Vista flats and the open spaces of the former Beltline, through the cracked
brick of the Cannery with its leaf-scattered loading dock and its weedy
railbed and interstices of its chainlink fence, crying over the dripping
basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the packed gingerbread
Edwardian houses as the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered
doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge
of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JANUARY 15, 2017
This week's image comes from Marin County where the local creek flooded
13 feet or so and helped cause this accident on Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
near Fairfax.

Reminds us all to treat Mother Nature with awe and respect. The consequences
of not doing so can be severe.
According to report, the driver did survive this one.
All the news is consequent to the two recent dockwalloper storms that
smacked into the Bay Area, snarling traffic, bringing down power lines,
and flooding streets. As of six A.M., highway 37 remained closed due to
flooding. Every day for the past few days the air has been filled with
the sound of buzzsaws slicing up the downed trees in every district. Not
one single municipality was spared from power outages in the five county
ABAG area.
Generally speaking, which is improper grammar, we know, we came out lucky
with the loss of only two lives.
Jose Enrique Hernandez, 20, died after his Nissan Altima landed in a
creek in Marin County.
Hernandez, a Novato resident, drove his vehicle through a guardrail on
the 5000 block of Novato Boulevard, off an embankment and down about 10
feet into the creek, according to California Highway Patrol (CHP). CHP
arrived on the scene around 8:40 a.m. Monday, Jan. 9, but said they were
unsure what time the incident occurred.
The vehicle flipped on its roof, and the cabin was submerged in about
four feet of water, according to reports. CHP investigators believe speed,
severe weather conditions and almost bald tires on the Nissan may have
contributed to his death.
Hernandez was the only person in the vehicle. He was pronounced dead
at the scene.
Another man died in Alameda when he apparently lost control of his taxi
cab and plunged into the water along Shoreline.
An Alameda Fire Department (AFD) water rescue team joined the Oakland
Fire Department (OFD) and a dive team from the San Francisco Fire Department
on a mission to save a popular local cab driver's life. The Alameda team
actually pulled Jarnail Singh, 57, from his submerged vehicle while he
was still alive Sunday morning. The departments also brought his vehicle
to shore.
Singh, a San Leandro resident, was still alive, but unresponsive, when
AFD's rescue swimmers pulled him out of the water. Emergency personnel
transported him to Highland, but he never regained consciousness, according
to reports.
OFD arrived at the scene at 8:04 a.m. after receiving a call from a witness
who saw a white taxi cab lose control on Doolittle and Langley Street
and go into the water. The vehicle was white with the words RAJ
CAB CO. in red letters. The taxi cab belonged to Singhs company.
Friends of Singh revealed that Raj was his nickname.
Investigators dont know why he lost control of his vehicle. Theories
range from a medical emergency to inclement weather as a reason for Singhs
According to Central Marin PD the official word for Central Marin is
as follows: "For the five-day period beginning on Friday, January
6th through Tuesday, January 10th our officers responded to nearly 600
incidents and calls for service. The busiest days were on Sunday with
161 incidents and Tuesday with 139. Naturally, the majority of these were
storm related with areas of flooding, trees and power lines down, and
power outages affecting traffic signals. The expected heavy storm activity
on Saturday evening into Sunday morning just missed us, but it came back
much stronger on Tuesday.
Tuesdays heavy rain and winds, coupled with the King tide, resulted
in tidal flooding in low lying areas of Larkspur and Corte Madera. Some
roadways were partially or completely closed, including Larkspur Plaza;
portions of Lucky Drive and Doherty Drive; Ebbtide Passage and Golden
Hinde Passage. In San Anselmo the creek was continually monitored and
as the storm progressed we began to prepare for potential flooding.
At 6:45 p.m. the creek hit flood stage and the flood warning horn was
activated. San Anselmo Avenue was closed from Center Boulevard to Bolinas
Avenue and a mandatory evacuation was issued for the downtown business
district. The creek hit its highest point at 13.65 feet and crested its
banks at the Nokomis Avenue Bridge. Fortunately, it did not come up over
the banks in downtown and the street flooding was caused by overflow from
storm drains and manhole covers. A break in the storm and the receding
creek level allowed for the evacuation order to be lifted and the street
reopened at 8:50 p.m. A total of 65 public safety personnel from CMPA,
the Town of San Anselmo, Ross Valley Fire Department, Marin County Sheriff,
and Marin County Search and Rescue Team were committed to the storm operations.
After the flood horn sounded and businesses and residents evacuated,
over 50 people, both adults and teens, purposely came into the downtown
on foot to look at the creek. Please remember that the horn is a signal
to move away from the area, not to come in to it. The water is moving
fast and the conditions can change very rapidly. This creates a potentially
dangerous situation for both the public and emergency services personnel
and requires officers and fire fighters to leave other duties in order
to move or even worse, rescue spectators. The creek can
be viewed in live time video from the Ross Valley Fire Department website
at www.rossvalleyfire.org. "
While it is nice to know that Marinites are not any smarter than Islanders
when it comes to approaching danger, this is a reminder to all of us to
take the official warnings seriously regardless of where you live; witness
the headline photo of someone who clearly did not. Not even your 4-wheel
drive jeep is going to save your ass when Mother Nature rages. The message
is clear: Get out of the way!
In other news, we hear two members of the band Tower of Power were hit
by an Amtrak train Thursday. Two TOP gigs at Yoshi's were canceled. The
bandmembers, drummer David Garibaldi and current bassist Marc van Wageningen
are responsive and expected to recover from injuries.
For reference, train tracks run only a few feet away from the Yoshi's
entrance which is employed by public and entertainers alike. There are
no rails or crossing barriers at that location.
So anyway. Superman never made any money, saving the world from Solomon
and Grundy. Up on the Hill past the end of Snoffish Valley Road, John
Smelling of 40 Maple looked out from his perch with his spyglass, making
sure that nobody used any of the parking spaces along Maple across the
street from his property. To John Smelling, who had lived in his mansion
since 1987, when the road was a quiet cul de sac, all this activity around
him was an affront as he felt the entire mountain belonged to him by assumed
right. He had a huge carport constructed to host about five big pickups,
but he seldom used it as he felt the entire road belonged to him. So he
put his enormous pickup trucks on the far side of the street. He had tried
to buy the house across the street, but the Realtor, seeing him coming,
had refused the lowball offer, knowing if the tyrant ever obtained larger
purchase on the mountain, her company would never sell another house again
in Silvan Acres. Already the man was putting out orange buckets and cones
to block people from parking anywhere near his domain and neighbors had
come to know of him as "that cantankerous asshole".
This did not bode well for property values in the area. As a consequence
local Realtors stopped handling affairs for him, which infuriated Mr.
Smelling for he had acquired much property by means of money gotten by
selling drugs to school children.
He had gotten accustomed to parking across the road on the property belonging
to an aging widow, snarling at her and threatening to damage her cars
if she dared park at the top of the stile that led down to her house.
Faced with this intimidation, the widow had a fence built, which of course
subtracted from the parking the man considered his by divine right. After
all, his ancestors had been the first to rob the Native Americans who
had lived here so fair was square. In anger he drove his truck up against
the fence, breaking a few boards and claiming the spot right at her front
gate to be his by order of custom and so there the truck remained from
day to day, its bumper an inch over the mark in front of the widow's front
Eventually the widow tired of the man's intimidation tactics and so sold
the beautiful craftsman house perched on the mountain with its grape arbor
and delightful garden thrumming with hummingbirds to an artist named Sweet
Bee. The widow moved to Austin Texas to be with family and kind people
for the rest of her final days as life on the Mountain had become unpleasant
with her neighbor who crept around the property, tearing out electrical
wires because the garden lights annoyed him. Smelling smashed the front
gate light on the outside and the ones on the inside of the gate four
times and all of the lights leading from the front gate to the front door
until the widow gave up. In a place with no streetlights and few houses
the front of the place became dark indeed.
When Smelling heard the widow was to move, to his great delight he made
offers to buy the house across the way -- then, his control of the entire
block for a quarter mile in both directions would be established. Instead
the widow refused and she sold the property to Sweet Bee and her dog,
Toto, a delightful terrier who charmed everyone who met him.
Smelling raged and bit his lip and swore he would drive out the new owners
the same way he had driven out the previous one and one day he would ramp
and stamp as the king of the Hill with the key in his pocket.
The vast majority of the people living in Sylvan Acres were decent folk
minding their own business, but John Smelling was not one of those.
In the Household of Andre and Marlene, the members had all collected
to huddle for warmth. The central heating unit had not worked for years
and Martini had put off going down there to see if he could fix it because
of the largish rat population. Islands can be romantic and edenic, but
all islands -- at least those bounded by water and possessed of marinas
-- are homes to rattus rattus which comes off of ships, arrives by swimming,
embarks from the pockets of goats -- god only knows save that every Island
that ever was provided host for an legion of rats.
This fact does trifle with the efforts of the tourist office and similar
entities, but a rat remains a rat, no matter how small and the Island
is host to many of them.
Andre took a walk along the Strand with Little Adam as he had the day
off from the stamping mill and Adam asked about Martin Luther King. "What
makes this guy so special," Adam said.
"Well," Adam said. "He enabled the freedom of many people,
heartened the hearts of folks all around the world who longed for their
own freedom, and changed the course of the nation's history for the better.
Among other things."
"Well why did he have to die," Adam asked.
"Ah, hem . . ." Andre said. One is, of course, speaking to
a child and what one can say has its limits. "He did not have to
die. That was brought on by jealous souls who cannot abide change or the
idea that change may subtract from them in any way. In truth, it is the
idea that the truth overwhelms the life lies that have buoyed up the ships
of hatred and imagined superiority."
"Some people cannot get over the idea that everything on which they
based their lives is a lie and that love is the solution."
"Those people must be weird," Adam said.
"I tend to agree, even though they are as normal in this country
as apple pie."
"This all so complicated," Adam said.
Andre paused a long while, thinking of Russell Banks, of Franz Fanon,
of Thomas Jefferson, of Malcolm X, of so many things. "Martin Luther
King was great because he changed America substantially for the better.
And that is all you need to know."
"O!" said Adam.
The two finished their walk and the moon rose over the ocean in the fog,
accompanied by the bright star of Venus. Beneath the floorboards of the
Household, the rats scampered back and forth, occasionally passing by
the old heater unit with its sparking wires and dead brethren.
At that point, the train wail ululated from from far across the water,
beneath the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across
the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena
Vista flats and the open spaces of the former Beltline, through the cracked
brick of the Cannery with its leaf-scattered loading dock and its weedy
railbed and interstices of its chainlink fence, crying over the dripping
basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the packed gingerbread
Edwardian houses as the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered
doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge
of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JANUARY 8, 2016

This week's photo comes from a correspondent in far distant Austin, Texas,
and is an image that evokes our own Oaktown oak. Thanks to Chris Benjamin,
who for family reasons is a frequent visitor here to the Bay Area.
A fierce dockwalloper has set in this Friday and continues now with gusts
of up to 50 MPH and lashings of rain. Many streets and underpasses are
flooded and Marin is suffering through the consequences of many unpruned
trees, which have been falling in every district. San Anselmo, which remembers
well the massive flood that wrecked downtown in the 80's, had emergency
crews out with rescue boats on the ready, keeping in mind that last week's
storm brought the creek up to 15.5 feet, a hair below 16 foot flood stage.
Power outages rolled through Larkspur, San Anselmo, and Woodacre, which
endured an outage of some 10 hours due to downed power lines. some parts
of Woodacre remain without power 24 hours later. A casual ramble along
any street in Marin reveals trees badly needing pruning away from powerlines
on every block. Kindness to trees means protecting them from man-made
structures, and it does look like somebody has been seriously lacking
in this department.
CMP says Humbolt Ave from Scenic Ave to Foothill Rd, as well as all of
Foothill closed due to tree and power lines down. PG&E on scene.
Woodside Court closed due to pole and lines down in street. No ETA to
Sir Francis Drake Blvd at Broadmoor Ave traffic lights are out. Warning
tape on the southside indicated fallen tree branches and danger areas.
In Larkspur: 100 block Nellen Ave at Lucky Drive closed due to flooding.
A roving reporter said a tree crew was out on The Alameda off Butterfield
sawing up a tree that fell on power lines in San Anselmo.
Forecasters say that this weather pattern will persist through the week,
swelling creeks and downing old trees, impacting powerlines everywhere
for a while. Howard Schecter reported that snow was expected at elevation
(Saturday) followed by rain and then snow again. This is not especially
good for our drought prognosis, as we want solid avalanches of snow with
freezing temps continuing for weeks on end, while Howard is seeing freezing
and melting patterns variable by elevation.
Sorry to say this is not enough to end the drought, as we are as of this
point only 1% above normal in a catch-up year that is to make up for the
preceding dry six years.
So anyway. The new year has begun and President Frumpy the Clown has
already caused furor with his security detail, his snide comments to foreign
presidents, and even his appointment of inauguration officials. We do
not care that he loves Russians; just do not press the Red Button, Donald.
This is not a casino and there is no collection for the House at the end.
Besides, most of your casinos were economic failures. You are not planning
to run the Economy like one of your Casinos, are you Donald? Donald? Donald?
What is one to Do with a President for whom nobody voted. He got the
Presidency by some kind of trick that seems to involve games and not the
majority of the People, but go figure. We will never claim to understand
In other news, some Americans continued to pursued false news stories
about Clinton that claimed Clinton was running a sex ring out of a pizza
parlor. Pizza orders in New Jersey and Nebraska have skyrocketed since
the false news story was released.
Steve Bannon was discovered naked in a hot tub with several pre-teen
girls and a pig from Fauquire County, VA recently during a drug raid,
but news media remains too ashamed after their recent poor performance
to research anything meaningful. Bannon was let off by Washington DC police
with a warning not to be seen bathing naked with underage pigs ever again
within the District.
Bannon's press secretary released a statement that said Bannon has never
had anything to do with pigs, certainly not ones under the age of consent
and besides the man is half Jewish, so pork is out of the question to
begin with and it's all a Liberal conspiracy.
In the offices of the Official Island Poodleshoot there remained some
fallout from last Thanksgiving when a terrier was blasted instead of a
poodle by shotgun and apparently laid upon the barbee in entire contravention
of the Official Rules.
"You say people actually ATE someone's PET!" shouted Sam Frederick,
who was an official scorekeeper.
"Well, we only ate a little bit. He was kinda tough," Carlos
"You are sick and perverted," Sam said. "You gotta be
punished for that offense!"
"He wasn't so bad with a lot of A1 sauce and horseradish,"
one of Carlos' star witnesses said. Which comment did not help the cause
for Carlos in the slightest.
"I guess this means no sex tonight," Carlos said, which might
not have been the most politic thing to say as he and Sam had been cohabiting
for a while.
"Take a cold shower," Sam said. "And pay $1000 to the
clerk. And I think its time somebody did the dishes, took out the trash
and cleaned up the yard."
Down at the Old Same Place Bar, things were moving along after the end
of the dreadful election season. People were talking about 'Bama, the
Crimson Tide, actually getting into a Championship with some hope of success,
which meant that the Blood Moon had arrived, the 4 Horsemen had galloped
across the Great Plains, a last Trump had resounded, and the the Chicago
Cubs had approached the World Serious with serious intent. If Alabama
won the championship, that meant the End of Days had Come.
So then it is okay to remove Obamacare, as we all are gonna die anyway.
While icebergs the size of American States calved off of the Antarctic
to threaten Soho property values, the rest of the world readied itself
for yet another large nation-state to harness itself in service of fascist
ideals and KKK Chief Dragons roistered in hot tubs everywhere in America
that ignorance is profound. And another Cabinet appointee was discovered
buggering a sheep upon the Mall before the Reflecting Pool, which meant
anyone possessing a twitter account who had seen this sordid event, was
taken to the Crystal City plaza and summarily executed by the Secret Service.
But we digress. In the Old Same Place, the Man from Minot held forth
at great length and this is what he said: "Outside it is lashings
of rain and wind and tree branches falling, but inside the brown snug
each enjoys peace for a time and his cruiskeen luin which eases
the mind, soothes the soul, and calms the red devils in the bed when the
terrier of snarliness has seized one's privates with the vicious snout
of contumely. O, the terrier of snarliness is bad indeed! But the Water
of Life restores and eases the man.
"I have been around the world and seen the cities of man. I have
builded houses and seen them fall upon my colleagues to my consternation
and woe. I have been married five times and put six wives into the ground
to my uttermost grief. I have seen kingdoms rise and fall and empires
flourish and fail, but I tell you this. A pint of plain is your only man
and a shot of usce que bah eases the pain of existence. Be well
my friends."
And they all were paused in their thoughts, each deep into meditation
upon this Sermon, for it was Sunday and outside the storm raged and who
knew when their hour might come in days like this. The Crimson Tide had
reached the Finals.
At that point, the train wail ululated from from far across the water,
beneath the light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across
the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena
Vista flats and the open spaces of the former Beltline, through the cracked
brick of the Cannery with its leaf-scattered loading dock and its weedy
railbed and interstices of its chainlink fence, crying over the dripping
basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the packed gingerbread
Edwardian houses as the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered
doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge
of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JANUARY 1, 2017
We kick off the new year with an image from FB friend Kristine Jeanne
and a WWII lyric from Vera Lynn.

2016 took a lot of people from us, presented us with unbelievable horrors
involving savage brutality around the world, and ended with a wretched,
cynical despair in the political arena that may see the end of the 400
year experiment in American Democracy.
Well enough of that. Things have not gone well for so long let us take
the flip side of the Chinese orthograph for "Catastrophe", which
just happens to be the same figure representing "Opportunity."
Ramble On, Just Breath, its a Restless Farewell and hope you had the
Time of Your Life. It all amounts, really, to a Farewell to the Old Me,
as Dar Williams would say. Welcome 2017.
Due to threats against staff-members at Island-Life the base of operations
has moved to a different part of the Bay Area. After numerous potentially
lethal "accidents" the IPD advised members to move, with a No
Country for Old Men response similar to that of the Sheriff in the movie
of that name, a man who simply gave up in the face of what the world possesses
in the form of Evil.
We continue to maintain connections on the Island which was our home
for over 20 years, and in the East Bay, where we lived for a good ten
years before that, so we will always harbor affection for the people and
places of the East Bay -- especially the people, who just might be the
warmest, most down-to-earth folks on this planet. Except for the criminals
of course.
Going forward, we will be devoting more time to the North Bay, including
the small towns of Fairfax, San Anselmo, San Rafael, Ross, Lagunitas,
Novato, and Point Reyes as well as Sonoma. Rest assured we will NOT be
covering the hot-tub, sushi-bar, monied crowd but the people born and
raised in these areas, who we have found to be down-to-earth, honest and
decent folks as direct and plain and decent as any North Dakota farmer.
Interested? Stay tuned to this part of America.
So anyway, it came around to the final days of the year 2016. A dockwalloper
had come and gone, sluicing out all the old detritus and knocking down
a few old oaks whose time had come.
Indeed, this is the age in which the time had come for many things, and
casualties would include ancient oaks and freedom. For most people life
will not change as they watch the cattle cars pull away from the station,
loaded with their human cargo destined for the showers and the stone soap.
Meanwhile a fellow named Jones decided to stroll along the underwater
transbay tunnel and, after a diligent search was apprehended and hauled
off on New Year's Eve. Not without causing some traffic problems. The
tunnel is 3.5 miles long under the Bay, so if the man was seeking to evade
fare expense he would have looked at quite a long walk in the dark had
he succeeded. He is now looking at substantial jail time in addition to
the fine attendant to interfering with a railroad.
A driver seeking to evade capture by CHP managed to flip his vehicle
upside down into a Bushville homeless camp at the 27th Street offramp,
crushing a couple homeless folks and rattling a couple of his female passengers
before capture on NYE. This effort did not result in the man's escape
as the CHP are smarter than that and the man now sits in lockdown.
On the Island, while all this tumult took place all around it, parents
shuffled their kids off to bed and some households turned on the TV to
watch the ball drop in Times Square.
Times Square, if you have not been there, had turned Japanese long ago
with immense neon led billboards, weird videos blasted from ten story
video screens, and close-packed buildings, and during events like NYE
a packed throng of humanity well salted with pick pockets and roustabouts
armed with brass knuckles and knives.
It has been the habit of many years for the parsonage at the Temple Emanuel
and the rectory at the Church of Our Lady of Incessant Complaint to exchange
visits on alternate years on New Years Eve. This began during Father Guimon's
tenure at the Catholic Basilica and the stay of Pastor Inquist. Pastors
and priests come and go, but traditions and personal attachments abide.
It all came about when the Priest needed decent voices for the Xmas pageant
and the Pastor of the Lutheran church, eager to establish good will with
his neighbor on the block, developed a hankering for the Priest's well
stocked liquor cabinet.
It had been the habit of Father Guimon, a habit taken up and repeated
by his successor, Father Danyluk, to take a sharp right coming out of
the Rectory to begin the daily constitutional walk about the large block,
always moving clockwise regardless of weather. The Lutheran Pastor Inquist
had maintained a similar habit, traveling by foot according to his nature,
anti-clockwise, so you see it was inevitable that the gentlemen would
meet at least once a day.
It was during the last series of serious dockwallopers in the last serious
rainy season -- which ought to tell you how many years ago it was -- that
the two took shelter at the busstop on Santa Clara. The Priest bemoaned
the lack of vocal talent among the Catholics, and the Lutheran bemoaned
the lack of community fellowship among the Lutherans and the difficulty
of obtaining fresh fish on an island of all places and the two bemoaned
each in turn the dreadful times and the loss of poor souls to greed, hardness
of heart and evil mischievousness.
Well one thing led to another and the two became friends and everyone
remarked how much improved the annual pageant was that year.
This year the Lutheran and the Priest met in the Rectory to sit before
the fireplace well stoked by Sister Serendipity to enjoy brandy snifters
of cognac after a good meal featuring fresh sea bass caught by the Priest
while discussing matters of the spirit and matters of fishing, both salt
and freshwater.
"I rather like this new pope you have," Pastor Inquist said.
"O now really!" said Father Danyluk. "What can you know
about that?"
"Well he's been in the news of course. After such a dreadful year
of dreadful campaigning, he gave that new President elect fellow a good
message about acting Christian."
"Ah well! That's nice of you. Not going to send him a message by
nailing a note to his door are you?"
"Been done. Wouldn't think of it. But somebody needs to speak to
him about the red shoes. They are quite over the top, you have to admit."
And so as the old, dreadful year died away, with most folks on the Island
staying home instead of whooping it up, the two holy men grew silent,
pensive and heads nodded. About twenty minutes past midnight Sister Serendipity
came around -- as she had learned to do year after year -- and draped
coverlets over each of the friends, dimmed the lights and banked the fire,
leaving the two clerics snoring in their dreams into the new year. With
midnight a came a brief fifteen minute ruckus of crackers and shouts,
which soon died away to silence. A peace settled upon the Island, from
the empty parks and the rows of gingerbread houses to the quietly lapping
waves along the shoreline. Venus burned brightly up above the crescent
moon and peacefulness reigned over all and no sirens announced bad trouble
and nobody got shot and nobody got stabbed.
The train wail ululated from from far across the water, beneath the
light-studded gantries of the Port of Oaktown, keening across the waves
of the estuary, the riprap embankments, the grasses of the Buena Vista
flats and the open spaces of the former Beltline, through the cracked
brick of the Cannery with its leaf-scattered loading dock and its weedy
railbed and interstices of its chainlink fence, crying over the dripping
basketball hoops of Littlejohn Park and dying between the packed gingerbread
Edwardian houses as the locomotive click-clacked in front of the shuttered
doors of the Jack London Waterfront, trundling out of shadows on the edge
of town past the Ohlone burial mounds to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.
