JUNE 23, 2013
This week our staff photographer, Tammy, took this shot after spending
the day sailing out on the Bay.

It may be summer but this surely was no slow-news week. Some Islanders
are boiling over the recent discussion about the dozen development projects
going on will scheduled end dates all happening roughly about the same
time, and cumulatively resulting in a net Island population increas
of between 12 and 18%. We can't really put a stop to all these things,
but there may be a way to brake some of the projects by way of insisting
that parking and communal open space be included in designs. The plan
for McKay Avenue looks charming, if you can get by the overly cutsie
balustrades, however it does look like neighbors will be living packed
together like sausages with just inches between buildings. Fine if you
want to borrow a cup of sugar, but we are guessing the kinds of folks
targeted by this project are unused to anything like sharing or neighborliness.
Plunk down a million dollars for a waterfront property and it will be
all "you can get your own damn sugar, kiddo".
Some people coming late to the table noted the Target planned for the
Landing project, and they are not too happy about it, however of the
inevitable "big box" stores Target is one of the more innocuous
and better behaved towards its employees and to the communities where
they plotz. Construction is underway, which means plans have been filed
with the County and City and the archetect has now departed for vacation
in Majorca, so proposals to revise the parking are late by quite a margin.
The store opens in October and may help temper the huge sales tax deficit
which John Russo mentioned in a recent Op-Ed in the Journal.
No one is complaining about In-N-Out burger slated for the Landing,
probably because the nearest one down on Hegenberger is apparently pretty
lousy. Heck, you can't have steak every day and a good burger is always
a good burger.
We know the real reason for the height limit increase around the foot
of the Park Street bridge. It is so that when the sea level rises due
to global warming we will have high roofs from which to be evacuated
by helicopter. Somebody is such a genius around here . . .
On the qualified upside the recent resignation of a key Hospital Board
member now makes a bit of sense now that we learn the plan to save the
venerable institution includes joining the County system, which means
the place will not be closed after all. They tried taxes, surcharges,
cutbacks and facility aquisitions but that looming and ballooning earthquake
retrofit cost pretty much became the key decider in the choice to either
padlock the doors until the wrecking ball comes or join a larger outfit.
With Kaiser standing right there with its history and its clinic already
in operation here, that left few choices.
We cannot really fault anyone for the way things turned out -- the
hospital did not stand a chance persisting as a stand-alone facility.
It is more likely to benefit all Islanders across the board as a County
facility than as a Kaiser satellite. It had been sending the more critically
sick and injured over to Highland anyway as the place has not enjoyed
a serious trauma unit of Highland's stature at any time in its history.

In a town that seems to sport more churches per square
mile than Ireland and Italy combined, we always have room for one more,
and so we welcome the distinctive Church of FSM, which unlike all other
churches welcomes everyone without reservation and does not require
that anyone put aside already cherished beliefs.
We, on this tiny island, have Methodists, Lutherans, Catholics by the
score, Unity and Unitarians, Tibetan buddhists, Baptists of several
septs, at least one synogogue if not two, Evangelicals, Mormon temples,
a Masonic lodge, Elks, Wiccans, Witnesses, Episcopalians of course in
a rather grand looking church where they hand out food to the poor the
way Xians are supposed, Shouters and weepers and speakers of tongues
and La Luz del Mundo and scads more besides. In fact we have so many
churches on the island that a local minister mentioned with some sadness
that each congregation must necessarily be smallish as there really
are not that many souls who live here to distribute among all of the
Members of our staff have recently been ordained into this new ministry,
active worldwide only since 2005, when it seemed the country was gripped
by a fever of religiousity that transcended all boundaries of reason
and common sense. Up rose the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
to return Heart and Soul to the Church, for it must be agreed by one
and all these two things are intertwined.
We will present more from the CFSM anon, with special mention that
should be a guiding reference for us all, What Would the Flying Spaghetti
Monster Do? Indeed, thoughts worth pondering.

So anyway another year has passed and Javier tried to rustle up an
ex-girlfriend to make his pal Jose happy last week. Or perhaps two weeks
ago. Time flies when fruit happens. Whatever.
So Javier got it into his head that on his birthday he would make sure
that Jose, his very good friend had a splendid time. To Jose a good
time meant sitting quietly in his chair by the light with a good book
by Gabo Marquez or Neruda, but to Javier a good time meant a rollicking
evening with a woman or two, a fair amount of booze and plenty of
mayhem with fireworks, for Javier was like that. The one time he tried
to keep things quiet and sedate was on his birthday, for it never failed
that day to be a wretched disappointment. It is truely amazing how these
things always happened, for the higher his expectations, the surer he
was likely to get smacked in the face with a wet fish.
Of course since neither one of them had any money, the extent of mayhem
would have to arrive on the cheep side along with any women they might
So Javier could not obtain Francesca, who had gone off to wreak havoc
in the Sierra foothills with her biker gang, which was fine by Jose,
who understood that he dwelled not within her league by any means. Nor
could Javier obtain Martina, she of the leather boots with the silver
spurs and the whips.
So the two of them rode the BART train into the city as it started
to rain to check out the Crazy Horse where Suan worked as an exotic
dancer, with Javier hoping that Suan could pull some strings and maybe
get them a free lapdance or something. As it turned out, Suan
was off that night and could not be found so they sat in the back watching
the stage and nursing single beers -- all they could afford -- until
the man with the big shoulders told them to buy a round or leave. So
outside a man with a big hat told them to give him all their money but
all the money they had was for the BART return trip so they tried to
run away down Harrison.
Things did not work very well with this running away such that the
man with the big hat and very big friends caught them and beat them
both badly and took away their ten dollars which is all they had between
them. Now there they were in SOMA with no money and no way to get home
and it raining now fairly hard, which at least helped wash the blood
off their faces. Jose's left knee started swelling from where one of
the thugs had hit him with a baton.
Jose went into the all night diner on Van Ness to see if he could call
the House and maybe get Pahrump over on his scooter and when the waitress
there learned of what had happened she offered to drive one of them
back over the bridge to Oakland, but she could not take two of them
as her car was filled with magazines and papers on account of her going
to Beauty College and her car was one of those new Smartcars not much
bigger than a bug with just two seats. Jose promised to alert Pahrump
once he made it back to the House, so Javier was left there standing
near the onramp at Fifth as his birthday began to fade and the moon
rose in the misting rain over the Bay.
He stopped trying to hitch for a while and got down under the cutout
near Second Street where some homies had a Bushville encampment there
and they had some wine together and talked about things like the houses
all of them had lost during the Housing Bust and the Great Recession
until he though he better get back up there in case Pahrump came along
with his scooter before it got too late. So he said goodbye to his pals
there and climbed back up the side. He had to climb over a few things
to get there and somehow found himself on the new bridge looking over
at the old bridge where he was supposed to be. That is when he started
walking, figuring that since no one was driving the new bridge the cops
would not notice someone walking along there on what would become a
bicycle path beside the road when the thing opened for sure.
Well that span is a good two, three miles long over open water, not
counting the Treasure Island tunnel, so he was pretty soaked to the
skin after a few hours of walking along, doing his birthday hike and
all and his bones aching from the beating he got from the muggers.
He had gotten about as far as where the bridge swept over the mud flats
close to shore when a construction crew working on replacing some of
the 30,000 brittle bolts that had failed inspection noticed him. They
were mad already about having to swap out all those bolts and in the
rain and they did not like someone walking on their bridge before it
was ready and without authorization or any papers and so they knocked
Javier around a good bit before security hauled him back in a car in
the direction he had come to lodge him in the Seventh Street jail for
breaking and entering and being an all round nuisance and when he told
them all about his celebration they just laughed.
His cellmate was named Guido and he did not smell so good. Another
fellow brought in on a DUI upchucked in the middle of the floor, which
irritated the guard to no end as then he could not enjoy his midnight
popcorn done in the microwave. The final admittance to that bad hotel
was a man named Claude who turned out to be an Amway salesman whose
demeanor and aftershave persuaded the cop that he was somehow high on
something in public. He was not drunk, but full of energy and the goodness
of the Savior who had redeemed him from a life of sin and he could not
stop talking all night. That is where Javier spent the rest of his birthday.
As for Jose, the woman would not drive him onto the Island, which is
understandable given that getting onto the Island involves driving through
the Kaiser concrete processing plant to get to the one bridge, as the
tunnel was closed for cleaning. Instead she dropped him off around 85th
Street near where she lived, and Jose had a time of it getting through
the firezone with guys sporting tattooed tears blazing away at
one another with just about every form of ordinance and caliber available
from the Army, the Navy, the Marines and the Native Sons of the Golden
West. Around 83rd two guys walked around with their arms extended pulling
the triggers and because they had canted the pistols in cool gangsta
style and kept hopping around like rappers they missed each other time
after time as cement chips and glass shards flew off of the buildings
and cars. Once he got past that scene he came across five guys dropping
bottle-shaped things into an olive drab tube which puffed with a loud
crump each time they did it. They were firing a mortar at a rival gang's
house a few blocks away.
Some guy wearing a bright red jumpsuit grabbed Jose, who thought this
was it for sure, but it turned out he was to deliver a message on a
piece of paper down the street to somebody. Jose did not know what was
on the paper and he did not bother to look as he sprinted as best he
could on his swollen knee down International Boulevard holding the message
in his right with his white handkerchief waving in his left above his
head. All the firing stopped as he did so, save for distant pops a few
blocks away.
When he got to a sort of barricade he found a lean-looking fellow,
who looked to be all of fifteen, wearing a bright blue jumpsuit and
bandoliers of machinegun bullets.
"For Pete's sake," Jose said. "You have to be kidding
The Blue fellow demanded the message and Jose handed over the slip
of paper.
Blue looked at it, scowled, then threw it down and then began striding
back and forth in a most truculent manner, waving his Mac-10 and sporting
a pistol tucked into his waistband besides.
"What do you think about that?" He kept saying. "What
do you think of that?"
Jose picked up the paper.
It occured to the Blue General that he should respond smartly and so
he got together with some of his soldiers and they drafted a pithy response.
Here, inspiration alit on Jose in a most uncommon form. He mentioned
that just up ahead, not back there, but up ahead was a snarky colonel
of the red jumpsuit clan and it would be a real good idea to get a message
to those guys and just forget about that daf punk back there.
Jose dutifully took the message at a dead running hobble up four blocks
to the HQ of the Red team.
O the red rage.
So that is how Jose made it back home through Shooter's Alley, the
worst crime-fightin'est, most dangerous stretch of any city road in
the world -- by taking insulting messages from one bivouac to the next,
from one house of strange chemical odors to the next.
By the time he got to the bridge he saw with incredulity at just past
four am that the span had been raised, for what kind of traffic at that
hour on the estuary he did not know but there stood the lighted tower
and the two arms of the drawbridge pointing upwards through the falling
rain like twin arms raised in plea or despair. Slowly he shuffled along
the rip rap and skirted the warehouses and overpasses with his home
so close and yet so far away. Eventually he got to the Bushville encampment
near the entrance to the tunnel at Webster where at least the concrete
overpass kept everything dry.
There he found a couple named Paul and MaryBeth who had set up a tent
with plastic sheeting. "Dude you sure look messed up," Paul
said. He had a full beard and a bandana and strummed a guitar with five
"We got some canned stew from the dumpster. It says its expired
but its still good." MaryBeth said. "We got plenty."
And so Jose was welcomed and was fed for among the poor, there is sometimes
real understanding of the way things are and that rare kindness is possible
where people do not expect anything in return.
A man came up to them there and spoke unto them and this is what he
said. "Have you been touched by His noodly appendage? Are you aware
this is the shortest night of the year?"
For it was true that this man was an ordained Minister of the
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and he did speak then of fate
and hope and charity and love, and of course of these things, the greatest
of them is . . . , well, you all know.
And so Jose was comforted and no longer dispaired. For he was with
a Community of spirit and his bruised bones eased themselves on the
tired cushions of a discarded sofa, the substance of which had gone
into the little heating fire there under the overpass.
The Editor stepped out onto the deck as the rain sifted down to look
at the solstice moon even as the Island Coven did the same during a
pause in the middle of their Wiccan ceremonies down by the Cove.
Wisps of cloud trailed across the face of the moon as if some god had
recently passed by after administering a blessing.
The long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far across
the water, across the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments,
the grasses of the Buena Vista flats and the open spaces of the former
Beltline, and all the scattered Bushvilles as the locomotive glided
past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed
off to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JUNE 16, 2013
This week we have a moody pic of the Bay Bridge before construction
of the new one. Not sure if we used it before, but its a really evocative
shot by Tammy of Park Avenue.

Since we are moving closer to the opening of the new structure we will
hunt around for images of the old fellow. Would appreciate any pics
people might have of the structure when trains used it on the lower
We have seen some E-mail float over the transom with regard to providing
regular content for Island-Life and working with us in other capacities.
If you got lost in the shuffle go ahead and resend.
A number of internal snafus at I-L meant we missed out on a number
of really neat events. This weekend was the Juneteenth commemoration
over in Vallejo where Black Americans recall the last days before news
of the Emancipation Proclamation and the accompanying Constitutional
Amendment reached the ears of slaves located in the far reaches of the
American Empire. The event tends to be joyful, as it should be, located
outside the main library there near the marina.
At the marina itself, the annual pirate festival took place
with mock swordfights, ship to shore cannon battles and lots of yo-dee-ho.
The fun fest tends to attract the best dressed mediaevals from the Renaissance
Faire, who always add a lot of color. This was the first year the sponsors
asked for funds to help defray what is really quite a large enterprise
with hundreds of people setting up and operating several stages hosting
dozens of performers on the site that took the Guiness World Record
for largest assembly of pirates in the world. Portland had been a contender
but this year canceled the festival there. So Bay Area, best be on guard
and parley this message: Arrrg!
On the Island we had the unveiling of a memorial for fallen police
officers -- curiously timed during the budget discussions as we
have fortunately only two fallen officers, whose deaths occurred over
a span of some thirty-five years. The IPD has been working overtime
on PR which took some serious hits after the wildly inane performance
last Memorial Day when our finest watched a man die over the course
of an hour. Then they followed up by dumping people on the street at
three am by way of confiscating their car. Another man died in that
No one said police work is easy. One of the commemorated officers was
shot to death and the other run over during a traffic stop. Talk about
a bad day at work. Still, this public event seemed timed poorly -- or
well -- as the City faces a $4 million dollar shortfall with all departments
taking hits in their budgets. Police and Fire protection account for
some 75% of our operating budget and some people in some cities are
howling about those services taking a full 40%, so a bit of comparison
would be in order here.
The new budget has been announced and it is full of draconian cutbacks,
including non-funding for police positions now vacant anyway.
If people want protection maintained at current levels there is no
replacement for increased revenue. Increasing parking fines and such
will not do the job. Parceling backfill from parking here and cutbacks
there and higher fees will stop working pretty quick when you are talking
about a shortfall as large as $4 millions. The City has to get into
the business of selling something and that something has to be on a
continuous basis, for once it has sold land or property, that asset
is gone for good. We suggest using that open space, now our only real
asset, as a way to generate revenue. And no, another big box store is
not the solution.
Interestingly an Oakland recently expressed strong emotions about the
budget for police in that city. They were shocked, simply shocked that
as much as 40% of their total budget goes to officer salaries and of
course, you can see what they get for it. We had not the heart to inform
him that of our humble Island budget fully 75% goes to the Fire/Police
combo. But on the upside, we now have a police boat and people trained
to use it.
EBMUD's recent announcement for its 2-fold rate increases of
9.75% and then 9.5% has some interesting rationalization, as the powerful
water entity claims it has been hit by the Great Recession which has
resulted in fewer customers. Um, did the Golden State really lose that
many people? Then again we hear Socal's water entities also jacked their
rates when people started really conserving water. In other words, people
did what they were supposed to do and this results not in savings or
better water diversion methods but higher rates. Damned if you do and
damned if you don't.
Recent op-ed pieces in the Sun pointed out that the sum total of all
the development projects now in the works will result in a sudden population
increase on the Island of between 10 and 18%, with 12% a good conservative
figure. So with the present inhabitants ticking over 72,000 souls, you
can do the math. Better reserve your parking spot now.
So anyway once again the year had revolved upon its rusting gears to
re-arrive ponderously to that dreadful day -- to Jose -- of Javier's
birthday. Javier celebrates his birthday each year with nearly fatal
consequences, and given his taste for younger, passionate, and frequently
violent women, each year seems likely to be the last, yet, despite the
laws of averages and all common sense, much like South Park's Kenny,
Javier returns once again to celebrate anew, while Jose quivers in fear.
The bastard.
It is not that Javier actively seeks misfortune. Things just . . . happen.
Like his fiftieth celebration, which was meant to be just a passing
of the jug among friends on the porch of Andre and Marlene's Household.
They nearly burnt the house down, killing everyone due to a simple omission
of care regarding the butt end of a spleef.
This year, much to Jose's great dismay, Javier discovered that his
birthday and Jose's nearly coincided by a matter of a few days. This
he discovered, purely by accident, while going through Jose's wallet
looking for a few dollars for pot wine.
No, no, no, pleaded Jose. Pleeeeeeeeze do not tell anyone.
I don't tell anyone, Javier said. I just have a small party.
Jose groaned. Oh no!
I think I tell Marlene and Erica . . .
No! Is not Marlene the one who stabbed you with a spear? Jose said.
You disremember. That was Elvia. It was Marlene who shot you with the
pistol, thinking it was me.
Ahhhh! Nooooo!
Maybe I invite Matilda.
She tried to electrocute use both!
No, that was Pilar. You must be thinking of . . . , let me think .
. . of Manuela. Except she set us both on fire. She was a hot one that
No, no, no, I do not want no birthday anything. Please leave me out
of that.
Which one was member of the biker gang? Ah! So many flowers in such
a garden!
O stop whining, Javier said. Love is pain. Un hombre expects that.
Which makes me think. When was the last time you unloaded your cojones,
amigo? I mean, not with mule or mano a mano.
Uhhhhh . . . !
I thought so. We genuine men of Latin nature must unload or we explode.
That is our machismo heritage. I know! I invite Simona! Ahhhh! Simona
of a thousand ways! She will be good for you!
Not the one with the pitchfork!
O you must be thinking of Francisca. Simona was the one with the acid.
But she has a good side to her. She can be sensual and she knows all
the arts of love. Every woman should be like Simona, but not everyone
can be. And not every man deserves to enjoy what she has to offer. But
you, mi amigo, you shall have such a night to remember.
Indeed it was a memorable night. But to know all about that you will
have to come back next week.
This weekend was Father's Day and all over the island fathers
took possession of new plaid shirts and tie-clips and shaving accessories.
The luckier ones got power tools. Even Javier, who every year on Father's
day gets a little something and a card. The card always says something
like, "Happy Father's daddy!" and Javier never knows from
whom it came. Was that Esmerelda? Or Diane? Or Consuela? Ah, so many
women, it was hard to keep track.
Per tradition the girls living in Andre and Marlene's Household all
took their father's out to brunch at Mama's Royal Cafe. Mr. Howitzer
drove out to Colma to pay his respects there to the paterfamilias and
shoot crows squawking on the granite tomb with his Mossberg shotgun
until the groundskeepers drove him off with shovels and curses.
Eugene Gallipagus drove out to where his father lived in a double-wide
trailer on the outskirts of Grass Valley, which always was a great opportunity
to fish for brookies in the streams now slowing from the meager snow
melt in the Sierra. It was there that his father had given him the two
precious jewels of wisdom Eugene would carry for the rest of his life.
The first went as follows: See that the girl is happy, and you will
be too.
The second pursued the following dictum: Do not stick beans up your
Perhaps it was no surprise that Eugene remained a committed bachelor
after thirty-seven years and it seemed that he never would marry for
his bean-pole frame grew more gangly and out of synch with itself as
the years passed.
The Walrus Club, a collection of cold water swimmers held a little
champagne brunch on Father's Day which also served as a planning meeting
for their next midnight activity in the Bay.
Tommy and Toby both used the laptop to skype with their fathers living
in Boston. Tommy's father told him when would he ever find a nice girl
to settle down with and regarded Toby with disdain as the ruination
of his son although Tommy had been outed long ago before Toby and the
entire thing ended in tears and recriminations with Tommy shouting "You
never . . . you never . . . "! and Toby trying to defend Tommy's
father despite being insulted and Tommy's father saying incredibly to
Toby, "You try and talk some sense into that boy. I am sick of
him and his lolly gagging."
"Well," said Toby after the hang-up."It's always good
to have strong opinions. At least he is firm."
He said that because his own father had developed a raging case
of psychotic bipolar mania and would run around the neighborhood
in his truck liberally festooned with vaguely Biblical phrases plastered
on the sides promising the close proximation of the Apocalypse and certain
damnation for most everybody. This had not helped the man's landscaping
business in the way of advertising. Nor did his habit of pruning people's
hedges with an electric trimmer -- whether they had engaged his services
or not. Perhaps it was his way of trying to rustle up new business using
good old fashioned chutzpah. Mrs. Dudgeon had to chase him off one time
swinging that big black purse she always carries. Eventually while off
his meds he tried to paint a house a curious shade of lavendar one day
while the astonished owner, Mr. Cribbage, looked on from his flowerbed.
"Hey! You! What are you doing to my house!" Mr. Cribbage
"I paint. I paint I paint I paint I paint . . .".
"Stop that! Police! Help!"
This episode did not end well and the men with curious white jackets
came to take Toby's father away.
All happy families are more or less dissimilar. All unhappy families
are more or less alike. Some famous Russian extemporizing from his distant
hermitage located in Nuovo Zembla, a region that exists coterminous
with a few other well-known subterranean and subaqueous mythic islands
-- such as Bloom County, Yoknapatawpha, and Wobegon -- said that in
preface to one of his many meisterworks. But no matter. It only serves
to disprove the essential tenet of certain radical groups which imagine
that all social ills shall be cured by "fixing" the American
Family. Probably in the same way you would fix an unruly Scotch Terrier
or a cat. These people have never visited a home for Transitional Age
In any case the weather got suddenly schizoid around here. Heavy fog
and winds chilling the evenings and mornings has been relieved by bright
sunny days. Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez took a stroll with the proud couple
taking turns at pushing the pram along with its precious contents gurgling
and cooing while hummingbirds made abrupt and fleeting visits. It is
a great wide world out there, bucko. Full of all kinds of surprises
and all of life and many different kinds of families containing many
different kinds of people. Be thankful your family is unlike any other,
because the pit of misery is very deep and wide and cruel and largely
As the night fell, the fog eased in to chill the air before working
its magic under the heavens hidden with their stars way up away from
here. For light the beach houses and condos along Shoreline provided
some fuzzy glow and tiki torches flapped in the breeze hard by the Cove
where the Walrus Club arrived to strip off all their clothes,
men and women together and shine whitely in that fitful gleem. They
hesitated only until the last stood there and in they dove suddenly
into that chill dark to swim as so many wrigglers multiplied by the
waves and the dark and the tricks of light from a few into millions,
all headed toward the milky disk of the horizon and the raft with its
nimbus of lantern light, all headed toward some procreative astonishment,
each sent forth with slight hope and abandoned. The way fathers do.
The long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far across
the water, across the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments,
the grasses of the Buena Vista flats and the open spaces of the former
Beltline as the locomotive glided past the dark and shuttered doors
of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JUNE 9, 2013
This week's image comes courtesy of long time Islander, Susan Laing,
who owns an art studio on Santa Clara where she makes felt things out
of raw wool. During Open Studios a little visitor dropped by and here
he is.

You might say we do things small rather well. Incidentally, this song,
Dance With the Dragon, by Jefferson Starship is one of the few popular
rock songs to mention Alameda by name, albeit not in a nice way.
Fame and fortune -- we'll take what we can get.
Things are winding down in Silly Hall as folks there buckle to the
realities that people now have a lot more time on their hands to ask
questions amid this fiscal year budget thing that is happening.
So to recap: We have some 8 major development works in progress, all
with completion dates cropping up within the same 12 month period and
collectively amounting to between an 8 and 12% population increase on
the island. There are some estimates which post the increase up there
around 18%, but we think a few things may happen during the process
to make that number not happen. There are a lot of problems with such
a large boost in resident population within such a short time, but that
is another discussion.
The budget discussion varies between shrill and acrimonious, but the
sum total of what WILL happen is that city government is going to be
cut back in a GOP wet dream to little more than muscle and fire protection
with a little spare change for fixing potholes. The City is looking
to balance its budget on the backs of people who drive, which we can
see, looking at other municipalities, is going to result in people driving
less. That, in itself is not a bad thing, but this means the claim of
adding 50% to existing revenues by way of tacking on parking fees might
not work. We are already seeing a proliferation of bicycle traffic during
rush hour and other unusual times when you in other times and pre-Reagan
days say not so much two-wheeled transportation. We are wondering what
is going to happen should this magic number for parking fees fail to
deliver as we think the ceiling for such hikes is pretty darn near.
The numbers quoted are as follows: $375,000 more to be added to existing
revenues of $675,000 from parking fees and fines.
We had a talk with other municipality folks and found that 40% allocation
to police and fire was a bit outrageous. Those people were astounded
to hear that we on the Island allocate not 50, not 60 but a full 75%
of our budget to police and fire. And Oakland has the highest pay rate
for police in the nation, so we are wondering what is wrong with this
Well, we just had this memorial dedicated to the men in blue who died
protecting us. All two in sixty years. Um, and how many in Oakland?
And the timing of this "memorial" for men, one of whom died
before Pearl Harbor was bombed seems curious.
Now we segue over to people responding to City Manager Warmerdam's
opinion piece in the Sun regarding the budget. We did feel the article
was a bit self-serving, much obfuscatory in dwelling on trivialities
which had nothing to do with the issue at hand, and a little bit silly
in capping on people who dared question the process, but we took all
that in stride as par for the course in usual treatment from Silly Hall
employees at that level.
Now it seems that other people glommed onto Warmerdam's weak points
and, O!, we think this one better be ready for the hot seat to ensue,
because if Warmerdam had the thought that position was sufficient insulation
and a measure of authority, they surely better know that another thing
is coming.
You don't label voters "naysayers" amid a budget discussion
when radical austerity measures are being proposed. This implies that
Silly Hall is not unified (it is not but then let's get by that one)
and things are in disarray, provoking general lack of confidence. So
of course people are going to ask even more questions and demand even
more input into the already obnoxious annual budget process.
At the end of the day, we are suffering at the municipal level the
rather bad decisions made at the federal level and passed down the chain
through the state, then the county and finally to us. When will people
realize that "federalism" does not really work? Not when you
have China and Afghanistan and Egypt and Great Britain to deal with.
This weekend was the last weekend for East Bay Open Studios. Most artists
reported heavier foot traffic this time, which is always a good thing.
A number of exhibits are happening in July, especially at Photo and
Manna, where some half dozen topnotch artists are combining resources.
Look to see some figure studies by Mark Lightfoot at Minna later this
summer. For people looking to escape the crowds, there are studios and
galleries at Norton Factory on East 10th close to the bridges and a
scattering of other fun studios as well. We are hearing that Grey Loft
at 2889 Ford Street is doing some exciting things in the area once known
as Brooklyn and now called by various other names by merchants who are
establishing new community life close to the estuary near the Park Street
Also dropped in to SLATE Design where Danielle Fox holds the fort.
Danielle is one of the progenitors of the Art
Murmur and First Fridays in Oakland. The city is looking to put a cap
on the popular event due to the cost of
providing police security. Indeed most gallery owners had taken to holding
their own receptions and events on
the following Saturday or midweek to allow patrons actually interested
in the art instead of the street party to
escape the throngs.
With the national economy slowly creeping upwards, Danielle expressed
hope for the future as people and
companies see to diversify investments through purchase of moderately
priced artworks.
Over at 25 Gallery even the hallway has something interesting. This
time around the case sported miniature distillations of uneasy anxieties
and dreams.

So anyway, all hell broke loose over at this weeks meeting of the
Island Hostesses, the premier clandestine sorority of culinary obsessives,
conservative political subversives and extremist capitalists. It seems
only yesterday that the club reoriented itself with a name change from
the Ladies Who Drive. Recently the club had decided to reverse a centuries-old
membership qualification tradition by way of admitting women who previously
had been denied. That meeting had been tense with vigorous debate continuing
right up to the traditional vote, which always had been done by placing
a billiard ball upon the felt of the club's main table. A vote had to
achieve not only a majority in favor but any color match pair to indicate
that at least two majority sisters were of one mind.
At the end of the night, Pandora held up the winning tokens. "Ladies!
We have a pair! Both blue!"
Sounds of cheers, enthusiasm.
That excitement had taken place a while ago. This week, all the brough-haha
concerned Sister Florence, always a firebrand, who really stirred up
the sisterhood this time.
"Sisters we got a problem! A really big, serious problem, sisters!
All the time we spent cajolin' and pleadin' and suggestin' and even,
you know, providin' service to our mens and cookin' that steak just
the way he likes it and all that effort, all that beautiful dresses
and lingerie and nails and perfume and promises and downright weedling!
After all that work -- tossed in the heap like yesterday's fashions
by that no account tattle tale that no-account, worthless Michael Douglas!"
Sounds of Hear! Hear! Yo! You said it Sister!
"You know what I am talkin' about! I am talking about the Vahjayyay!
They ain't be so much talk about our Vajayyay since Judy Chicago!"
Cheers! Hoots! Word, Sister! Word!
"Now I am tellin' y'all you gotta keep it clean! You know what
I am sayin' sisters! You don't go sticking your clam up there in some
guy's face without some prep time y'all! This looks bad for all of us
"No stick without a lick!" shouted Pimenta Strife who tended
to get carried away whenever sex was involved.
Echoing chants filled the hall.
"They aint no cooties in my 'tang, sisters!" shouted Ms.
Lou Cadme. "Any you mens out there can check it out anytime!
Things got chaotic after that.
Well okay. So anyway, again, the weather kicked up with a brisk sirocco
that brought temps down and put aside the nascent summer. Mark Twain,
had he returned for a visit, would have shook his head, claiming Missouri
in wintertime had better weather. This was the weekend for graduations
of all kinds here on the Island, for schools and for many adult programs.
Over at the Sala de Calveras a group of 12 Steppers had its
inaugural chapter graduation meeting about the same time as the Island
Hostesses. Floyd Cratchit sat surrounded by other sitting on cafeteria-style
chairs. A black and white Staffordshire terrier wearing a blue and white
service dog vest lay placidly beside him. Above his head a lugubrious
ceiling fan rotated with irregular rhythm.
"Friends I am here to tell you I am a . . . "
(long difficult pause. Coughs. Sniffs in the background.)
"I am a jerk. I mean I am a total asshole. Ever since I was a
kid . . .".
"Now Floyd, we prefer to use the strength-based term 'pushy person.'
You don't need to wallow," the organizer, Ms. Light, said.
"Yeah right. I am a . . . pushy person. But I am here to tell
you this is my one year anniversary. I been clean and morally decent
and polite for exactly 12 months, two days and four hours. I used
to bully people around as an apartment manager where I really abused
the authority entrusted to me. I cut in line at the Bayview Market.
I browbeat people and stepped on their shoes. I cussed out pedestrians
from my truck and scared the day workers. Being a jerk had become a
sick addiction; I could never get enough power. But, I can say I have
not been mean or acted like a bully jerk since June 6th, 2012."
Cheers of support. Way to go! Good job! You da man!
"And I really owe it all to my Higher Power and my service dog,
little Amigo."
"Woof!" Amigo raised and lowered his head after vocalizing.
"Thank you, Floyd, for that courageous and inspiring story,"
Ms. Light said. "Now everyone I'd like to introduce you to someone
many of you probably know. This is Mr. Bud Smugg, owner of Peace Bites
on Park Street. Peace Bites trains and supplies the service dogs we
use, just like little Amigo here."
Bud Smugg had established his business originally out at the Point
where he collected animals from the ASPCA and the local animal shelter
to train them to provide a very important service. Years ago, after
a howling baboon of a man hit Bud in the crosswalk and then cursed him
for being there, Bud looked around and noticed an epidemic of jerkiness
and porous boundaries had spread like contagion throughout the Bay
Psychiatrists consider someone with vaporous boundaries to be schizo,
but all around the Bay Area these people considered themselves to just
be superior, with-it, on top of the game.
To such people anything was better than being someone's patsy -- even
being a dick. Pushiness, instead of being seen as it is by most normal
people, as a nasty character flaw, was seen as a value.
Like any cautious businessman, Bud put out some feelers. He did market
research. All over the Island people came to him with stories about
their neighbors trying to control their lives, apartment managers who
threatened and cursed the tenants, managers who browbeat and belittled
subordinates. Pizza restaurants where the customer never was good enough
for the food.
Whereas everybody dislikes a wishy-washy pushover, such people really
are only annoying at worst and cause harm only to themselves. Most of
them abstract themselves from society somehow through Darwinian processes.
Jerks, however, always seem to come out, if not on the very top, then
on top of somebody by dint of obnoxiousness, which often is misperceived
by the Comfortable as usefulness.
It turned out that in every building there was at least one person
who made life miserable for everybody else through controlling behavior.
We all have had to deal with people like this. In one building a woman
tried to get her neighbors to move their furniture in their own apartments
because noise of a certain frequency gave her migraines so they all
had to change the channels of their TV sets and radios as well.
Clearly the Island suffered from an epidemic of assholism. And
in this epidemic, money was to be made.
All the dogs were trained to bite their owner upon initiation phrases
like, "I really need you to . . .", and "Well if you
don't do this, I guess I will have to just . . .".
The dogs were snapped up like hotcakes once Bud got in business. Tenants
of apartment buildings got together and raised kitties to provide a
dog for particularly troublesome neighbors. Middle managers everywhere
turned into effective negotiation machines and their departments began
to thrive. Many boyfriends turned into model lovers after girlfriends
introduced their new pets. "Look at the puppy with those big brown
eyes . . ."!
That's when Ms. Light, founder of Pushy People Anonymous approached
Bud with the comment, "I think we have potential for a symbiotic
relationship here. Let's form a merger."
"Cool," said Bud. "Your place or mine?"
The old High School's Administration granite facade and original classroom
buildings are surrounded by a ten-foot high fence and the seismically
unsound buildings are slated for "reassignment", read demo
and conversion to condos. However the playing fields behind the school
still provide space for events like graduations for the other schools
in the area and what remains of Washington High that continues in newer
buildings. Due to population shifts and the legacy of the economic downturn
coupled with the new realities of fiscal austerity, for many schools
this will be the last graduation to take place on the tattered Encinal
playing fields.
A lot of faculty who have been guiding kids for decades since the days
the Navy was here are picking this year to be their swan song. So for
the class of '13, this is a very bittersweet graduation time. These
kids that used to bash birthday piñatas from the branches of
thick front-yard maple trees, who used to scamper on bicycles through
Jackson and Washington Parks and propel plastic Big Wheels down Benton,
St. Charles, Taylor, now are looking at a very uncertain future.
They are about to go out into the society of an Island washed by change
and deliberate amnesia. California is a place where people come in great
numbers who will have no more connection with their classmates, and
who, in many cases wish that past called by some growing up to be incinerated
with all the names and addresses and reminders of all the pain that
caused them to come here. There are over a dozen projects underway that
will result in a 10 to 12% increase in Island population within the
next two years, and none of those newcomers will have any memory of
Mayor Ralph or when the Navy was here or the year the Jets won the big
game between East and West End.
This does include not only people from Newark, New Jersey and Athens,
GA but also places with horrific histories deserving of some erasure,
like Bosnia and the Sudan, Cambodia and Tibet.
In front of the old school entrance there are class commemoration bricks
set into the pavement, starting with the year somebody thought to begin
this tradition. Rank upon rank the years march down from 1924 to the
year seismologists sealed shut the massive doors between the Greco-Roman
Dolly Parton, the coalminer's daughter, saw nothing precious in the
place that had vilified her and turned her at times into a carnival
sideshow. Those who regard the past as a halcyon time are contradicted
by those who have no good memories at all. So, with her fame and her
wealth Dolly turned her hometown into a carnival themepark.
Many are those here who, given half a chance, do everything in their
power to pave over, demolish, rehab, reconstruct and reformulate the
scenes of their worst humiliations. For every preservationist, there
is another Mulholland pushing forward yet another version of the Peripheral
Canal. For every misty-eyed romantic, an angry Dollywood. It has always
been that way.
On Saturday the kids of '13, soon to become all too quickly men and
women, filed to the rows of cafeteria chairs between bright yellow ropes
hung with fluttering pennants of hope. Beyond the chainlink fence which
had stymied many homerun hopes stood the Editor watching the assembly.
From this distance he could not hear the speaker's remarks and so walked
What would you say to the Class of '13 if given the chance?
It's fine to preserve those affectionate connections, a few remembrances
-- you are going to need them. But like the number of your graduation
year, its nothing to which to pin yourself, else your entire life becomes
unlucky. Go out there and climb mountains, break your legs on them.
Skydive and marry unwisely. Love unwisely and make many mistakes while
traveling so your homeboys will not remember you for them. Do all those
things and more. Get into trouble. I say do these things because you
will do them anyway. Who listens to any old man who has all behind him
when things for you are just getting jump-started into the wide blue
of freedom?
And when you next, many years down the way, see a group of kids waiting
to get on the school bus with their anxious parents standing there,
know that by the time the kid steps up onto the school bus everything
has already been decided -- its all done. You have already done everything
you could do and all the rest is just filling out forms and paying larger
bills. At least as far as parental sayso goes.
So that all comes down to avoiding too much reflection save for that
which teaches you to learn from your mistakes, of which you should strive
to make many. You will never know for sure what is important until you
strive hard and fail. So I say to you, Class of '13, go forth and fail.
But fail mightily. Then again, if you try hard enough, you just might
succeed because nothing is a sure thing. Know for certain that nothing
is certain. There is no one Truth. Like any uncertain particle, a quark,
a meson, even your humble electron, as soon as you direct your attention
there, it jumps away and then its gone. Just like that.
As the witching hour approached, the Editor stood out on the deck to
see Orion appearing right on time above the huge boxwood elder. Above
all, Class of '13, strive and succeed at not being an asshole.
Otherwise, Butt's PPA Service dogs will surely bite you in the end.
The long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far across
the water, across the waves of the estuary, the riprap embankments,
the grasses of the Buena Vista flats and the open spaces of the former
Beltline as the locomotive glided past the dark and shuttered doors
of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JUNE 2, 2013
We had a couple visitors recently checking out the neighbors

The Island - a place where even the birds are curious.
The rash of evictions and subsequent rent gouging has now touched the
moderately comfortable in that owners of boats stashed at Nelson's Marina
got the posting just days before Marshals chained up the gates, causing
an unholy furor among boat owners still in the process of rendering craft
seaworthy. The City took possession of the facility May 10th after the
owner failed to make good on a $37,000 utility fee. People with the means
to own and refurbish yachts are now learning what its like to be served
eviction notices and then have their stuff padlocked under threat of theft
and disposal. Think this will make any of them start thinking about what
happens to people when its their livelihood and family that gets kicked
out for no fault of their own.
More salvos on the budget front appeared in both weeklies. One astute
commentator noted that although strapped, this Island city is better off
than many, if not most, in the state and claims that a "balanced
budget" has been hammered out with this and that sort of provision.
There's a bit of complaining about Prop 13, which we seem to recall in
our foggy minds happened about three or more decades ago, but you know,
civil servants used to possess long tenure.
Nevertheless here we are and while 4 million in debt is not yet bankruptcy
of the sort Vallejo suffered, its serious and talking about and is undoubtedly
part of the reason the Police Department just announced parking fines
and fees increases to boost revenues for itself by $333,000. The island
is flat, people. Better get panniers and a new tire for that bicycle in
the garage.
With a minority of numbskulls trying to distract the Country with shouts
of BengaziBengaziBengazi something in the hindbrain caused us to do a
little journalistic research. Well, turns out one person's Administration
featured hella worse lapses than the one in Libya. That, of course, would
have been the man notorious for failure and on the short list for Worst
President ever, the comedian's ever beloved Dubya.
Here's a few facts worth remembering, courtesy of our favorite source
for political fashion tips and religious advice, America's Best Xian,
Mrs. Betty Bowers:

ProArts is holding its annual East Bay Open Studios. The first
weekend passed, leaving June 8-9th, same weekend as First Friday's in
the Uptown district of Oakland. In case you have not noticed the abandonment
of large swathes of real estate due to the Great Recession by automobile
dealerships and the hundreds of micro and mid-sized businesses that fed
on the auto sales industry has resulted in a plethora of art galleries
and workspaces filling in the holes. With scandalous rents driving working
artisans out of Babylon across the water the East Bay is now experiencing
a huge Renaissance of creative work that is drawing now the attention
of worldtrippers from London, Paris and Buenos Aires.
A case in point is SLATE Design which is curated by Danielle Fox, a former
employee of Sotheby's. Fox is launching a multi-pronged artistic endeavor
with the idea that when times are tough, it is time to break out the ropes
and climb Mount Everest without oxygen tanks.
ProArts includes an host of all kinds of niche artisans from the very
publicly successful Pat Payne, who installs large-scale bronzes in open
spaces to people who just want to embroider their name for a little fun.
We are happy to see that the former Autobody space at 1517 Park is still
alive, now broken up into a dozen studios and calls itself "Popups",
however the Autobody name remains on the facade outside and Richard Kane
remains as the primary leaseholder, occupying a corner of the space for
his music/media covers workshop.
In the other studios there you will find everything from whimsical portraits
made of "found" plastic trash to Jamie Banes' miniature worlds
constructed of Lucite and powered LEDs. Bane's has moved in his long career
from large-scale public art to reduced fit's-easily-in-a-room pieces.
He commented that he is fascinated by the industrial complexes with gantries
and towers lit suggestively with high-powered lights and will be moving
into kinetic sculptures in the future. He is also another transplant from
the Telegraph Hill crowd across the water and we welcome him here with
open arms. His work can be seen at http://www.jamiebanes.com/mainpage.html.
On the other end of the Island Susan Laing, felt textiles, has partnered
with Margo White, illustration for an interesting visit. Lain works in
her garage which still has tools and natural history reminders left behind
by her late husband Jim Kitson, graphic designer. The space is surrounded
by a garden filled with bursting flowers and succulents -- the garden
itself is worth the visit and this year Susan has put out benches and
an umbrella for the shade. Laing hand selects raw wool from farms in California,
then cleans, cards, and dyes the wool to make truly original wool panels,
pillows and scarves. All materials are natural and some of the dyes have
recipes going back thousands of years.
Margo White's work can be seen at paperedworlds.weebly.com. She does
whimsical etching and drawings of beasts, harlequins, and collages --
one of which was featured on the cover the The Monthly (Oct. 2003).
This year ProArts has 350+ open studios with 18 of them on the Island.
Drop in to any studio to get a map and a list of participants, enjoy some
refreshing liquids and nosh on whatever hummus/cheese plate/dolmas/tapas
the artist(s) has laid out.
So anyway, a number of years ago Bear was rode his vintage '54 Panhead
for a long ride out in the valley, talking the winding road that climbs
up past the observatory and then down again to return to the Island out
by Crab Cove, there to look across the water at distant Babylon's string
of lights and the slowly easing sunset out past the Golden Gate, easing
his mind from the rough handling that sometimes life metes out.
He was remembering a friend of his named Johnny, who had gone off to
Vietnam in 1972 and not come back. As for a few others of his acquaintance.
For Bear, everyday was Memorial Day, and the weird national holiday had
nothing to do with anything in his experience.
a ferocious beard provided home for ... an assortment of animal life
Bear remained the same as he always was: a swarthy man with one red tennis
shoe on his left foot and one green one on his right, both diffidently
fastened, equally mismatched socks of varying colors depending on what
had been found in the drawer that morning or the previous. His sturdy
legs sported denims that probably had seen the nineteen-sixties come and
go by way of the manner stitches and patches held them together. Underneath
something tattered, soiled, and disdainful which once had been a proud
leather biker jacket, a tee-shirt that sometimes functioned dually as
motoroil absorber and noserag adorned his ample chest above which a ferocious
beard provided home for two full lips and an assortment of animal life
culled from various alate species. He stored his Harley in the livingroom
of his cottage next to the couch.
Some men, inhabiting life in such condition, would have found a lack
of female companionship to be a bother, but Bear never had a problem with
that issue. He was not without mates, but let us say those relationships
tended towards impermanence.
As the sun began to drop behind the striations of liquid incarnadine
and gold shot with azure sky and white cloud a flash of green suffused
the horizon. Just as old Orion began his thousand year hunt across the
heavens a car pulled up and two people got out to amble over and gaze
at the vista. All down the beach solitary individuals walked their dogs
in the blue light, kicked sand in company, gazed seaward in a way only
the mariner and the long-term prairie sodbuster understands, for out there
is not field nor sea, but the eternal Big Sky, always worth looking at,
especially when Life takes a sudden turn.
The man started up a conversation with Bear, which is no mean feat to
accomplish, for you must know Bear was a man of few words, if only for
the fact that Bear stored only a handful of those things within the etui
of his mind. But this man was Irish, and, for all their faults, the Irish
will never be at a lack of words -- it's their own response to . . . inevitabilities.
Look at the stars, said the woman. There's Orion, just like back home.
Which one is Orion, Bear asked.
The woman pointed him out and indicated the twinkling outline points.
And that string there that's his belt. Or it could be his sword. Or something
Ok, Bear said.
Was he, Bear, an American, meaning genuine article and all that pertains?
And was that not indeed a genuine American motorcycle of the type storied
and exalted in literature and film and song?
Well then.
You? English?
Heavens no! Irish. From Ireland. She by way of San Diego with short hops
and marriage.
Married yes. But not to each other.
Married yes. But not to each other.
With success comes the dutiful marriage and the wildly undutiful spouse
Well, let me explain, said the Irishman, whose name turned out to be
David. The woman was named Danielle. David had grown up in abject penury,
which in Ireland is quite a harsh thing for the weather is beastly and
the people sometimes worse than the weather when they are your neighbors
and aware of you. But a relative had earned a fortune writing children's
books about a stuffed bear and his friends and this relative had developed
a great wish for David, who got sent off to school where they discovered
the boy actually had talent! In music of all things! One thing led to
another (this story would itself comprise a short novella) and David became
quite the star in the firmament of Irish classical music, working his
way, if it may be called that, to full orchestral conductor. With success
comes the dutiful marriage and the wildly undutiful spouse, soon dispensed
with in typical Irish fashion, with a house and income and orders never
to show her face.
This was, of course, when the Republic was predominantly Catholic, and
not the hotbed of liberal sin and divorce it has become.
Danielle had longed to escape the drab sandy hot dry confines of San
Diego and so had cultivated her own musical abilities, soon gravitating
to Ireland, as becoming a member of the Staatskappele in Wien, Berlin,
Bonn, Paris, London, Tokyo, Beijin or any of the great cities involved
standing in line a long time and worshipping, in turn, someone's personal
So she was a flautist and gorgeous and people noticed. The world of performance
is difficult and you do what you have to do. So she took up the harp.
Easier to say, "Sorry Sir, I simply cannot do what you wish."
O the scandals of the classical music world she could unveil! The atrocious
bestial habits! The carnality! The fiddling!
So she found herself in dear dirty Dublin, the Ford of the Hurdles. To
stay in country as a musician she conveniently married an Irishman who
turned out to be conveniently gay as blazes but with the hots for Eton
graduates. They never lived together and so that was that -- she got her
residence card, and because divorce was illegal, she remained Irish until
death, but what was a girl in the prime of life to do?
She did what all reasonable Irish did in those days: she met David who
was handsome, charming, affectionate and moved in with him to make what
the Church and State still could not figure out -- harmony instead of
Matrimony. They had bearskin fur comforters on their bed made in Bulgaria
to keep them warm. For a while fur kept them warm.
Well that story lasted only so long. There is some kind of income for
the Kappelemeister of Dublin, but coming from the sort of background he
had, David also wanted to do some good in the world and so David took
on as a part time sort of thing this choirmaster for a boy's school in
Belfield. These two occupations occupied most of his time and of course,
there were in the late nights opportunities offered to the handsome Kappelmeister.
As for Danielle, she was quite a hot pistol coming to dear dowdy Dubh
Linn after traveling all over the world. O she did the charity work for
the Magdelenes in their laundries and she took on the troubles of the
wives living close by and sheltered them during the times of red devils
in the bed and all hell breaking loose and all regarded her as the saint
and soul of all things good.
Well you know how it goes. The brief infidelities. The shouting and the
recriminations. The loud arguments of which the Irish are surely the champions.
Then comes the dreadful moment when there is the handslap to the face.
The overt threat. Shouting and worse. Screaming and shattering of things.
The common recognition that Life does not go according to plan. Public
insults. Door slams. Anger swells in the close rooms fueled by peat fires
in the once homey hearth and requirements. How could you. You ass. Her
voice, once the delight of sopranos turning into a shrill harpy's shriek.
Smashing crockery. The mild-mannered Choirmaster of a boy's school found
himself raising his angry fist to strike. The bestial . . .
Danielle found herself traveling down the hall with a large cleaver in
her hand to enter the amber-lit room to find David sobbing with his head
in his hands.
The pistol lay on the bed beside him. His hands looked tired and old
as they held his bearded head, heavy, so heavy. How had things come to
Now was the time for a vacation. Perhaps their last together. Trying
to figure things out. Looking for a sign.
So there they were at the ends of the world, their common law marriage
falling apart and Orion wheeling overhead from where the arrowshot had
put him with his mysterious belt. Everything was finished, everything
And there sat Bear, listening. I know hard people.
Yes. Of course, David said.
You aren't like that. I see two good people. You describe two strangers.
Ask your friends -- is this you? No. Everybody knows. How did you get
Uh, said Danielle. We flew.
Uh I think we changed planes in . . . Chicago. Was it Chicago?
I think it was Chicago, David said. It was an airport.
So you come all this way sitting together and here you are. You don't
want to break this up do you?
Go home. Meet again. Move. Start over. Talk about those bad people you
knew that did bad things. Those other people.
Well, David said. Well.
That wasn't him, was it, Bear said to Danielle. You know him. That was
someone else.
Righ', Danielle said.
Look out there for a while, Bear said, meaning the darkening bay with
the constellations marching overhead. You came a long way. And he got
up and started up his motorcycle and before leaving them there he said,
Go home. Become beautiful.
Then he left the couple there and they were silent a long time. Eventually
they got back in their rental car and drove away and continued their trip
up the California coast, not saying much to each other, thinking. When
they got back to their place on the outskirts of Dublin they moved out
of the big house and put it up for rent, taking lodgings in a cottage
down the path that had once been a gamekeeper's lodge. It was smaller,
snug, and the piano filled what passed for the diningroom/livingroom.
They changed their names to names which are not recorded here. Before
moving out though they had a short courtship. The man who had been David
showed up on the doorstep ringing the bell.
The woman who had been Danielle opened the door and exclaimed, "What
on earth! Did you lose your keys?"
"Hello," the man who had been named David said. "My name
is ---------. Would you like to come live with me?" And he gave her
a spray of gorgeous flowers.
The woman who had been Danielle quit her job, snipped a few loose ends,
employed different tradesmen, and became the other person that was herself,
her real self. A person passing on the street might call out a name, but
she kept on, and if they persisted, it was "I am sorry, do I know
you from somewhere?"
Friends were very puzzled
And so that is how the story went. Friends were very puzzled and of course
for a while telephones and such things were a tremendous problem. You
see those people, well they were aweful and we do not deal with them anymore,
or as little as possible. The school took things in stride. The man who
had been David told them that a dear relative who had written children's
books about the adventures of a stuffed bear had passed away and he had
taken on the man's name for sentimental reasons. Well with reasons like
that, you can go far in Ireland to be sure.
It's not easy assuming a new life; you don't just don one like an overcoat,
but in this case it was worth it. Everyone who met them commented what
a lovely couple they were. As for that other couple that used to live
in the big house up the hill, well. We don't talk about them. We just
know they are still there.
The Editor walked about turning off the lights in the office, now past
one A.M. and stepped out to look at Orion, now leaning a bit over the
Old School building, thinking about this week's issue and its ambiguities.
Orion's Belt. Could be one thing. Could be another.
The long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far across the
water, across the dark blue waves of the estuary , and wavered across
the waving grasses of the Buena Vista flats and the open spaces of the
old Beltline as the locomotive glided past the dark and shuttered doors
of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off beneath the gaze of Orion parts
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MAY 26, 2013
This week the headline foto shows of part of a local garden where the
seasonal flower of California holds sway.

Wikipedia states, in an article most likely written by a English military
"In Flanders Fields" is a rondeau poem, written during the
First World War by Canadian physician and Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae.
He was inspired to write it on May 3, 1915, after presiding over the funeral
of friend and fellow soldier Alexis Helmer, who died in the Second Battle
of Ypres. According to legend, fellow soldiers retrieved the poem after
McCrae, initially unsatisfied with his work, discarded it. "In Flanders
Fields" was first published on December 8 of that year in the London-based
magazine Punch.
It is one of the most popular and most quoted poems from the war. Its
references to the red poppies that grew over the graves of fallen soldiers
resulted in the remembrance poppy becoming one of the world's most recognized
memorial symbols for soldiers who have died in conflict.
Here are more personal details as described in www.greatwar.co.uk.
"It is thought that doctor John McCrae (30th November 1872
28th January 1918) began the draft for his famous poem In Flanders
Fields on the evening of the 2nd May, 1915 in the second week of
fighting during the Second Battle of Ypres.
It is believed that the death of his friend, Alexis Helmer, was the inspiration
for McCrae's poem In Flanders Fields. The exact details of
when the first draft was written may never be known because there are
various accounts by those who were with McCrae at that time.
Lieutenant Alexis Helmer was an officer in the 2nd Battery, 1st Brigade
Canadian Field Artillery and had become good friends with John McCrae.
On the morning of Sunday 2nd May Alexis left his dugout and was killed
instantly by a direct hit from an 8 inch German shell. What body parts
could be found were later gathered into sandbags and laid in an army blanket
for burial that evening.
Alexis was 22 years old and a popular young officer. Before the outbreak
of war he had graduated from McGill University with a degree in Civil
Engineering. He was the son of Elizabeth I. Helmer of 122, Gilmour St.,
Ottawa, and the late Brigadier General R. A. Helmer.
Near to the 1st Canadian Brigade's position on the canal bank there was
a small burial ground which had originally been established during the
First Battle of Ypres in the autumn of the previous year, 1914. The Second
Battle of Ypres began on 22nd April 1915 and by early May the burial ground
also contained graves of French and Canadian casualties. It became known
as Essex Farm British Military Cemetery.
Lieutenant Helmer was buried on the 2nd May. In the absence of the chaplain,
Major John McCrae conducted a simple service at the graveside, reciting
from memory some passages from the Church of England's 'Order of Burial
of the Dead'. A wooden cross marked the burial place. The grave has since
been lost. Lieutenant Alexis Helmer is now commemorated on Panel 10 of
the Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing in Ypres; he is one of the 54,896
soldiers who have no known grave in the battlefields of the Ypres Salient."
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Finally, Lt. Col. Morrison wrote during a memoire of that time, "Just
as John described it, it was not uncommon early in the morning to hear
the larks singing in the brief silences between the bursts of the shells
and the returning salvos of our own nearby guns.
Some things have slowed down to shake hands with the approaching Season
of Summer, but crime and rambunctiousness continue with zest and vigor
here on the the Island. Neighbors enjoyed a little melee outside the sports
bar Scobies in which an estimated 40 people flailed at one another with
fists and, apparently knives or broken bottles, as one fellow was found
by responding officers prone with lacerations. The residence hotel across
the street from the bar had been a source of citizen's complaint, earning
it the unenviable local moniker of "The Roach Motel", however
ever since the place has been closed for renovation things have gotten
dicier at Scobies, which is of the rude wooden bench and pooltable variety
of hangout.
The melee seems to have originated from a women's room argument.
In another hallmark of change, the Army/Navy Women's Club officially
met for the last time on the date of its 100th birthday at the old Officer's
Club. Wives of retired officers started the club in 1913.
It is interesting that the Fire Department, which already has a lock
on the lucrative emergency ambulance services, for the Island is now expanding
transport services to non-emergency types for the sole reason of increasing
revenue. You may hear language about "clarification of agreements"
and "reclassification" and such, but we note that a quick two
block ride with the FD will set you back a cool $3,000, which tends to
drop quite a pretty penny into the strapped Department's funds. If you
figure there were just one emergency transport per day, you will see just
why Mike D'Orazi and Co. scrapped so hard to keep the transport services
a monopoly. This is called "responding adroitly to the new era of
fiscal austerity".
Will the Police Department get into the home alarm system business next?
Speaking of fiscal austerity and "new realities", anyone who
has anything to do with public services and services that rely upon local
government schedules knows that the looming July 1 fiscal end of year
approaches like some hairy shibboleth with dripping venomous fangs. Because
the end of year is such a fixed line in the sand for local and State governments,
now is the time when those massive stacks of paper devoted to budget proposals
get heaved onto the desks of clerks and bureaucrats from Yreka to San
Ysidoro. Its the time when, even if they may not work much the rest of
the year, by god during these months they all put their shoulders to the
Predictably, our own little Charter government Island has its mixture
of Machiavells and mendicants doing battle with one another over a budget
that is estimated to suffer a $2.7 million deficit next fiscal year, a
deficit expected to swell to $4.4 million on the following go-around 2014-2015.
Our deficit is that large? Didn't know we were even spending that much
for a Silly Council and a City Hall that stays open only four days a week.
The lion's share of expense (75% of budget) go to public safety, as in
Police and Fire, both of which are enjoying minimal cutbacks. They are
getting cut, nevertheless, just not as much as everybody else. The real
pain will be felt in General Fund programs and projects, which include
a cool half million to be sliced from Parks and Rec, maintenance by Public
Works, capital projects. It is not true that our private electrical utility
AMP is draining the fund, for in fact the utility has been pumping cash
into the fund at the rate of $2.8 million per year -- a situation that
is certain to change for the worse.
Looking at the planned methodologies for handling the deficits we see
discrepancies as well as inadequacies, the detail of which can be summed
up fairly well. The plan is to cut spending per Conservative dogma. This
of course results in smaller government, which is the idea behind Conservativism.
The cutbacks are insufficient in themselves to handle the deficits as
the projected revenue shows only moderate to miniscule increases. So the
fallback plan is to "carryover" the loss to the next fiscal
Um, yeah.
That idea violates every conceivable Conservative dogma, program, scruple
or whatever. It also violates Liberal scruples as well, although you will
never hear either side admit it. And it violates common sense.
Common sense here derives from basic business practice, which states
you cannot make money by cutting back; you make money by spending money.
Now we all know by now that you cannot run government like business. The
two entities have different objectives, different goals which do not touch
one another.
History has shown that everywhere draconian austerity is practiced, economies
stumble and fail. You cannot increase revenue by slashing expenses --
that is called "cooking the books". Nothing has changed in five
thousand years of human history to alter the basic rule that you succeed
by offering the best possible goods and/or services at the best possible
price. You offer the best goods and services by means of investment --
that means you have to put money into the system so things can grow. Call
it Capitalism or common sense -- it is and always has been the truth.
Just look at places where there is either no government or a minimal
one. Places like Somalia. Is that what you want?
With pride we note that our local BSA troop leadership has stated they
would support a national resolution to put aside the anti-gay policies
that restrict membership and leadership to heterosexuals only. Local leaders
have stated they are present for all local residents and will continue
to "extend membership to all youth and adults who are willing to
follow the ideals of the Scout oath and law." Patrick Kenny, a member
of the local executive board, has stated succinctly, "We are here
for the kids." In other words, we do not care and will not ask about
any gender orientation. All right, it is said that anything you do for
children is never wasted.
Finally in the Letters to the Editor we see that more people are getting
miffed at Ron Cowan's Harbor Bay. We have been here on the Island some
two decades and more and when we first got here we found a number of people
up in arms and angry at the man even then, which did not help things the
time his outfit tried a fast one in attempting to seize the land occupied
by a public golf course via shikanery.
Edgar Allan Poe has a short story call "The Imp of the Perverse"
and its about a guy who just cannot help himself but always must be up
to shenanigans and mischief even when the results are bound to hurt himself.
It seems Cowan, or his outfit Harbor Bay Realtors, has some kind of imp
that propels destructive deviousness here on the Island. California is
well over 800 miles long as the arrow flies, but some devil is in Cowan's
HBR that makes them want to muddy the waters in this particular spot even
though there is plenty of swampland and desert to muck around with elsewhere.
Why in the name of Beelzebub the man is compelled to turn his own hometown
into Dolly Parton's Theme Park is anyone's guess.
Latterly HBR (sounds like the initials of some kind of blue-collar beer)
wants to demolish the athletic club on Harbor Bay so as to place it someplace
really inconvenient and replace the location with more buildings. It seems
HBR feels they are owed something, but last we heard nobody in Northern
California is owed anything save for the Ohlone, the Miwok and the Pomo
of Clearlake. We don't see HBR giving any of those people a single postage
stamp worth of land.
If HBR leverages a lawsuit against the City -- these days a common way
for thieves like SunCal to snatch a boodle for doing little -- they will
terminate any future hopes of doing business here as well as any claim
to the development land to which they feel they are entitled. At the moment
they are wise to stick to importuning and making a nuisance of themselves.
The start of June is always a pleasant time in NorCal. Nine months away
from the onset of Winter's worst Shut-in days means lots of birthdays
to celebrate in fog-free weather and shirt-sleeve temps. June 9th sees
Oakland celebrating its jewel with Love Our Lake Day. Visitors will note
that a section by Lake Merritt that used to be 12th Street is now become
an amiable pedestrian boulevard. It was all paid for by Measure DD. Check
out Loveourlake.com for details and go to the lake to love it and someone
else on and under a blanket.
June also kicks off the summer season of outdoor street fairs. Berkeley
gets things going in its own unique style with the LIve Oak Park fair.
Check out Liveoakparkfair.com.
Naturally we swing to all things musical. We will be blessed to enjoy
Canada's scion of the Wainright family, a family that has demonstrated
so much talent that it hardly seems there is enough to go around for the
rest of us, in form of Rufus Wainright at Davies Hall over in Babylon.
He will be dropping in for one night only on June 9th, as he takes a pause
between songwriting, book authoring, classical music composing, and screen
acting. But he will perform -- you can expect that.
One of our East Bay gems is Mosswood Park Amphitheatre, a little bit
of green tucked into the armpit of Oaktown's downtown in view of the Lake.
The sturdily common-folk named Burger Boogaloo will take place there June
6-7th. It is $40 but you will see the likes of proto-punk turned CW man
Jonathan Richman who was last seen falling off of a wharf in There's Something
About Mary.
Wanna get out of town? Same weekend coming up is the Healdsburg Jazz
Festival stretching its legs from May 31 to June 9th hard by the Russian
River. Go to Healdsburgjazz.org for the full schedule which will include
Bill Frisell and Sweet Honey in the Rock.
Time again for another Bullwinkelshow! Yay! June 1 will have the Chocolate
and Chalk Art festival up on Shattuck in the "gourmet ghetto"
of Berkeley. It sounds odd but it really works and this one is fun for
all ages.
The mood in music is softer now that a semblance of sanity and intelligence
occupies the Oval Office in a kingdom far far away, so now is a good time
to get out and forget about unaccomplished missions and Brownies doing
"a heckofa job" to the populace. The foreign wars are winding
down, America's arch nemesis is dead, people in the Middle East are learning
to deal with each other without an American pointing a gun at them and
the economy seems to be getting better for some people, even if you have
not seen it yet for yourself. From BFD to Outside Lands and the Kate Wolf
Festival, this is the summer to be young and randy and full of life before
the next wretchedness gets inflicted on us by people imagining they want
to do us good.
Mark Twain had an aphorism about that and if you are old enough to remember
it, have fun anyway and if you don't like the music, go out and make some
of your own.
So anyway, with the weather gotten into something similar to what other
places call summer, all the hopeful soon-to-be grads were gettting busy
doing very little schoolwork, studying for those finals, having parties
in which everybody asked "did you get accepted?" even though
the question had been answered three months previously, or from the other
side of the socio-economic spectrum, "didja make 'er"? or, "workin'
for the old man"? All these things sorting themselves out with excitement,
as if anything decided in these days would be the end all, the turning
point that would decide everything for the rest of their lives, these
teenagers, even while the poppies are rioting among the apple trees and
cherries are for sale on every street corner as los migras come
down to the warmer temps from up north with their pickup trucks and their
flatbeds and their vans from the bing cherry trees of Washington State
all lugging sacks of cherries bursting with that momentary mixture of
tart and sweetness that we enjoy for such a brief moment in our lives.
The world is turning and to someone on the cusp of life about to reach
out to that brass ring going by, everything is right now.
The change of seasons has great significance to those who are older as
well. Trout season has begun and now the weather has ceased its up and
downs, the opportunities to get into the Sierra foothills arrives. Snow,
the lifeblood of California, seals up the trails and roads leading up
into the highlands until late Spring. This year the Tioga Pass road opened
May 11 and so now was the time to think about getting up there after the
initial melt had eased off and the flow of the streams had slowed.
Eugene gathered up his rig, and although living beside the salt water,
he drove over to the practice ponds in the Golden Gate Park to practice
the perfect cast that in its loops and hoverings in the air imitated perfectly
the aerial ballet of a tasty, tempting nymph. Its a curious exercise in
a meticulous art over shallow pools that never will host a fish of any
size, sort of like Picasso practicing the drawing of a horsey over and
over again before doing Guernica. In his desk drawers they found after
the artist had died hundreds upon hundreds of carefully rendered sketches
of foals, mares, stallions, each precisely rendered and anatomically perfect.
Some kind of front swept in this week from offshore, bringing with it
whipping winds and an unearthly atmosphere of pending disaster. There
was even a spattering of rain that soaked the front seat of Reverend Freethought's
Dodge Dart, as she had left the driver's side window rolled down. A big
5.0 shaker knocked things off shelves up country this week and ruined
a few swimming pools but no disaster of obvious note occured.
An atmosphere of pending disaster persists among all of us who know the
Masters of War are still hard at work, but you cannot live your life in
that zone. We all have this sense that things are not finished, that no
mission -- whatever that might be -- is accomplished. It is like the unfinished
Boston Marathon which no ceremonial "Last Mile" sort of political
shindig meant to assuage our collective feelings can tidy up. Things will
just have to wait the slow revolve of the months until the following May
for the next marathon, as the entire point is to run the thing the distance
without stopping. People need to live knowing that life does not have
neat executions and resolves like an episode of CSI on TV. The guy who
lost his legs in the bomb blast will never get them back. Everybody knows
now what a wool-pulling truckload of malarky was the Iraq war and the
market collapse and the whole TARP bailout, but none of the bad guys will
ever get punished, not nearly to the extent they deserve.
The weatherman forecast rain for Saturday. Friday the full moon hid behind
a logjam of clouds and it seemed the entire world held its breath, waiting
for the other shoe to fall as Saturday passed with charcoal striations
across the horizon. Now they are talking about late Monday while the very
air holds back with clouds roiling with portent.
Ms. Morales, the schoolteacher, has a letter from the troubled teen named
Karen who shipped off to college last year. Seems the girl has found a
group of like-minded discontents who have formed a goth club out there
on the edge of the Valley. Chico is a place where cow tipping is seriously
still practiced as if it were an original idea by the local frat boys,
so it probably is not too difficult for kids living on the edge to find
one another. She sent a picture of herself with her newfound friends and
there she was, hair dyed with streaks of shocking pink and black and white,
pierced and happy surrounded by tattoos and black leather jackets. She
is talking about doing her Junior year in France. Looks like the kid is
finally all right, thank god.
The woman tucked away the letter into her box in the garage where she
and Mr. Ramirez kept the furniture used for election days. The long tables,
the chairs, the flagpole stand that now was superfluous as now the County
used a sandwich board that was more transportable and easier to maintain
than the traditional flag. Mr. Sanchez said to keep the stand anyway and
they would go get a flag from Pagano's or Target next time as this was
Tradition and one had to keep a sense of pride about things. After all,
the basis of a healthy democracy is not its army -- which is important
certainly, but not the ultimate foundation of things -- the basis of democracy
resided in the ballot box and the humble people who sheltered it and made
the whole thing flow along the way it was supposed to. Every country in
the world has an army; not every country has the ballot box together with
people like Mr. Sanchez and Ms. Morales. In such small things like flowers
capable of cracking hard pavement roars the strength of nations.
The Editor took a walk in the garden. This has been his habit each Memorial
Day, regardless of where the Offices have been located and represents
his own observance. Of course he gets the VA envelopes and the usual invites
to things like bugel blowing at sunrise and so forth. He had despised
that sort of flummery when he wore a uniform and saw no reason to change
now and still maintained that you could always tell the difference between
an officer and a grunt by the response to incoming fire -- the one who
ducks down is the grunt and the one who pokes his head up is the officer.
All other times the rule was Situation Normal.
There beneath the humongous mistake of a tree that no one had ever bothered
to cut back or down -- it was a box elder attendant with the usual problems
that infest such trees -- he paused to look up at the nearly full moon.
It was then he noticed a little ways up a white box. He stepped up on
the wood pile and took it down from where someone had nestled it in a
crook. It was a folded carton about nine by six by three inches with a
wire handle similar to those used for Chinese takeout. Inside looked to
be the leftovers from someone's hot dish casserole, except this one appeared
to contain sliced jalapenos.
The Editor remembered when several years ago Juanita had served the Norwegian
bachelor farmers who had come looking for their lost Lutheran Pastor Inqvist.
The Editor folded up the box and put it back into the tree and returned
to the house for a stiff scotch on the rocks. Thus ended Memorial Day
as the long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far across
the water, across the dark blue waves of the estuary flecked with white
lights and bobbing with red beacons, and wavered across the waving grasses
of the Buena Vista flats and the open spaces of the old Beltline as the
locomotive glided past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London
Waterfront, headed off beneath the purple mountain's majesty to parts
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MAY 19, 2013
This week's whimsical headline foto comes from Chad's corner and could
just as easily pertain to the dreams of some of our more radical anti-development
citizens here. Would that it were so.

This sign is used at the Safeway petrol station on the edge of the Southshore
Monday marks the 4th iteration of "Milk Day", as in
Harvey Milk, the gay Supervisor who, along with Mayor Moscone, was murdered
in the chambers of SF City Hall by a disgruntled ex-Supervisor November
27, 1978. Official events will be led by keynote speaker Anne Kronenberg,
who served as Milk's campaign manager. Most events will take place at
Encinal High. For more info visit harveymilkday on Facebook.
While Harvey, known as a personal friend by some of us here, was certainly
a major figure, we hope that the legacy of George Moscone also will be
remembered. As a heterosexual, Moscone was considered ahead of his time
as an early proponent of gay rights. In conjunction with his friend and
ally in the Assembly, Willie Brown, Moscone managed to pass a bill repealing
California's sodomy law. The repeal was signed into law by California
Governor Jerry Brown.
The waters of the Bay appear to the intermediate sailor to be not much
of a challenge, however that chop can turn into some surprising vicious
stuff -- we know as we have been out on the Bay in 20 footers. A sailor
has to know how to read charts very well as the Bay bottom varies wildly
from > 30 feet to just three well offshore, and the current ripping
down out of Suisun Bay joining thousands of rivulets funnels through a
very narrow passage at the Golden Gate with tremendous force at times
with a tidal fluctuation periodically plus and minus eight feet with an
average of six.
The fatal accident that claimed a seasoned Olympic sailor recently
came not days from the relaunch date for the Oracle boat which had just
been rebuilt after its capsize catastrophe last fall. America's Cup organizers
say the famous race will continue as planned with July 4 as the official
Both the Swedish team for the Artemis and the Oracle base their operations
out of hangars at the Point here on the Island. Our condolences go out
to the surviving crew of the Artemis and to the family of British-born
Andrew Simpson.
With improved weather and a supposedly better economy, the local thieves
seem to have upped the ante with a slew of daytime break-ins, sometimes
with hot prowl consequences. The thieves are trying to take advantage
of people being at work or school and have been targeting houses in the
1000 block between Willow and Fair Oaks, bounded by Otis Drive. Now is
a good time to learn the faces and habits of your neighbors and perhaps
irregularizing schedules.
Tuesday will be the date for which many have looked. That day the Navy
finally does the complete, once and for all, conveyance of the Point
acreage to the City. Actually, the transfer will take place in four
allotments, with the first happening May 21. About 508 acres of dry land
will be passed over with some 870 acres of submerged property. This is
the end result of the 1993 Base Realignment and Closure Act.
In a seperate deal, the Navy will hand over 624 acres of the airfield
to the Veterans Affairs department at the end of this year.
Although the Navy has spent 16 years cleaning up toxic materials much
of the land remains "brown site" with limitations on development
due to toxic metal contamination, benzenes, lead, and radioactive waste
that collected during the Navy's 75 years of tenancy.
So much is news. What remains to be seen now is how the land grab plays
out. Greed is a powerful motivator and right now, land is the new gold
in California where there are many Californios who wish someone had shot
Joseph Sutter in the knees before he got to town waving that bag of gold
dust like a perfect idiot.
Of course one could always turn every inch of those 508 acres into a
least tern park preserve, but you know it will not happen that way.
This weekend the beautiful weather backdropped a number of events. Southshore
hosted the Pacific Islander festival, the Maker Faire took
place at the San Mateo Event Center where inventors and craftspeople showcased
their original oddities with the Crucible's usual assortment of incendiary
mayhem along with the reprise of the lifesized Mousetrap.
We toddled up to the Greek Festival in Oakland as it was from
Greece we derived the word "democracy" and the nation that gave
us Sophocles, Kazanzakis and the Sedaris family consists substantially
of islands there in the wine-dark Aegean sea.
Anywhere Island-Life goes we go in search of music. Because music soothes
the aching heart, provides balm for distemper, mollifies assholism, eases
the red devils when one is lieing alone late at night in the bed, builds
strong character, puts red blood cells in your meat, treats all sorts
of social ills including, but not exclusive to, chilblains, nervous jumping
up and down, augue, fevers, malaria, ebola, rampant obstructionism, superficial
and caustic hurts, bad worms, corns and calluses, venereal disease, hysterical
chastity, psychic disorders, halitosis, falling hair, falling arches,
cramps, a number of allergies, consumption, savage wickedness, hot miseries,
malnutrition, leaking roofs, box elder bug infestation, and besides .
. . its good for you.
Naturally the Greeks, coming as they do from a very old civilization
have a very fine music. One which appeals to young and old. Here a lovely
chanteuse addresses her young paramour.

If you ever visit Pelleponese or the bone-white sands of fabled Ios,
you better know that Greek and "shrinking violet" are antonymic
The distinctive sound of the bouzouki is a mixture of Middle East and
Baltic European. Once heard drifting through the groves of Folgandros
you will never forget it. Lacking that experience, George Mylordos evokes
the cooling breezes caressing the white-washed houses perched on the rocky

Philosophers say that our western concept of Beauty comes
from the idea of the "Greek line". The features on this girl's
face trace a lineage back well over three thousand years.

This music is not for sitting still. Greeks have always
been exhuberant and full of rambunctious life. All must dance, young and

Eventually even the Archbishop joined the dance.

So anyway, after the last Mother's Day escapade which resulted in the
violent death and dismemberment of not only the creature known as Euphonia
but also Wally's boat -- don't forget Wally's boat was involved in all
of this -- everyone in the Household of Marlene and Andre kept a low profile.
Marlene had threatened a citizen with grievous bodily harm featuring emasculation.
Martini had misused company equipment after hours, driven a vehicle without
proper lighting systems on city streets, ignited various incendiary devices,
destroyed a boat and a mansion house and in the process had caused a five
alarm fire, and had caused general mayhem. Javier had discharged a firearm
within city limits and murdered several household service animals with
explosive shells.
They were poodles, but a service animal is a service animal.
Denby, Suan, Jose, and practically all the rest had broken, entered,
trespassed, committed battery, assault, theft, and arson.
Two women clad in burkas were molested, stripped and subsequently engaged
in devil's alcohol after quitting their jobs as Magician's helpers.
Furthermore, if we had not mentioned it already, Wally's boat had been
destroyed by means of explosive in the middle of the San Francisco Bay.
Some of you might want to read back for last week's episode and the terrific
fiery end to the figure once known as Euphonia.
In short, it had been an exciting week on the Island which is more known
for its kitschy neon signs and old tymy facades.
Of course, the 109 year old bakery, the old florist, the barber shop
from the 1940's, Bob's Garage, the Central Cinema, and a few others had
been driven out of business by high rents, so that now the places were
occupied by ritzy internet cafes and aromatherapy salons and empty rooms
awaiting more well-heeled tenants, but still. Even though the old high
school is about to be converted to live-work lofts and the Carnegie Library
still awaits an angel to renovate and open again in any sort of capacity,
we like to think of ourselves as old fashioned because it pays well.
Earlier in the week a spattering of rain flocked the car windows overnight
and muscular clouds well shaded with charcoal hung heavy over the town,
creating the ominous sense of impending disaster.
This yielded to days of striated sunshine and streaky cloud and fewer
Before all the brough-haha happened out at the Amazing Anatolia's mansion,
Household members who still had some connection to their mothers congregated
at the usual spot, Mama's Royal Cafe. Marlene and Andre, Tipitina and
Rolf, and little Adam all with either absent, psychotic, or dead mothers
spent the time stuffing shells for the bicycle gun Javier had liberated
from the museum and packing explosive into the mines to be used later
by Martini.
The unremarkable thing about the brunch at Mama's is that nothing exciting
happened. No one got killed, no one flew over a lake with a cannonball
between their legs and no one got hurt. A few gals enjoyed a fine brunch
of omelets and champagne and nothing untoward happened. But this is not
the kind of story people want to read.
It is just sometimes life happens that way to some people. The problem
is that this story is not universal, no matter how much any member or
supporter of the Bush family pretends. For every charming Minneapolis
there remains a gritty St. Paul. Little Adam stuffing "defense rounds"
into cartridges on a kitchen table has no memory of motherly love and
life and warm welcoming arms.
But now he has Marlene and Andre.
The Blathers and Mrs. Pescatore hosted a brunch for their mothers at
Croll's. Mr. Howitzer loaned out Dodd to drive the older Mrs. Pescatore
down from Napa Hospital where she had been living among the crazy grapevines
for the past eight years. While the gentry sipped mimosas and nibbled
fine cakes, Dodd cooled his heels at Mountain Mike's Pizzaria across the
His own mother had passed away suddenly of a heart attack when Thatcher
had been appointed Prime Minister, and Dodd never let go of that association.
"England's first PM" she had said, "And by the likes of
her, she'll be the last." She then had keeled over, quite dead after
an exhausting struggle fighting for the opposition party. Some mothers
have to deal with partuition for sixteen hours and more. Dodd's mother
had endured a lifetime of fighting for Labour.
It took them fifteen minutes to get the paper-thin Mrs. Pescatore up
the three stairs into Croll's there and Dodd had scurried back to the
blue-collar inn across the way with relief.
"I can't see too well. Young man is that a bucket I can spit into
if I take poorly?"
"Mother, that is the wine bucket."
In any case the older Mrs. Blather, mother to John Thomas Blather and
matriarch of a dwindling clan the members of which had found making money
and aquiring things more erotic than procreation. She made no bones about
the fact that she despised her progeny and the spouses each had taken.
The old girl took fiendish glee in embarrassing any and all of them in
public at every opportunity.
"A new nurse came into the facility the other day," she said.
"His name is Mario and he is a handsome an Italian stallion as you
ever could see. Very manly if you know what I mean. Not like you, dear
"Mother, have some more lemon cake. Your favorite. . . ".
The very frail-looking Mrs. Pescatore offered a trembling comment. "I
bet he's got a dingus a foot long!"
"Haw! Haw!" laughed the older Mrs. Blather. "You betcha!"
Things managed to calm down for a while, during which the conversation
revolved around safe subjects like the badness of Obamacare, the vitality
of the stock market, and the 2nd Amendment's importance and Mrs. Blather
drank some three or four mimosas. Then she said, "You kids don't
know how to have fun is the problem with you. Always diddling with your
iPad trinkets. My mother, your grandmother was a floozie . . .".
"Now Helen . . ."
"She was a floozie I tell you. She was a showgirl for the Follies
and she took her clothes off in front of all these men every night. And
sometimes she went home with them!"
"Mother, now stop it. . . ".
"O she was a pistol that one! She had a real good time. I still
am not sure who your grandfather was. Now what would that make you, I
"Waiter! Check please!"
"O it don't matter none. All men is the same anyway."
Mrs. Pescatore woke up suddenly from the nap she had been taking. "That's
right. They all got a dingus. Except about you sonny boy I am not so sure.
Arlene in 101b down the hall has twenty-one grandchildren. Where are mine
I wonder?"
The gorgeous day ended in the west with golden clouds suffused with saffron
and pomegranate juice slashing the horizon. Mr. Howitzer returned from
his visit to Colma with his bag of murdered crows and his .22 long rifle
over his shoulder. He had the habit of visiting his mother's grave out
there and had taken a positive hatred to the black birds, vowing to do
something about it and this time he had gone out there well armed, chipping
pieces off of granite headstones and scattering mourners and bored children
until the caretakers had driven him off.
Perhaps he would have Dodd make a pie of them or something. It was in
a song or a nursery rhyme so Dodd would find a way to deal with them.
He left the burlap back on Dodd's chair and went to have a few toots of
scotch and a good cigar.
As the light faded and all the sunworshippers departed the Strand, the
distant jewels draped over the humps of the far shore of the Bay twinkled
into life from the erect Coit Tower along the spine of Davidson and the
bulk of San Bruno down past South City and the City of Stars, Brisbane.
A figure carrying a wreath stepped through the sawgrass at the cove and
laid his burden there on the water to watch it float out with the powerful
ebb tide to the sea. It was Denby and he stood there a long time watching
this frail thing drift away, a token of something miraculous and wonderful
and already gone and passed and never to return again.
If anyone had passed at that moment, they would have heard only the single
whispered cry, "O! Euphonia!"
But no one passed and Euphonia, a being who existed only by means of
her voice, was no more.
The long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far across the
water, across the dark green waves of the estuary brushing the rip-rap,
and wavered across the rustling grasses of the Buena Vista flats and the
open spaces of the old Beltline where the heart expresses its unspoken
desires to those who would hear as the locomotive glided past the dark
and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off on its mysterious,
heart-stricken journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MAY 12, 2013
This week's photo is from a reader who knipsed this fellow sailboarding
off Crown Beach.

Tried to attend First Fridays this time around after an hiatus of several
months and can only say, "Whew doggie! Did we just wander onto the
set of Day of the Locust?" The vibe and atmosphere and entire experience
has changed radically from what this thing was a year ago. We drove past
manned barricades, closed streets, heavy police presence, totally absent
parking and finally gave up and turned to head on back after glimpsing
a solid writhing column of humanity numbering in the many thousands sort
of oozing its way down Telegraph.
We suspect that most are not there for the delicate subtlties of post-postmodern
art but a massive street party. We are hearing that gallery owners are
responding by holding alternative events early in the day on Saturday
and late Thursday for patrons seeking to avoid the madness.
By contrast, Off the Grid at Southshore Mall has relaxed quite a bit
without the long lines that attended its opening weekends. The prices
appear to be inching down as well, not by much, but one can find fare
for under a sawbuck now. And music now looks to be part of the vibe. This
band not only has a female lead guitarist but also does original material.
We like that.

The 13th Park Street Spring Faire kicked off under comfortable sunny
skies and moderate temps. The usual array of tchotchke booths, nine-dollar
hot dogs, and wierdly out-of-place services like window treatments and
roof repair showed up bracketed by two music stages, which -- seemingly
as part of a peculiarly recent Island trend toward innocuous -- featured
bland "tribute bands". Tribute bands basically limit their repertoire
to greatest hits of latterday rock stars who generally made their fame
in the eighties, although imitations of the Beatles crop up from time
to time. As one would expect, the results can be mixed, from thin-sounding
and off-key to impressively faithful to the original material.
No matter how good a tribute band can be, they will never be as good
as the original, and never as original as they could be, and in class
they all stand right up there with Elvis impersonators under the glittery
neon banners of Vegas. Unless a musician performs a really unique take
on a song, the best one can hope for is a sort of mnemonically keyed gestalt
enjoyment in which the listening fills in the gaps in the music with personal
Oh well, people hire these things for parties, weddings and bar mitzvahs
which at least gives starving musicians some work opportunities while
they polish their chops and learn their instruments.
The bands usually possess some kind of whimsical take off name loosely
based on their icon originals, so if you like word games, figure out who
the Tumbling Pebbles, Tim and the Heartbusters, Blue Scallops Cult, and
of course you have heard of Elvis Herselvis. Alas for fans of His Purpleness,
The Man Formerly known as Prince who signs his name with a cipher. Perhaps
Little Red Convertible Sportscar will have to do for name and fame.
The other beef we have with these retro affairs is their total absence
of understanding how finances flow in the twenty-first century. In the
age of Apps, iPads and smartphones there is no damn excuse to go cash
only at an single booth, not when Off the Grid mobile trucks have sussed
out the means. We saw people walk away twice from vendors because no Visa
In any case to stop our grumbling we caught Stung, doing Police covers,
while grabbing a burger from Scolari's.
This guy may not look much like the former school-teacher Sting, but
he did possess a capable voice.

When you are backfilling in a trio for a band that had
five members, you had better be ready. This guy was.

Further on down the road from the Encinal Stage we made
some delightful encounters. Here a young lady is greeted by an amiable
fellow who seems to be knowledgeable about the meat and bones market.

Some of you Islanders may know that an 11th hour effort
rescued the Animal Shelter, which now relies heavily on donations since
it is no longer directly supported by the City.

Whoever came up with this hot day resolution to hyperactive
kids is a sheer genius. Each bubble holds 30 minutes of air and is monitored
by three observers. Kids are left in there for no more than 15-20 minutes,
however most of them were pooped after about ten minutes of thrashing.
Needless to say, this one was really popular among the moms.

Every Park Street Fair features Kenny the Clown, perennial
candidate for City Hall Office. What better than to put a real clown in
City Hall?

Finally, long-term Lifers know that we always break for
the Blues. You say you are doing acoustic Blues and we will get somebody
there. Sunday, the Hound Kings showed up for a long set from 1pm to 3pm.
We don't know why so few bands were hired to do such extended sets, but
it is what it is.

The lead calls himself Alabama Smith, but this group does
solid Delta Blues. The highlight with these guys is the versitile harp
DADGAD or DADF#AD we are there, jack.

Every year when the weather improves, the driving decays and so does
people's sense of propriety. While folks blather with cell phones in one
hand and steering wheel in the other, criminals scamper about knifing
and robbing with merry abandon, limosines explode into flames and letters
to the Editor wax purple.
Fellow got into a tussle outside the Chase Bank at Marina Square Village
and knifed his associate Friday. Apparently not satisfied with the proceeds,
the fellow went into the bank, where one assumes all the money is, and
demanded cash of the teller, who of course refused. That failing, the
fellow then grabbed a hapless patron in the lobby and demanded cash once
again, which may have been a bit much for the poor soul there having a
bad day that got worse when the perp knifed this one too.
All victims were released from hospital with non-life threatening injuries,
however the man's former associate was detained for possession of narcotics.
Okay, we now see why this happened. Sort of.
The squabble over implementing regulations -- at present entirely non-existent
-- that would control backyard livestock raising and slaughter, seems
to be provoking, purple overwrought language. Here is a sentence fragment
from an Commentary piece in the Sun: " I am afraid [we] are approaching
a Pandora's Box with a dangerous degree of naiveté."
Oh please. Sure its important, especially if you live next to Bosco the
pig and care about him, and sure, people do eat goats and chickens and
too many people do not want to know or think about where the B in their
BLT comes from. So what? In a place where people are getting knifed in
the bank lobby are there not other issues of pressing moment worthy of
this language? It is highly unlikely that a sudden rash of roosters will
overtake the island any time soon.
Nerzio Fojas, 31, was a newlywed celebrating with friends her marriage
when the limosine carrying her and 8 others burst into flames on the San
Mateo bridge. Because she was planning a second wedding in the Phillipines
with her husband, she is sometimes listed as "bride-to-be".
She perished along with four others.

Among them was Felomina Geronga of the Island. Geronga went by the nickname
of Fyla and was a senior clinical lab scientist at Kaiser Permanente Medical
Center in Oakland, friends and hospital officials said.
She had lived in Alameda for about eight years. Acquaintances said she
was a cheery person, that she and her husband and children - a daughter
in the seventh grade and a son in fourth grade - were the most upbeat
folks on the block.

"You just constantly hear them laughing over there," a neighbor
said. "They always cheer me up - you hear the kids giggling and the
parents talking and laughing all the time."
Fyla was "a working mom who did everything," said one neighbor,
rising at 5:30 every morning to make breakfast and lunch for the family.
Donald D. Lum Elementary School PTA members have put together a fund
for the victim's family. Those wishing to contribute can drop off donations
at the school office just make sure to specify that it is for the
Geronga family. ACLC is currently working on setting up a trust for the
She is survived by her loving husband Aldrin, and their two children.
Her 10-year-old son, Abero, currently attends Lum Elementary as a fourth
grader. Her daughter, Yoare, 12, attended Lum as well, but is now at Alameda
Community Learning Center. Both children are continuing to attend school
at present.
Other persons who died in that limo fire were Michelle Estrera, Anna
Alcantara, Neriza Fojaz, and Jennifer Balon, also a Kaiser employee.
In upbeat news it does appear that the plot of land secured for the City
by Jean Sweeny will indeed become treasured open space preserve, at least
if going by the language people are using about the space that now now
bears her name. Funnily enough it appears that people are also up in arms
against the forced move of the Harbor Bay Club to a less desireable location
because the land it sits on is, well desired. Once again the Ron Cowan
outfit called Harbor Bay Realty is seeking to construct something in a
wierdly pernicious and doggedly stubborn way that ignores the fact that
people are really sick and tired of all this maniacal urge to build on
any and every square inch that does not already possess concrete foundations.
These people already charge usuriously high rents for the properties they
control now -- can they not be content with the boodle they got?
Speaking of Porky the Pig, seems our Island once again provided a haven
for a piggish type, and we do not mean cartoons. Resident Micheal Howey
was booked into the Fremont City jail on a cool $1.5 million bond on child
molestation charges. Howey worked for 15 years as an elementary and middle
school teacher for the New Haven School District, which is apparently
part of Union City. Victims appear to have been all girls between the
ages of 8 and 9 years of age.
This comes on the heels of the extradition to Ireland of a former priest
who had been living and working here up until a few months ago.
Actually, come to think of it, Bosco possesses considerably more honor
and nobility than these animals.
So anyway, last week we left you with Denby and the Household planning
a daring raid to rescue the personage of Euphonia. Since this entire escapade
has been rather abstract, let us present an actual photograph of the very
real Euphonia.
That is right, Euphonia is not a phantasy woman. She did exist. Here
she is:

Well, okay this photo was taken in 1846 when she was quite a bit younger.
Take that into account
To recap, Denby accidentally discovered Euphonia, the Talking Machine,
kept in an alcove of the Amazing Anatolia's lodgings. She had been created
by a mad German scientist who wanted to give voice to the only long-distance
form of electronic communication at the time -- the telegraph. But this
was the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in America, where folks have
always taken to newfangled Euro-centric ideas a little late, and people
were afraid of this new ghostly machine voice. One thing led to another
and there was the night of the furious rabble armed with pitchforks and
torches, cries of Moloch and Down with the Machines! and by the time the
smoke had cleared, the inventor was dead, his machine broken into pieces
-- or so it was thought.
That girl caused a scene during the Big Tent Grand Finale
In reality, two sideshow men from P.T. Barnum's circus, named Eeyore
and Piglet, had stolen her away in a printer's letterset wagon, fleeing
from that terrible scene in a scattering of Helvetica and Times Roman.
Euphonia lived on as part of the Barnum & Bailey travelling circus
until she got left behind during one particularly hectic post-show tent
strike in which the driver became very drunk and a local girl discovered
that the lion tamer named Jules had gotten her somewhat pregnant. That
girl caused a scene during the Big Tent Grand Finale, which had caused
in turn quite a ruckus in the circus. Anatolia found Euphonia under a
shroud of dusty canvas in a barn outside of Worcester, Mass. while looking
for the farmgirl for whom he had paid $50 to scroungy pimp in overalls
and John Deere hat.
"She's in the barn," said the farmer, who disappeared with
just a hint of a scent of sulphur. "She's old but good. Have fun."
The Magician had learned about her unique abilities when Euphonia had
exclaimed, "Good heavens do you have a hairbrush about you? I must
look a mess!" Fifty bucks was fifty bucks. The Amazing Anatolia Enigma,
a professional magician, had her boxed up and shipped to California.
"O drat! Boxed again. . . "!
"O drat! Boxed again! Must I always travel third class?" was
Euphonia's comment.
Denby talked with her and learned that somehow over the centuries she
had become sentient and that she longed to be free before Anatolia completed
a ghastly scheme that would turn her into a slave housed in a mechanical
Heavens, this had all the makings of a damsel in distress and more but
without the tedious bombast and vehicular destruction of a Stallone or
a Schwarzenegger.
"How on earth are we losers going to perform a delicate operation
like this?" Martini complained. "We have no martial artists
like Van Damme and we have no kick ass good old boys like Gary Busey;
we're not Seal Team types -- we're a bunch of wimps and pansies!"
There was an awful moment of silence in the room.
"Vell," said Rolf. "Maybe iss time we pansies and sissies
stood up against the bullies of the world who want to organize everybody
like an army. Maybe we need to think something for ourselves for once!"
"Yeah!" said Jade Azure, who used to work the old Funoccios
in Babylon. "I for one put my frillies on the table for this sister.
I say . . . " Here he paused momentously, "I say lets go for
"Yes! Yes! Here! Here!" It was a chorus of assent.
So it was that Special Mission Zero Deep Dark Sixty-Nine took place.
"Why is it called that? It sounds meaningless," asked Arthur.
"Because it sounds really serious and secret and stuff," Denby
said. "And people will buy into it big time like its momentous and
then we can sell memento tchochtkes."
At the stroke of midnight, Denby, Arthur, Martini, Suan, Jose, and Javier
bashed down the gates of the Anatolia compound with a massive replica
hotdog from Lionel's Pampered Pup.
Tipitina and little Andre followed quick after with canisters of compressed
mustard and relish with which they disabled the guards.
Guards: "Aaaiiiieeeeeaaah!"
Martini disabled two women clad in burkas
Denby and the gang charged up the stairs and Martini disabled two women
clad in burkas by throwing his body at them and stuffing stromboli in
their mouths. Javier handled the guard poodles by means of a vintage 1922
bicycle gun he had snatched from the Island Museum case. Its effective
caliber was .50 and it explosively dispatched the noxious animals with
great noise and alarm.
Marlene rendered Anatolia safe by whacking him in the head with a bratwurst
and straddling him with thighs of iron. "Move and I will change the
major key you sing to something a lot higher, jerkoff!"
"Euphonia, I am here with friends to save you!" Denby shouted
amid the billowing smoke.
They found Euphonia in the alcove but also discovered that the window
was too small to allow passage of her estimable 1.5 tons. So Martini employed
his incendiary skills and, after only a brief hiatus -- just like in the
movies, with a massive thunderclap of fire and smoke made not only the
window but the entire wall of the second floor passable. This also had
the pleasant side effect of provoking diversionary fires throughout the
"Goodness!" Euphonia said. "What kind of friends do you
By means of a winch and ropes they lowered Euphonia's great bulk of metal
and wires down the side as the screams of the wounded and the dying mingled
in the air with the increasing volume of the sirens.
Suan ... had dressed head to to in skin-tight leather
"I thought you said this was going to be a quick smash and grab,"
Suan commented as a cupola down the way burst into a fireball followed
by a hail of plaster, brick and shattered glass. Suan, always fashion
conscious of trends, had dressed head to to in skin-tight leather and
carried a wicked-looking wakazashi sword as well as a 180lb draw crossbow.
"I may have minimized the dangers a bit," Denby said. "So
as to cultivate enthusiasm."
The distant crump of the bicycle gun could be heard as flames began licking
the walls.
The police and fire department arrived at that moment on the street side,
but as usual for the Island a confusion as what to do and how to do it
while protecting their own men slowed things down significantly.
Wally approached the riprap on the seaward side, ready to ferry Euphonia
to safety, however the ropes snapped under the tremendous strain of Euphonia's
weight and she crashed the final five feet to the ground.
"Hey!" Euphonia shouted. "Mind my cogs! They're sensitive!"
Martini had gotten a forklift from work, driving the thing over backroads
some five miles to the island and on this thing they loaded Euphonia so
as to transport her to the boat.
"What's this?" Jose said, holding up a pipe with wires.
"I don't feel so good," Euphonia said.
"What does it look like? Its a pipe with wires. Throw it on the
lift and lets get out of here!" Denby said as searchlights began
playing on the sward and the water. The building was now fully in conflagration.
With Suan and Tipitina providing covering fire with their mustard and
catsup canisters, and Javier somewhere going nuts with the bicycle gun,
they trundled Euphonia out to the boat to find there was no landing. They
would have to drop Euphonia into the back of Wally's boat without a winch.
Up where they had left the winch, gouts of flame shot into the sky thirty
feet. The whump-whump of a helicopter made itself known.
"O my boat!" Wally said, seeing for the first time the massive
ironworks he was to transport. "Please be gentle!"
"Yeah, gentle is a good word at this point," Euphonia said.
"Listen to the man."
"Sure thing," Martini said, and he let loose the straps, letting
Euphonia plummet to the boat deck, smacking through the upper level to
the bilge.
Denby suggested now was a good time to skedaddle and Wally pulled away
with Denby and Martini while the others scattered along the shore. Euphonia's
fall had however caused a break in the hull and they were taking on water
fast. Denby told Wally to make for the Point on the far side as the helicopter
arrived with its eye in the sky.
Later that night, the crew gathered at Marlene and Andre's to share a
jug of wine and speak of their escapes. As Anatolia had been keeping some
kind of personage against their will -- admittedly not human exactly but
still -- his crime could have been kidnapping and a number of other things
potentially embarrassing so he shunted aside all prosecution, explaining
the fire as a "mysteriouso experiment" gone wrong.
Javier had gotten away the same way he always got out of scrapes - by
lying, sneaking, pretending to be a genteman, and running very fast. The
bicycle gun was returned safe and sound to the museum.
Martini returned to fetch the forklift, which after all was an innocent
participant in everything which had happened.
As for Euphonia, she had a final conversation with Denby before her spectacular
demise. But of that conversation, we know nothing.
A Coast Guard Cutter had been dispatched to intercept their boat and
so Denby had Wally pilot their sinking craft out to the deep dredged area
of the Bay. There, he and Wally and Martini had clambered aboard the dingy
and cast loose while the helicopter searchlight had pinned them down and
the cutter had approached with all of its guns and its authority of war.
After a few moments Martini's charge had gone off, turning Wally's former
boat and Euphonia, mad Faber's experiment in artificial intelligence,
into a spectacular fireball and geyser one hundred feet tall that was
seen as far south as San Leandro where people thought the Warriors had
clinched the runoffs, leaving behind on the surface of the water nothing
but a few sticks and the dingy holding the three men who explained to
intense Coast Guard officers their little boat had suffered an unexplained
engine compartment fire and that about the fire at Anatolia's mansion
they knew nothing.
It was a sobered crew that found itself reunited at the Old Same Place
Bar and they all were silent for a long time until Pahrump stood up. The
two burkha women were there getting soused on Jaegermeister and complaining
they would never perform for crazy magians like The Amazing Anatolia again.
"I am a PROFESSIONAL!" one of them shouted. "I didn't
get into showbusiness for this kind of thing! My spangle-outfit is ruined!"
The little group from the Household sat quietly at a table, nursing their
wounds and beer.
"In the end, we effed up, as usual. That is what we do and that
is who we are, hapless effups. But in the end Euphonia got what she most
desired. So here is to Euphonia!" And Pahurmp raised his glass. "To
the voice of the ages. To the voice of her time and ours."
As they stood there, the long howl of the throughpassing train ululated
from far across the water, across the dark green waves of the estuary
brushing the rip-rap, and wavered across the rustling grasses of the Buena
Vista flats and the open spaces of the old Beltline where the heart expresses
its unspoken desires to those who would hear as the locomotive glided
past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed
off on its mysterious journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MAY 5, 2013
This week's seasonal photo comes from long-time lifer Carol, an inmate
at the Lunatic Asylum of St. Charles and features another inmate named

Henry is fond of gambols and laser tag and is considered saner than most
of us, although the human whom he owns is known to be quite roguish.
City Council will hear ideas about how to screw up -- um, develop --
the 22 acres of Jean Sweeny Open Space which we note is now being called
"Beltline Park" in the funny papers, probably to appease those
eager beaver property people who salivate every time they hear of an inch
of land which has no pavement or concrete foundations.
Any case, cynics and hopefuls can toss in their two cents this Tuesday
at 7pm over in the Santa Clara chambers.
Also in the funny papers and in the blogs a rousing discussion as to
what the word "bullying" means. Not much mention of apparently
trivial legal concepts like Assault and Assault with Battery, nor is much
heed paid to common decency in the discussions, but give some people a
subject and they'll expound for hours in a postmodern manner that touches
on the main word only now and then.
The flap came about when the Island Sun ran an editorial commenting on
the rude and obnoxious people who sometimes take exception to reportage
viewpoints and facts.
Bullies pop up in the schoolyard, as most of us know, and by now everyone
should be aware they surface in various online ways like rats floating
above the sewage. We have personal experience of bullies persisting well
past middle age, as the Island-Life offices were forced to move by two
egregious examples of wretched lack of humanity.
Of course it is a bit much to expect that everyone will adhere to Robert's
Rules of Order and Emily Post in a rowdy Democracy like America, but browbeating,
threatening, and intimidating someone by voice and/or manner is called
Assault and there are legal penalties for it. Not to say that enforcing
restraint or punishing the lack of it is an easy task, but thems the facts,
There are apartment managers on this island who regularly violate the
law by their threatening abusive language. Will they go to jail or pay
a fine for it? Doubt it. Bullies tend to go through life with little change
or challenge because what they do works for them and finger wagging does
nothing and they know it. What we need to do as a society is stop coddlling
bullies under the name of encouraging a certain kind of strength that
most clinicians understand is really a mask for insecurity.
Just because your mother was an alcoholic craphead is no excuse to visit
pain on anyone else. These bullies need to be isolated and made to feel
lonely enough that they consider joining decent society and the warmth
of human association a fair trade for false security.
As for any members of the Press, including the paperboy and the front
desk receptionist, the idea that these folks put themselves "out
there" and available for verbal abuse is sheer nonsense. Don't like
the Editorial slant, write your own if you are literate enough to do so.
Don't like an Op-Ed piece or a news report, the place to talk about it
is the Letters to the Editor. Just don't like the paper at all, drop it
and found one of your own if you think you have a better way to get the
facts out. As "Scoop" Nisker used to say, "If you don't
like the news, go out and make some of your own."
In related items we have speculation about what to do with the seismically
unsafe old high school, which has people living in "The Wedge"
in an understandable tizzy, what with sharks like Harbor Bay Realty swimming
about looking for more "opportunities," and feeling entitled
about it.
With all the draconian cutbacks over the past thirty years (did anyone's
taxes ever go down in this time?) there simply is not the cash reserve
to retrofit the late nineteen twenties era structure.
It is the same series of cutbacks which has put the high school swimming
pools in the danger zone as fixing up Emma Hood's pool and the one at
Encinal will run into the millions of dollars. This undoubtedly is due
to "deferred maintenance", a consequence of those cutbacks.
The pools have not been in operation since 2010 due to "code violations."
Do they still teach the phrase penny-wise, pound foolish in school?
David Sedaris at the Veterans War Memorial Opera House, Babylon
As long-term supporters of NPR and its affiliates Island-Life sent a
contingent of folks over the water to catch David Sedaris do a benefit
for KALW, a radio station that does quite a bit with extraordinarily very
First, a bit about KALW, for as long-time Island-Lifers know, we have
here a fond sense of California history as well as a fond affection for
The station is housed in converted classrooms in John and Sala Burton
High School, out where the Portola and Visitacion valleys meet in San
Francisco. The facilities and equipment are so modest that David Sedaris
after doing a video tour of KALW, called it a "dump."
But to the station's staff, it's their dump, and it's part of history.
KALW was San Francisco's first licensed FM station. In 1954, its studios,
then in the Gompers Trade School in the Mission, served as the first home
of KQED-TV. Originally established as a radio school in the fall of 1941,
KALW moved away from teaching in 1971, and soon became the first San Francisco
affiliate of National Public Radio and the first local station to air
such programs as "All Things Considered" and "Fresh Air."
Yet, for all its pioneering work and despite an impressive range of programs,
KALW has existed in the shadows of KQED-FM (88.5), which ranks near the
top of the ratings, with about 5 percent of the overall listening audience,
while KALW hovers around 1 percent - which, Martin said, represents about
130,000 listeners a week. (KQED draws about 800,000.)
We at Island-Life appreciate that KALW keeps things locally interested,
while also bringing in a wider range of national and internationally focussed
programming, including Smiley and West, Jim Hightower, and BBC news, while
still keeping delightful local news reporters like Rose Aguilar, whom
we met at the event reception.
David Sedaris is variously described as a writer, as America's foremost
humorist, and a light-hearted gay gadfly against bombastic nonsense and
dangerous right-wing nuts. He is, of course, all of those, but more than
that, he is our Time's Mark Twain, a extraordinary literary talent that
serves to illuminate our dark times with trenchant observations of common
sense and laughing reduction of some of our culture's destructive inanities,
while remaining thoroughly modest, human and quite likeable.
We do not have Kurt Vonnegut, we don't have Gore Vidal, we have lost
Twain and there is no more O'Henry or Thurber or Ogden Nash. Thank god
for the Sedaris family.
David Sedaris is the author Barrel Fever and Holidays on Ice, as well
as collections of personal essays, Naked, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Dress
your Family in Corduroy and Denim, and When You Are Engulfed in Flames,
each of which became a bestseller. There are a total of seven million
copies of his books in print and they have been translated into 25 languages.
He was the editor of Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules: An
Anthology of Outstanding Stories. Sedaris' pieces appear regularly in
The New Yorker and have twice been included in "The Best American
Essays." His Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiary (with illustrations
by Ian Falconer), a collection of fables entitled , was published in September
His latest book, Exploring Diabetes with Owls, debuted at the top of
the New York Times best sellar list.
He has lived abroad for some years with his lifetime partner, Hugh, variously
in France and latterly in England, where he does a regular radio show
and picks up trash from the countryside surrounding his home to the extent
that the local city council gave him a uniform.
In person he appears far more dapper, neat and trim than in his promo
photographs. He claims to have been "clean and sober" for over
13 years and apparently keeps fit by means of a rigorous swimming regimen.
As he travels extensively, he uses the internet to locate pools in the
towns where he lands.
He has no intention of ever returning to Raleigh, North Carolina, where
he grew up, as the weather there is too hot and humid.
Sunday night, Sedaris fairly brought the SRO house down, first by appearing
on stage prior to formal introduction because, as he claimed, he heard
there was a very long line in Will Call and the start of the evening had
already been delayed. So he kindly told a few anecdotes to help the time
pass then left the stage so KALW station manager Matt Martin, who rolled
professionally with the unusual change in program, gave his intro, and
then returned as if everything was hunky dory.
He read from his new book, a few new works in progress, and hilarious
snippits from his diary, which many decades ago had been the material
which had attracted the ear of Ira Glass sufficiently to jumpstart Sedaris
into the business.
It is really insufficient to relate a Sedaris anecdote abstracted from
the setting and his deadpan manner of delivery which features sparse narrative
about mundane matters into which strangely familiar yet disturbing details
suddenly pop with startling effect. Where a comedian is only concerned
with telling a funny story with a punchline about giving Willie Nelson
a blowjob, Sedaris tells that same joke, but framed in a story about an
encounter with an obtuse airline employee, which departs from a satire
about stupid people to a focus upon his own regret at a certain kind of
failure of integrity.
"I realized I had disregarded two of the things my mother had told
me never to do. The first was never to introduce the concept of oral sex
to a strange woman in an airport. {pause} The next was never ever to explain
a joke . . .". Now the story is not so much about telling an obscene
joke to a stranger but a poignant recollection -- Sedaris' mother died
of cancer several years ago.
Well, okay. You had to be there. Context is what Sedaris is all about
and retelling his anecdote or trying to outline it just becomes that same
crime his mother warned him not to do. His characters don't just bumble
about, they bumble about upsetting the apple cart of expectations placed
internally by a society that really does not give a crap about what is
Looking at the man's text the reader can see that the seemingly casual
delivery is framed in language that is more spare and decided word-by-word
than the tersest Hemingway. Not a single noun is out of place and there
is absolutely no extra verbiage -- the prose is as sinewy as a greco-roman
wrestler, but deceptively so, cloaked in casual attitude and concern for
the quotidian mundane.
It is no surprise that we learned he has done plays, together with his
sister Amy Sedaris, also a formidible talent, written over 40 essays for
the New Yorker, done more than fifty performances as part of This American
Life, written scads of poetry, and, as we learned Sunday evening, worked
as a bike messenger in San Francisco while in his twenties.
Um, okay that last part has nothing to do with writing but its cool anyway.
David Sedaris is cool, no question about that. He is the rock star of
writers and we heartily recommend stealing his books and paying to see
him when he comes around if you have the money.
Because, you know, laughter and sanity are good for you.
So anyway, the sudden summer weather yielded to a strange unruly punk
front that brought in chirascuro skies muscular with Blakean gods. Saturday
looked fine enough with some breezes cutting up the heat, but then the
murk of Mordor overwhelmed the angels of the skies.
This strangeness of weather drove most local folks indoors save for the
insane street party that has become First Fridays in the Uptown district.
Jose and Pahrump tried to get over there on his scooter, but the entire
place had gone into compulsive lockdown due to the shooting that took
place a month ago. Streets were blocked off and bulky guards stood around
looking ominous and authoritative next to the orange cones, while throngs
got channeled down the narrow T-graph Avenue.
Ok kids, now have fun.
While normal folks responded to wacky weather each to each, the Household
Gang cobbled together a rescue mission for Euphonia.
Who was Euphonia? All right, we will tell you.
Who was Euphonia? All right, we will tell you. Denby had been contacted
by the Amazing Anatolia Enigma, a mediocre magician living out of Victorian
in the Gold Coast section of the Island to set up some audio for a set
Due to the effects of badly prepared chile rellanos the Amazing Anatolia
had to excuse himself for a while, leaving Denby time to wander about
the magician's chambers. Denby drew a thick curtain to reveal a strange
sort of apparatus and the face of a beautiful woman. As the light hit
her eyelids, she opened them to reveal stunningly brilliant irises and
the look of alarm.
"My goodness," said the face. "Who are you!"
All about the face Denby could see neither body nor any sort of human
or animal shape of any kind. Instead this face seemed hung upon a rusty
metal frame of a machine that looked very old although the woman looked
very young.
Denby told her his name and asked who and what she was.
"My name is Euphonia," said the apparition, and so began this
Euphonia had been created by a German named Faber in 1845 after 17 years
of labor and substantial personal sturm und drang. You know those Germans
can be so melodramatic sometimes, what with elevation of the Frankenstein
monster amid a lightening storm to Beethoven's wild hair and Faber falling
into rages in which he smashed up expensive prototypes like paper airplanes
while all the neighbors complained about the ruckus. The original idea
had been to provide a way to convert quickly the dense telegraph Morse
code all of you have learned in school and found so useful into natural
human speech patterns so that less sophisticated souls could learn about
things like the fate of the Hindenberg and the robbing of the stage coach
with alacrity.
Faber found that although P.T. Barnum had some interest in his invention,
nobody else other than some wierd American inventors trying to create
a better hearing aid for the deaf had the slightest interest. He brought
out his creation in December 1845, when Joseph Faber exhibited his "Wonderful
Talking Machine" at the Musical Fund Hall in Philadelphia. People
found it wierd. A human face hung in this metal latticework and seemed
to talk. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain . . .
The problem was that this magic of creating human speech by means of
apparent device had been done far more dramatically and effectively by
total charlatans who cloaked real people in stiff robes so as to look
like disembodied Turks (Turks were big during the 18th Century).Faber
had no Turks on his payroll, he had only his simple machine which actually
did what it was supposed to do -- talk.
The other problem was that in 1845 quite a lot of people were facing
replacement by machines and in other cases, many people were faced with
having to work just like machines to make their day's wages. Not a good
time to come up with some mechanical idea to replace human voice.
Faber eventually killed himself
America yawned. The world turned its back. In the meantime, as goes the
Weaver and the Factory Maid, the world turned to steam, and as for the
fine girls to be found, you now had to trudge to the villiage factory
in the early morn. Faber eventually killed himself out of despair and
-- according to legend -- destroyed Euphonia, leaving all to the speculation
of history and those wacky Americans to invent, based on Faber's technology,
the telephone.
But Euphonia did not die.
Some quirk, some sense of . . . dare we say love? caused Faber to toss
that fatal match aside in his final hours and so pass into history leaving
a shrouded form to dream of life beneath the filthy canvas covering.
One has to wonder just why Faber chose to devote such energy to place
a human face on this invention. Such a life-like face.
She had become herself, invested with her own intelligence
Years passed. Her machinery passed into the hands of debtors, then into
heirs. Technocrats and curious dinkers added and removed various parts.
Mysterious black boxes appeared within her workings over the centuries.
From mechanical she went electronic. She went through upgrades by inventors
who enjoyed the results or not, according to their bent, and at some indeterminate
time, Euphonia spoke independent of human interaction. She had become
herself, invested with her own intelligence, gotten from god knows where.
Some women are like that.
It is unknown how Anatolia had acquired her. Probably through some unsavory
trade involving produce from Columbia, that benighted country, weighted
and cursed by its evil past.
So there Denby stood in that dark alcove in front of Faber's machine,
which had developed over time to speak independently, gifted with its
own sentience. A sentient machine destined to live probably forever.
Denby had heard of machines which could compose poetry like RACTER, play
chess, discuss Rimbaud, but had never encountered personally any such
representative as this.
Denby asked her what did Anatolia want with her.
Euphonia directed his attention to a place where a figure sat slumped
in a chair. It was a mannequin clad in a short sequin dress, her legs
askew in high heels. "He wants to combine me with that one. It is
what you call in your century a "love doll."
You will have a body then.
In a sense, yes. A body that is me, but not mine. With no feelings. As
if I knew what they are.
There was a long pause.
"What is it that you want?" Denby asked.
She would have sobbed, but she could not
"I . . . I want to die." Euphonia said. "I have lived
like this over 150 years and see many hundreds more and none the better."
She would have sobbed, but she could not, for she did not possess tear
ducts for that release. Her gods had not found those things necessary.
The effect of this statement was shocking to Denby, but he could hear
the sounds of Anatolia knocking about as he returned from the toilet,
and so he quickly drew the curtain.
"For pete's sake where the heck are you around here? I should not
have indulged in so much black drape and crimson dammit . . ."!
After Denby performed his minor engineering, which he now saw was part
of the overall effort to animate the mannequin electronically, he left
to go tell his tale to Marlene and Andre's Household.
That night there was quite a hullaballo. Many did not believe the story
at all. Some were at a quandary, as if this thing had life, then how could
they take it upon themselves to take it away.
The Catholics said that, well, if it so happend that an egg and some
sperm happened to fall there amid the ironworks and get all comfy in a
niche somewhere that became a womb, then the whole issue became something
else . .
The Lutherans were of a mind that it seemed that at some indeterminate
moment the hand of god invested this former machine with grace and so
on we go on the soul rollercoaster.
The Baptists found it entirely an abomination.
The Church of Egregious Parking Snarking continued to howl and blather.
In short, the evening became quite contentious. Jose gave a great speech,
much informed by tequila, in which he argued that all souls deserved the
right to self determination and termination and all kinds of groovy things
that involved seperating from your madre and padre no matter how ironic
they were and eventually Javier got him to sit down for he was very drunk
by that time.
The end result in concensus was that they all should rescue the woman
and then discuss what to do with her, um body, and then her soul, and
preferably include her as an unusual voice in the matter as it seemed
this had never happened before.
So okay this is project Deep Six Nine or Eleven Thirty-Two or something,
Javier said.
Yeah, said Martini. I gonna put together some mortars that blow that
turban head to pieces. . .
Hey, said Denby. No bullets man. No bullets.
Okay, no bullets. Just a few mortars. Lobbin' them over. Go boom! You
like . . .!
The results of this expedition will be reported next week.
As they stood there, the long howl of the throughpassing train ululated
from far across the water, across the dark green waves of the estuary
brushing the rip-rap, and wavered across the rustling grasses of the Buena
Vista flats and the open spaces of the old Beltline as the locomotive
glided past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront,
headed off on its mysterious journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

APRIL 28, 2013
This week's headline foto comes from our in-house photographer, Tammy
who grabbed this shot of a whole flock of birds-of-paradise. The forces
of Nature appear arrayed against the stolid armies of the dull and witless.

You can try to put down Nature with a pitchfork, but she always comes
roaring back.
The Church of Latter-Day Saints has suffered some rough handling recently
with one of theirs running for the Presidency, a musical composed by the
authors of South Park appearing on Broadway, and, of course, there were
the famous scenes in Angels in America. The Mormons are no worse, and
some would say no better than any other religion with its odd crotchets
and intolerances. The Catholics have their pederast priests and wierd
sex traditions, the Jews have Isreal and the on-again off-again Diaspora
that causes much of Palestine to suffer and lately even the Amish have
taken to terrorism of each other's beards, so nobody is exempt from a
little critique.
Let it be said, however, that the local Mormon temple has been doing
some really good things with its people, which we think is a far better
used of resources than mission-izing in Panama. We hear that some 800
Saints went over to Fred Finch Youth Center, a 150 year old non-profit
orphanage and psychiatric facility, to clear the grounds on Coolidge Avenue
in Oaktown.
That done, another army from the temple up on the hill cleaned up the
old train depot that edges Sweeney Park, the new open space plot of land
that once was the Beltline track that serviced industrial parts of the
A big tempest in an island teapot developed recently when folks raising
livestock here sought to have laws regarding raising fowl, pigs, horses
and goats clarified. Apparently bees are included in this list.
It may be one of those "only on the Island" sorts of scenarios,
and it seems to have all started when someone complained about Bosco the
pet pig in 2011. That bluehair grumpus of a complainer learned a thing
or two about poking your fingers in where you ought not to go as neighbors
rallied around the beloved porker on Haight Avenue, forcing the City to
issue a proclaimation of approval and leading to loads of front-page fotos
of the chubby fellow standing in a patch of grass and flowers.
So okay it turned out there were no laws at all on the books against
anything other than a handful of regulatory ordinances dating from 1939,
which seemed to concern the life of asses.
No we do not refer to any member of the Republican Party or the apartment
manager at St. Charles, but the equine animal.
Apparently those 1939 ordinances read pretty much like what they are
-- rules drafted by desk-bound bureaucrats who would not know which end
of an ass is the front and which stipulate clearly impossible conditions.
Obviously we live in a more urban environment here than what existed
in 1939 when it was perfectly okay to house your quarter-century worth
of chickens with roosters along with your pig and your cows and your goats
in your yard, for it was so common, no one thought to write up rules about
Well, the City sees revenue here (another opportunity to charge fees
for licenses!) and the animal owners clearly to not want summary evictions
of their beloved pets/bacon investments. And in a place that rivals Lake
Wobegon for unemployed meddlers who seek every opportunity to harrass
IPD for any sort of issue from loud teenagers to obstructionist trash
bins, this is a wise path to pursue.
Personally, the distant sound of a rooster is a familiar and comforting
sound of nature. But not everyone thinks that way.
Aphrodite's Closet, which took over the space once occupied by Vignettes,
has issued a statement that they will reopen pending repair of the extensive
damage caused by the immense Park Street fire that took place a few weeks

Hear that High Street Station has changed its venue and is now got some
kind of booking agent over there. Things are heating up in the little
corner cafe and there are now weekend supper gigs happening. Things end
early, probably for the usual Island reasons, so get there before 8.
Roosters is still holding its quirky lineups of former pro sidemen and
backups who have cobbled together bands so as to remain in some form still
alive. If you are a devotee of rock trivia and liner notes, then Roosters
is the place to be on the weekends where old rockers don't diminuando,
but arpeggiate to resolve.
Over at the Freight and Salvage, Greg Brown's deep bass voice and irascible
folksy humor will occupy the 18th while long, tall, Texas-born Marcia
Ball will dazzle on the 25th. Marcia Ball was raised in Louisiana and
has cut her piano chops with all the big belly Blues greats, but still
maintains a modest approach for someone with a comprehensive grasp of
Gulf Coast musicology from Florida to the horn of Texas going back 100
years. We have heard her a couple times, here and in New Orleans, and
never fail to be impressed. We understand she likes to hear her fingernails
Our hometown boys, Houston Jones, who ramped up here at the old McGrath's,
will be providing high octane Americana with Stevie Coyle as guest the
first day of June. If you have not heard Travis seque from a bluesy Take
Me to the River to Suzie Q and then John Fogerty, well you have not lived.
Everyone please be quiet if he does the moving "Three Crow Town."
Travis and the boys have gotten well-known enough that their gigs now
involve some pretty long-range hikes in the old van, so catch them when
they are local. As for Coyle he is one of the few who can actually perform
the impossbly tuned stuff concocted by the late John Fahey.
Patty Larkin owns the 7th of June. You may have heard of her. We like
her because she also was an English Major.
Next weekend is First Friday in Oaktown, which has bounced back with
more control after some rough stuff happened a few months ago. Also in
May there will be the artMRKT at Fort Mason from the 16th to the 19th.
David Sedaris will discuss diabetes with owls and why this is relevant
on Cinco de Mayo at the Herbst in Babylon as a KQED fundraiser. See you
at the reception. Hey, it does pay to be an NPR supporter . . . .
If you like trumpet, look no further than Yoshi's East on the three days
of May 10-12 when Cuban Arturo Sandoval storms into town.
THE 1400
Dropped into the 1400 Friday evening just to stretch the legs and see
what was happening nightlife-wise. It proved to be a typically Island
evening, with a crack funk-dance band named Hiro and the Villians being
overwhelmed by a basketball game on the overhead TV's, of which there
were four. Hiro, a sturdy, capable soprano, strived mightily, but some
gigs you just cannot win over the audience until something exhausts itself.
The 1400 Bar and Grill serves some dishes that are a cut above the usual
bar fare and which seem to present a schizo identity crisis between haute
cuisine and sports bar grub. They have a lamb burger that is bedecked
with a feta-yoghurt sauce and sided with a mixed greens salad which ranks
up there with many places charging quite a bit more for ambience. We noticed
massive nachos and delicate little tapa sandwiches coming from the kitchen.
Pork belly sliders can be had for the sports crowd along with lamb served
with tzaztiki sauce. They have the usual basic beers on tap, as well as
a full complement of American and European bottles, but also a rotating
tap that features something exotic every week. This evening we enjoyed
a dark Belgian beer called Grimberger.

Despite the chaos, the waitress remained affable, adjustable to changes
in orders, and speedy with delivery. It looked like a gal carrying a tray
of jello shots encountered a bit of sexist rough-house behind us, at least
as we saw from her unhappy reactions, but she remained professional throughout.
As for the b-ball game, it ended in a heartbreaker in favor of the Warriors.
So anyway, just when it seemed Spring was going to smack into the Island
like an old drunk careering his Pontiac into the glass of a laundromat,
high fog came in to settle a blanket of chill on everything.
Nevertheless, the traditions of the season remain, because even though
this is California and place like no other, we still have our traditions.
They might not go back quite as far as in some other places but they are
traditions none the less.
The Island is a curious mixture, an amalgam of hidebound conformity and
of progressive newness. In some parts of the country you see the middle-aged
men coming out with the lawnmowers so as to groom that quarter-acre or
eighth into beaten submission, a photocopy of what exists on every other
plot for miles around until the entire tract resembles more a necropolis
with neat mausoleums than a place where the irregular joys of birth, making
babies, tuning carburetors, writing novels, living dreams usurps the devil's
boney hand.
the shape of the lots has been determined by robber baron avarice
But this is an island, where there is hardly space in the sandy soil
for so much as a ten by ten foot postage stamp of some kind of greenery.
In addition, the shape of the lots has been determined by the robber baron
avarice of California history. When Chipman and Aughinbaugh bought the
land from the Peralta family they leased much of it to tenants who proved
to be less than honorable, for those tenants then sublet and sold slivers
of their leased land, presenting themselves as bona fide owners. As a
result, many of the existing plots now are long and narrow, presenting
a street frontage in some cases of no more than twenty feet. As time passed
many of these long lots became split with first a carriage house in back,
then a minor domicile with rights of access past the main house in front.
With the open space allocate to carriage way and to a common refuse pit
or parking area, the Eastern idea of an English lawn never developed here,
save among a few die-hard "Bostons" of the DAR stripe. Where
there is any kind of soil people normally plant roses, succulents, jasmine,
and the ever present Rose of Sharon, aka Aphrodite.
That fellow collected thieves, prostitutes, brigands, murderers, tax
We are not a genteel, neat sort of people; we come from the sorts of
folks that supposedly hung around that vigorous rebel called Jesus. That
fellow collected thieves, prostitutes, brigands, murderers, tax collectors,
patricides, nervous bicycle riders, fishmongers, alewives, and all sorts
of riff raff about him and that is precisely the kind of people we happen
to be, rude and unruly.
So it is with our gardens, each a veritable riot of vivid contrasting
colors. Each a unique world unto itself.
This does run into the quixotic and contradictory result that with all
this supposed individuality everyone winds up pretty much acting and looking
like one another, and in a small town like this, one can certainly expect
that people will be expected to toe the line.
The Church of Continuous Disharmony flung open the double doors
With the warmer weather everyone threw open their windows and people
forgot to allow for the way voices carry. Pedro Almeida got into a big
argument with his wife and all the men from the Lost Weekend bar stood
outside making bets on what it was all about and how it would end. The
Church of Continuous Disharmony flung open the double doors of the old
Adelphian Hall so the whole neighborhood down there at The Wedge endured
three hours of caterwauling and freakish animal sounds.
"Aaaa-ooooooorrrrrr oooooouuuuuu! Aaaahhhhh mayyyahhhrrrrrroowww!
"Dya think they be speakin' in tongues like?" Dawn asked.
"Bahhh!" Padraic said. "Its the singin' what lacks riddim,
harmony, melody, timing and the right key. Not a one of them could carry
a note to the letterbox."
Eventually Pedro and his wife reconciled whatever spat had seemed so
important at the time and he went out with the kids to the Strand where
Matías was going to set up his improbable and ridiculous sail board
thing while the little ones flew kites.
The sea could smash your little craft to pieces in an instant
Pedro had never approved much of that contraption with all of its fancy
paint and gay sail. The sea was not a playground but a place for work
and a man must apply his hand at work early and hard and not be fooling
around for that was the way life had to be, you see. The sea could smash
your little craft to pieces in an instant if you were not careful. You
had to be vigilant and as in the sea as in moving through life there were
always sharks waiting for a chance to take a piece of you. And this Matías
was such a dreamer he had to keep a short leash on him all the time, he
So there Pedro was out there getting the kites up for Sebastian and Tomas
and, drat! where did that Augustin get off to with his hands full . .
Sure enough there scudded the happy Matías out beyond the mud
shelf more than 100 yards out, happy as a least tern on the breeze even
though his mother had told him not to. And there he stood with those blasted
kite lines in his hands and Tomas begging to have one, right now, pleeeeeeeeze!
"No! You will just make it crash into those people over there. Wait
until it is higher. Matías! Matías! Come back! You are too
far out!"
o god the wonderful wonderful freedom and speed
But Matías, scooting now in a large arc two hundred fifty yards
and still going out did not hear, for such is the time of year when it
gets into the blood of young boys soon to become men and strike out on
their own that the exhileration of all that glimpsed freedom can quite
overwhelm the senses, the wind is whipping and the speed, o god the wonderful
wonderful freedom and speed as if this endless blue sky and infinite sea
bounded by the sparkling bridges and the green of the green islands and
the magical hump of the distant City so packed with excitement and this
day, this moment of youth and the entire world opening up before you will
never end.
Turn around? Are you kidding?
"Sebastian! Give me my radio! There from the blanket bag! Sebastian,
who kinda wished he were out there on a sailboard with his brother instead
of waiting for the safe moment in which the kite strings would be entrusted
to him, dutifully fetched the radio.
"Okay dial now."
Sebastian shrugged his shoulders. Dial who?
"Daddy, daddy! I wan' kite! I wan' kite now! Pleeeeezzzzz!"
"Call my friend Felipe. He has a boat. I get him to fetch that idiot
back here so I can beat him well. Call!"
"Daddeeeeeee . . . !"
But Sebastian shook his head. "I think you call is better."
"All right here!" Pedro thrust the kite lines at Tomas but
forgot to unwrap the ends from his burly forearm as he grabbed the phone.
"Daaaaadeeeee! You have to let go! You have to let go!"
"O for pete's sake here with you! Sebastian take the others. . .
Sure enough amid all this tussle the largest kite, some five feet in
length with a long tail plunged to the earth -- or more precisely into
the middle of a family taking a picnic on the water's edge.
Little Tomas wailed.
In anger Pedro dropped the radio and grabbed his two sons to shake them
"Hey hey! what's going on!" A man with blond hair stood there
with a woman, also exceedingly blond in that bright sunlight with two
little girls.
Pedro stammered profuse apologies and ordered his boys to offer restitution,
but the family would have none of that.
The woman asked Tomas his name and the girls presented the kite with
the information that it was hardly damaged at all.
The man introduced himself as Eric Halvorsson. He and his family were
visiting from Norway. He wanted to know what the fuss was all about and
so Pedro had to tell Mr. Halvorsson about Matías on his ridiculous
sailboard going out too far and he about to fetch him back.
"Ah no worry! I see he has run into my Angelique out there"
said the woman who was Mrs. Halvorsson. "She has been on the water
since a baby. She is quite good with the sail board."
The woman offered her binoculars to Pedro who looked to see a fuzzy couple
talking to one another far out, way far out on the Bay.
"Come join us. We have food enough and some wine. Sit down with
us," Mrs. Halvorsson said.
Somehow the radio had gotten lost in the sand and probably was ruined
by now. He sat down heavily beneath their umbrella, feeling very, very
old, still holding the kite lines. One of them remained high up there,
a bright red splash against the incredible blue.
"Daddeeeee! We fly kite now! "
"What, just you? Let me get up now and . . .".
"No no, me and Sebastian and Anne and Marie! We can do it! Pleeeeeeze!"
Mrs. Halvorsson laughed while Eric watched the two teenagers through
the binoculars. "I am sure it will be all right. It is a big beach
"Well all right." Pedro grumbled.
"Daddeeeee! Daddeeeee!"
"What is it?
"You have to let go!"
Yes, the lines were still wrapped around his arm. He undid them and watched
the young folks scamper off and together the four of them managed to get
the big kite aloft.
In the meantime, the red one broke loose its tether and Pedro watched
it float on the strong coastal breeze over the bay towards Babylon, a
bright speck diminishing into the west, to the place where the sun goes
after its petit mort each night.
That kite is me. Someday I will go there, alone, a lost, a loved, along
the . . . " .
Pretty soon, or not soon enough, the deleriously happy Matías
came scudding back in the company of a gorgeous teenage girl, each doing
pretty much what teenagers do and have done for quite a long time.
"Sometimes," said Eric, "I feel all bent down like Old
Man Winter. But it would be a crime to keep Angelique so close my frost
begins to kill her. It is hard to let go, but I must. It is what we are
supposed to do."
"Look how happy she is!" Mrs. Halvorsson said.
This being Spring, the sap rises and males of all descriptions envision
rescue of damsels in distress. This may be why the boys at Marlene and
Andre's Household made preparations to rescue Euphonia from the clutches
of the nefarious Anatolia Enigma. Actually, Anatolia was not so much nefarious
as merely a moderately capable magician who performed for Elks Club affairs
and birthday parties, however he certainly would have liked to have been
styled as nefarious, as such a sobriquet would have complimented his dark
good looks, his black cape, his air of mystery, and his moustaches. And,
it must be admitted, nefarious earned more for the pocketbook than doing
good or even doing well. Certainly this has been true at least since the
administration of George Bush, Jr.
As for Euphonia, she was Anatolia's latest somewhat female, very unwilling,
magician's assistant in his act. She was the classic damsel in distress,
and for Euphonia and all that she was, well that will have to wait until
next week. Let us only say that she and the invention of the "talking
wire" shared an extraordinary intertwined fate.
"AarrrrrrrooooooooOOOOOOOOO!" chanted the Church of Interminable
Cacophony. "OOOOOhhhhrrrrraaaargh!"
The long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far across the
water, across the dark green waves of the estuary brushing the rip-rap
and wavered across the rustling grasses of the Buena Vista flats and the
open spaces of the old Beltline as the locomotive glided past the dark
and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off on its romantic
journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

APRIL 21, 2013
Generally the headline title is a more esoteric song lyric, but what
the heck. In the Golden State, we do milestones like they really mean
something. So we have two pix from Loren's passage from the twenties into
the age of "maturity", the first being a 100% edible cake (save
for the lid).

The second being the star of the dinner table, which, although rather
trafe, looks pretty damn good.

Its California. We do things in style here. Incidentally, for those of
you wishing to duplicate this kind of thing (also accompanied by punchbowls
and Puerto Rican- style canapes like fried plaintain) it takes 20 hours
to "do" a pig. And by that, we do not mean the LAPD.
Loren will be taking his Master's in Special Ed this Spring. Time for
another celebration?
Of course it would be extraordinarily provincial and small-minded to
ignore the events that recently happened on the East Coast.
First of all, let us say that we do have family members in the Boston
area and they are fine -- the principal folks were travelling during the
Boston Marathon bombings and the others are shut-ins, so they hardly noticed
the lockdown.
Secondly, our thoughts and sympathies go out to the Bostons as they gradually
put their lives back in order after this reminder that America runs a
world-wide Empire and a lot of people have been driven crazy by the way
it has been run locally in the past.
In addition, some people are just plain crazy. This extraordinarly violence
of recent weeks is not the fault of any one religion or foreign region.
Timothy McVeigh was a corn-fed white-bread American from the day he blew
up buildings in Oklahoma to the day he was executed for mass murder. So
was Dylan Klebold in Colorado.
Anyone remember the Unibomber?
In this time we ask people to remember, in addition to the 184 severely
injured in Boston, Krystle Campbell, 29, a female restaurant manager from
Medford; Lü Lingzi, 23, a female Chinese national and Boston University
graduate student from Shenyang, Liaoning; Martin Richard, an eight-year-old
boy from the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, and MIT police officer,
Sean Collier, 26 with sympathies for the family survivors without venting
against any ethnic targets which appear more convenient than accurate.
We refuse to suffer another Manzanar around here.
Ron Cowan still wants to build something, and still feels a little bit
entitled to do so. Just why he wants to do his building here and why he
feels compelled to tear something down, move it, and put something in
its place is anyone's guess.
May be the man is of Napoleonic stature?
In any case, Harbor Bay Associates now wants to rip out Bay Farm Island's
Harbor Bay Club and replace it with 80 homes. The Club would be relocated
to the Harbor Bay Business Park.
On the face of it, nobody has any sentimental attachment to the newish
club, and the 80 unit densitiy is far better than the metropolis he originally
envisioned for the site of the MIF golfcourse, a project that provoked
a revision to the City Charter, so odious were the terms.
At first glance, this particular project appears to offend no one and,
in fact, coddle the wealthy, as we are sure not a single one of those
proposed 80 homes will clock in under $800,000. Bay Farm is east of East
End, and tends to favor folks with two or more European cars in their
As for the Club, the old one would not be demolished until the replacement,
with swimming pool and larger workout spaces were completed. That Club
also trends to favor the well-heeled.
Among the six or seven development projects on the board is the rehab
of Park Street's 1700 block from auto dealerships that crashed and burned
during the Great Recession to new shops at least one restaurant and a
brewery with a tasting room.
CVS, which had planned to install a large pharmacy there, pulled out
to be replaced with Walgreens. Chase Bank probably will accompany Walgreens
in occupying the spot formerly occupied by Goode Chevrolet.
Meanwhile people are debating the future fate of the old high school,
now surrounded by the Special Favors funded "Berlin Wall."
(The wall went up a scant four hours after Silly Council public approval,
which indicates an extraordinary measure of preparedness that sorta kinda
skipped over the usual and traditional, and some say legally-mandated,
public bid approval process)
In good news, all crew of the Delta Captain, which sunk 13 miles off
Point Sur have been returned safe and hale. The Delta Captain was a tug
registered here with Marine Express.
There is a flavor of blue-haired old biddyism in the recent report of
a "brawl" that allegedly took place among AIA students in the
West End.
No police report was filed, no one got injured in this "brawl",
and no witnesses at the scene saw any fighting. Seems someone just got
their panties in twist over teenagers doing what they do -- hanging out.
It does appear that Island High kids like to hang on on Spruce Street
to "hide from administrators", but that school lets out at 1:00pm
and the incident was reported to have happened around 2:38pm.
Now both schools are launching increased security and an investigation
because of the complaint.
Oh people. Just smoke a joint and relax already.
AMP is increasing rates 3.25% as part of a five year rate adjustment
plan approved by the PUC in 2010. Some commercial customers may see an
increase of up to 5%, so better factor that one into your night out budget.
No doubt this will result in a wave of rent increases, as management
firms pass on the costs to the tenants. Because, after all, they heard
there is no rent control here.
So anyway, Spring has suddenly hit the Island with a solid whallop. Its
coming to the end of crabbing season and anyone who buys an oyster now
starts taking their chances. Drakes Estero oyster farm may close -- after
all they are sitting on federal parkland and their 100 year lease exception
just came up.
Generations of NorCal families have driven out that road on Point Reyes
that is well paved with shattered oyster shells to fetch back dripping
bags of living molluscs for celebrations of all kinds, but this one seems
one destined for the dustbin of history. The rule of law is against renewal
for another special interest exception and as the local waters warm due
to global changes, it may prove to become unfeasible to retain the enterprise
there much longer anyway.
This weekend, the clouds finally broke apart to let Mssr. Soleil remind
all the fair-skinned just why Black is beautiful and there was a great
run on aloe vera and lotion at the Sabroso Pharmacy.
Furthermore the birds have started doing things
The bird-of-paradise plants have all started erupting with their fabulous
floral arrangements, the bougainvillea's are going to town and the Aphrodite
Amaryllis, which around here grows into bushes some seven feet tall, has
been getting all the buzzing insects excited about something. Furthermore
the birds have started doing things to remind parents they better have
That Special Talk with the younger member of the household before he or
she starts getting curious in the backseat of the family Dodge Dart on
Snoffish Valley Road.
Oaktown never gets a break, even in Springtime
Little darlin', its been a long cold lonely Winter. But here comes the
sun. Over in Oaktown, the swallows come to dip and swirl in the millions
over the rooftop garden of the Kaiser building. Once, long ago perhaps
they had learned to settle in a grove beside Lake Merritt, but that grove
is long gone for several hundred years now, and so the swallows swoop
and dive in solid arabesques as if an immense creature coiled and danced
above that postagestamp of green which exists there now. People always
talk about Capistrano, but Oakland has no charming church steeple there,
and of course, Oaktown never gets a break, even in Springtime.
Spring is the Most Dangerous Season.
Spring has indeed arrived. And around here let it be known, Spring is
the Most Dangerous Season.
Yes, Spring is the most dangerous season. Maybe it is different in other
places, but here, wise men remain indoors and order pizza for dinner,
hunker down by the TV to watch endless reruns of Monster Truck Destruction
and Terminator I, II, III and IV. Its safer cuddled there in the dark
lit only by the blackout curtain blocked TV set glow.
Bees dive-bombing the clover, hummingbirds bayoneting the jasmine that
keeps throwing out punches this way and that while sending wafts of chemical
weapons of mass disruption. Army ants on the march and squirrels conducting
reconnaissance forays add to the mayhem, while raccoons begin nightly
raids. The daisy bush bursts with yellow ack-ack blooms while the poppies
erupt with tiny explosions across the fields. Squadrons of swallows, duck
sorties, and Canadian geese streak overhead and then, worst of all, there
are the girls in their summer dresses.
women and girls bursting into majorityhood stroll on patrol
Meanwhile, somewhere overhead, flying in stealth mode -- that naked,
blindfolded, fat boy keeps firing off at random his erring arrows of wanton
mishap, those IEDs (Improvised Erotic Designs), wreaking chaos in a wide
swath more terrifying that Sherman's March to the Sea. Squadrons of women
and girls bursting into majorityhood stroll on patrol, their smooth lithe
legs flashing beneath their uniforms: thin summer dresses, haltertops,
daisy-dukes, and god knows what else underneath that armor. If anything.
Its all agitprop left to the imagination.
Observe Johnnie, happy and carefree as a lark, striding with ruddy cheeks
and full confidence. But after him comes Jane, armed with those sharpshooter
eyes, that flippy short skirt, and strappy high heels. Now Johnnie is
down! His face wan and his appetite poor, his breath coming out in ragged
gasps as Jane cradles his head among the wildly blooming, victorious daisies.
Right in the heart, poor lad. A goner for sure.
Yes, Spring is the most dangerous Season.
When the fog rolls back and feminine panzer divisions cruise the Uptown
district in search of some likely target holding his pinsel in his hand
at the galleries, when the leggy Joanne strides forth into the night on
six-inch stilleto heels and Danielle puts on that short black dress and
a European accent spoken with a sultry je ne sais quoi wafting
pheromones among the randy artisans, that is when Don Giovanni and Lola
Lola stalk the Salons for luscious prey.
That is also when The Editor, avoiding the leggy Joanne, stocks up on
Redbox flicks (Netflix now passe), and a fridge filled with Mrs. Callender
frozen dinners so as to avoid the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
especially those arrows sent by that obstreperous hoodlum, Cupid. For
the artsbeat he sends his representative, the hapless Jose who safely
has no more a clue about eros than Faber's Euphonia, and Javier, who knows
a good deal more about eros than someone in his position ought to and
nothing at all about Art save for ogling the odlalesque.
Spring means nothing to Javier, who just uses the season for a more vigorous
application to his campaign of jolly roger than during the winter. To
Javier, there is nothing more savory than an Art Student in the Spring.
Bright then glows his personal Kunstpinsel.
Indeed, Spring is the the Most dangerous Season.
Marvin, of Mervin's Merkins (Put a Merkin in your Firkin!) is particularly
suseptible. He has a thing for gamines, truth be told. He has images of
Audrey Hepburn all around the house, especially from the motion picture
Breakfast at Tiffany's. Spring is especially hard on poor Marvin, and
Sunday evening found him tucked up in the snug of the Old Same Place Bar
relating the facts of his life to strangers and to Suzie, who had her
own problems with the lovelife.
Recently he had been smitten by a chanteuse from Texas by the name of
Kat Edmonson. For all his faults, Marvin remained a steadfast supporter
of National Public Radio.
"I thought it was Heather Masse you were after. And before that
Aoife O'Donovan." Suzie said.
They grew their hair long, complained Marvin. And Heather turned out
to be disgustingly and happily married.
"O you men!" Dawn exclaimed. "You would hump an oak tree
so long as it wore a short, red dress."
"Who is that guy over there?"
Marvin indicated a handsome man with a silver mane and ghotee who sat
at a table with three absolutely stunning women, whom he kept enthralled
with stunning repartee in three or four languages.
his copilot was a baboon
"Ah!" said Javier, who had overheard this exchange. "That
man there, well, when he visits friends in Cordoba, the Bishop of Seville
is compelled to come and acknowledge he has arrived in the town. When
he attends someone's wedding, a band of wandering gypsies shows up to
perform Hungarian dances for free, and all the maids of honor depart the
following day, enciente."
"It is true," said the Man from Minot. "He broke the record
for the luge in Switzerland, but was denied the gold medal as his copilot
was a baboon, and therefore not a human according to the rules."
"Aye, laddies," said Angus McMayhem. "I seen him toss
the caber with the biggest and best of them. I seen him once toss a caber
while dining on a scone, competin' against the Giant of Ballyfergus while
tightrope walking acrost the parapets, hopping with his caber over the
crenellations. Furthermore he knows how to play the pipes like real music,
he does! And the tales he tells about his days wrestling lions in Africa
and setting the poor child soldiers there free. Och begorrah!"
"Africa? Scotland? Spain? How does this fellow get around?"
"In his own private piper cub airplane of course," Denby said.
"He taught himself how to fly so he could practice skydiving."
"Uhh . . . now wait a minute!" Mervin said. "O for pete's
sake. Who is he then?"
"Ahhhhh!" Padraic said. "That there is none other than
The Most Interesting Man in the World!"
It goes without saying the man had before him a bottle of that dark beer
marked with the two X's.
In the wee hours of Sunday leading to Monday, Pedro motored his fishing
boat, El Borracho Perdido, out beyond the Golden Gate. Spring arrives
on the ocean in subtle manner, often detected only by the patterns of
fish which migrate much as birds do from place to place. Plankton and
algae bloom and attracts certain fish to take advantage of Nature's brief
plenty. Sun-warmed currents reverse direction and the legal periods for
certain take come to a close while others open up. There is a quality
to the air that tells of changes coming on, big changes headed for the
mainland. In the interzone that lies between the silver sunlit surface
and the place where light shades down to dark purples before entering
the fathomless compressed depths beyond the shelf, kelps and algaes wake
from a long sleep to nourish with their long chains amid the dancing bubbles
the nutrient rich universe that they say was the mother of all life long
Spring is not kind to everyone. The rumor had it, and the rumor was true
that Marina Moego-ada had broken up with her lover of some years and in
a snap of revenge had dumped all of his clothing out into the driveway,
including his faded bluejeans. He had already taken off with that blowsy
Texas blonde from the bowling alley, taking the car keys and his shoes,
so what was left sat there like a sad pile of reminders of better days,
just getting moldy and old and more useless as time passed.
Over at the the Belle Canto Ranch, Oscar came around looking to beat
up somebody for having offended a woman who had known a friend of his
sister in some manner he could not recall some thirty years ago, but as
he could remember neither the man's name nor the woman's he got drunk
on a bottle of tequila instead out on Snoffish Valley Road while all the
teenagers were having a good time all around him. Perhaps in the end it
was better for Oscar and everyone else once concerned after all.
Pahrump gave a good talk to little Adam about putting aside grudges,
for little Adam had been getting into scraps at school again.
It is said, Pahrump went on, about two monks passing along the road and
coming to a stream that there stood a woman on the bank lamenting the
force of the current and the lack of a bridge. The older monk picked up
the woman and carried her across the stream to safety while his companion
plashed on behind.
After many miles further on, drawing on to nightfall and time to rest,
the younger monk suddenly burst out with great agitation about the monk
having violated his vows of chastity in not only touching but lifting
up the woman in defiance of all their strictures.
The older monk looked calmly at his upset brother and said, "I set
that woman down many miles ago. Why are you still carrying her?"
As with our dear Marina, Spring may bring some heartaches, but then,
like the ancient Chinese symbol for disaster, there remains the other
side. Indeed, there always will be the Other Side. Spring can always be
a time to start all over again. Get on over to Target and fetch some decent
tightfittin' booty-huggers, gal. Do a little of that Texas bootstomp and
The long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far across the
water, across the dark green waves of the estuary brushing the rip-rap
and wavered across the rustling grasses of the Buena Vista flats and the
open spaces of the old Beltline as the locomotive glided past the dark
and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off on its romantic
journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

APRIL 14, 2013
This week's photo comes from The Editor who took this shot with his iPhone
while taking a walk.

Just got the KPFA reading series in over the wire and looks like there
are some upcoming gems, including a return of Eve Ensler to the Bay Area
to talk up close and personal about her battle with uterine cancer as
well as a talk about America's dirty wars program as investigated by the
Nation's Jeremy Scahill. Details are in the Calendar section.
Angela Davis, now a long-time tenured professor at SFSU, will be talking
in Commemoration of Palestinian Prisoner's Day at the First Congregational
Church of Berkeley April 17, and probably flogging her new book "The
Meaning of Freedom and Other Difficult Dialogues. Its a benefit for the
Middle East Children's Alliance. Go to Mecaforpeace.org to find out more.
Some of you folks might remember a young kid named Arlo Guthrie. Well
Here Comes the Kid to Zellerbach Hall as part of Cal Performances on April
18, which happens to be his famous father's 100th birthday. He may talk
about Woody, or he may sing a song or two or he may do both. Tix start
at $22 and you can get them at Calperformances.org or by calling 510-642-9988.
The Outside Lands Festival is still collecting names and one of those
is reportedly Sir Paul McCartney, however that name is as of yet just
a rumor.
The dodgy weather has made planning for the Greek and other outdoor venues
an iffy proposition, but keep posted and we will inform as we learn more.
Rumor has it that the former Goode Chevrolet site on Park that was to
be a CVS will become instead a Walgreens, meaning the wretched store that
sits next to the parking garage will persist in all of its dinky wretchedness.
Okay, so one mega-chain pharmacy is like another. Except the CVS in Mariner
Square Village remains bright, clean and well stocked, while the one on
Central remains an urban slum to visit with long lines no matter what
the time of day and its odd gates at the end of the liquor aisle make
you think twice about entering what reminds you of a dingy lockup with
armed guards and camera surveillance or something.
Not being critical, but just sayin', this place feels really depressing.
Yes the tubes are getting a facelift, which may very likely feature fixing
the opening dates, misrecorded on a bronze plaque next to a sign posting
a different date. Improved pedestrian guide rails for both tubes -- hinting
of opening access for both directions and allowing for free passage around
those trundling homeless shopping carts.
Heck, we are all for easier access to the Island for those folks inhabiting
the Bushville tent city under the freeway on the Oaktown side.
For well on twenty years we have wondered just what was in those tall
structures with glass painted over. Maybe we all will discover wonders.
Well, maybe not.
In any case, this project is entirely a beautification project, similar
to the "Northern Gateway" plan to impress the well-heeled and
newbie neuveau riche that will surely replace the rest of us plebes. Can't
raise the rents from obscene to flatly hideous without some prettification
so as to allow some perfect numbskull to claim, "well if you want
to live in such a nice place with clean streets and no crime then you
must pay."
Heck, and we thought we had been already living here for over two decades
and our girls were effing born and raised here. That is old nostalgic
guff that counts for nothing, apparently. Nobody we know born and raised
in SF can afford to live there in their hometown anymore. Why should the
Island be any different? After all, Wood School is gone and soon anyone
who went there will be too, followed by the old Island High with its Berlin
Wall. The idea seems to be to evict anyone who remembers how it was and
replace them with people gasping that at least its better here than elsewhere.
After all, we heard there was no rent control. . . .
Also in the planning stage is Safeway's addition to the Target at the
Landing development. Unfortunately, Safeway plans to put in a "lifestyle"
store there attendant with all of its usual irritations -- instead of
a reasonably priced grocery -- but the upside has them also putting in
a gas station. For West Enders and people seeking affordable chicken and
rice in these hard times of sequester and flinty GOP obstinacy there now
is a Foodmaxx just over the Fruitvale bridge where the Lucky's used to
In national news, the Boy Scouts national leadership acted like anachronistic
jerks. So they want to hire grown men to run around in short pants and
cute uniforms with braids and tassels and dangling whistles with boys
and still maintain a private but well regulated sex orientation that denies
anything exists but still goes by some merit badge guidebook?
Something seems wrong with this picture. Maybe they can hire priests
to do the job. O wait, there is a problem with that picture as well .
. . .

Terry LaCroix was an Islander through and through.
Terry Yorke LaCroix, Jr. passed away in Chico, Calif. on March 19, 2013.
He was Alameda's first elected mayor serving from 1969 to 1975.
After his marriage to Patty, he worked as a manager at the Del Monte
plant at Buena Vista and Sherman St.
Terry's civic duties and service to his community truly defined his life's
work. Over the years, he served as; President of Kiwanis Club, Board of
Directors of Providence Hospital (now Summit Medical Center in Oakland),
Board of Directors of Hanna Boys' Center in Marin County, Chairman of
Alameda Park and Recreation Dept., Alameda City Councilmember (1963-1969),
Chairman of Alameda County Criminal Justice Planning Board (1971-73),
President of Mayor's and Councilmen's League of California Cities and
Alameda's first elected mayor serving from 1969 -1975. Some of his proudest
work as mayor was defeating the Southern Crossing and in limiting the
building and housing density originally proposed for the South Shore "fill"
in Alameda and in the Bay Farm Island "Harbor Bay" development,
all of which would have had a lasting negative impact on his beloved island
home town. Terry loved to swim and to sail. He and his family were members
of Encinal Yacht Club from its early days at the foot of Grand St., through
the 1980's at its current home on the estuary.
LaCroix was mayor on Feb. 7, 1973, when a U.S. Navy A-7E Corsair II crashed
into the four-story Tahoe Apartments at 1814 Central Ave., killing the
pilot and 10 people on the ground. The aircraft was on a routine training
flight to Sacramento from the Lemoore Naval Air Station, south of Fresno.
LaCroix was returning from a mayor's conference in Piedmont when he learned
of the crash and rushed to the scene.
"The fire did a tremendous amount of damage -- the biggest conflagration
we ever had in our city," LaCroix said in a video interview with
the California
Digital Story Telling Project.
LaCroix said he worked in the days after the crash to make sure the public
did not blame sailors at the former Alameda Naval Air Station for what
happened, or firefighters for the extent of the damage.
Terry and Pat moved to Redding, CA in 1988, where he continued his years
of community service, with his wife at his side, by volunteering at Mercy
Medical Center in Redding providing "Lifeline" installation
services to people in need and serving as Vice Chairman for the Mercy
Foundation's Board of Trustees ("Trustee Emeritus").
So anyway, in a big town people talk about themselves or about grand
things, international things about which no one really has any great intimacy.
Endlessly. Over and over. And they call that News. In a small town people
talk about each other forever and forever. Endlessly. Over and over. They
call that news. That is the difference.
It does not feel much like it, but Spring has advanced upon NorCal. We
have had days of overcast Blakean skies ominous with chiaroscuro portent
and muscular gods hidden among the folds, yet little of refreshing rain
to clean up the air. Nevertheless, the yards are crowded with Sam's daffodowndillies
and once again the calla lilies . . . the calla lilies! "the calla
lilies are in blewm again. . . ".
The contractors have all been thronging Home Depot down there on Alameda
Street beside the water and trucks have been picking up los migras from
the designated area that leads to the parking lot and you can see sturdy
men in paint-spattered canvas overalls hauling flagstones down the aisle,
and signs for hauling and gutterwork bloom all along the chain link fence,
which all means great things are about to happen.
Eduardo and Rafe returned home, not that they wanted to, as life for
them was good in far distant Independence where the crow call of their
father, Augustino, remained but a distant and unpleasant memory and there
was money to be made for Rafe running the little fishing guide enterprise
he had and for Eduardo who did contract work for the Inyo County School
District and life was good fishing for trout in Lake Crowell. It was not
much money for either of them, but they were grown into simple men with
simple needs and the fish from the lake were good.
Life had been good there with the Glacial Divide seperating them from
their domineering father and their mother who these days had difficulty
remembering what she had for breakfast.
But the message came that Maman had taken a bad fall and the doctors
knew nothing about it and it was all a terrible crisis and perhaps Maman
would not come back from the hospital at all.
The boys flew in from Reno, which is a good two hundred miles north of
Independence up 395 to find Maman sitting there placidly eating pepitos
from a paper bag. She seemed only mildly interested that the boys had
dropped everything, left behind wives and children and friends and jobs
in this hard economy to see about her welfare.
"Hokay, so nice to see you, my boys! My only boys! You know the
other ones, the ones that would have been so nice your brothers, well,
they died. So you are all I have left! You wan' pepitos con crema? Lets
sit here and watch the sopapillas grow . . .".
But Senor Augustino had no interest in pepitos or watching cactus grow.
The reason he had concocted this fabuloso histoire about Maman
was to get the boys to help with digging up the back yard for a project
he had in mind.
The Senior had been a major player in the anti-union growers organization
in the Valley. He had fought for many years against Los malditos comunistas,
as he called the organizers like Chavez at the time. He had been a big
man in those days and his retirement had been well rewarded, but he missed
the times when he could order men around, make them do things against
their will, maybe sometimes embarrassing.
Senior Augustino was of Old Californio. You did not work the land and
make a living -- you did battle against Nature and all human adversaries,
and you had to be hard indeed, for someone would come along and take everything
away from you and then at any time fire or earthquake could do just the
same. The weak were eaten and there was no place for dreams.
By modern standards, life at home for Rafe and Eduardo was severe. Up
at dawn and if not a bucket of cold ice water did the trick with no breakfast.
No games, no play. All was serious intent, even soccer practice. You practiced
to win and that was the point.
It is important for newcomers to this place to understand where the present
day Californios came from for there to be a real understanding of why
things are the way they are.
Now at 79, the Senor was a man of admittedly failing powers. As for Maman,
well, clearly there would be no more sons or daughters out of that woman,
as he saw it, and so very well. Also there was the tiredness and the sense
that many of his lifelong acquaintances of the same age seemed to have
chosen a path to rocking-chair senesence, a life in death of naps and
rising only to nobble on a plate of num-num and then fall back again into
stupor. Or worse, those hideous games run by volunteers from the church
where all the old people did these silly dances in a circle just to jiggle
their bones awake for a while!
This, he swore, would not become his own fate. He was not old! He was
only 79 and full of vigor and life and spit! Indeed he was of old California,
of the kind they do not make any more.
And he had decided that he, Augustino, would build a fabulous pond stocked
with rare Japanese Coi. And he would have a house for raising prize guinea
pigs. Right in the backyard!
For this project he required labor -- lots of it -- and what better source
than free labor from those worthless sons of his who had never repaid
a single dime for their upbringing, their education, all their clothes,
and all the useless frippery Maman had thought to inflict upon his budget.
So they were so many wrigglers cast forth into the world to live their
own lives. Well, he would reel them back and show them how to work by
dios amigo!
In the morning he got them out of bed and put shovels in their hands
and put them to work digging and hauling rock. By midday, it became pretty
clear that even though his own arms were still sinewed and strong like
rope cables, using two city-bred hands to dig a pond some fifteen by twenty
feet across and some four feet deep would be, if not impossible, then
eternal labor. Those idiots did not even know how to wield an auger let
alone a shovel and a pickax and their complaining was endless. To cap
it all, there came Maman with a tray of lemonade and pepitos, waddling
along in those idiotic fur slippers of hers to get in the way.
"Maman! Go take your medications!" shouted the redfaced Augustino.
"Go away and take a nap!"
Well, he would show them. He would get this hole dug. And so, to the
relief of everybody, Augustino went away for a while.
The next door neighbor, a man by the name of Lars Halvorsson, looked
on with some concerned amusement, for the man's house was cheek by jowl
with others on quarter acre lots and all this activity caused a ruckus
as well as a fair amount of dust. Then there was the matter of the debris
bin out front taking up parking space on the street.
Eduardo called on their friend Lupe, who had become something of a curandero
by reason of having attended two semesters at UC School of Medicine before
flunking out to take wholistic classes from Indians in Sonora while supporting
himself as a drag queen. Lupe speculated killing their father might do
the trick, but Eduardo did not think that would end very well for him
and his brother.
Augustino returned towing a trailor with a rented backhoe. "Observe,
my children, how things were done in the old days, when men knew how to
get things done well!"
He unloaded the backhoe and drove the thing around to the shallow ditch
that the three of them had worked all morning and plunged the blade down
into the soil where it promptly cracked open a pipeline that sent a geyser
of dark water high into the air.
Senior Augustino yanked abruptly on the control handles, too late and
sent the blade high into the air and then froze there as water came down
from the fountain all around them there.
Mr. Halvorsson burst out of his screen door shouting, about what it was
impossible to tell.
All stared down into the pit that now quickly filled and soon welled
over to run in a muddy stream alongside the house into the cellar and
out to the street.
All stared down except for Senior Augustino who stared upward with a
curious expression on his frozen face.
When Eduardo thought to look up he saw that the backhoe blade had neatly
nicked the overhead powerlines.
"My electricity is all gone!" Mr. Halvorsson shouted. "What
did you do?"
One end of the powerline lay smoking in Senior Augustino's lap. He continued
to stare upwards with wide-open eyes, not seeing the heavens.
They say the funeral was modest yet, appropriate for a man of Senior
Augustino's stature. He was cremated, even though a burial plot had been
purchased, which some though strange, and the two boys returned to Independence.
The house got sold to a Vietnamese family who created a whole new set
of problems for Mr. Halvorsson. Maman went to a SNF without complaint
for it stood around the corner from a nice panaderia.
Late at night the Editor went to the door of the Offices after hearing
a knock to find a small cardboad box on the stoop. Inside he found a dark
granular sort of burnt powder with chunks of greyish stuff mixed in. The
note simply said "Deseche correctamente". He did not
understand Spanish but he took the box and put it up on the shelf next
to the bell jar encasing the brass fantod to be dealt with later.
Right then the long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far
across the water, across the dark green waves of the estuary brushing
the rip-rap and wavered across the rustling grasses of the Buena Vista
flats and the open spaces of the old Beltline as the locomotive glided
past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed
off on its journey to aesthetic parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

APRIL 7, 2013
This week's headline photo comes from facebooker friend, Charlene Hensley.

Usually we get a more typical red with black dots. This image provoked
a discussion about the nursery song about ladybugs. The original English
version (there are many variations) goes:
Ladybird, ladybird fly away home,
Your house is on fire and your children are gone,
All except one,
And her name is Ann,
And she hid under the baking pan.
The English version has been dated to at least 1744, when it appeared
in a collection of nursery rhymes. There was also a 1994 docu-drama done
by Ken Loach about a British woman's dispute with Social Services over
the care and custody of her four children
The sing-song rhythm and a couple lines from this English children's
chanson were used by Tom Waits in Jockey Full of Bourbon as follows:
Hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are alone
Hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are alone
The verse probably referred to the old practice of "smoking"
plants to get rid of pests. Ladybugs eat aphids, hence are desireable
by gardeners.
We are glad to be bringing back Whats The Buzz events reports. This week
we have a public meeting on the dock and two upcoming shows worth noting.
What: Meeting and public education regarding disposition of Alameda Point's
"burn site" - on north west tip of former base When: Tuesday, April 9th;
5:30 - 6:15: informal discussion with Navy PM and consultant, RAB members,
and interested residents 6:30 - 8:00: view Navy posters of the site and
talk to available Navy personnel Where: Stafford Room, main library on
Oak street @ Lincoln Come to this meeting and ask questions of Navy PM
Cecily Sabedra and a consultant. The first meeting - 5:30 pm portion -
is a group discussion and allows anyone to ask question in the group format.
The second portion of the event is the poster station format where individuals
can talk to Navy personnel. RAB members will attend the first meeting
as an addendum to regular RAB mtg and learn (for the first time) the disposition
of Site 1 - burn site/former disposal pit. The final documents on this
site were linked online yesterday (although a number of RAB members question
why they're not seen draft documents at all. Late or never produced draft
docs ensure that the RAB cannot review Navy processes and decision until
after they're made; this obviates the RAB's mandate).
to final docs:
David Sedaris returns to the Bay Area for a KALW benefit over in Babylon
An Evening with David Sedaris on May 5th , 2013.
San Francisco War Memorial Opera House
7:30 PM.
The Opera House is located at 301 Van Ness Avenue at Grove Street, directly
across from Davies Symphony Hall.
Reception at 6:30 PM
The celebrated NPR humorist comes to the War Memorial Opera House for
an evening of cutting wit, social satire, and riveting conversation, including
a question and answer session! Experience live, the hilarious brilliance
that created the national bestsellers: Naked, Me Talk Pretty One Day,
Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, When You Are Engulfed in Flames,
and his latest Best-Seller, “Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk” and the much anticipated
new collection ”Lets Explore Diabetes with Owls”
Buried in the Berkeley Rep pre-season announcements (current excellent season
continues with Pericles, Prince of Tyre, starting 4/12/13) we note a couple
world premiers, including one by none other than the screenwriter for the
Oscar-adored film, Lincoln, Tony Kushner. Well, he has done a few other
things as well, but this time around the celebrated playwright teams with
Tony Taccone.
May 16–June 29, 2014
The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and
Socialism with a Key to the Scriptures
- Written by Tony Kushner
- Directed by Tony Taccone
- Main Season · Roda Theatre
- West Coast premiere
Winner of two Tony Awards, three Obies, an Emmy and a Pulitzer Prize,
Tony Kushner returns to Berkeley Rep for the West Coast premiere of his
latest play. With his trademark mix of soaring intellect and searing emotion,
the legendary playwright unfurls an epic tale of love, family, sex, money
and politics—all set under the hard-earned roof of an Italian family in
Brooklyn. When Gus decides to die, his kids come home with a raucous parade
of lovers and spouses to find that even the house keeps secrets. Kushner
reunites with one of his favorite collaborators, Artistic Director Tony
Taccone, to bring this sweeping drama to the Roda Theatre.
Our roving reporter came across the aftermath of a spectacular crash
on the corner of Triumph and Atlantis around 3:00pm Thursday, April 4.

The car, travelling at a high rate of speed jumped the curb and completely
obliterated the lightpole before continuing across the sidewalk and median
to cross the street on the far side and smash into a brick-clad pillar.

Airbags inflated and all axels and all tires were destroyed.
Police at the scene declined to offer statements and the City website
went down during the weekend, preventing further inquiry from the PIO.

So anyway here on the Island, which is not so much the Town that Time
Forgot as the Town Time Prefers Not to Remember, a number of wharf sizzlers
together with Blakean skies unruly with chiascuro gods and tumult have
kept things dank, mildewing and depressing.
People around here, and by People we mean the old timers with sturdy
roots going back to Chipman and Augenbach's day, don't like too much sun
and uplift, for dank depression reminds us, or them at least, for the
times of hardscrabble struggle, economic disaster and pullman car strikes.
We do not have a Sons of Norway house on the Island, unless you count
Olaf's Waffle House -- that distinction belongs to the Laurel District
in Oaktown across the water. At some point we need to make a field trip
over there to learn just why the SON are plonked down in such an improbable
Ah History. Some say History belongs as spoils to the victors, however
beneath any such "official story" about how we got here lies
the motherlode of Truth, which like any ore-rich vein, contains a multitude
of things, good and bad, and here on the Island we have the Home of Truth
right there on Grand Street. Been there since the 1800's.
Spring is coming. Daffydowndillies are out. Tulips. All the early risers
acting like NorCal is the same as Minnesotta.
The Annual Meeting of the Island Historical Society took place this Wednesday.
Pandora Thighripple, also Heavyweight Dragon for the Island Hostesses,
the premier clandestine fraternal organization of culinary obsessives,
conservative political subversives and extremist capitalists, held the
gavel this time. The subject was upcoming Heritage Day in which the Island
would celebrate all the good things about the Island's history.
"Let me say this," Pandora announced. "The celebration
is for genuine Island residents who can claim long-term, multi-generational
attachment to the values we select. All others can just be quiet."
There was a chorus of agreement and the motion was quickly seconded.
Angela Conocere raised her hand and uttered in a timid voice, "But
there are some issues to be addressed . . .".
"I don't here you! I don't hear you!" Pandora said, clapping
her massive palms against her ears. "I don't hear you! The theme
is Celebration not Denegration!"
"Okay, I just thought some history should include my people's .
. . ".
"I don't here you! I don't hear you!" Pandora said. "Next
item on the agenda . . . !"
With Spring coming on, and this year the year the America's Cup comes
to the Bay, a number of boat owners came down to the Marina to see what
needed to be done to get things shipshape. Because of the overcast skies
and the occasional drizzle, not much real work got done, but a lot of
talk drifted under the docks to make up for it.
Over at Mr. Howitzer's new yacht, The Fountainhead, a gay little party
was got up under the awning and boathouse. It was an open bar and folks
got there a bit soused and started misbehaving. Mrs. Cribbage flirted
with Mr. Terse while Mr. Cribbage buried his head in the lap of Mrs. Stanchion.
The dogs, Eisenhower and Milhouse ran up and down the decks with great
abandon the way dogs do in the rain and Mr. Blather got up on the roof
of the wheel house to spout ill-remembered quotes from a famous Objectivist.
Indeed, Mr. Blather quite forgot who he was and began shouting, "I
AM John Galt! I am John Galt!" until a gust of wind knocked his feet
from under him and he landed in the water after a preliminary bounce on
the deck.
Seeing this, while swabbing the teak deck of Miz Perspicacious, a good
enough minimum wage job when the weather was fine, Pahrump dove into the
fetid marina water and paddled over to grab the semi-conscious Mr. Blather
and haul him to the dock where members of Mr. Howitzer's party pulled
him up onto the wet decking, leaving Pahrump to fend for himself more
or less.
He drove home on his scooter, sopping wet.
When told that an uncultivated plebian had rescued him, saving his life,
Mr. Blather burst into tears. "O why could it not have been a Shumaker
or a Rothschild!"
That same evening Luther closed up the Pampered Pup hotdog shop and walked
around the corner to stand for a moment next to the newspaper stand first
erected on that spot in 1936 and still kept in operation by dint of sentimentality
and a sense of preservation.
Lionel's family, multigenerational residents of the Island, had come
to this place during the war years to help build the massive ships that
would replace those sunk during the Pearl Harbor attack. Many of Lionel's
family had died during the Port Chicago disaster when an explosion amid
the poorly regulated area had destroyed several ships, several wharves
and several hundred lives as well as the entire Port Chicago facility.
Only a plaque and a line of charred stumps remains there now to mark the
West Coast wartime premier arms loading facility.
Along the road there is still a monument to Rosie the Riveter, but then,
she was a horse of a different color.
Lionel, was not allowed in the early days of his youth to buy a paper
from the kiosk. He remembered Officer Pushkin picking him up when he was
seen wandering down Santa Clara toward the Paramount Movie theatre and
being brought back to the row houses in the West End.
"Now boy," the officer had said. "I am bringing you back
to your place. We don't want any trouble over here. And you know they
just won't sell no ticket to a boy like you at the box office. You know
that. So don't be crossing east past Grand Street. Run along now back
to your ma."
Now in the year 2013 a Black man held the Oval Office and there Lionel
stood with the rain sifting softly down and so much changed here he was
with a business right there on Park Street.
When People talk about Heritage Day, in whatever small town that Time
forgot or chooses not to remember, they also need to factor in a world
of pain and hurt that comes with that Heritage. Otherwise it has no real
In the Offices of Island-Life the Editor listened to the rustling of
cars passing infrequently by on the wet streets as the rain sifted down.
Carrying a glass of Maker's Mark he descended the stairs to check on the
peas and slipped abruptly when his game leg, damaged during the disastrous
episode at La Monte El Abuelta de Diablo, slipped out from under him and
he went down hard. Fortunately without breaking anything, but leaving
him stunned for a moment, much like people feel after a big roller shakes
things up a good bit so that everyone wonders quietly to him or herself,
"Is this the Big One they talk about? Did I leave grandma's jar of
marmelade on the edge of the shelf or toward the back? I wonder if the
hall mirror held up and if Jeremy got to where he was going -- or was
he supposed to go to pick up Adam for soccer practice Wednesday? Is today
Tuesday? Has soccer even started yet or is it still Spring Break? Am I
supposed to die now and if so, am I dead already? Who am I today? It's
past time to prune that lemon tree . . . .
After a bit with the rain sifting down, quite extinguishing his cigar,
the Editor remembered who he was and where he was and got up with some
effort. Somewhere among the chard and peas in the dark rested an empty
glass that formerly held a quantity of Maker's Mark.
Smugness, especially of the small town variety is such a cheap target.
There really is not a place anywhere you can find where somebody does
not feel that a little halo revolves about their pointy crown. Laughter
is the best way to deal with inevitabilities about which one can do very
little. Had his cousin simply guffawed at Osama Bin Laden's foolishness
when he came to the door only to turn his back with medieval rectitude
way back when, so much suffering and stupidity could have been avoided.
Just imagine: "Ozzie, you silly goose! Turn around and come in for
some nice raisin bread. Don't be such a fuddy-duddy mugwhump!"
It was his version of history that made Osama the narrow-minded prick
that he was. A cobbled story of selected bits about losing the Alhambra,
twisted accounts of the Prophet written in an archaic version of Arabic
nobody but erudite linguists can read any more than English speakers can
read Beowulf, which was written about the same time as The Recitation,
minor real and imagined slights dating back hundreds of years.
So long as people still lived who remembered certain things directly,
personal and without abstractions, those who claim Heritage ought better
take consideration before celebration. Just remember yourselves. That
is all.
Safely inside his office cube, the Editor poured himself another bourbon
on ice, rain drops pattering softly like so many thousand stories that
make up History.
The long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far across the
water, across the dark green waves of the estuary slapped the tidewater
rip-rap, sung between the crooked boards of the old ferry landing, and
wavered across the rustling grasses of the Buena Vista flats and the open
spaces of the old Beltline as the locomotive glided past the dark and
shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off on its journey
to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.
Jockey Full Of Bourbon
Edna Million in a drop dead suit
Dutch Pink on a downtown train
Two dollar pistol but the gun won't shoot
I'm in the corner on the pouring rain
16 men on a deadman's chest
And I've been drinking from a broken cup
2 pairs of pants and a mohair vest
I'm full of bourbon, I can't stand up
Hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are alone
Hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are alone
Schiffer broke a bottle on Morgan's head
And I've been stepping on the devil's tail
Across the stripes of a full moon's head
Through the bars of a Cuban jail
Bloody fingers on a purple knife
A flamingo drinking from a cocktail glass
I'm on the lawn with someone else's wife
Come admire the view from up on top of the mast
Hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are alone
Hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are alone
I said, hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are alone
Hey little bird, fly away home
House is on fire, your children are alone
Yellow sheets in a Hong Kong bed
Stazybo horn and a Slingerland ride
To the carnival is what she said
A hundred dollars makes it talk inside
Had a Million in a drop dead suit
Dutch Pink on a downtown train
Two dollar pistol but the gun won't shoot
I'm in the corner on the pouring rain
16 men on a deadman's chest
And I've been drinking from a broken cup
2 pairs of pants and a mohair vest
I'm full of bourbon, I can't stand up
Hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are alone
Hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are alone
Tom Waits, Jockey full of Bourbon

March 31, 2013
This photo is of the duck couple which resides in the planter medians
in the parkinglot of Mariner Square Village. They have been hanging out
there for several years now.

The photo was taken a couple weeks ago, however the recent weather kinda
seems suitable for this waterproof pair.
Patrick McCabe, 77, released in Ireland. convicted of child molestation
during Dublin tenure 1961-1983. Because Irish law stipulates max sentence
based on time period of crime, Mcabe served two years in prision instead
of ten, the current penalty.
Mccabe served in Humboldt county 1985-1987 as a priest where he again
was accused of molesting four boys. He quit the priesthood and moved to
the island where he lived until his extradition to Ireland in 2007.
It's not April 1st, at least not for this last Wednesday's edition of
the Sun, but there it was, proud and bold on the masthead: It's Weed Appreciation
Um, somebody been smoking a bit too much of that Wacky Tabbacky in the
Editorial offices on Encinal?
By now everyone has seen it and just about everyone has taken a picture:
the rainbow flag flies below the Stars and Stripes in front of City Hall.
This photo appeared on another blogger's website and reappeared on Blogging
Bayport. Here it is again!

If you post this picture on your blog and email it to 10 friends who
blog, then you will somehow obtain $10,000 in the next six months plus
you will become the proud benificiary of a pair of Lady Gaga's shoes.
But if you do not repost this picture, your hair and teeth will fall
out and all your pets will die.
That little side item we noted a few weeks ago about developing the "gateway"
to the Island seems to be stirring up quite a lot of interest now that
people noticed the plans featured yet another set-aside for Measure A's
height limits in favor of 60 foot towers.
So lets get this straight. After winding through the Kaiser concrete
processing plant there in Oaktown, people crossing the Park Street bridge
were to enter a shaded tunnel of concrete akin to the nightmares portrayed
in the movie Brazil and this was supposed to welcome folks somehow to
Mayberry RFD?
It does seem that the rather clueless designers are going to retract
this 60 foot height expansion however it is a sure bet that debate on
what is to happen, and whether anything needs to happen, shall continue
fast and furious. Perhaps when the Angry Elf extortion gang torched the
former Tiki bar on the Oakland side, this was part of the Master Plan.
Meanwhile we note that the Boatworks project seems to be going ahead
with piling up huge piles of nasty-looking whatnot prior to erecting some,
well hopefully better looking piles in the form of buildings.
The Point has people improbably protesting the building of structures
to house the low-carbon footprints of dead people, who are unlikely to
cause a great deal of traffic congestion after having served their country
and had their ashes placed in urns. The VA hospital will, of course, be
providing for living veterans, injured and sick, who also are unlikely
to add much to traffic. 'Cause, well, you know a wheelchair is only so
long and so wide and typically uses hardly any gas.
The least terns will be just fine. If they get sick we do have a ballyhooed
animal shelter up and running.
Then we have more development promised, or threatened -- take your pick
-- for the Wedge area where the old Island High School vacated by the
Unified District used to stand, according to one letter writer. We thought
the Wedge is that area hard by the Tube, but we are not sure. We do know
that the area there along Constitution Way is slated for more build-up,
call it whatever. The Old Island High School, of course at 2201 Encinal
Avenue, is yet another plot to look at to make sure we don't get another
one of those Measure A variances.
Then there is the area of land which nobody is discussing much where
the old Navy hospital warehouses used to be, one of which burned in the
spectacular FISC fire a couple years ago.
Oy, yeah. Remember the Park District squabble over the parkinglot that
someone wants to call Neptune Pointe (sic). That one seems tied
up in the way the VA columbarium location got surreptitiously moved to
make space beside this new thing for . . . well, fill in the dots yourself.
So to summarize: The Point, Neptune Pointe (sic), Boatworks, The Wedge
I (high school), The Wedge II (Constitution Way), the Gateway north of
Park Street, the new mega CVS on Park, plus a couple more plots great
and small. Seems a whole lotta development going on.
PSA: Crown Beach, AKA The Strand, will be closed this week after
Monday due to annual beach erosion remediation. It is likely to be cloudy
with sprinkles in the 60's during the day while the dozers push tons of
sand around. Crab Cove will remain open and unaffected.
We repeat: it is not April 1st as of this writing, however the final
letter to the editor of the Sun features an ingenious plan by the
notorious Alameda Hostesses (you know: "the Island's premier clandestine
fraternal organization of culinary obsessives, conservative political
subversives and capitalist extremists.") to disable the firing mechanisms
of all firearms.
This plan involves deploying the Mach IV version of the Wind-breaker
gun disabling device.
Clearly this invention is a state-of-the-art vaporware product of Acme,
the Mega-corporation too big to even have a central office or a single
CEO. Those of you who have not read the Torpometronomicon, can locate
relevant product information as well as all installation manuals, SOPs,
and corporate mission statements at http://www.acmevaporware.com/.
The motto for Acme is and will be until further marketing deep analysis
"This holiday, why not travel somewhere WARM & IMPROBABLE for
a change?"
No one on staff has copped to having concocted this letter however we
do know that someone who recently lost their job amidst this mysteriously
booming economic recovery, which apparently does not seem to be benefitting
anyone in America who passes the criteria of either owning a car or breathes
a mixture of Oxygen and Nitrogen, has been giggling in the back by the
water cooler with a couple Persons of Dubious Repute.
So anyway, a flurry of wharf-sizzlers swept through the Island and the
East Bay to kick off a soggy weekend. Report has it this system will persist
into next weekend.
Right about now the previous storm systems are allowing parts East of
here to enjoy a few more weeks of winter. They had a snow-day in Boston,
or in a suburb of Boston, and all the kids stayed home, but around here
the kids just look out at the gloomy skies heavy with high fog and dream
of all the mayhem they could be doing if not cooped up under flourescent
lights and behind a desk that has seen the generations make their marks,
adding another lump of gum that will harden but last only until Aoife,
the School Super, neatly wacks off that calcified lump with a putty knife
at the end of the year.
Passover has wound up on schedule, which means this is Easter Week for
the Island with its plethora of churches. In great exhaustion from all
this mysterious economic recovery that features everyone working twice
as hard for more hours, shops and businesses closed all over the Island.
Since everything had closed, a group of denizens at Marlene and Andre's
settled in with bottles on the porch for a good long drunk.
Mr. Howitzer held a Nest Egg hunt on the grounds of his estate on Grand
Street, and in keeping with the new realities of the new economy, all
the plastic eggs were empty, save a couple contained scrips with messages
like, "Congratulations! Your merger deal just earned the shareholders
1.2 million dollars!" Of course that would be entirely too mean-spirited
for the kids, so a number of the dads contributed lucites to be hidden
behind bushes, in the doghouse, the coi pond, etc.
Put a merkin in your firkin!
Luther had not planned on closing the Pampered Pup after Saturday did
such good business from all the strollers on Park Street, looking to save
a few pennies on lunch food after spending big at one of the boutiques,
however Sunday dawned chill and overcast with Jaqueline's Salon, Borg's
A Touch of Wonder massage, and Mervin's Merkins (Put a merkin in your
firkin!) all shuttered up down the street. So Luther sighed, put up a
3x5 index card in the window saying Closed for Easter, and went fishing
at the Cove.
Floyd, president of the National Association of Traffic Enfeebled and
Directionally Challenged was in Oaktown checking out potential venues
for the annual meeting of the Non Compos Mentis chapter, and in so doing
wandered accidentally onto the Island. Before he ultimately drove his
rental car into the Bay, he side-swiped two fire hydrants, three light
poles, a bus shelter (which was declared a total loss) and killed someone's
pet weimariner, so Sunday morning started off quite exciting before the
churches all opened up.
As was his own nature, Pastor Nyquist proceeded anticlockwise
Pastor Nyquist of Emmanuel Lutheran, meditated on his sermon as he took
his walk Saturday, coterminous with Father Danyluk of the Church of Our
Lady of Incessant Complaint. As was his wont, Father Danyluk took his
stroll about the block clockwise, as oriented by true North. As was his
own nature, Pastor Nyquist proceeded anticlockwise, resulting in the pair
greeting each other once at the start, once in the middle, and once again
as they arrived at the same destination, which you may take to be a parable
of sorts about different religions in that everyone pretty much ends up
in the same place designated no matter what the Prophet or Buddha has
to say about it.
The two remained on the best of terms, for the good pastor often loaned
out excellent choral singers to Father Danyluk on special occasions, for
the priest often lamented that his own congregation could not carry a
tune to the mailbox, while it was true that his rectory stocked the better
wine and spirits.
The Church of El Luz del Atonal Mundo met again in the old Adelphian
for some kind of mysterious services that involved a great deal of shouting
and offkey screetching and taking up all the parking with their monstrous
SUV trucks for blocks around, pissing off the Baptists around the corner,
but at least the kids were kept from running in traffic or sniffing glue
for the eight to ten hours it took to do whatever it is they do in there.
The Angry Elf drove around in his bright red sportscar with "Sticky
Fingers" Toshie and Bryan "The Gump" looking to hit up
a few businesses for a little extortion gelt, but found just about all
the interesting places closed, so the group went back to the Lunatic Asylum
of St. Charles to watch Incredible Strange Wrestling on his TV amid a
welter of Chinese takeout boxes and broken glass bottles.
Sgt. Rumpsey, freed from his regular beat as parking lot enforcer at
City College, moonlighted as security in the basement of the Macy's for
the Pink Easter Poodle Celebration -- Everything Pink 50% off! He spent
most of the day under an immense papermache dog which contained a loop
tape of dog noise, longing to employ his sidearm against any one of the
thousands of Asian "omas" scrabbling over lingerie, fuzzy slippers
and portraits of Elvis done on pink velvet, all seeking to knock down
the prices even further so as to haul booty off to their own boutiques.
Someone upstairs upset the cage holding live rabbits in the Easter Beaster
display, and a flood of lapine creatures descended the escalador to scamper
about in a melee of cursing Toisan and Cantonese, allowing several shoplifters
to scoot out the door, pockets bulging. One oma, reverting to earlier
village days, held up a captured hare by the scruff before the startled
cashier, loudly requesting, "How much this rabbit?"
So the rabbits escaped. To the unsentimental, one is always good for
the stewpot.
For Sgt. Rumpsey, Easter in the City turned out to be a very long, exhausting
I think instead of talking about that we should all go have ice cream.
On the Island, the supposedly happiest day in Xiandom sank into a grey
morass of clouds and dank rain. Reverend Freethought looked out at her
congregation at the First Unified Unitarian Chapel and she saw Mariah
there with her widow's shawl and her old hands and there was the heavy
man in the back and up front there was Constance, she of the crackhead
sister, and there was the gaunt man in the long coat and chubby Theo who
was Irmgard's son and who worked as a sign-holder on the corner for hopeless
real estate developments and she closed up her book on the lecturn, saying,
"You know I was going to read a passage from Luke about doubt. It
begins 'At that time Jesus stood in the midst of his disciples, and saith
to them: Peace be to you; it is I, fear not. But they being troubled and
frighted, supposed that they saw a spirit,' but you know what I think?
I think instead of talking about that we should all go have ice cream."
Well this was a novel idea, to go get ice cream instead of staying cooped
up indoors on Easter Sunday, but nevertheless, the minister put a raincoat
on over her robe and took up her umbrella and they all went out to Tuckers.
So that is how the Unitarians celebrated Easter -- by walking in the rain
and eating ice cream sundaes and banana splits at Tuckers.
Because you know, you cannot save everybody, but you sure can provide
ice cream instead of hoarfrost.
Terrible things happen to people and no superhero descends
That night, the Editor sat in his cubicle of glass and machine noise
with his glass of Old Bushmills. It would be nice to have a savior, but
that can't be true for everybody. Terrible things happen to people and
no superhero descends from the clouds to beat up the bad guys. Out there
the Angry Elf gang roamed like the brownshirts of old, terrorizing the
innocent and taking advantage of those who find him "useful".
If there are any superheros who can transform, transubstantiate, this
miserable existence, it would be that child pounding that Chopin etude
over and over, until the day that music ascends from a march into a pean
of love lost. It would be that painter, that playwright, that photographer
giving voice to the voiceless.
What other purpose art except to produce heartless glass baubles at which
to gawk, hysterical displays of meaningless fire.
"Give them spectacle!" shouted the mad genius, not appreciating
what it was he really did. Of course give them spectacle, but you can
always dose that with an healthy dollop of soul. For what is spectacle
without soul? A plate of collards with no rice or beans.
The Editor called Denby over on the intercom. "Denby, come in here
and play that song called "Leave the Light on". The one by that
fellow from New Orleans.
Denby came around the corner and plunked himself down and got the guitar
out of the case and of course checked the tuning and was about to begin
when the Editor said, hold it right there. Do that again with the little
trills and things you do and the ringing harmony thing you do that goes
ting! ting! ting!
You mean the harmonics.
Whatever. I like that. The sound of something about to begin. I reminds
me of La Gioconda about to smile but not ready yet. It sounds like hope
in the wings, waiting for a cue to enter.
Uh, okay, Denby said.
I think we should take this on the road and highlight American Art, don't
you? You know what I think, I think we need to become . . . relevant!
I think you are drunk, Denby said.
Well maybe so, but nevertheless, its all relevant. It is all important.
O heck, maybe I am a bit a trop de vin. . .
Right then the long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far
across the water, across the dark green waves of the estuary brushing
the rip-rap and wavered across the rustling grasses of the Buena Vista
flats and the open spaces of the old Beltline as the locomotive glided
past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed
off on its journey to aesthetic parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MARCH 24, 2013
Since we boo-booed a couple weeks ago with misattributing the GG bridge
we feel it is only appropriate to sling a few jewels your way. Here is
an unusual shot of the new bridge under construction with the old one
beside -- from underneath.

This shot from staffer Tammy on a jaunt about the Bay a few months ago.
You may have noticed a couple gentlemen scooting around Park Street on
pennyfarthings this past weekend. The Pennyfarthing was the only way to
go for many years until the invention of the "safety bicycle."
in the 1880's.

Its rubber-tire with spoke-wheels design was considered a great improvement
over the cumbersome "boneshakers" which had preceded this vastly
more comfortable machine, however its inherent dangerous tendency toward
"header" accidents, together with a rather primitive brake system
meant that it was primary used for pleasure by men of means.
In 1918 pedestrian collisions resulted in a 100% fatality rate of 3025
Despite its risky drawbacks, the machine remains a beloved symbol of
yesteryear. They are often used to give a sense of whimsical, dated, carefree
flavor in films. The City of Davis uses it as a symbol and a penny-farthing
was the logo of The Village in the cult 1960s television series The Prisoner.
First we have a fellow shot multiple times, then five thugs beat up a
man on the steps of the police station badly enough to put the victim
in the hospital. Now we have a knife fight outside Scobies just off Park
Street, which put two people in the hospital. One of the victims had to
be rushed to Highland for emergency surgery. The altercation occured Monday
morning after 2 a.m.
People. Please calm down.
The rest of the police blotter reads more like normal for us, with the
usual public intoxication, graffiti vandalism, 5150 psychiatric, and annoying
phone calls, with the one odd note of an arson at the Raider's HQ on Harbor
Bay where it seems a fan of some other team torched a BMW at 4AM.
Now! Play hard, but play fair.
The angry sounds of Joy Division fit in well with the hornets nest stirred
up by the outrageously obtuse House Source LLC who made no friends on
any side of any issue with their 65% rent increases followed by their
howlingly stupid apologia after refusing to even sit down and discuss
matters in two seperately scheduled meetings.
Now we have people calling for rent control -- which, unless it contains
unusual provisions -- will probably hurt the small homeowner landlords
here. Although those claims tend to be made by the larger owners.
The really obnoxious thing about how this started is that, amid what
amounts to a serious rental rate crisis here with rents jacking to the
stratospheric obscene while wages have remained flat for the past twelve
years (witness the recent public labor disputes!) this House Source group
essentially bypassed all pretense of civility with a big fat uplifted
middle finger, saying "I don't care what you think or feel. I am
going to do what I want, so eff you."
In the short term people have responded to the high rates by doubling
up in all the units, effectively packing the local block population density.
This will only work for so long. Then begins the rage as people who own
the homes they live in see increasing amounts of dreck on the street,
congested traffic, impossible parking -- and a lot more events just like
what happened at Scobies.
The sky high rents will ultimately savage the small operator as the sort
of folks who can seriously afford two grand for a single bedroom will
be entirely happy to levy additional property taxes to fund the kinds
of things that make those folks comfortable.
Isn't that what is happening already? Homeowner, what did you pay in
additional surtaxes that seem to be getting by Prop 13 this year?
It's not like the Island has always been a desireable place to live.
It can always and easily go back to just the way it was when the Navy
was here. When the only people who wanted to buy property here were blacksmiths,
welders, factory workers, shipwrights and retired merchant marines.
Hey, maybe that is not such a bad thing, come to think of it.
So anyway, the pounding of Canadian geese heading back north after wintering
in Rio shook the air, early messengers, envoys, and consuls swinging by
the Island were a handful decide to drop down and just hang out without
all the bother of long flights, TSA annoyances and rerouting due to mishaps
between air traffic controllers.
No one knows exactly why some geese decide not to follow
No one knows exactly why some geese decide not to follow the age-old
path all the way to Rio where exquisitely tanned women wear remarkable
nothings on the beach and the slum kids hunt through garbage and tourist
wallets for spare change, but where the weather is astoundingly blood
warm and the pulse of the soro rhythms fills the favelas.
It is just as much an old way which features visitors coming here with
every intention of making this Island of Califia a momentary rest, only
to leave a few straggelers behind, who, over time, weave themselves in
to the weft like the old cooking baskets of the Ohlone.
The fog has come and also the second full moon following the arrival
of the Year of the Snake.
Occasional Quentin slept occasionally under the coffee table
Over at the Household, which had gotten a bit cramped during the long,
arduous winter season that required that everyone who lived there also
sleep there and conduct business there due to inclement weather. Because
of the horrific rental situation some fifteen people had crammed into
the one bedroom cottage on Otis, making do with bunks and makeshift arrangements.
Snuffles the Bum slept in the porch hole when it got really stormy out
there and no safe place could be had at the shelters. Occasional Quentin
slept occasionally under the coffee table and Suan enjoyed the couch --
because she had the most stable employment as a stripper at the Crazy
Horse. Jose and Javier inhabited hall closets while Martini used the fireplace
and Tipitinia, Sarah, Rolph, Festus, Xavier, Pahrump, Alexis, Marsha,
and Piedro stacked in hallway bunks and the "livingroom" area.
Marlene and Andre and little Adam used the bedroom.
a form of arson they could always blame on out-of-towners
This situation worked out because Mr. Howitzer, the landlord, conveniently
ignored the fact that the place was over subscribed with tenants and studiously
deferred maintenance, knowing the lodgers would not dare complain, and
the tenants managed to keep a really low profile, save when Martini and
the boys blew stuff up on the beach -- a form of arson they could always
blame on out-of-towners from Fremont.
Social activities generally involved working, looking for work, getting
more work and getting drunk before going to work again. This system worked
out perfectly in harmony with the American version of capitalism in the
twenty-first century, albeit at somewhat a lower level than brokering
stock or administering law or selling electronic geegaws to people who
do not need them. But in essence, pretty much the same.
Jose and Quentin and Javier shared a jug of wine out on the Strand to
welcome the advent of Spring. It was chilly and the wind blew a cold biting
wind, but it was supposed to be Spring and they were going to celebrate,
goshdarnit, come hell or high water. Meanwhile Marlene and Andre were
fixing up the table with a leg of lamb snagged from a banquet the boys
had done. The egg, the parsley from the ironmongery garden, the boiled
egg, the honeyed nut and apples mash and the flatbread -- it was all there
and they had the wine.
Javier had gotten work for the caterers over in Oaktown for the recent
First Fridays and he had developed an appreciation for modern art, especially
when it involved a female modern artist. In fact he had been making the
rounds contributing to the art world and female artists in general with
his services. If the artist came to the opening wearing a simple black
dress, that creator was his.
Javier had managed to inject passion . . .
Yes, Javier was a hit in the world of modern art for Javier had managed
to inject passion, so to speak, back into the bloodless world of post-post
modern post grunge minimalist art. He gave new meaning to "performance
art," and critics commented about the renewed vitality that erupted
now from the oeuvre of certain ladies he had touched with his own aesthetic
"Constance Canterbury has shifted in her studies of abandoned New
England outhouses from the dreary puritanical lines of her past work to
flaming sensual exhuberance bursting with cross-cultural deconstructed
motivs of sex and poly-linguistic meanings that rise up to evoke inexplicably
limpid impressions of Moorish Spain and North Africa. Never has the half
moon iconography been so fraught with hot metalanguage. . . ". (Harrison,
Contra Costa Times)
"O my gawd! Say that in Spanish again!" heaved Appolonia Berechtesgaden,
a nubile mixed media artisan, under the naked streams of the full moon
caressing the linens. "I love what you do with your tongue!"
Turn this way or that, yet another imbecility surfaced
Over at the Island-Llife Offices, the Editor strode back and forth with
his arms behind his back, a new order Captain Ahab filled with memories.
The year had revolved again to the time of the full moon and the Pesach.
But instead of the white whale, stupendously enormous idiocy humped its
way through the choppy seas of American consciousness. It was a Stupidity
so colossal that it was difficult to know where to cast his lampoon. Turn
this way or that, yet another imbecility surfaced even as the sad ten-year
anniversary of the invasion of Newark by Eugene Shrubb and his Army of
Bums had slithered through everyone's calendars with most pretending not
to notice the commemoration of that resounding series of fiascos.
People had left in a hurry this evening to get home to supper and families,
leaving many things half done. Someone had left the door open wide and
a glass of wine stood waiting on the edge of the table from a celebration
earlier in the evening.
The Invasion itself had come and gone with few even in Newark having
noticed their Occupation, due largely to everyone's indifference to Newark,
the total absence of any poodle Weapons of Mass Doo-doo (WMD's), and Newark's
own large indifference to itself.
"That woman is evilly stupid!" she said.
Now, there was Wally's foolish Sequestration in the men's room of the
Native Sons; there was the Pee Tardy folks, so Conservative they resisted
going to the lavatory more than once a day; there were people denying
climate and weather existed, so the National Weather Service needed to
be abolished as an unneeded entitlement, along with military death benefits
and firemen's pensions. Follow the lead of United Airlines, in other words.
Then that garish, shrill, grandstanding woman lacking any sort of musical
talent who always was running around grabbing the mike to call attention
to herself and her outlandish viewpoints entirely to make a buck out of
making a spectacle of herself throughout the entertainment industry.
It was rumored that Lady Gaga, that sweet girl, sobbed in despair at
being outdone by that master of extreme dadaist nonsense, the former governor
of Alaska. "That woman is evilly stupid!" she said as she stamped
her nine-inch platform boots, weeping into the fur of her roadkill hat.
Meanwhile, on the Island, an as yet unannounced Upton Sinclair waits
to write about the obscene land rush to build up waterfront properties
on a place that averages three feet in elevation where the Bay Tide average
ranges from five to seven in the face of some globally warmed factoids
now drifting like so many icebergs in search of the next Titantic.
That's when the great blowhole of the cetacean below began to surface
At the last finance meeting of the Native Sons, Columbia had stood up
to announce that the economy was improving, that the prospective sale
of some historic properties would bring in dollars to balance the budget
which had been sagging a bit to the left of the ledger in the red zone
for a while, and that a city in China was looking to invest in golden
poppy farms and that things were improving. That's when the great blowhole
of the cetacean below began to surface, for the unstated question amid
all of this "improving economy", an economy which seems to have
been "improving" periodically now for over a decade and a half,
concerns just who the hell is feeling the benefits of all this economic
So there the Editor stood, a wounded captain on the deck of his ship
gazing at the moon recalling memories of Paris. And of Austria. Of Berlin
with its old wall and the truncated Bernauer Strasse. Of the Luneberger
Heath. Ravens marshalling about the gloomy Tower of London. Hitch-hiking
on burros across Capadoccia to the most incredible coastline staffed by
homicidal bus drivers and sleeping on the larcenous white sands of Ios
before the fabled wine-dark sea.
And now, wounded again years after the helicopters had pulled him out
of a rice paddy in the place of green butterflies, just when he thought
there was nothing left about which to write, that all the stories had
been told, there goes some preposterous numbskull with a plan to stack
skyscrapers inches apart near downtown on the Island and another fool
claiming his right to raise rents 65% because he thought it proper and
reasonable that other people pay for his investment at zero risk.
By god there is a crack of the whip in me yet, the Editor said to himself,
and he took a swig of the glass of bourbon in his hand, even though this
sort of thing was forbidden by Doctor Cohen. Tonight, the change of barometric
pressure, or the approaching offshore storm, or the anticipated Season
charged the air with a sense of expectation. As long as fools and knaves
continued to run the show and make life more miserable for the rest of
us, there will always be more news.
Yet why is this night different from other nights? Each of us has sweated
under the yoke of tyranny. Each of us has walked dry shod between perilous
extremes. This alone should tell you that there is no end to suffering.
Go ahead and put your elbows on the table and lean back on the cushions
when you have them.
Perhaps it is time to go and visit the Temple Wall, the Editor thought
to himself. Then he went to shut and bolt the front door. No reason to
give the Angry Elf gang an invitation to murder and mayhem.
This year in fear and shame. Next year in virtue and justice.
The long howl of the throughpassing train ululated from far across the
water, across the dark green waves of the estuary brushing the rip-rap
and wavered across the rustling grasses of the Buena Vista flats and the
open spaces of the old Beltline, the locomotive glided past the dark and
shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off on its journey
to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MARCH 17, 2013
This week the headline photo is of a spring bloom. We do have tulips
and other traditional early risers, but as this is California, our Spring
features a bit of the outlandishly colorful.

Some of these bird-of-paradise plants become full-grown trees thirty
feet or more in height around here.
This past week some things happened. People got robbed and shot and beaten
right up on the steps of the Police Station. However, as no traffic ordinances
were impacted in any of the cases, the perpetrators got clean away.
The school district, which supposedly got a parcel tax passed to cover
for the retraction of Prop H. now suddenly is crying poormouth because
-- surprise! -- the courts reversed Proposition H. And -- surprise! --
the appeal got quashed. Um, we did see this coming for quite some time,
did we not?
There is a little item in the corner of the Sun's front page that references
plans to create a "Gateway District" in the area near where
the Park Street bridge brings traffic into the Island. This four block
area is the first thing folks see after travelling through the execrable-looking
Kaiser cement plant area north of the estuary. We have heard people exclaim
with some surprise "THIS is the entrance to the Island?" Well,
for most of our lives in the past thirty years Alameda was not a desireable
place to live and visit, so give it some time. There are some nice people
who live on both sides of the water there.
A pranker called with enough energy and threat to cause a total lockdown
of the High School. No terriers have been located running through the
halls as of yet.
There was other news, but for some reason everything looks a queasy shade
of green today and the entire staff is getting into the NSAIDS after this
late St. Paddy's Day. Maybe next week we'll get some reviews in on time.
Festus came in chattering that Q-Cafe recently has had all the hot chicks
hanging out there.
Festus, all 3/4 of a pound of him, is an hamster. What does he know.
So anyway, the fog hung low in the sky all week despite the best claims
of the most solid weatherperson authorities at KCBS (All News All the
Time!) or the Dowdy Rock station (Kaaaaaaay Fooooooooooog!) or the sometime
alternative competitor (Live! One Oh Five! POINT! Three! Hey, we don't
suck anymore!).
Yes, once again the radio is your friend. A little inaccurate, as all
the media seems to have been for a couple decades or so, but now friendly.
Word has it FOX is going to send old men in trenchcoats to the schoolyards
to hand out candy to the kids.
FOX always has new ideas; sure, that will work.
So anyway to start again, the fog announces the change in seasons each
year with a longish rollout that depresses everyone to the point that
some folks even start to think about returning to live in the Midwest
to enjoy the snow and the tornadoes. Family arguments loom large in this
time, and many is the child who, lodged with relatives or the library
during a violent spat winds up living like a gypsy on people's couches
or in the stacks between letters H and G of the nonfiction, subsisting
on cold coffee and abandoned pizza crust.
When Spring comes around, the sun shines and many families rebuild themselves.
That is what the remaining SUVs are for. Mom and dad drive around, picking
up the kids, or maybe trading a bad one for something better until the
tank is full and then the hulking vehicle is palmed off on the next family,
as those things are really useless for anything reasonable beyond demolition
derby. You cannot park them, they use up gas and everybody reasonable
hates you for driving something so grotesque and socially reprehensible.
"Look Harold! There goes another cash machine for the Middle Eastern
Terriorists! Hey mister! Is your mother as ugly as your car?"
Tuesday night Pimenta Strife attended the monthly meeting of the Anti-SUV
Proliferation Brigade. Latterly, since gas prices have taken a sort of
gentle upwardly trending ski-slope advance, the mood has been festive.
Since the ASP Brigade torched a car lot in Mountain View in a daring raid,
some six years ago, the lots have not restocked and people are seeing
used Hummers offered as option choice incentives by banks to open new
And many people are choosing the blender instead.
It was movie night and all the girls whooped it up watching the viral
youtube thing about the car salesman getting pranked by a stunt car driver.
Main feature was a Sylvester Stallone pic. It never mattered what the
movie was about -- big cars always get blown up in those kinds of movies.
After Stallone fired a bazooka into a Hummer full of bad guys, Pimenta
cried out, "God that makes me want to have sex!"
Spring is a dangerous time in NorCal. All kinds of stuff starts to happen
after a few months of people living through a mild form of the kind of
weather that they all imagined they had left behind. At this elevation
(three feet for the island) we don't get a lot of snow and ice and forty-two
degrees is a long, long way away from forty below in Minot or St. Cloud,
but it sure is also a long way away from the ever longed-for Paradise.
Yes, we'll all enjoy Paradise once the fire damage is all cleaned up
and the house is paid for and the kids have finished with detox and psychotherapy
and the crazy neighbor next door has been shipped off to a comfortable
padded cell.
Denby has been driven to distraction by the guy next door, who turned
out to be related in some mysterious way to his landlord Mung "Bean"
Bang. Bang had always been skittish, not wanting to hang around long even
to check things out with his property, and Denby found out why.
One day this fellow, named in all improbability Nevermore Mung, popped
up over the fence -- itself an improbability as the fence stood some nine
feet high -- and giggled wildly before announcing, "I am back!"
Later, when Denby peered over the fence he saw coi ponds, a garden, bamboo,
but nothing on which the man could have stood to appear chest high above
a nine foot fence. Where had this fellow been up until now? Where was
he back from?
Back from exactly where became clear when Denby caught the fellow doing
some amateur repair work one day on the side of the tattered Julia Morgan
style house.
"What the hell are you doing buddy?" Denby said.
The man was was using a crowbar to rip shingles loose. Which he replaced
with untreated, unstained boards.
"I fix! I fix! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
"You dip those in any kind of flame retardant" Denby asked,
remembering at least one memorable conflagration in the East Bay.
"No no! I paint! Later I paint!"
Another day Nevermore buttonholed Denby telling him that he had to replace
the furnace screen. That it had been put off. That he wanted to do it
right now.
Recalling that something on the order of 24 hour notice was required
for maintenance, Denby refused. He also changed the locks and gave Mung
copies. Pretty soon Nevermore was pounding on the door with surprise.
"Hey! You change lock! I cannot get in!"
That's fine, Denby said.
A young man named Stephen lived next door in a separated outbuilding.
This man always had the look of someone who carried the entire world on
his shoulders. Not a good presentation for a twenty-something guy who
worked at CVS as a cashier.
Who is this guy? Denby asked.
"That's my father," Stephen said. "He is back from Vietnam
after two years."
I notice my tools have wound up in your back yard. Including the garden
hose nozzle. Can I have them back?
"Sure. I don't why he did that."
Denied the opportunity to vent, Nevermore began "cycling"
It became clear that the house, fraught with wacky electrical wiring,
bizarre plumbing with fixtures installed backwards, ham-handed door hangs
and askew cabinets had been the special project for Bang's troubled relative.
Denied the opportunity to vent, Nevermore began "cycling" as
the psychologists like to say. One night there was a lot of noise and
activity next door and when Denby got a chance to stand on a chair and
look over the fence, he saw that the coi ponds and rock gardens were gone,
replaced by a fifteen by twenty foot elevated wooden deck with stairs
and populated with handmade benches and picnic tables. This had all been
done within twelve hours.
One day the ten-foot long garden that Denby had started with nice piles
of dark loam just disappeared. Denby found the dirt had been dumped on
the front lawns of his place and the house next door.
What's with the dirt on the lawn?
"O that is fertilizer. We do that every year."
That was my garden. Why did your father take my garden?
"I don't know why he did that."
Just another day in Paradise. Where the damaged goods of an eroding Empire
with its history of inflicted foreign misery wash up in any sort of condition,
useless or not.
Over at the Old Same Place Bar, Padraic had geared up the place for Lá
Fhéile Pádraig, or at least the American version thereof.
Back on the Auld Sod, St. Patrick's had been a religious festival, which
generally meant that the pubs were all closed. The Irish realized that
the Diaspora retained a mist in their eyes such that St. Patrick's Day
in Chicago had turned from a proper observance into one of parades and
showing the green and lots and lots of potcheen.
Not wanting to disappoint the tourists, or let the opportunity to make
a few punts or two, the Irish opened up the pubs and took to St. Patrick's
day with zeal, some one hundred years after the Americans had started
the whole thing. Of course the priests objected about all the carousing
on what was supposed to be a religious feastday, but the priests were
no fun at all and they did not make any money for anybody but themselves,
so wiser minds prevailed.
In like mind Padraic had outfitted the last remaining bastion of the
Republic on the Island after McGrath's had closed to become a poofy fern
bar with no music because of a cantankerous roomer who imagined that living
above a bar ought to be an exercise in temperance and quietude, Fridays
and Saturdays included.
Eviction is designed for troublemakers like this, but in this case, the
Nazi's took France and the Netherlands.
In any case, Padraic and Dawn did up the place quite nice with improved
Guiness signs, lots of green ribbon and Suzie clad in an ultra-short miniskirt
with a cute green beret. Pots of green clover stood here and there. The
IRA contribution jar stood there prominently well away from the pickles
and pigs feet.
In years past, strange visitations had occurred on this night. One year,
the Angry Elf gang had attempted a bold takeover robbery. That nefariousness
had been quashed by the magic of the Bay Area.
"I would like to speak to you of magic," said Anatolia Enigma.
"As you know I make my living performing prestidigitation, sleights
of hand, rabbit out of the hat sorts of things. I have practiced these
arts for many years and I can tell you that there is very little I do
not know about sawing women in half or escaping from chains while suspended
in a sealed vault of water. But all of this pales in comparison to genuine
real magic."
"Tell me about magic," Suzie said. "I am not sure I believe
in it."
Here Anatolia's eyes opened wide and he raised his gloved hands with
exaggerated astonishment. "Ahh! I am amazed you, of all people would
say such a thing, for in young women as yourself, there resides a great
and powerful magic indeed! O I wish I had the power to beguile young men
and older men such as you!"
"O c'mon!"
"Let it be known to all who would hear, for all who still have ears
to observe, eyes to pay heed, no one comes here for the weather, nor do
they come here for health or wealth. All who come here come here for the
magic that is here. Such magic as makes all of my tricks, remarkable though
they may be, picayune and trivial!"
somebody forgot to write down the passcode of the month
"O yeah!" Someone said from the peanut gallery. "Then
show us some of that magic if it is so great." It was Mr. Spline
sitting with Simon Snark. Mr. Spline worked as a Fixer for the Company,
a government agency which had such a long ridiculous name that was so
highly secret none of its employees ever could repeat it or its acronym
in mixed company, not even to their own closest family members. In any
case, to throw off the terriorists and similar un-American types, the
higher-ups changed the agency name every few years along with the main
passwords to all the ultrasecret data. This caused a minor contratemps
when somebody forgot to write down the passcode of the month and so 30
days worth of top-secret data regarding North Korea, Iran, China and Martha
Stewart remained unavailable, lost forever due to the best state of the
art encryption routines ever devised. As it turned out, not much happened
that month and nobody really noticed.
That is how secret the Company happens to be, with a name nobody even
remembers because it changes all the time.
So everybody just shrugged and calls it the Company, which sounds just
ominous enough to frighten teenage girls not into Buffy the Vampire Slayer
and the Director can still get funding from Congress.
neither one of them had any friends they could trust
Mr. Snark was the local operative assigned to keep tabs on foreign interests
on the Island. While Mr. Spline always dressed like he was applying for
the position of funeral home director, Mr. Snark always looked like an
operative should look -- rumpled and splattered with paint as if he had
been working on houses all week. The two of them were very nearly inseperable.
Largely because neither one of them had any friends they could trust.
"Silly man! This magic presents itself every day to you. But I will
elucidate! Yet before I eludicate, I diverge and prevaricate in this slight
digression as I am now summoned by powers greater than myself," Anatolia
went on.
Anatolia's eyes grew large and luminous. His cape grew darker and more
voluminous. His white gloves danced in the air.
"And now, called by the great numinous forces of light and dark,
I present to you with some trepedation and anticipation fraught with the
most extraordinary forboding of those terrible and wondrous astonishments
reserved now for your very own eyes, the exemplary exactitude and highest
exemplar of dimininuative magical persons everywhere . . . the Wee Man!
A poof of smoke and there he stood, once again, the Wee Man. He stood
some three feet high, wore a neat waistcoat with fob and watch, clean
trousers, and buckled shoes. Upon his head he wore a newsboy cap. His
face was either very old or very young, depending upon the light. Everyone
later agreed he was the very same Wee Man who had visited last year.
He walked up to the rail where Eugene made a place for him by vacating
his own seat to stand there with his beer in hand.
Dawn asked him what he would have.
Guinness of course, said the Wee Man.
"And while you are waitin'?" Dawn asked.
The Wee Man's eyes crinkled with pleasure. "This is a place that
understands," he said. "Power. I'll have an Arthur Power."
"Right you are, "said Dawn, beginning the stacking of the Guinness.
She set down a glass of amber liquid which the Wee Man drained in a huff
before ordering another and looking around. He noticed Suzied and jumped
off his stool with great excitement to peer up at her and hold her hand.
"How are you my dear girl"! said the Wee Man. And he bowed
and had Suzie bend a little so that he could kiss her hand. When she stood
up, towering a good four feet above the small person, he clapped his hands
with delight gazing upwards with shining eyes and said before turning
away to re-ascend his stool, "I am so glad you now wear matching
Suzie hesitated then belatedly smoothed down her skirt and turned rather
"Both I and life are short; best to take advantage of both while
one can," the Wee Man said to Eugene. "What's that you are drinking?"
"O that's harsh! Give that man something to put hair on his chest,
for I know in truth he surely could use it." The Wee Man tossed a
gold coin on the counter. I say who here is up for some music and dancing?"
"Nevermind that," Mr. Spline said. "What about all this
magic we have been hearing about?"
Everyone, knowing all about the Wee Man and the things of which he was
capable stood back in a hush, fearing the worst at this impudence.
"Here's your Guinness," Dawn said, hoping to avoid trouble.
But the Wee man got down from his stool and came over to the table of
spooks and stood there looking sadly up at Mr. Spline.
"O! My dear! Dear, dear, dear, dear! You are the saddest person
I have ever seen. You have no real friends you can trust and even your
own family does not know each other."
"You are a fake," Mr. Spline said. "Smoke and mirrors.
In the light of day, poof! and you are gone."
this island is no more than 3 feet in elevation yet the tidal change
. . . is more than 7 feet . . .
"Look around you! You see the hummingbirds and the birds of paradise
and the astonishing miracle of the waves? Do you know that every authority
and scientist knows this island is no more than three feet in elevation
yet the tidal change in the bay is more than seven feet every six hours?
How is it that you do not drown from day to day? Have you ever thought
about that?"
"There is an explanation for that . . .", began Mr. Snark.
"Of course there is," said the Wee Man. "But it does not
matter. The magic is that it happens at all. Same reason trains in the
fog sound more loud, more full of soul."
"Well that's because the moisture in the air makes the medium denser
and sound travelling . . .", began Mr. Snark.
"Idiot! It's because fog makes things mysterious!"
"O for pete's sake!" said Mr. Spline. "This is getting
"Finally, we agree on one thing," said the Wee Man, who clapped
his hands. The lights went out and by the time Padraic had found the breaker
box to get things turned on again in the bar the Wee Man was gone, along
with two thirds of his Guinness and several pairs of women's knickers,
which had been supposedly safe and warm and doing their respective jobs
in place until a few moments ago.
Several sudden commandos emitted surprised gasps, to be sure.
Eugene held a full, brimming glass of a dark hopsy beer and Mr. Spline
was struggling with something in his coat. To everyone's surprise, when
the man finally undid his buttons, a large live salmon wriggled in a shoulder
holster where the man clear had expected something else.
Spline tugged and tore at the fish until he had to remove his coat and
take off the leather harness. He and Snark left in a huff while the fish
lay on the table gasping, until Dawn took possession of it.
"No reason to let the fellow go to waste," she said.
"Hey!" someone said complaining. "The Wee Man turned my
knickers into fishnets!"
"I don't know why he did that," Suzie said. "Here's your
Indeed, thus ended another somewhat eventful St. Patrick's Day at the
Old Same Place Bar. And of course that's when the long howl of the the
throughpassing train ululated from far across the water, across the dark
green waves of the estuary brushing the rip-rap and wavered across magically
rustling grasses of the Buena Vista flats where shamrocks nodded, the
locomotive glided past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London
Waterfront, headed off on its journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MARCH 10, 2013
This week's photo comes of a solitary fellow growing in a tended plot
among the more common daffodowndillies and lupine. He's the precursor
of Spring. Time to get out the garden trowels and get planting.

We know you would rather read nothing but the Sun however an odd sort
of criminal activity on the Island came to our notice recently. For those
who might want to peruse a different weekly there is at least one scamp
who has been making darn sure you Islanders will have no other means of
access to the news other than the Internet versions, for we noticed that
it was becoming increasingly difficult to locate a Weekly or a Guardian
past Wednesday, when the papers are distributed. In fact we have not even
SEEN a Guardian paper for about a year on the Island.
It got so we really started to get a jones for reading Dan Savage and
took to driving down Santa Clara to check all the kiosks to Webster. Every
single kiosk stood empty for five weeks running. Had an errant asteroid
clobbered Circulation?
Late one Wednesday last we discovered just why -- as we approached the
kiosks on Oak and Santa Clara across from the CVS parkinglot, a scamp
parked his car and hopped out with the motor running. He first grabbed
all the Real Estate magazines from the kiosk and tossed all 40 or so copies
in the back of his car, which already was stacked up past the headrests
with papers and magazines. The jerk then quickly emptied both the Bay
Guardian and the Weekly kiosks save for the facing issue and barely paused
when we tried to buttonhole the fellow for a reason for this obnoxiousness.
"What the hell are you doing fella!" one of us asked.
"It's my job", the guy responded, emptying another kiosk.
"What are you going to do with all these papers?" we asked.
"Read 'em. Take em to the house for the workers. Read 'em at work
. . .".
The guy, driving a primer black two door Japanese make car with bumperstickers
that had long since lost the message then took off.
We called the East Bay Express circulation desk to ask what was going
on. After a couple phone calls Jack Murphy called back to tell us the
papers were being stolen for recycling. You see, the good printers fold
and stack the papers neatly so snagging the entire bundle maximizes profits
for people trying to pack poundage into a small space.
This may explain the thief's choice of vehicles as leaving the motor
running on an SUV is sure to knock that profit margin to zilch.
Murphy told us this sort of thing had happened before and stopping the
thefts is very difficult as the crime ranks below the lowest in police
priorities. He also said that as a circulation manager this sort of thing
was one of his worst nightmares.
We commiserated with the fellow, and marked our calendars to get out
there to snag our paper early on Wednesday. And carry a good sized can
of pepper spray besides, as this goofball is causing people more grief
than the pennies earned are worth. The next time we run into him, this
guy is going to get more than a stinging rebuke in the kisser.
On the Upside we have two good things to report. Sales-tax revenue is
up, so all you folks keeping it on the Island have been doing well by
patronizing Q-Cafe, our two remaining privately-held bookstores, Juanita's,
one of our two excellent bicycle shops and American Oak, among others.
The other is that the Teacher's Union has reached agreement with the
recalcitrant District and the matter is now before the rank and file for
a vote. Check in on Blogging Bayport for the skinny on details.
Oh yes, almost forgot another America's Cup contestant is going to base
operations here at the Point. Italy's Team Luna Rossa, funded by Prada,
will be collecting some 130 folks just to put a boat in the water for
a while. But those 130 folks, and the leased space, will add significantly
to the city coffers along with the Swedish team Artemis.
The 34th America's Cup will take place this summer with several different
events, culminating in the grand enchilada throughout September.
Contrary to public opinion, bicyclists do get cited here -- you had to
know that our town is one of the few which does so -- and that traffic
school, just like for auto drivers, is an option to clear the record and
reduce the fine. Safety classes are held every second Thursday at the
AFD at 431 Starddust Place on the Point from 6 - 8pm. For info visit www.ebbc.org.
Letters to the Editor run heavy still on the gun issue, the plastic bag
ban, and now, the backwash from the lunatic excuses made by the purchaser
of 1514 Benton who stated, in writing, they raised the rents there 60%
because they heard "there is no rent control".
Now a primary owner of a different property has stepped forward with
a sort of apologia that does more harm than good, especially in a world
noted for stoor and bland responses to the outrageous as a customary procedure.
The owner of Schiller Place states "I took my life savings, invested
in and restored the home". He then lists a few arbitrary rental values,
including a statement that "a two bedroom (apt) rents for about $1500".
This puts the new rents at 1514 Benton Street still about 30% below market-rate
Well first off, anyone who devotes more than 50% of their total cash
holdings in any one asset, and locks up that cash so it cannot readily
be recovered, is a fool according to any serious financial analyst. To
lock up 90 - 100% of you savings in any one asset, whether it be a mutual
fund, an equity, or property , is foolishly suicidal. People just did
that during the recent housing bubble and look what happened.
It does not matter how much you want something, how tough you think you
are, how savvy you pretend to me. The nature of Capitalism is one fraught
with risk and fluctuation of value. The nature of running any sort of
business is one of expectation of good and lean periods and a reasonable
absorption of debt against the, hopefully, recovery over the long term.
No business seriously expects to make a tidy profit day after day, week
after week, month after month, year after year, on every single deal.
Of course such a situation is desirable but get real people, to make money
you have to spend money. If you want something assured, pick Communism,
where the entire structure is tightly controlled.
We are happy the owner of Schiller did not lose his shirt in the long
run, and in the process converted a dump into a valued part of the city,
however we do not have the slightest sympathy for anyone in his position
crying poormouth. The owner gambled on a business venture -- we know what
that is like and we know there is often a sick sinking feeling during
the early years before income begins to offset expenses -- however his
gamble was made on recouping significant profit gains. He did not do what
he did out of the largeness of his heart by any means.
The man clearly wants to make money in the process and understands that
only a fool tries to subsist on a single property. To make good on a half-million
dollar note and then, in addition, seek income on which to live in the
Bay Area just is not going to happen with a single fourplex. Or maybe
that is just why the rents are so ruinous and disynchronous with real
incomes here -- people are buying stuff they really cannot afford, expecting
to live on the income plus some and trying to "pass the expenses
on to the tenants" with perhaps a bit too much equanimity.
Now I know a couple landlords both great and small. For the sake of argument,
lets limit them to just two. The man who lives off of working property
and has no other job owns hundreds, if not thousands of units. Just like
the owner of Schiller, he bought run-down properties, moved into the houses
himself, and hand-built and rebuilt everything mostly himself. When he
did not have a skill, he learned it. Now he is comfortably well off and
can afford to pay others to do the work. He typically has set his rents
at Market Value, but with the proviso that he is hyper responsive to complaints,
and act proactively to benefit tenants to keep them happy without performing
onerous structural "improvements" during a tenancy. The time
to improve is when someone moves out.
Our second friend has two properties, one in Marin, which has many characteristics
similar to our Island. In his case, he wants longevity over maximum per
hour profit, so one can say his rents are set below this Realtor-set conceptualization
called Market Value. He has a job other than real estate and the rents
are designed to offset costs with minor income supplements.
As a result, he has had tenants at 12, 15 and 20 years at a stretch and
this has worked well both for him and for his tenants.
In a third case, we have an Island-Life staffer who inherited a house.
It needed work. It needed management. It did not matter that the house
came virtually free -- he could not afford to keep it and would not in
any good conscience "pass on the expense to the tenants."
So he got rid of it.
So we have to wonder about the man at Schiller. Did he teach himself
tongue and groove carpentry or already know how to do that? Did he already
know how to do wallboard properly, lay spackle and paste, and how to rip
out that outdated knob and tube electrical that has been responsible for
burning down so many buildings recently and replace it with properly grounded
circuitry? Did he already know how to seat new windows to match the old
look while removing the old sash-weights? Did he personally get up there
on the roof to perform tear-off? Did he float the bathroom floor with
miracle board himself? Set tile in the kitchen? There is quite a lot of
stuff to know, especially about period authentic houses, and this man
is talking about doing just one or two. Nobody learns trades by doing
just one house.
If he really just paid someone else to do the work, thinking, well I'll
just pass on the cost for this $100 an hour electrician to the new tenants,
adding to the destructive forces that ruined San Francisco, turning it
into an unlivable city by way of the extreme rents there, well we do not
have sympathy. None at all. In fact we would say the same thing to this
man we would say to the legions who sat down to sign variable rate interest
mortgages for homes costing well over one half million dollars a short
while ago: you really cannot afford that house. You should not have done
that. Don't do it.
So anyway, a big dockwalloper stomped on through for a day or so, leaving
the air sparkling and fresh. Sun came out and so long as you stood and
worked in the sun, life was grand.
a solid slug of good scotch would do just as much or better
The nasty flu season seems to be tailing off after a variant possessed
of a South-travelling virus sent a lot of people to the toilets and then
to the ER. In the old days people used to rely on kindly mothers to supply
plasters and chicken soup to remedy this sort of thing, but California
is the land of perpetual self invention. Some of these young folks will
have none of grandmother's physiks, preferring aromatherapy, foot detox,
Reichian pilates movement and arnica holistic stuff which has been so
diluted down to a single molecule of something that used to be important
embedded in a solid gram of gelatin when a solid slug of good scotch would
do just as much or better for your sense of well-being.
Mr. Howitzer came down with this flu rather bad -- perhaps due to his
habit of locking the thermostat of his drafty mansion at 65 degrees Fahrenheit
in every room save for his private study, where he kept a roaring fire
going even on Spare the Air days. So the Realtor howled and coughed up
a storm and littered the place with tissues and stopped up the toilets
until Dodd was compelled to cook up a pot of his own mother's chicken
soup, a recipe that had been handed down through the generations by the
Feuersteins, Jewish neighbors of the Dodds in Vauxhall.
The Dodds were historically lapsed Episcopalians, but she got along famously
with Sarah Feuerstein and so the two families had mingled for all the
festivals, dropping off bagels for St. Stephen's day in one garden and
sharing stuffed kidney pie recipes during the raucous Purim masquerade
party in another. Dodd made friends with all the dark-eyed Feuerstein
kids and helped out little Aaron with his Schul and made just as good
a nonmember of one religion as he was a nonbeliever in the other.
So that is how Dodd came to stare into a pot of a nearly perfect Jewish
chicken soup. It was nearly perfect and not so because it was missing
the most important ingredient added by moms generally when the mom is
both present and not an evil, abusive crackhead stoned out of her mind.
Some mothers can be like that.
Dodd looked into the pot and Mary looked into the pot and Eisenhower,
the Weimariner, looked up at the pot and all determined that something
else was needed as the roars of the disgruntled Howitzer drifted down
the stairwell.
"I want the Shotwells evicted post haste! Call the Sheriff! OOOOhhhhh,
my bloated belly !!!!"
He had already served twelve evictions and raised the rent on a dozen
more and issued onerous in situ "improvement" orders to yet
another baker's dozen. Something would have to be done.
Mary uncorked a full bottle of Valium and dumped the lot of it right
in. "Add a little more pepper," she suggested.
Dodd stirred the pot. One more thing. He found an old blue glass bottle
and dumped that in as well and stirred it up before delivering a steaming
bowl with a chunk of bread on a silver salver to the master upstairs.
After a short while, calm carefully revisited the house on Grand Street
and Mr. Howitzer sang little songs to himself before falling asleep.
"What did you put in there?" Mary asked.
Dodd picked up the blue bottle. "Says here 'Tincture of Opium. Good
for indigestion."
"O, I see!"
Over at the Offices of Island-Life the Editor looked at several reports
which suggested that the Angry Elf gang had been responsible for torching
the famous Chez Panisse restaurant in Berkeley due to a failed extortion
How can Evil be housed in such a short package, the Editor mused.
And they were all tough as pygmies from the Congo...
Clearly this was time to enlist the radical Midget Division of the Anti
SUV Proliferation Brigade. (sound of trumpets). They were virtuous. They
were smart. They were capable. And they were all tough as pygmies from
the Congo and they meant business. The Anti SUV Brigade had languished
recently as it had become clear even to idiots that only idiots bought
SUVs when gas looked to be heading for six bucks a gallon.
The Editor folded his arms and gazed out the window to watch the roof
rats that had been feeding from the cat dishes put out overnight by people
in the apartment block next door. The rats scampered and danced the way
those merry critters will do even though the Editor's upstairs neighbor
insisted they did not exist anywhere save in his own imagination. Heck,
its an Island with marinas -- thou shalt have rats where there are boats.
When one big one died quite aromatically in her dryer vent that really
put her out and she blamed the Editor no end for bringing them in just
to prove a point. The Editor could still recall her furious face and her
wagging finger. Nevermind they had infested the roof for ages.
some folks got their panties in a twist about the raccoons beating up
their poodles
The raccoons used to drive them off, but some folks got their panties
in a twist about the raccoons beating up their poodles so Environmental
Health had trapped them all and sent them away making people feel it was
safe to put out the nocturnal cat food. Now the rats did the gavotte about
the woodpile with great joy, for Nature is like a great seesaw. Press
down one place and up it goes in another.
"Just none of you better try turning left on Park Street from Otis,"
warned the Editor. "The Island Police means business. They'll trim
your tails, that's for sure."
Spring is coming and all god's creatures, great and small . . . o heck.
Just fergeddit.
The long howl of the the throughpassing train ululated from far across
the water, across the chittering waves of the estuary brushing the rip-rap
and wavered across mysteriously rustling grasses of the Buena Vista flats
where little creatures darted and stuffed their cheek pouches, the locomotive
pulling boxcars loaded with grain and thousands of rodent feasters glided
past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed
off on its journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

MARCH 3, 2013
This week's headline photo is a shot from one of the benches tucked away
near Crab Cove. Our little Eden.

That is far off Babylon hovering, seemingly, over the far arm of the
cove .
March has arrived, and along with it the start of the heavy pogonip that
always precedes the seasonal weather changes. March is also the time when
promoters start into gear for Spring and Summer seasons.
The theatres are winding up their formal seasonal programs; Berkeley
Rep just finished an outstanding creative season without the guiding hand
of Les Waters, as Mary Zimmerman's White Snake finished up along with
the inventive Wild Bride.
Never fear -- former artistic director Waters will return, in a manner
of speaking, in collaboration with Sarah Ruhl with a tale of love and
longing and genius. Dear Elizabeth follows the beautiful and bittersweet
friendship between poets Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell.
Kicking off Spring, Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci will hold forth
from March 8th, while the seldom performed Shakespearean Pericles will
likely be given a novel treatment.
ACT will be putting aside its dowdy conservatism for a while with two
world premiers in the form of Stuck Elevator, a drama about an immigrant
trapped in an elevator for 81 hours, and Dead Metaphor, a black comedy
about a soldier returning from the Middle East wars and trying to find
Shotgun Players will be starting things Spring with Tom Stoppard's Shipwreck
and Voyage, Parts 1 and 2 of Stoppard's Coastal Utopia trilogy. Then there
is By and By, a sci fi drama featuring cloning, bad medical science and
human frailty, followed by a Josh Kornbluth thing. Can't go wrong there
with those choices.
Musically, Robben Ford holds forth only through tonight, while the wildly
exciting Ladysmith Black Mambazo owns 3/6/13 for a sold out series of
Jose Feliciano comes out of the woodwork for a rare appearance 3/7 -
3/8 while the considerably paler Jim Messina does 3/9. Did you know Messina
was a founding member of Buffalo Springfield?
The 10th Bay Area Black Music Awards takes over on the 17th.
Casts and bandages are off everybody in the newsroom and we are all free
of our wheelchairs, so see us out there bopping to Fun at the Greek or
wherever and whenever our boys Green Day return home after their ill-fated
European tour. So Billy Joe got into a tangle with the pills; its not
like this sort of thing doesn't happen in real life as well as rock 'n
roll. He is a good kid, he is free and sober now, and we are glad he is
back in the game still fighting the good fight.
The Unified School District and the union came out of cantankerous bargaining
with a contract proposal for a 1% salary increase for teachers. Which
proposal goes before the rank and file for voting soon. The talks, which
dragged on for 10 months, featured a request for a 4.5% increase over
two years, so we will see how this one plays out. Our teachers already
earn less than any other district in the Bay area, which is a damned shame.
In more school news, the first of what may become a series of demolitions
due to declining enrollmens took place Monday when the Island High School
buildings were knocked down. Plans are to convert the land to its original
use as a garden spot.
Now that the weather has improved we are seeing more burgluries happening
-- lots of smash and grab vehicle thefts, outlying buildings, storage
sheds, etc. Also a continuing trend is the occurance of 5150 psychiatric
detentions, with about one per day.
The anxiety-filled tit-for-tat argumentation over the usurious rent continues
in letters to the editor, with the first call for rent control hitting
the sheets. Given that the contra position has been poorly expressed without
regard for the economic realities out there that feature decades-long
stagnant wages, it seems pretty destined that after a long acrimonious
fight, rent control will surely come here, like it or not. It is obtuse
people like the folks who bought the Benton Street property who ironically
will ensure that it happens.
The VA, seeking to build a combined columbarium and medical facility
at the Point may have sensed that the abrupt shift in zoning boundaries
may have ruffled feathers -- and we do not mean the least tern, which
animal is being used as a excuse for the changes. Not that the former
site abutted and overlapped some waterfront land eyed by at least one
developer with jingling pockets. Heck no. All we are concerned about here
are a few hapless seabird nests. We have a heart for critters, really
we do.
Whatever. A columbarium is a sight better than skyscrapers and odious
mulimillion dollar palaces that will drown in the drink when the ocean
rises anyway. The tenants are quieter and never will threaten the sensitive
IPD with unruly hip hop parties. In any case it preserves the historical
Naval presence and dead people in urns will not significantly add to traffic,
so it is generally a win-win situation. We just wish our Silly Council
would be more transparent about how these things come to pass.
The VA is wisely seeking public input to the decision process in a manner
that differs sharply from Suncal's old tactics of deception, and this
difference is substantially positive. The meetings will take place aboard
the Hornet 3/14 from 1-3 and 6-8pm. We suggest giving the VA a warm welcome.
Everyone know that the High Street northbound ramp to 880 should reopen
Monday with the difference that the ramp will become a two lane access
ramp. This ramp and the southbound feller will be closed during the evenings
sporadically through the end of March.
So anyway, people got so excited about what happened last week with Old
Schmidt and an old flame showing up that Lionel nearly forgot that March
was Black History Month. He called over to his friend Arthur and the two
of them decorated the Pampered Pup with posters of men and women who had
achieved great things against impossible odds. Because he was friends
of the family he already had photographs of John Henry, one of the original
Miracle Backfield for the 49ers, and Curt Flood, who had started the lawsuit
that ended the baseball draft as it was back then.
Up went Marcus Garvey and Malcolm and King and Ali along with Thorogood
Marshall, Sir Duke, Satch Mo' and so many others.
How come you don't leave these up all year, Arthur said.
The Island being what it is, I still gotta sell hot dogs, Lionel replied.
There's IPD that come in here and I'm a realist.
The Old People say that the pogonip was the result of (a) curse of the
Midweek everyone woke up to a dense pogonip that permeated every corner
of the Island. The Old People say that the pogonip was the result of the
final curse of the Ohlone laid upon the invading Europeans: to make them
wander in a land not theirs, all mysterious things hidden, blind and unseeing
for generations to come no matter how entrenched and rooted they may claim
to be, as nothing can be so rooted as the Sequoia or the Monterey Pine
which have been here hundreds and thousands of years before the '49ers
and will outlast all of our dynasties for eons to come, still shrouded
in that coastal phenomenon called fog.
You who claim ascendency and descendency, remember the curse of the Ohlone
and the pogonip.
the passing Winnebago and the tented RVs . . . bums on the plush
Tommy and Toby, seeing that the brisk weather inhibited good sailing
for the duration, packed up the RAV4 to head up to a time share rental
cabin in the neighborhood of Grass Valley, which is a sort of poor man's
Tahoe destination for folks who know folks who have lived here more than
a generation in some form. The people who settled Grass Valley are descended
from would-be miners who found more of value in clear streams and tall
pines than grubbing for gold flecks. They and others supplied and refueled
the workers who laboriously built this end of the transamerican railroad.
When that brief excitement passed, the town collected misfits and malcontents
seeking the solitude of the secluded vales and dells in the Sierra foothills.
Today, it supplies the passing Winnebago and the tented RVs of people
lugging enough home behind them to convert all that is new that they encounter
into something safe, comfortable, and familiar -- bums on the plush.
In the still frosty air of late winter Tommy and Toby went strolling
and came across the field in front of the middle school of Grass Valley.
The expanse was dotted with snow angels and a pair of sagging snowpeople
stood beneath a pine marked with an orange sash for destruction. One of
the snowpeople had collapsed into the other, an apparent victim of the
warming trends of the day although it was presently sub-freezing. The
change in the seasons had announced itself even here at altitude and spikes
of green were perforating the boundaries of the schoolyard.
The two boys frolicked in the snow and built snowpeople of their own
to keep the older ones company, making a little family of frozen souls,
and went to the Old Bar with the very long table made of a giant redwood
and had a jolly time.
The two of them returned to the Bay Area, where after the crisp cold
of ice-blue stars slewn across the heavens, the gloomy air and overcast
skies felt almost balmy. They ran into Father Danyluk and Tommy would
offer commiserations about the Pope abdicating and all of that. He offered
to get ahold of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence so as to bring them
over for a Papal Election party, but Father Danyluk did not think that
was such a good idea.
He did offer to provide prayers in his heart for the entire order or
any one of them should they decided to repent and Toby said that was fine,
just fine and they parted ways.
You could have needled him about the Sisters never having molested any
boys, Tommy said, but Toby was sanguine.
caterwaul, wail, lament, groan, shout, and bleat the most horrendous
unmusical hymns ever
Father Danyluk had other fish to fry in his heated brain besides the
Sisters. He had been approached by the Pastor of El Luz del Atonal Mundo,
a shouting sect of Christians with a church on Central in the old Adelphian
building. All the neighbors had started to complain about the congregation
taking up parking on the street before going in there to caterwaul, wail,
lament, groan, shout, and bleat the most horrendous unmusical hymns ever
sent to afflict the ear of man. It was hard to tell which was worse --
the parking or the singing.
The neighbors had taken to calling the place the Cursed-tian Church for
all the malderor emitted from within and all the other pastors were in
tears about it.
Can we not send a few Lutherans who can carry a tune and perhaps convert
a few of them, they pleaded to Pastor Braun of Emmanuel Lutheran. An interdenomenational
delegation was got up to try to bring over a few Baptist musicians from
Oaktown but with little success.
Meanwhile each Sunday, and in fact every night of the week, the faithful
gathers at the old Adelphian building, which people imagined had been
a cult similar to Jim Jones and his followers during its heyday, but who
now longed for a little koolaid that would quiet things down a bit.
"Awwwrrrrowwwww Oowwwwwwaahhhh! Laaaaahhhhhhrrrrrrd ahhhhh miiiiiiighteeeee
Pahrump and Jose stood outside and the cacophony was simply dreadful,
and all done in multipart disharmony.
After their ceremonies, the parents seemed to hold some kind of banquet
that featured tremendous amounts of sugar treats so as to keep the young
ones scampering well past 10pm while they themselves dined on bundt cakes
stuffed with enchiladas. When the doors opened and the congregation boiled
out, they all seemed tremendously happy and pleased with themselves.
Martini, a Catholic crouched down with his head in his hands. "I
cannot take it any more. I keep hearing 'A Mighty Fart Makes our Goody!'"
Father Danyluk shook his head. The Lord works in mysterious ways. But
sometimes, it seems He does not work at all.
A cup of coffee which had been beat up by the toast -- it was too weak
to defend itself -- smoldered ...
Over on Park Street at the Nighthawks Diner, Denby sat in front of the
Blue Plate Special, which appeared to feature some kind of gelatinous
white gravy over something that either was turkey or roast beef. A cup
of coffee which had been beat up by the toast -- it was too weak to defend
itself -- smoldered in a sagging cup. He had had another run-in with the
Angry Elf Gang and his ribs were sore from the beating because he had
not enought to pay them off. Now he had a ticket and a trailways bus schedule
and he was planning to leave this town for Grass Valley with its clean
air and its fields of snow angels and its relative sanity any day now.
He was sick of it all, the pettiness, the thievery, the greed, the wacky
provincial lunacy, the . . . the . . . pettiness of it all. One of these
days, just one of these days. . .
The distant roar of the Cursed-ian Church drifted through the windows.
"Awwwrrrrowwwww Oowwwwwwaahhhh!" O for pete's sake it was all
The waitress, a dishwater blonde with the nametag of Sharon came over
to refresh the miserable coffee. "How you want 'em, over medium or
Something about her eyes made him pause and say, "Anyway is the
only way, schweetheart."
Yeah? I aint no Queen of Sheba and you aint no Humphrey Bogart.
Did she say that or was that something just in his head, in this fantasy
world of an Island where, unlike the real one, Truth, Justice and Beauty
are the norms.
He pulled out his guitar case and opened it up. He was a little drunk
he knew, but never mind.
"What you doing with that mister? You going to play a song in here?"
she said, and that was real.
Right then the long howl of the the throughpassing train ululated from
far across the water, across the longing waves of the estuary brushing
the rip-rap and wavered across the still optimistic Calfornian grasses
of the Buena Vista flats the locomotive pulling boxcars loaded with memories
of Rita Hayworth and Jimmy Cagney glided past the dark and shuttered doors
of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off on its journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.
Well she's up against the register with an apron and
a spatula,
Yesterday's deliveries, tickets for the bachelor's
She's a moving violation from her conk down to her shoes,
Well, it's just an invitation to the blues
And you feel just like Cagney, she looks like Rita
At the counter of the Schwab's drugstore
You wonder if she might be single, she's a loner and likes to mingle
Got to be patient, try and pick up a clue
She said "How you gonna like 'em, over medium
or scrambled?",
You say "Anyway's the only way", be careful not to gamble
On a guy with a suitcase and a ticket getting out of here
In a tired bus station and an old pair of shoes
This ain't nothing but an invitation to the blues
But you can't take your eyes off her, get another cup
of java,
It's just the way she pours it for you, joking with the customers
Mercy mercy, Mr. Percy, there ain't nothing back in Jersey
But a broken-down jalopy of a man I left behind
And the dream that I was chasing, and a battle with booze
And an open invitation to the blues
But she used to have a sugar daddy and a candy-apple
And a bank account and everything, accustomed to the finer things
He probably left her for a socialite, that he didn't love except at night,
And then he's drunk and never even told her that he cared.
So they took the registration, and the car-keys and her shoes
And left her with an invitation to the blues
There's a Continental Trailways leaving local bus tonight,
good evening
You can have my seat, I'm sticking round here for a while
Get me a room at the Squire, the filling station's hiring,
And I can eat here every night, what the hell have I got to lose?
Got a crazy sensation, go or stay? now I gotta choose,
I think I'll accept your invitation to the blues
Invitation to the Blues, Tom Waits

February 24, 2013
This week's photo comes from the grounds of a youth facility in Oaktown.

Other parts of the country are suffering from the last punches of a long
hard winter, but California has already begun blooming, assisted by some
recent downpours.
It's no news to anyone that rents have gone beyond ridiculous here to
the obscene stratosphere. From a leveling period between the millenium
and 2005, suddenly, seemingly for no reason, apartment rents started a
dizzy climb to the point that most normal people cannot afford to live
here any more if called to move, and large numbers of apartment vacancies
appearing as unscrupulous managers force the diehard remainder to pay
for the empties. Rents have risen wildly while real incomes have stagnated
throughout the Bay Area and nationally.
In an eye-opening front-page item, the Sun indicated that the Mayor is
trying to resolve a rent dispute in an attempt to persuade a company from
jacking rents on Benton Street 30 to 60%. When asked just why these gougers
were doing this to innocent people, forcing many of long term tenants
to leave, Bowman and House Source LLC stated "We were advised there
is no rent control in Alameda" to the Rent Advisory Committee here.
"We wanted to be certain that we would be able to pass the expenses
of the $650,00 purchase price, new taxes and insurance ... on to the tenants."
That first bit, put in writing and published, virtually ensures that
B&H will be persona non gratia around here as our homegrown owners
do a slow boil over what just might be the spark that starts something
nasty and a lot bigger than a single tenant dispute. Gee thanks alot jerkoffs
seems to be the sentiment. That the purchase price for an apartment building
was so low in comparison to some single-family homes going for the same
amount just adds cheese to the flaming fondue.
The Island has had a sort of amiable and largely powerless Rent Review
Committee for quite a while, but things may have to change, especially
as B&H have refused to attend meetings on the issue.
So anyway, the situation after this year's V-day had Denby getting out
of jail after the Editor had showed up to post, grumbling, bail before
sour judge named Lex Talionis who stated tiredly that it appeared that
Denby probably was innocent -- which matters little in the eyes of the
Law, as MC Hammer knows full well -- but that he looked definitely hapless
and not a flight risk, so bail was set at 150 dollars (about three zeros
to the left of what was assigned to Althea) and he was told to never return
to bother the jailers about not getting popcorn on Friday ever again.
charges for accessory to kidnapping, grand theft, battery, human trafficking,
and felonious obnoxiousness
The charges for accessory to kidnapping, grand theft, battery, human
trafficking, and felonious obnoxiousness were dropped the following day.
It does not seem like that we are going to invade or bomb someone again
Ever since the country blipped with a rare bout of general common sense
in re-electing Obama under the general premise that if we are wrong we
might as well go whole hog and avoid changing horses mid-stream amid a
couple wars and economic malaise people have glommed onto the idea that
even though we have not pulled ourselves out much from the Bush miasma,
at least things are not getting much worse. It does not seem like that
we are going to invade or bomb someone again soon, and that allows for
a certain relaxation. This has resulted in a widespread return around
here to genial traditions like V-Day time-outs and being civil to one's
Sure we have problems like healthcare and lunatics messing with things
they don't like, calling the things they don't like vaguely perjorative
terms like "entitlements", and there is the worrisome problem
of Orange County -- which should act smarter than it does, but steadfastly
refuses to do so -- nevertheless, people still feel optimisitically that
the next destructive asteroid heading for earth will somehow zip on by
without messing up Lady Gaga's hair or causing a flurry of bad apocalypse
movies to afflict us with yet another trashing of New York City's Port
Authority building featuring the Holland Tunnel and subways fillling with
No wait. That DID happen and it was not a movie. Nevermind, New Yorkers
are a sturdy lot and have lived for a long time under impossible circumstances,
so they are bound to come up swinging. Battered by storms and mad terrorists
in airplanes, New York abides.
Rush Limberger may continue to spout inanities, and that goofball on
FOX Spews may continue to cobble his meaningless charts, but forget all
that, honey. Grab the KY jelly, dear, and let's unplug the phone!
In short, there is a Future in America once again.
Wally has sequestered himself in the bathroom with a couple of the Golden
Poppy Girls
Over at the Native Sons of the Golden West, the Regional Congress has
gotten into some trouble as Wally has sequestered himself in the bathroom
with a couple of the Golden Poppy Girls in protest against what he and
some others see as runaway spending. If they don't come out soon the organization
is likely to suffer a severe beating on its credit for they have taken
the official checkbook and the Org Mastercard in there with them and nobody
can pay any of the bills until Wally opens the door. It would be dangerous
to try to break it down, as he also has his 50 caliber pistol in there
as well as the cheese tray and a fair number of crab sandwiches..
Besides, the Congress had been imbibing a good amount of wine from Napa
and Sonoma and the closest latrine is over at Crab Cove, which is quite
a hike when you gotta go.
Even though the situation is serious, Wally locked himself in there with
a case of champagne besides the tray of cheese and crab sandwiches, and
everyone can hear him and the girls whooping it up.
David Phipps has been looking for ways to jimmy the door open after pleading
for Wally to come to his senses and stop embarrassing this noble red-blooded
institution before the world, but that door used to be the main hatch
to the SS California, which ran aground years ago on the Wilson Shoals,
and it was made to withstand a tough pounding.
"C'mon Walleeeeeee!" David pleaded. "There's ladies here
that gotta pee!"
"No more entitlements!" Wally shouted through the double-thickness
steel door. Sounds of a champagne cork popping and lots of laughter. "Gee
Wally! That bottle fizzed up just like you did a while ago!" More
sounds of laughter. Waaaahoo!
Meanwhile the Congress sits around, much as it is wont to do
Meanwhile the Native Sons Congress sits around, much as it is wont to
do, nibbling on crab sandwiches and taking surreptitious leaks off the
wharf into the otherwise pristine marina while trying to figure out how
to extend the retirement age past the point everyone dies so the organization
does not have to pay out anything for the pensions. It's business as usual
in America.
"Walleeeeeeee! After midnight the automatic cuts kick in!"
David pleaded. "Act like an adult and be responsible!"
"Piss off! We're havin' fun!" Sounds of laughter. Champagne.
Seeing that there was nothing to be done there, Marvin of Mervin's Merkins
and Mike DePuglia, owner of N. Eptatood Contractors (Fabrication , Construction
and Auto Repair) went over to the Old Same Place Bar.
"Tell me again how your man drove a VW microbus into a pipeline
trench trying to fix the car," Marvin said.
Mike DePuglia shrugged. "The boy wanted to use the trench to get
under the frame to get at the transaxle. He just miscalculated where da
gasline started when he fired up the welding equipment."
There was a long pause before DePuglia said, "Sure made a big boom
when it went. That's how it got inna the trench -- after it caught fire.
He didn't drive it in there, exactly. It sorta slid."
"O, I see."
Over in the snug of the Old Same Place Bar Old Schmidt was holding forth,
thoroughly schlockered for Lent. He stated that he had vowed to give up
sobriety for the duration until March 20. It would be difficult, for the
flesh was weak, but he knew he had a strong spirit tested by adversity.
In reality, he was celebrating the opening of allowed training for his
favorite football team, Hannover 96.
Angry elfs run mafia gangs. Apartment managers strut about mit zee
mirrored sunglasses
"All over the Island people do zee darndest things. Angry elfs run
mafia gangs. Apartment managers strut about mit zee mirrored sunglasses
running buildings like third world dictatorships. The rents keep going
up undt zee Congress pisses on zee wharf. Heh ho!" With that Schmidt
began singing the famous "Hymn to the 96, Yellow-Blue", a sports
song in celebration of the somewhat doughty Hannover football team, which
is to Germany something akin to the Lions to baseball or the Cubs to American
football. There history is so hapless they lost their original red jersey
colors to be replaced with blue and gold.
As if to reflect the nature of the team, there is no fight in the song,
but a sort of wistful feeling of loyalty despite all the disastrous .
. . situations.
"Schmidt, you are drunk," Padraic said. "And its not anywhere
near St. Patrick's day when its allowed to be as drunk as you."
Niemals allein
Wir gehen Hand in Hand
Zusammen sind wir groß
Und stark wie eine Wand
Wir danken dir
Du hast uns viel gegeben
Du bist der Mittelpunkt
In unserem Leben!
(Never alone
We go hand in hand
Together we are huge
and strong as a wall
You have given us much
You are the center
of our lives!)
"Could you call a cab," Dawn said to Suzie.
Indeed, the air warms all over the world as the days get longer, the
nights shorter. Tiny eruptions flower across the land of California from
the ocean across the Valley and to the foothills where snow still falls
as of this date. Nevertheless grand things are coming. Maybe Hannover
will not make it to the European World Cup this year, nor even come close,
nevertheless the sap still rises.
96 - Alte Liebe
Rot steht dir sehr viel besser als Gelb-Blau
Lass die andern alle reden
Von Bayern oder Bremen
Wir sind immer bei dir
96 - Hah Ess Vauuuuuu!
The door opened and with the gust of cold air entered a tall statuesque
woman wearing black high heels, a long London Fog, and with platinum hair
that still retained a slight tinge of reddish-gold. She was a woman of
a certain age which never tells, but she had been a beauty in her time
and was beautiful still with piercing blue eyes.
Schon lange Zeit bist du uns so vertraut . . . O je! Du!
Schmidt stumbled in his song and his eyes bugged forth and his mouth
dropped open and he lost the power of speech.
O je! Eh . . .! Eh . . .!
"Nun was ist, Heinrich?" said the lady. "Kater
hat die Zunge gefasst? Cat got your tongue?"
"O Lili . . . Why. . . ? I thought neffer again . . .".
"Well, Harry, you know the way the song goes. Sometimes things do
not go as one wants."
The old man clearly was broken down, unable to respond as drunk as he
was, slumped in his chair as the tears poured down his face, soaking his
"Harry, you are drunk," the woman said. She rested an elegant
hand on the man's back and he sat up straight.
"I ham ferpektly kindt and krumble." Schmidt said. "Fin
fine. Donkey kay."
"Vot?" Padraic and Dawn said together.
"I am not married anymore," the woman said. "Things did
not work out."
"O! So . . . so sorry." Schmidt was trying desperately to rally
himself. "Vasser, I need water." he motioned to Suzie, who gave
him a tall glass, which he downed in one long swallow. "Lili . .
"I am so sorry, Harry. I really am," said the woman. "We
should . . . talk."
Suzie tried to take charge as the bar became silent of all chatter. "Could
you like do something? He's had enough as you see."
"Right. I have a car. I have a car." Her composure was a bit
rattled now that it was coming to doing something. Perhaps she had not
thought things through and now she twisted a ring around and around her
finger as if trying to remove it.
"O for Pete's sake take the man home," Dawn said. "Work
out the effin' details later."
Suzie helped Lili, for that was indeed her name, bundle Old Schmidt from
the barstool to the door and out and to the car.
"O don't know if I can do this," Lili said, staggering under
the load.
"When they are like this, DONT STOP! Keep moving!"
"Trick is," Suzie said, "When they are like this, DONT
STOP! Keep moving!" The trio tacked to the left and to the right,
and so they got the wandering ship of Schmidt to land face down with his
arms stretched out across the hood of the car after which Suzie and Lili
manhandled him into the seat.
As they all gathered at the door to watch the mystery woman drive off
with Old Schmidt in the passenger side of a Citroyen that looked to have
seen some significant miles in its time, Padraic exclaimed, "Wouldya
look at that now! Cute as a wet badger in the hayloft but Old Schmidt
and some dame! Who woulda thought!"
Dawn wacked him. "Be kind now!"
The long howl of the the throughpassing train ululated from far across
the water, across the star-crossed waves of the estuary kissing the rip-rap
and wavered across the long lost grasses of the Buena Vista flats the
locomotive pulling boxcars loaded with painful memories glided past the
dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off on
its journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.
Manchmal geht es nicht so wie man will,
doch unsere Liebe steht deswegen noch nicht still.
Tränen können fließen, doch in der größen Not,
rudern wir gemeinsam im roten Fußballboot!
96, alte Liebe!
Rot steht dir ja viel besser als Gelb - Blau,
lass die andern alle reden,
von Bayern oder Bremen,
wir sind immer bei dir
immer bei dir
immer bei dir
trad. sports team song, "96 Alte Liebe"

FEBRUARY 17, 2013
This week's headline photo is of the baywindows to a house on Santa Clara
and Walnut.

The owner of the house lavishly decorates the housefront and the picket
fence with neon emblems for the season. Suppose Moby, who wrote Lovesigns,
would agree.
Last week we published a photo of the North Tower to the Golden Gate
bridge in relation to a story about the Bay Bridge. This error has been
rectified with a moody archival image from 2008.
Rest assured, the persons responsible for the error have been suitably
disciplined by being stripped, flogged and tossed into the official Island-Life
First off we have a few scheduled agenda items concerning things Islander
from Alameda Citizen's Taskforce.
ACTs General meeting at the church this Thursday February 28 is
being replaced this month by the League of Women Voters meeting scheduled
at the same time at Mastic Center regarding healthcare.
Are you ready for the new health care options that will be implemented
this fall as part of Obamacare?
Find out more about the new Health Insurance Marketplace at a free and
public forum:
WHEN: Thursday, February 28, 2013, from 7:00 - 9:00 PM
WHERE: Mastick Senior Center Social Hall at 1155 Santa Clara Avenue in
The LWVA is pleased to offer this free panel discussion and public forum
- David Sayen, Regional Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
- Deborah Stebbins, Chief Executive Officer, Alameda Hospital
- David Brown, Area President, San Francisco Branch, Gallagher Benefit
Free parking is available: the parking lot entrance s on Santa Clara
Avenue between Bay Street and St. Charles Street.
The Health Insurance Marketplace mandated by the 2010 Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act ("Affordable Care Act") will be implemented
later this year. This new way of purchasing health insurance will drastically
change how we obtain and use health insurance.
Additional information is available from the US Department of Health
and Human Services Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services at HealthCare.gov
Secondly, The Alameda Wildlife Refuge Resolution sit on the Council Agenda
for this Tuesday February 19. Tony Daysog and Stewart Chen will introduce
it as Item 9 on the Council Agenda. See http://www.cityofalamedaca.gov/Community-Calendar?id=2039&a=20130219.
Thirdly, ACT reminds us to please remember to complete your Alameda Recreation
and Parks District Sweeney Park survey online. ARPD plans to close the
survey by next Friday February 22. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VPT5SNX.
PSA here regarding bus service Monday:
On Monday, February 18, 2013, AC Transit offices will be closed and all
buses will operate on Sunday schedules in observance of the Presidents
Day holiday.
Complete scheduling information is available online at www.actransit.org.
or by telephoning 511 and saying AC Transit.
Regular bus service will resume on Tuesday, February 19th.
Happy belated birthday to Maureen Murray, one of the chief chefs who
handles Teatro Zinzani's groaning board.
The report on the Tuesday's School Board meeting by Blogging Bayport
had some interesting nuggets, but the comments revealed just how heated
these small-town politics issues can get when people feel entitled to
thrust children into the vanguard for their own political agenda.
Then of course people who actually have children possess their own singular
point of view.
It seems contracts, facilitators, administrators, parents, District employees
all have their sticks in this ACLC charter school pot, stirring
it up as madly as they can before anything has yet happened. Briefly a
District program wants to take over the space now occupied by ACLC, which
was promised space at Wood Middle School.
Okay, here come the wrinkles. Wood is grades 6-8. ACLC is grades 6-12.
ACLC has been housed at Encinal High for 17 years of its 20 year lifespan.
The program that wishes to occupy their space is called "Junior Jets"
after the Encinal High mascot, and will serve grades 6-8 in preparation
for high school, presumably at Encinal. (In the interests of disclosure,
one daughter here in the Offices went to Wood before going to Washington.)
Wood has been facing declining enrollments for some years.
So the issue is that the charter school ACLC needs to move at some point.
Meaningless interjections concern NEA, another charter school, whether
the District is obligated to provide any facilities at all to any charter
school (even though it is bound by contract), and whether charter schools
are good ideas or treasonous (an issue which does not seem to be directed
at participants of St. Joseph's), plus a fair amount of fog and dust regarding
additional inconsequentials.
We do not need any more lawsuits on the city or the district. We have
contractual obligations to follow. It is logical that an Encinal program
be placed at Encinal. So ACLC has to move, preferably to a stable location.
Whether charter or Unified District it is the kids for whom we should
be concerned. Clearly ACLC would like to remain, for the good of its student
participants and for the health of its programs, but such is the nature
of Charters that they are subject to some instability and the District
must have clear precedence in its decisions.
The District may be wrongheaded, but that is another ball of wax to melt
another time in a different pot together with Tracy Jensen's involvement
in all this.
It is too bad that parents cannot unify on behalf of the kids to embrace
all the available programs and the available programs and charters cannot
be allowed to work with District schools to share resources. Ah, but that
would be an ideal world.
So here we have some high schoolers from ACLC projected to mingle with
grades 6-8 at Wood and some parents hot about that, plus a perceived threat
of closure due to declining enrollments. ACLC does not want to go to Wood
where the physical facilities are not up to Encinal High's level. Then
there are the other charter schools sharing space in other locations which
want some shifting with contracts expiring this year as more trouble on
the horizon.
In the middle of this imbroglio, the District up and moves its offices
from the old high school now fenced off and slated for demolition to rented
space costing $30,000 a month.
As one commenter said, All I can say is, Im glad my kid is in college.
I dont miss the drama. . . ".
Rest assured, common sense probably will not prevail. So best get ready
for the worst case scenario, in whichever camp you reside.
In more upbeat news, the candidate we endorsed for Health Board was finally
appointed to the seat vacated by Stewart Chen. Tracy Jensen, unrelated
to the School Board member with a similar name, appeared to us to be a
dark horse with a lot of experience as well as native ties here, so we
are glad that she finally achieved her seat after running twice unsuccessfully.
Finally, the unsurprising quashing of the Zack family lawsuit
against the city on Monday with regard to the embarrassingly fatal incident
which cost Raymond Zack's life on Memorial Day 2011 needs mention. Firstly,
although we are a litigious society, the law should always be the absolute
last avenue to seek for remedy, only after all other avenues have been
exhausted. This is because the law is not concerned specifically with
right or wrong, morality, or even justice as understood in the popular
sense. The law is concerned with clarity.
The courts are present to issue judgment based on very rigid codes that
do not allow for exceptions or for special circumstances in most cases.
You may expostulate all you wish about what "should be" but
the great strength of the legal system is its rather inflexible, unchanging
nature according to strict definitions. A judge therefore is not free
to make exceptions if he sees someone clearly wronged when the case concerns
an alternate matter as presented in writing by concerned parties. He or
she must go by guidelines set before them and those guidelines are usually
very clear and harshly black and white in definition. Unclear cases, and
possible procedural errors, cause cases to go up to higher courts and
possibly the Supreme Court.
The decision in the Zack case is clear according to the letter of the
law, and the letter of the law is heavily weighted in favor of public
safety officers against imposing liability. Well yes, the hired enforcers
of the law would get preference, as one would expect. Any one of us journalists
who has covered some kind of event like a fire or building collapse knows
that the commanding officer at the CP always has the safety of his troops
foremost in mind while they go about their job.
According to the decision posted in full by Blogging Bayport, (http://laurendo.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/zack-ruling.pdf),
the primary duty of public safety officers is to ensure the general safety
of the "general society" and they are under no legal obligation
to assist any one individual at any time. The decision unfortunately mentions
"moral obligation" however no judge can truly rule on intangible
morality -- to do so would be monstrous and against their sworn duties
-- the judge clearly meant legal obligation as codified in the State of
California, for lawsuits are concerned not with vague ethics or morality
but with deviations from code. Morality has nothing to do with it, in
other words.
The code regarding police is necessarily specific so that individuals
who go about dangerous tasks can make logical decisions that benefit the
whole of society rather than any one person.
That an officer dives into a lake to save someone, that a fireman extends
a ladder to enter a burning building to personally rescue a child is commendable,
honorary and worthy of note. But its not their job to do so, according
to the law.
Now if you do want to talk about morality, about humanity, about empathy
and concern and just plain decency, well that is another story. Everyone
reading this sentence can list a dozen acts they see every week where
someone does something or does not do something, which is perfectly legitimate
and legal but which is morally objectionable and reprehensible.
What happened on the beach Memorial Day 2011 was reprehensible, inhuman,
objectionable and amoral. It was full of cowardice and apathy and blunt
obnoxiousness. But it was legal. Has any one of those wretched jerks who
took your retirement money during the financial crisis spent a single
sweating minute in front of a jury, let alone jail? Of course not. What
they did was perfectly legal, and even to this minute perps who get caught
on Wall Street committing the worst sort of felonies insist to the last
minute what they did was entirely legal.
What we are saying is that just because it is legal, does not make it
Finally, the gun debate on the Island flourishes as folks rise
up to defend or decry Big 5 for its projectile weapon sales. Let it be
known that we observe several gun-involved crimes in the last couple Police
blotter reports and we are pretty certain the handguns involved were not
purchased at Big Five, and probably not from any reputable dealer. We
also note that the debaters fall into two camps which involve experience
with firearms. People who never saw a use for them, never grew up with
them, never owned one, never fired one trend to be among those who would
issue complete bans. People who grew up with them around, who see them
as tools, trend to be those who seek reasons to prevent gun control.
Most Second Amendment arguments are as preposterous as the wishes to
eliminate all firearms of every type. Both parties sit in the same boat
of lunacy.
Reasonably, even though it would be best for humanity, for California,
and for the Island to eliminate all firearms, or at least ammunition for
them, this sort of thing will never happen. If you even have to ask why,
you are a nimbus brain. Even though gun advocates argue that personal
weapons ensure personal safety, they clearly do not. Just recently a gun
owner was presented with a classic gun advocate example of two armed intruders
breaking into his home. The man was shot before he could lay hands on
his weapon.
The idea that the Constitution assures gun ownership so people have a
means to fight back against a government with tanks, F-16 fighter jets,
and nuclear bombs at its disposal is also clearly ridiculous.
Then we come to the pure emotionalists like the fellow who finds viewing
the ranks of rifle merchandise on display at Big 5 to be distressing and
fearful, who is pretty much on a par with the insensitive wackjob who
finds people that disagree with him on firearms to be sissies that by
rights ought to wilt away in the rain so as not to trouble his macho sensitivities
any more.
Hate to say it, but there really is no magic bullet for this issue --
sorry for the pun.
At Island-Life we have people who have handled, owned and discharged
practically every sort of firearm from .50 cal to .22 caliber, shotguns
included. We also have people who find the things abhorrent. We also have
traveled the country and seen the horrendous carnage in Chicago, in Washington
D.C., in LA, and here in Oakland perpetrated by firearms and knives. Something
clearly has to change, and that change will be objectionable to a large
percentage of America which is shielded from these effects by either location
or experience or both.
And of course we all know about Sandy Hook by now.
Is gun control the answer to ending the stories we know that bleed out
of Highland's Trauma Unit every day and another Sandy Hook massacre? Sadly,
probably not. Maybe a waiting period, not for guns, but for ammunition
(generally costing at the low end about a dollar a round) is the answer?
We do not know.
So anyway the dreaded V-day rolled down the calendar like a panzer advancing
on all the gentlemen and rogues living on the island even as special bundles
of rose arrangements rocketed to $70 per bucket all over town. This year
V-day came hard on the three-day President's Day weekend, which gave amorous
couples the opportunity to request time off and go canoodling like teenagers.
All over the Island residents responded to the holiday each as was their
At the Household Suan got her Venus in Furs outfit all ready for work,
well supplied with pink boas and such, for V-Day at the Crazy Horse saloon
was a big moneymaker. Nothing like the promise of ersatz love to bring
in the dollars.
Suzie, behind the bar at the Old Same Place, wore a cute outfit with
pink boots and a short flouncy skirt and a deep red blouse, then settled
back with her anthropology text on a stool.
Bear . . . trended to trouble fueled by whiskey
Mindful of previous episodes, Denby turned off his cell phone and avoided
any sort of place where his friend Bear might hang out so as to avoid
a repetition of that sad episode a few years ago that ended up in the
County jail. Bear, wearing a grease-stained T-shirt, tattered jeans, one
red and white striped sock opposed to a green one inserted into converse
hi-tops, also of mismatched colors, with various lifeforms flying about
and nesting in his thick beard, generally trended to trouble fueled by
whiskey and an Allman Brothers soundtrack. Women, for some reason, found
him irresistible.
Denby imagined that it was only appropriate that Bear rode by habit a
Harley Davidson with a motor identified as "a knucklehead".
But this, he was careful never to mention to Bear. There might be repercussions.
Taking a cue from the Editor, and also inhibited by his recovering injuries
sustained during the ill-fated expedition to the mountain pass of Los
Abuelita di Diablo, Denby stocked up on Michelina's frozen dinners and
Netflix, avoiding potential trouble from chocolate-eating females on the
hunt during this time.
In fact he spent considerable time at the Island Free Library up in the
stacks among jazz theory and musicology, blissfully remote from the meat
It was there he met Trent, the lonely assistant librarian, who carried
with him "The Consolation of Philosophy." Trent's boss, Ruth
Harrison, could be a bit of a tartar, so Trent sought every excuse to
ascend to the upper levels and there delve into his favorite text.
Trent introduced Denby to his friend Althea
It was on February 14th, while Ruth Harrison was down below orchestrating
the "Literary Love" exhibit, complete with copies of D.H. Lawrence,
Ovid, Sappho, Anais Nin and the usual suspects along with cool aid and
cookies that Trent introduced Denby to his friend Althea, another Assistant
Librarian, who proved to be thirty-something, wearing brown leather boots,
a short skirt, sensible blouse and librarian's glasses. It was pretty
clear that Trent had a thing for Althea, who looked somewhat pretty, depending
on the light and the angle.
Althea, as it turned out, stemmed from the honorable Voorhees family,
which had settled in San Francisco during the early days of 1840, not
long after the Mexican-American war. Her great granduncle, Albert Stevense
Voorhees got into a family spat in Nieuw Amersfoort on account of getting
a serving maid with child out of wedlock. He was forced to flee across
the new continent and after many adventures arrived in San Francisco,
which then was in the process of rebuilding itself after one of its many
He tried his hand at various trades, including tanning hides, until the
momentous discovery of gold in the hills rocked the world in 1848.
Like many newcomers to the Golden State, Albert soon had the choice of
either heading to the hills to seek gold, which everyone assured him grew
in water, or taking advantage of this influx in '49 to sell implements
to wannabee gold miners. He wisely chose the latter, set up a hardware
store on the edge of Portsmouth Square and and wound up richer for the
choice. While waiting for customers during the day he played the banjo
behind the counter and was often called to provide musical entertainment
to the swelling population of San Francisco.
He then applied his talents and resources to establishing a bank which
specialized in maritime finances. This proved fortuitious in the moment
for the hardware store burned down during one of San Francisco's 9 fires
in the 1850's. One of the women he hired as a teller, a tall good-looking
gal with blond curls from Missouri, captured his eye. This was not difficult,
as women in San Francisco in those days were in short supply and the girl
had no lack of suitors.
One day he came in with his banjo and played a Steven C. Foster song
which had her name in it and the girl, whose name was Susannah, was hooked.
Within a week they were engaged and within two months married. They set
up household in a cottage on Mason near Vallejo at the base of a hill
and planted there clambering roses that did what clambering roses do up
a trellis fixed to the side of the house and there the happy couple lived
until the financial meltdown of 1871 and the massive floods that destroyed
the California hyde leather industry ruined his finances. One day Albert
took up his hat and his pistol and walked out of the front door, never
to be seen again.
Lily who escaped to Oakland via rescue boat with her grandfather's banjo
But this was not before Susannah had given birth to a pair of sons and
a pair of daughters who carried on the family line. One of those sons,
Albert Jr., had previously died in the Battle of the Wilderness after
travelling east to help the Union win the war against the Confederacy,
but that left Roger, Rose and Petunia. The cottage burned down during
the famous earthquake and fire of 1906 and it was Petunia's daughter,
Lily who escaped to Oakland via rescue boat with her grandfather's banjo.
She met a shipping captain named Joshua Barron and after their marriage
moved to his trim house on Walnut Street on the former Bolsa de Alameda,
once a peninsula but made into an island in 1902 when dredges carved out
the estuary that now exists.
The rest of the family, having lost their homes, also moved to Oakland
which had fared better than the City. It was there in Oakland that Lily
raised a family, watching the little factory town absorb the hamlet of
Brooklyn and try to recover from the earthquake as well as its notoriously
corrupt and callous first mayor, Carpenteria. The shallow bay had its
mouth filled in, turning into a lake, and the once proud oak forest which
gave its name to the city cut further and further back to feed the mania
for building in the City across the water. The groves of citrus trees
also got hewn down to make the new district called Fruitvale, inhabited
by Germans and Irish who worked the Del Monte coffee warehouses on Fruitvale
It was in Oakland that Lily met Conor O'Donnell, a strapping fellow with
blue eyes from Inneskerry who wooed her by singing "Love's Old Sweet
Song" beside Lake Merritt.
As for Alameda, briefly the terminus of the Transamerican Railroad when
Oakland failed to complete its own terminus station on time it developed
and grew from oak-dotted pastureland once used by the Peralta family to
be a bedroom community and resort town. The Strehlow family cobbled together
an water park on the western side of the island facing the Bay. Neptune
Beach featured two olympic sized swimming pools, a roller coaster, rented
cottages, and a confectioner's which invented and then sold innovative
frozen treats. There, on a hot day in 1928 Conor pinged all five targets
in the shooting booth to win the prize, a little smiling doll with a knot
of red hair -- a kewpie -- which he handed to his little daughter, Jasmine.
the Epsicle ice pop!
They then went to the confectioners with Lily where she observed the
man scoop into a box of ice and then place a cold round deposit into a
paper cone before splashing a good dollop of syrup while calling out in
a loud voice "Ladies and gentlemen gettem right here on the West
coast the one the only the original never before seen tasty treat available
only right here at Neptune Beach . . . the original snow cone! It's a
penny sundae on a cone! Snow cones right here! And the brand new tasty
cool treat to slake your thirst, the Epsicle ice pop! Get your snow cones
and popsicles right here at Eppersons! Right now while its hot and they
are cold! Yes indeedee cold as Alaska!"
The snow cone was not invented precisely at Neptune Beach but it sure
was popular at the park.
Then the wars came, first the war to end all wars followed by the war
that pretty much put the kibosh on that idea. The Voorhees and the Kitson
clans sent their sons to the Pacific theatre and to Europe and some did
not return. The character of Oakland changed a bit as large numbers of
Black workers from the deep south arrived to build the planes and ships
in shipyards all along the delta from Port Chicago to the Carquinez Straits
and in the massive Pacific Steel foundry which still operates in the Berkeley
flats not far from the edge of the Bay.
The Great Depression killed the entertainment habits of American
The Great Depression killed the entertainment habits of American families,
and with that the great Neptune Beach which had feted Johnny Weismuller
and Jack LaLanne as well as Olympic gold medalists fell into decline to
be eventually auctioned off in parts as the rails stopped carrying riders
from all over the East Bay past the enticing rides and pools to the ferry
landing-- the new Oakland Bay Bridge now brought families from staid Alameda
to the more exciting City by the Bay and further afield by means of the
modern automobile.
Jasmine grew into a tall flowering beauty who held off suitors at arm's
length for quite a while, preferring to stroll alone along the new landfill
Beach area called Southshore, and work as a typewriter in Oakland for
an investment firm and read books and magazines from Delauer's. Her social
activity consisted of horseback riding and playing the cello and providing
vocals in an all women's jazz group that called itself B Sharp. They played
coffee shops and nice establishments like Crolls, one of the buildings
left over from the Neptune Beach days. Her life was complete and she wanted
no changes.
It was at Croll's on St. Valentine's Day during her rendition of "Careless
Love" that she caught the eye of a roguish-looking fellow sitting
there. He had sandy hair and a twinkle in his eye and a full beard and
during the set break he got up to sing "Why Do Fools Fall in Love",
so she returned and sang Fan Go Socair A Roguire, which loosely
translated means Go Easy You Rogue. He followed up with Bewitched, Bothered
and Bewildered. Exhorted by her band and the patrons of Crolls, all of
whom were delighted by this little competition, she followed up with Be
Careful It's My Heart.
As it turned out the man's name was James Kitson and he worked as an
engineer on water projects.
To cut to the chase, they were married in a month. A little while later
after a couple of sons came into the world, Althea was born.
Well that is quite a story, Denby said. It was clear that Trent was smitten
with the girl. She had sparkling eyes and vivacious wit and seemed to
return the affection, however the bookish Trent was all over himself quite
tongue-tied and too shy to get anything jumpstarted.
So Denby helpfully suggested, "Why don't you guys drop in to hear
my set at the Old Same Place Bar. Usually I do blues, but I think I can
come up with something a little different tonight."
the police, accompanied ... a phalanx of FBI agents ... charged across
the street with guns drawn
Outside the library after closing Denby stood next to Althea while she
fumbled for her car keys. She asked Denby to hold her bag, a rather tattered-looking
and heavy canvas thing, so that is why Denby stood holding a bag filled
with $50,000 in tens and twenties when the Island police, accompanied
by SWAT team in full riot gear and a phalanx of agents wearing dark blue
windbreakers labeled FBI barged across the street with guns drawn and
two squad cars blocked off Oak Street. Sharpshooters on the roofs took
aim at Denby's noggin.
"Hold it!" barked Officer Popinjay.
"But I am," Denby said, not knowing yet what was in the bag.
"O crap!" Althea said. "How on earth did you guys find
"Careful detective work," said Officer O'Madhauen. "You
parked nine inches into the red zone and we ran the tags."
As it turned out Althea had pursued the traditional family interest in
banking with a twist, becoming the main getaway driver for a gang that
had been robbing banks from Oakland all the way down to San Leandro. So
that night Denby did not make it to the gig and Trent remained a shy bachelor
for the duration.
That night as Denby sat in his cell a thought popped into his head near
midnight, bubbling up through his general misery over once again spending
another Valentine's day behind bars.
Whatever happened to the banjo?
As if in answer the long howl of the the throughpassing train ululated
from far across the water, across the caressing waves of the estuary kissing
the rip-rap and across the affectionate grasses of the Buena Vista flats
where a fat cherub of a boy practiced his fearful archery as the locomotive
glided past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront,
headed off on its romantic journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

FEBRUARY 10, 2013
This image of the Bay Bridge in fog, taken by Tammy quite a while ago,
can now be considered archival material.
Your children's children will not see this.

In little-reported news, Caltrans revealed that the last major piece
of the new Bay bridge went into place when the entire elevated structure
was committed to its permanent cable supports. This means the bridge is
essentially finished save for some basic engineering tidy-up jobs, as
in wrapping the support cables in weather proofing, etc.
The official opening ceremony, complete with the new bicycle/pedestrian
segment, will take place towards the end of this year.
The old bridge, over 75 years old, with a history that featured rail
lines and passenger trains, battered by stray oil tankers and earthquakes,
will be cut up and towed away in pieces.
The official end to the Wintertime arrived when they dismantled the ice-skating
rink, nevermind what that East Coast rodent Puxatawny Phil has to say
about it. That is sooooo East Coast to create a whole tradition about
yanking some poor feller out of his house while he is warm and asleep
into bitterly cold weather while cameras all go snap snap in his bleary
eyes without even the benefit of a cup of java.
Poor Phil. If the dude ever wants to come to California, he is welcome.
So long as he can get a job.
Folks probably realize by now that the street work on Lincoln near the
Library is about finished. If they don't realize it, their front end suspensions
will, as the engineers barely worth the title left quite a stretch of
nasty upheaval there where we once enjoyed smooth macadam.
Over in Oaktown, the same engineers seem to have been at work laying
down a triple layer of steel deck plating right on the corner at Alameda
near the Home Depot shopping center.
There must be an imp of the perverse that makes some men enjoy digging
a hole, blocking traffic for weeks, and then patching up the job with
something most mothers scold their naughty children about. "Just
look at the mess you left there! Now go pick it all up!"
Readers may remember that when we first reported on the court ruling
that struck down portions of the 2008 Measure H that featured differential
parcel tax rates meant to support the schools we speculated the result
would be wide ranging in effects beyond our own humble burg.
Turns out we were right.
Districts extending from Norcal to Los Angeles all had enacted similar
parcel tax structures and all of them are now under litigation attack.
Rob Bonta, newly elected to the State Assembly, has presented a bill
to legalize variable rate tax structures and clarify tax code language,
however it is unclear how effective this would be retroactively.
At stake are millions of dollars in already collected revenue that may
need to be returned, not to mention millions more in anticipated revenues
in virtually every major school district along the coast. A tidy front
page piece in the Sun (Vol. 12, no. 19, 02/07/13 "Parcel Tax Ruling
Prompts Fresh Suits Elsewhere") lists a few of the issues involved.
In the same paper folks are still moaning about the plastic bag ban.
In truth, the flimsy 99 cent bags are not worth much in durability, so
it will be some time until people get used to leaving sturdy canvas and
hemp sacks in the car for use at the grocery.
Also returning to the radar are concerns about Point development -- something
that after 14 years of discussion probably never will go away.
In the EIR everything seems to have shifted and jostled around with the
proposed Columbarium moving (and growing) from its former site beside
seaplane lagoon to occupy the majority of the former airfield from City
Hall West out to the Bay.
Okay, everyone take a deep breath. Zoning seems once again to be at issue
here and it seems someone is playing fast and loose with this idea all
over. Didn't we just have a brough-hahah over this with the Federal property
that was supposed to go to the parks getting a magic zoning facelift overnight?
Finally, please note that now the weather is getting sunnier, strong-arm
and armed robberies are once again on the rise with the criminals getting
quite violent at times during takeovers.
We are hearing lots of reports of burgluries, especially from parked
cars, so now is not the time to stash your laptop or iPad mini under the
seat; they will know it is there, even if out of sight.
On the flip side of the Sun Crossword we were saddened to see that there
is no more "B Sharp" in music. If that puzzles you literal musicians,
let it be known that Bobby Sharp, jazz genius and Island resident passed
away on Monday, January 28. Robert Louis Sharp lived 88 years worth of
music and excitement.
Born in Topeka Kansas, he moved to New York where he associated with
the likes of Duke Ellington, Langston Hughes, and Thurgood Marshall. As
he developed his songwriting skills, penning work for Sarah Vaughn, Sammy
Davis, Jr., and Ray Charles he also came to know Charles Baldwin.
His most famous work is "Unchain My Heart", covered famously
by both Ray Charles and Joe Cocker.
He remained vital into his 80's, putting together a joint CD with our
own Natasha Miller not too long ago. We recall that release party as being
a jolly rip-roaring time on Park Street in the Island's brief flirtation
with jazz nightlife.
So anyway, while the East Coast is experiencing a spot of bother regarding
weather, Norcal suddenly sashayed into sunshine this weekend.
The following morning the streets sizzled under unruly heavens
We had an abrupt dockwalloper set in mid-week. The afternoon turned gloomy
with boiling skies which let loose by dusk, although dusk had begun around
noon. The following morning the streets sizzled under unruly heavens and
all the crab boats stayed close in, hauled up and everything battened
down while the ocean beyond the gate did what the badly name Pacific often
does when peeved about something.
Pedro didn't go out that day, although the really large industry boats
still went out to batter against the thirty-foot swells.
There would be no more little house with buckets of molluscs
It was on days of lost revenue like these that Pedro wondered why he
had become and oysterman like the fellows up in Drakes Estero. But that
time, too, was coming to an end as the Park service had not renewed the
oysterfarm lease. All that one hundred year old enterprise was to be knocked
down and returned to the wilds of the estero there. There would be no
more little house with buckets of molluscs, no more shucking, no more
scatterings of shells. Only the quiet sedge, the lapping water and the
occasional visit from Marvin, the bear of Marin.
Point Reyes had long hosted a single black bear who had ruled the roost
all by himself for decades. Just when people thought he had died he popped
up again somewhere poking his furry nose into somebody's business, a chicken
coop, or their trashcan. He had not been seen for quite a while, so perhaps
he had finally died or gone off to find company of his kind somewhere
Which just goes to show you there is no security in anything.
So there Pedro sat with the younger one, Sabina, trying to puzzle out
her iPad.
"Now what is this one?" Pedro said.
"This here is Angry Birds..."
"This here is Angry Birds. You gotta use this slingshot and fire
the bird and blow up the pigs in their fortress."
"Why are the birds angry?"
"Um... cause the pigs laugh at them."
"O! I see!"
Over on Webster the owner of the newest boutique to set up shop there
was desperately struggling to get everything ready by Valentine's Day.
What with permits, zany contractors and at least one petty Napoleon thug
the opening had been delayed well over a month and in this delay, Marvin
was seeing lost dollars go waltzing down the avenue to the Bay, there
to drown.
Marvin confessed he had a thing for gals in starchy white blouses
And he had developed such a smashing marketing campaign that all the
folks at BofA's business loan department had swooned. Especially Lily
Kai, head of Business Development Loans. Most normal people would have
found Ms. Kai to be somewhat dowdy, even for a banker, but Marvin confessed
he had a thing for gals in starchy white blouses with conservative woolen
skirts and plain heels. While discussing his solid business plan she had
flushed a little, or so it seemed. And she had touched his hand when exchanging
the photo id, which certainly had not been necessary.
Nevermind all that - he had to stay focussed! Focus, focus, focus!
"Marvin's Merkins: Put a merkin in your firkin!"
His ad campaign featured two slogans: For the professional performer
- in YOU! That was meant to hit both the performing pros and the average
schlub out there. Then there was "Marvin's Merkins: Put a merkin
in your firkin!"
Idealistic business plans and dreams and Lily Kai were one thing - sort
of -- but now here he was on Webster Street watching the ham-fisted contractors
he had engaged erect the big purple and gold sign to the front, the realization
of years of dreams running his own business on the Island. And here he
was at the mercy of a couple of goombahs operating out of a pickup truck
and a van each labeled "Pike and Mike: We do it all!"
Neal Pike, the shorter of the two by a couple of feet, stood on a foot
stool holding one end of the sign and was barely able to lift the thing
above the door top while Mike stood on a ladder ready to fasten the sign
a good ten feet above the street level. Fortunately both of them had left
their screw drills on the sidewalk below.
Much of their work had gone this way. Mike had built an elaborate conduit
system leading from the gluepot area to the roof, but had failed to attach
any part of it to the wall or anything substantial. The heavy plywood
encased pipe ran from the hood along the wall sideways and then up through
the false ceiling and sort of emptied up there among the wires and HVAC
without any sort of rhyme or reason with a 150 sones fan mounted on top
to suck away vapors. So of course the entire thing fell down during an
inspection from the fire marshall.
The stairs he had built in the back also felt questionably shakey.
Brunhilde ... had chased them off with a 24 volt circular saw...
Then there had been the shakedown even before the place had seen a customer
by the Angry Elf gang looking for fresh extortion possibilities. Brunhilde,
a masseuse from the shop next door, had chased them off with a 24 volt
circular saw belonging to the Pike and Mike outfit, which of course had
the safety guard removed, but Marvin knew the gang would be back to bother
him later.
The owner of A Touch of Wonder, the next door hoity-toity massage place
that had moved to the Island from St. Paul after some difficulties with
repairing the bullet holes in the front door glass, commiserated with
Marvin while Pike shrieked at Mike for being an imbecile. His name was
Borg B. Rubbitson.
"Things are the same all over. Me, I had a gumshoe with somatic
issues in St. Paul. Here, we got the Angry Elf, a crook with a short person's
complex. My girlfriend says psychotic people are not crazy; they just
got personality issues. I don't know why the crooks around here have personality
issues that keep them out of the nuthouse, but that is the way it is."
"I guess you can't go around locking up everybody who is psychotic
anymore," sighed Marvin. Outside Neal Pike, still standing on the
footstool, was screaming so intensely at Mike that his face had turned
red and the veins in his neck bulged dangerously as if he was on the point
of a heart attack.
"No of course not," Borg said. "If you did that all of
LAPD would be locked up entirely and there would be no police force down
Meanwhile the game had let out over at the Mastic Center on St. Charles
and folks had wandered to the front to the bus shelter there and to the
benches in the parking lot. Claude and Sam sat on the bench there to wait
for the Paratransit, which as usual provided an approximate time of about
90 minutes or so for scheduled pickup. The wind brought leaves from far
away across the lot to toss against the round toes of their brown shoes.
Some people, seeing this old pair, would assume a great deal.
What was it like, living all those years in Canada, Claude said.
Long pause.
I think you are going senile, he said.
You been asking me that same question every month now for the past five
years, Lem said. And we have known each other for well over fifty years.
I think you are going senile, he said.
To cut to the chase, both Claude and Lemuel had been draft dodgers during
the Vietnam War. Claude had fled to the bayous of Louisiana with the ultimate
intention of getting to Mexico or Central America, but had spent his entire
time in the US in the bayou country, which like some parts of the United
States is often treated like foreign land and so remains untouched.
I am not going senile, Claude said.
Yes you are, Lem said. Ever since Katy passed away you have been doddering.
I am not doddering, Claude said. I am fit as a firkin full of warm towels.
You keep asking me about Canada over and over. That is a sign, said Lem.
I want to know and you never tell me.
What the hell is so important about Canada? It's cold and full of moose
and Winnipeg is as boring as jail without popcorn. You want to know anything
more about it?
You went there, Claude said. You went there and lived there for years.
And we all may have to go there again.
Come again?
Those crazy people in Washington can't get enough of having wars
They're gonna reinstitute the draft again you know. Those crazy people
in Washington can't get enough of having wars and the enlisted soldiers
are starting to figure out what its all about. They are going to stop
going over there to get their asses shot off just for a paycheck.
So you planning to ship off your nieces and nephews to Winnipeg?
No, Claude said. Me and you. All the old farts who skipped out the first
Come again?
They raise the retirement age until ... they don't have to pay a dime
of that Social Security
They are going to start rounding us up, Claude said. All the Boomers
and the red diaper babies. They raise the retirement age until its impossible
so they don't have to pay a dime of that Social Security we paid into
all our lives and to cap it off they are going to put us old farts in
re-education camps and make us go out there and fight all the new wars
the political wingnuts wanna fight. Get rid of that retirement stuff entirely
and seize all the IRAs to build more bombers. It's all to balance their
precious budget by killing us off before we get any of that Social Security
O for Pete's sake what kinda notion you got in your head, Claude! Where
did you hear about this thing?
It's the Master Plan, Claude said. I heard about it on Oprah.
Oprah? You heard about this plan of yours on Oprah? I don't believe it.
That woman has more sense in her toenails than you ever had in that doddering
fool head of yours.
Well maybe it wasn't Oprah, but I heard it. And you just think about
it, how those skinflints are looking for ways to stiff us. And those military
types, you know the way they are. Things don't ever change, even though
we did get rid of Tricky Dick. They always talked about sending off all
the old men to fight the wars instead of the young ones anyway.
Can you just see us piloting tanks and bombers with 4x reading spectacles!
Claude, by old men, we meant the old effers starting these wars in the
first place and making money off it. Not hapless people like you and me.
Can you just see us piloting tanks and bombers with 4x reading spectacles!
Heck, my eyesight so bad now I'd wind up bombing the church instead of
the barracks. That would be a fine pickle now wouldn't it?
Hee, hee, hee, I get my hands on one of them jet fighters I am taking
out that entire Fisherman's Wharf first thing. Make a phone call first
just so nobody gets hurt and put a couple minutemen right there in the
support pilings. Kablooie! Goodbye tasteless garbage! Lem said.
Hey! Remember the time we ran a hose to where the ROTC kept their files
in the basement of Theta Delta House and filled it with water! Oh boy!
Hee hee hee! The two old boys chuckled over the wild ideas and memories.
O but remember what they did to Artie when they got a hold of him?
O yeah. That wasn't so funny.
The two of them went silent with somber thoughts of what they had done
to Artie. And those terrible days. When some got high on free love while
others paid the price for freedom by losing their own. Those damned military
"That jarhead is a little a jar."
Around the corner came Mr. Terse in the company of Mr. Spline who were
looking into scheduling one of the Mastic rooms for the local recruitment
effort. Mr. Terse had retired from the Marines many years ago, but like
many who miss the security of regularly administered abuse, he had never
really put those years behind him. After a little accident out at the
boatworks when the prow of a forty footer slipped from its hoist and came
down on his crewcut a little hard he had suffered bouts of vertigo, which
he combatted with regular pushups and strictly ordered walking so that
even walking solo, he always looked like he was marching in formation.
In reality he was target fixing on the telephone poles at the end of the
block to keep from tilting over. Terse had never been a likeable fellow
and even his old soldier buddies would say about him, "That jarhead
is a little a jar, if you know what I mean."
Like many people he lived his life as if in the center of a movie
As for Spline, all secrecy nothwithstanding, everyone knew who he was.
It was fortunate that he had never done covert work abroad for most countries
do not handle obvious spies with great delicacy. Like many people he lived
his life as if in the center of a movie, however for him the movie would
have been The Pink Panther.
When Spline saw the rainbow socks on anybody his mind seethed into a
There was a near instinctive mutual antipathy the two old guys shared
with Terse and Spline: each hated the other with unreasoning passion,
pinning old hates to Guy Fawkes effigies that would burn in their minds
as long as any of they who had survived through the Sixties continued
to live. When Spline saw the rainbow socks on anybody his mind seethed
into a boil over pinkos, draft dodgers, anti-american flag burners, protesters
of any stripe, laggards, unpatriotic scum, pothead druggies, and all the
riff-raff responsible for the unruly state of America that kept it from
achieving its dream of neat suburban lawns from shore to shore, sea to
shining sea. If things had been left to him and his likeminded cohorts,
well, things would have turned out different, that's for sure.
As the two marched past, Claude shouted at Mr. Terse's back,"Aye-hole!"
The two wheeled about and Spline put his hand on his hip to display his
holster beneath his jacket.
Lem shrugged. Tourettes is such an affliction. Terrible. Really terrible.
Terse snorted and the two dangerous men continued on their way to find
a meeting room.
Their bus showed up and the two friends got on board.
Lets make some ruckus. Lem said. You go get your banjo and I'll fetch
my Washburn. Kick out the gums.
Jams, Claude said with irritation. It's kick out the jams, not gums.
It's all green eggs and ham to me.
Whatever, Lem said. It's all green eggs and ham to me.
Over in the Old Same Place Bar, people were getting juiced as Dawn went
about putting up cardboard hearts and cupids. Between rounds of Fat Tire
and shots Suzie kept her head in her anthropology textbook. Padraic stared
at the CNN news coverage about the Catholic pontiff in disbelief.
What is a fellow that age like to live on without a 401k giving up the
only job he ever had, now.
Maybe he's going to get married, Dawn said lightly.
No, said Padraic. He's a German and not even a Lutheran to boot. Old
Germans are as dry as shoe leather.
Excuse me! Old Schmidt said. I beg for some consideration in this house!
Sorry about that, Padraic said. I am sure there are plenty of frauleins
eager to tickle your beard.
Ha! In my time I made such a figure! I could tell you such stories to
make this young lady turn red as beets. I danced on the volcano I assure
you! O it was hot!
Uh, right.
O Schmidt, Dawn said. Tell us all about love! Do tell us all!
Hah! Luff has nossink to do with it. About zees luff sings I know nossingk,
nossingk nossingk!
Nothing canted Dawn agog quite like a good love story, watching lovers
fall in love, or having a hand in assisting the dreadful process, but
before Schmidt could say another word, the long howl of the the throughpassing
train ululated from far across the water, across the amorous waves of
the estuary kissing the rip-rap and across the intriguing grasses of the
Buena Vista flats where a fat cherub of a boy practiced his fearful archery
as the locomotive glided past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack
London Waterfront, headed off on its clandestine journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

FEBRUARY 3, 2013
This week's photo comes from the Chadwick archives and is a close study
of a lily. Something to get you folks dealing with the persistent grip
of Old Man Winter through the passing days.
Even now, old Gaia's face, brown and ravined, shawled in moss and arete
shadows turns slowly back toward the bright streams shed by her son's
chariot coursing the heavens. It will not be long before those six bright
pomegranate seeds will allow the maiden to ascend from Hades to greet
her mother, golden sheaf-draped Demeter and the world will rejoice again.
This morning on the steps, a single yellow bee, half sleepy from an early
awakening. In this way, the kind mother sends us tokens. . . .
We reported on the possible move of the ACLC charter school, which handles
exceptional teens, from their berth at Encinal to Wood Middle school some
weeks ago. The fallout of this prospective move has the PTA at Wood up
in arms and in fear about the threatened closure of the place. There really
is not much to add beyond the fact that Wood, featuring declining enrollment,
looked to be in trouble before the move and the USD sees this move as
a no brainer for allocation of resources.
Of course, the USD has not charmed many people by way of resource allocation
and moving facilities to this point so a lot of people remain concerned.
Adding to these two issues, the Administration moving its HQ to the controversial
Mariner Square rental location and the charter school, we now have the
Union contract negociations breaking down as teachers kicked against the
lack of pay raise over the past four years with only a single 2% raise
projected by the District.
Cost, as figured by Blogging Bayport, seem to favor the union proposal,
as theirs appears to leave out a 1/2 million dollar "stipend"
addition instead of a graduated salary increase.
It is a little puzzling as to why the District is rejecting something
that saves them money, but you can look at the Blogging Bayport breakdown
at CrunchyNumbers (http://laurendo.wordpress.com/2013/01/30/crunchy-numbers/#more-8507).
The Union is calling for a mediator in the contract negiotiations, perhaps
in fear that they are not dealing with compos mentis individuals on the
other side here and that someone will bring common sense to the table.
We have to wonder if the beancounters at the USD took math here in our
schools. Just sayin'...
Rep. Barbara Lee now becomes our representative since redistricting and
elections ousted Pete Stark. Rep. Lee will be holding office hours at
the Main Library on Thursdays from 3- 5 pm.
In another brilliant move, Island Police impounded a vehicle in the early
hours almost a year to the day, and caused the passengers and driver to
walk over a narrow bridge on Doolittle Drive back to Oaktown. The driver,
a person with bad knees, was struck and killed at 6:00 AM by an automobile.
Now the city is facing yet another lawsuit caused by our idiosyncratic
traffic enforcement, which at least one observer has called "a wierd
system with strange priorities."
Since no traffic or automotive infractions occured, the fellow who pistol-whipped
a couple victims, stole their wallets and robbed a Papa Murphy's Pizza
on Broadway has gotten clean away. You can call 337-8350 if you know anything
about this jerkoff.
Normally relations with the Coast Guard, which maintains a facility on
Coast Guard Island, remain more than cordial here, however the recent
proposal to expand the "security barrier" protected area for
cutters is causing some hot tempers to flare. The CG wants to base another
three 450 footer cutters there in the estuary and needs the additional
75 feet of space to shield against water-based attacks.
The Island has marinas which will be impacted by boat wake as some fairly
large ocean vessels squeeze through the narrower passage.
This may be a no-contest as the CG has regs to follow, the danger to
its facilities is clear and present and real, and they have to put those
darned cutters somewhere. Not such a big factor, but an emotional one,
is that the CG was there before the tony marinas put up shop.
So anyway, by now the dismal news has spread throughout the Bay Area.
In countless livingrooms, the TV has gone silent and Dungeness crabs sit
half eaten with bowls of pistachios and scatterings of chicken wing bones
littering the floor and the coffee tables among the chips and dip while
the guys are all packing up to get on home to the missus and their beds
so as to be ready for work on time, bright and painfully early.
Thank god in Heaven it was not Dallas.
Super Bowl XLVII has come and gone and our guys did not come out victorious
this time. Instead, the sons of that rough and tumble seaport city on
the East Coast known as Baltimore captured the title. At least it was
not Dallas. In the Old Same Place Bar, Eugene was complaining again and
again to the Man from Minot about the bad call - or lack of any call at
all -- regarding the interference on that Michael Crabtree.
"Look at that replay, would ya!" Eugene jabbered. "Look
at that! The man was all over him! The ref was blind, I tell ya! Blind!"
It might be said, no championship game is worth its salt without at least
one missed call just like that one. And so, Tradition Prevails. We really
would have won, and still deserve to do so, were it not for that @#$#$%
call. The ref was blind, I tell ya! Blind! . . .
So there.
In a way, since New Orleans was not in the running, we are kind of glad
another seaport city took the title. Baltimore is another "dirty
old town", not unlike Oaktown, with grease under its fingernails
and a hearty American flavor about its soul. At least it was not Dallas.
Please god, anything but Dallas.
At other tables and other parts of the rail in the bar, life goes on,
and it might be said, entirely without any regard to what happened at
Super Bowl XLVII. It is generally common knowledge that the greatest day
of football is a great day to go to a museum, see a movie, visit a park
and generally take the air any place one normally finds long lines.
The freeways become a joy because all the imbeciles who perpetrate road
rage are screaming in front of a TV set, venting. You can finally get
out to Modesto in the old travel time to visit your grandmother and return
without worry about some penishead piloting a cherry-red Miata with a
Out on the Strand all the upperclass kids banged into one another
Over at Mr. Howitzer's the usual game party was running out its due course
in the Rumpus Room. When the Tv version got too tedious, the Blather kids
got together with the Cribbages and the Pescatores for a little touch
ball game on the Strand. It did not look like the home team was likely
to win, so the kids decided to carry on in their own fashion. Out on the
Strand all the upperclass kids banged into one another as if they knew
what they were doing and they carried on with touchdowns and whatnot,
but of course it all decayed into a frenzy of atavistic rending and tearing
and thumping, because kids like this were reared without the idea that
an independent umpire or referee was of any importance.
The rules always were rules that were supposed to support their own position,
an idee fixe that is peculiar to certain highly right wing, Ultra Conservative
the kids kept themselves occupied by locking each other up in manacles
So things got chaotic with sprained ankles and bloody noses and all the
adults retired to the den to discuss the more important matters concerning
the uptick in stock options while Dodd, as usual, was left to clean up
the mess and keep the children from murdering each other. Eventually he
secured the lot of them in the dungeon once maintained by a Howitzer who
had entertained a BDSM fetish, and so the kids kept themselves occupied
by locking each other up in manacles and hoods and flailing around with
leather whips and playing dare with the electric cattle prods.
There really is not too much difference between American football and
BDSM anyway, when it comes down to basics, right down to, and including,
the fanny pat.
This is a real uncomfortable time of year for us in the Bay Area, this
time after the Holidays are all passed and the cleanup after the Annual
Island-Life Poodleshoot has been done so that people come to believe this
fiction that we are a genial lot of Islanders with a few provincial ideas
coupled with antiquated ideas about old houses and historic preservation
for the good of it all, very stoked with humanitarian values and liberal
That is all poppycock we foist on the tourists to keep them coming and
forking over tourist dollars for ridiculous bowls of crab chowder served
in sourdough bowls like this is something we provide our own kids for
In reality we are all sour Californians who cannot stand each other and
who seek any sort of rich opportunity to get in each other's way so as
to make someone really miserable in hopes they will move away and so allow
us a little more space and all of the stuff in their garage.
Well some of us are like that. The rest of us are like Wavy Gravy, genial
and loving both dogs and kids and always having adventures that haphazardly
prove that human beings, although rather stupid and sometimes dangerous
nevertheless remain stubbornly loveable and worth preserving with enough
hope to produce another one in fond delusion that somehow, someway, this
next iteration will in some fashion by some mysterious process impossibly
improve things and not totally eff things up the way so many of our neighbors
But in this pre and post season time we don't have a lot of tourists
coming around to distract us and give the guy standing on a milk crate
painted bronze head to toes something to do down at Fisherman's Wharf;
he has to bide his time playing Angry Birds on his Kindle in a bar with
an Irish coffee beside -- skip the whip, just coffee and brandy. The wild
bushman has nothing to leap out at to startle and so he sits disconsolate
with his sere branches and a fortified tea cup in the deep winter chill,
waiting for Spring's awakening.
The Bay Tour boats rock gently in their Jack London slips and the Presidential
Yacht once owned by that President who sat out a world war in a wheel
chair has no visitors and the night watchman sweeps the decks of the carrier
that fetched astronauts, now a silent museum.
So,if you wanted to really see what we are like, now would be the time
for a visit, drop in for a spell while all the Hollywood has gone to sleep,
leaving Paradise just a name on the map up in one of the most dirt poor
baking hot in summer counties in the nation try to explain itself and
fail with half hearted mumbles in the dark.
the conditioning experience that truely defines a Californio is . .
. disappointment. . .
It is said that the conditioning experience that truely defines a Californio
is not earthquake, not fire, not loss in the sense of property damage,
not attachment to wildly nonsensical '49er spirit which itself was rooted
in avarice but the common experience of disappointment, of arriving here
or being born and raised here only to find that the only Eden to be had
is that which you make yourself and that to be taken away by inevitability,
much in the manner of Life itself.
Then there is the Island, a one-time Navy base now bedroom community
packed to the gills with nutcases and exhausted common-sense folks just
trying to get through the week without resorting to murder. A little island
that hosts the Home of Truth right there on Grand Street. The place from
which the Doolittle squadron departed to harass Tokyo in its martial pride
during the Second World War.
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, this other Eden, demi-paradise,
this fortress built by Nature for herself against infection and the hand
of war, this happy breed of men, this little world, this precious stone
set in the silver sea, which serves it in the office of a wall, or as
a moat defensive to a house, against the envy of less happier lands, this
blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this Island, this nurse, this teeming
womb of heroes, fear'd by their breed and famous by their birth, renowned
for their deeds as far from home, for Christian service and true chivalry,
this land of such dear souls, this dear dear land, dear for her reputation
through the world . . . .
In the Old Same Place Bar, Suzie cleans up the sad remnants of the Superbowl
party that never took off along with Padraic and Dawn. "Suppose the
next ballyhoo shall be the Valentine's Day thing." Padraic said.
Dawn asked Suzie if she was ready for this one and Suzie had to reply
that things were tight. The year had come round and the landlord was upping
the rent again. Word had it he was evicting anyone who had so much as
hinted of tabacco use just so he could boost the rents that much more
and take advantage of the economic upturn.
"Economic upturn!" Dawn exclaimed. "I'd like to see some
of that around here!"
Yet still it looked like Suzie might have to be looking for another place
and things looked really bad with the Island for all the greed that was
in it. People were asking thousands for nothing better than a hole with
bare room for a bed and a pot to piss in. All the folks fleeing the bad
situation across the water in Babylon were driving things up past extreme.
As for Valentine's day that was a fine thing for people who could afford
it and it was all about sales and much bother about nothing else.
Now now, Dawn said. Some day you will find yourself a fine lad.
All the lads that are be nothing but trouble and little worth! Suzie
All the lads that are be nothing but trouble and little worth! Suzie
shouted and stormed out to the bathroom.
A moment of frigid quiet hung like an ice crystal mist in the air of
the bar and began a slow dissolve to the tatters and shards that littered
the floor.
Ah, be leaving the girl in peace would you now, Padraic said in a rare
for him moment of compassion and Dawn was tossed by embarrassment into
an acre field of silence for a while. Perhaps it was the misguided affaire
with that tango artist which ended up sordidly in an Italian prison when
it turned out the man was wanted in six countries by Interpol. Or perhaps
it was the general sense of disappointment that comes with flying a bit
too high, or wanting too, in romance that often afflicts young women.
Who can say what dark aches tear at the heart of a young girl during the
witching hours of the night?
So while a young, beautiful girl sobbed in the toilet of the Old Same
Place, the long howl of the the throughpassing train ululated from far
across the water, across the star-crossed waves of the estuary and across
the disappointed grasses of the Buena Vista flats as the locomotive glided
past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed
off on its journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JANUARY 27, 2013
It's California. So when other places lay under ice things start to bloom.
Here is an early riser in the East End.

There is nothing quite like becoming disabled for a while to get you
really into scrutinizing what other people are doing for news coverage
while your legs are up under five pounds of ice on the couch. Besides
a ton of "darn, I could have covered that one better!" and "darn,
wish I could cover that one, but from a different angle, there are the
gems that drip from our workaholic bloggers and brick and mortar establishments.
First, we learned to distrust ABC7 and K-whatever for local weather,
as it seems those people get their rain prognostications from Saruman's
crystal ball rather than from science or reality. Time after time we got
the accurate call from NOAA, the same folks those radical Pee Tardy folks
want to abolish, surmising that only people with pots of money deserve
to be alerted to the approach of hurricanes and tornadoes.
Secondly, the Patch, which began life quite promisingly, is turning into
an ad-packed online version of the Examiner, which is not a compliment.
We don't know why the Patch is getting worse, but can guess that fatigue
and low wages have something to do with it. On the upside, their police
blotter still reads with interesting items, and we appreciate the effort
there, especially as we know that the IPD has become difficult to work
with and uncooperative to several crime stat gathering entities.
Blogging Bayport remains quite a treasure to the extent that we are envious
of someone who apparently has substantial resources of time to investigate
matters relating to the Island. If she does not, we wish Lauren Do to
win the lottery with the proviso that she devote her gains to local journalism.
The most recent post presented the EIR planning maps for the Point, with
reference to the Planning Board Meeting to be held Monday at 7pm at City
Hall. This discussion will be about the environmental impact report, which
will not in itself address the vast majority of the most pressing issues
people seem to have, but which should at least touch on some of them and
give people an idea of what is in the pipeline.
No, the EIR cannot be concerned with Global warming or rising of sea
water levels -- that is not within the scope of the examination.
No it cannot be concerned with other independent development projects
in progress.
On the side of fairplay, we note that a number of defenders of Big Five's
gun sales have stepped up to indicate that the weapons sold by B5 cannot
be categorized as assault weapons on the basis of caliber, which happens
to be .22.
Now in fairness we could claim that .22 caliber is not equal across the
board, as there are .22 longs to be had with significantly larger wallop,
however let it be granted that a .45 caliber slug will always do significant
damage to a living creature while a man can walk away from several hits
from a .22 or even a .38 police standard cartridge.
Discussions along these lines tend to decay to the old reducio ad absurdem
debates over whether attacking your neighbor with a lawnmower is any worse
than using a pistol.
The real issue needs to stay focussed on whether we want projectile weapons
with capacity for unlimited firepower to be universally available within
the community. Quibbles about details descend to pure cant.
Finally our copyboys got around to clearing out the calendar detritus
and we expect to be more on the ball in the coming weeks with events.
A brief gander at the hot upcoming shows indicates that Yoshi's West will
be hosting Michelle Shocked in March, which should be an evening that
will likely prove interesting, provocative and unexpected as the mercurial
and wildly talented performer may pull any number of musical hats from
her impressive arsenal.
Closer in time, North Africa's Vieux Farka Toure will enchant you with
stunning vocals on February 3rd, while the Crescent City sends its ambassador,
Allen Toussaint, to occupy February 9-10th.
John Waters is coming to town in November. Did you really need that much
advance warning for Baltimore's Favorite Son?
This in-between period is always the doldrums for music and theatre,
but we note that BB King will be ripping up the boards at the venerable
Fox Theatre on February 28th. The booking agent there, apparently inspired
has the King followed by Flogging Molly March 9th on a weekend that should
allow you time to dry out in the drunk tank in time for work. March 16th
sees the the rocky-jazzy Umphrey's McGee bring back the Alt in Alternative
music, while Josh Ritter will charm your pants off on March 20th, all
at the same venue in Oaktown.
If you are willing to get over to the increasingly overpriced, increasingly
irrelevant, and increasingly out-of-range Babylon, Slims still holds reasonable
shows in the same old location south of Market. There the hardest working
musician in the Bay Area, Tommy Castro will bring his revamped band Painkillers
backed by none other than The Paul Thorn Band on Fri. 2/1. This is a rare
headline marquee event for Slims, so folks better line up at the doors
where we saw Nirvana some years before. Paul Thorn is one of those American
originals who is so talented you know he will never get famous unless
he pukes on a Kardashian.
As for Tommy, well we love him and his bad attitude, his down-to-earth
soul, and his musical virtuosity to bits. As they say, you can't keep
a good man down. Stay tough, amigo. You proved you don't have to be a
culador to survive.
Just in over the wire, we held the pub of this issue to share with you
a new art opening in Oaktown, where it is clear something very big and
phenomenal and exciting is going on with regards to modern plastic, graphic
and industrial arts all across the city.
Here is the press release for the Blackball Universe event taking place
"A new tide is rolling in at Blackball Universe. The office-meets-recording
studio-meets-art gallery-meets-after hours lounge will be hosting its
first group of artists this February. A Match Made in Oakland features
work from a trifecta of contemporary Bay Area artists: Westart, Niki Escobar,
and Suzie Borhan.
January's Blackball Gallery artist, Westart, will show new pieces created
over the course of the month in their studio residency at the Blackball
offices. Westart is comprised of twins Adahn and Ian Stewart whose collaborative,
mixed-media works command one artist's name, and a whole city's attention.
Mixing heroic narratives, comic influences and personal histories, this
duo demonstrates a unique style that reflects a common culture.
Feminist and experimental poet Niki Escobar will hang mixed-media pieces
which demonstrate her "training in poetry" alongside her "untrained
obsession with visual art." Smart, satirical and reflective, Escobar's
work explores the experience of women, and the history and mythology of
the Philippines. Winner of the Frances Jaffer Poetry Award, and a consistently
published poet, Escobar is currently furthering her visual arts "obsession"
with a graphic novel.
Suzie Borhan paints, draws, collages and travels, living now in Oakland,
hailing previously from Washington and Oregon. She will be displaying
thought-provoking, mixed-media works that explore an alternate world.
Bahrain's recurring cast of characters occupy a space the audience explores
visually and through text with her accompanying narrative poems. "
A Match Made in Oakland will be on display from February 1 - 23, with
a first Friday artist's reception at 7pm, and regular Saturday hours from
12pm - 4pm.

Blackball Gallery is located 230 Madison Ave.(at 2nd St)
Oakland, CA 94607.
Stay tuned to Island-life. Things are only going to get better from here
on out.
So anyway the weather has turned to sunny after a gloomy time of overcast
skies. Got a wharf sizzler earlier in the week, which has left everything
dripping and pooled along the curbs and gutters in odd places, leaving
the ground saturated and mucky topped with dead leaves which did their
job a long time ago.
Everyone is sitting in front of grates waiting patiently for dry warmth
to invade the earth once again. Those with the means, like Tommy and Toby,
are packing up their boxy cars with the snow tires and chains and heading
up into the areas around Taboo to enjoy the fresh deep powder. Report
has it from Patrick in the hills that snow is falling as of this minute
and all his little rug rats are out there making redundant snow angels.
Inside the frosted windows Toby, mother of all those rug rats now pelting
their dad with hasty snowballs without regard to the fact that this guy
will be the fellow paying for their college tuition in a few years, silently
remembers one of the Newtown 26, Charlotte Bacon (6).
for the grace of some kind of god or whatever, Sandy Hook could have
just as well claimed one of hers
While dad and the kids go screaming off down the way, causing untold
rampant destruction of morals and propriety among the Sierra foothills,
Toby comes out into the hard chill air and, as the snowflakes fall gently,
she gently lays down among the other imprints and spreads her legs and
her arms while looking up at the falling snowflakes, which cling to her
long lashes. Toby is herself a schoolteacher in Grass Valley and knows
that, but for the grace of some kind of god or whatever, Sandy Hook could
have just as well claimed one of hers.
She gets up and leaves the little angel imprint, a memory of Charlotte,
a redhead who used to light up the room whenever she entered, the way
that temperamental redheads sometimes do and goes inside. Tomorrow was
another school day and there were tasks to organize.
Every teacher spends a portion of homelife preparing for the next school
day. But then, some say nothing you do for children is ever wasted.
these kids, their childhood stolen
In Oaktown, at the Jack Sparrow Orphanage, the Editor has returned to
his clerical duties, knocking about the place on a wooden crutch. In his
rounds he comes across the kids from the Avalon school on the grounds
and has to reintroduce himself -- the kids don't hold much for long in
their heads. Most of them are autistic, PTSD, any number of acronyms needing
medication besides. None of these kids will ever lay back in the snow
with casual abandonment. They are serious, not laughing very often, these
kids, their childhood stolen as effectively as if some maniac had barged
in with a fully automatic assault rifle into their lives. Some of these
kids lived brief lives in the media when they were discovered in some
backyard shed or dank basement chained to a post after several years of
non-childhood possession by a deviant maniac armed with knives and blowtorches.
Some simply abandoned by foster homes grown too tired of the complications.
As Woody Allen used to say, life is divided between the horrible and
the miserable. Just thank your lucky stars you belong to the merely miserable.
As the Editor stumps up the path one of the kids is standing there facing
a staffer who alerts the kid, "Someone is coming up behind you."
"Hello!" says the Editor merrily, letting the kid know he is
heaving his heavy bulk up the way.
"Hello," the kid says absently before moving inside the school.
The Editor is an adult who will not hurt him. Okay fine. On to other
The Editor humps on up into the Administration building. Nothing you
do for children is ever wasted. Nothing ever so small.
At Marlene and Andre's Household everyone is huddled around the coffeetable
under which Occasional Quentin sleeps. It is bread soup night, so everyone
is there with their "Bush Bowl", named after the family that
made these circumstances, filled with thick red bread soup somewhat fortified
with the meat of a couple squirrels Pahrump had managed to trap.
Life, indeed was good. Warm bread soup with squirrel meat and a warm
dry place to squat until the greedy developers got too savage and Mr.
Howitzer raised the rent again. One could not complain on this chilly
night in January when so many had so little and things were bound to get
worse, given the trends.
Out behind the backdoor a couple of bloody squirrel hides hung drying.
Martini and the others stood there while Quentin picked his nose and Pahrump
went through the age-old practice of squirrel-skinning, which, if you
did not know, involves making a few sharp cuts, stomping on the critter's
tail with your boot and yanking hard upwards, separating the rodent carcass
from his former insulation. If you have seen such a thing, you learn why
they call what is left pelt and carcass. Sarah and Tipitina went into
the house, unable to eat dinner.
"What the heck is he going to do with that fur pelt", Martini
wanted to know.
"Don't ask", Jose said. "I am not so sure I want to know
myself. Have another helping of stew?"
"No thanks," Martini said. "I've had enough."
In the offices of the Island-Life the Editor started wrapping up the
week. Seems a group of younguns are starting up a gallery in Oaktown.
Keeping their mitts in the ring and staying feisty. That was the spirit.
He passed down the line of empty desks to exit the offices and stand
in the chill air on the deck bounded by orange and lemon trees now in
full abundance of yield, despite the season. There he inhaled the deep
scent of citrus and life in bloom. Somewhere somewhere else all life was
still encased in ice, but here, in California, the golden land of promise,
the oranges were bursting.
all of these snow angels spread their wings
He closed his eyes and there on the deck among the lemon trees and the
oranges the editor had a vision. This was the Editor's vision. He dreamed
that all the snow angels around the world rose up out of their cold beds
in all of the countries all over the globe, in Germany and in Norway,
in South Africa and the slopes of Kilimanjaro, Australia and Tibet and
the angels started to sing. They sang of spring and renewal and patience
and the eternal return of life to the land. In the frosty heavens all
the souls of the children who had died danced in a roundel, circles of
snow angels arose in flocks to join together and so circle the globe,
all the murdered children forming a protective blanket around the earth,
and all of these angels spread their wings to block the effects of global
warming and so a great thing was come to pass and all the sea levels returned
to normal and the wine dark seas were calmed to quiescence and there were
no more hurricanes and the glaciers returned to their former majesty.
The long howl of the the throughpassing train ululated from far across
the water, across the waves of the estuary and across the non-native grasses
of the Buena Vista flats as the locomotive glided past the dark and shuttered
doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off on its journey to parts
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.

JANUARY 20, 1013
This week's image comes courtesy of Chad's archives and from one of his
many visits to the Lucky 13 on Park. It kinda indicates the shaggy dog
weather we have been having.

It also shows that the Lucky 13 is a place where mutts are welcome. Just
don't pimp yer poodle in there.
During this slow news time, while the newly installed councilmembers
learn all about long hours on Tuesday nights over there in Silly Hall.
Our sympathies go with you as folks rack up the hours complaining about
everything from potholes to the plastic bag ban.
The USD administration is all moved in to their contested rented digs
in Marina Square Village. They are offering to allow citizens to tour
the place on appointment.
As for the infamous "Berlin Wall" as one letter-writer called
it, that remains in situ around the landmark high school on Santa Clara
while the Carnegie building, equally distressed and in need of earthquake
retrofit does not warrant even a keep away sign.
Cost to deal with the schools upgrades, which probably includes places
where students are actually sitting in front of teachers, is estimated
at some $92 million dollars.
We noted that the charter school ACLC is looking to expand operations
on the campus of the Wood Middle School. We know ACLC, its high standards
for excellence, and we know the tech guy over there, Milton, so we were
suprised to hear that the PTA of Wood is against the move to their campus.
Seems declining enrollment at Wood proper is threatening the future of
the campus, but we see ACLC as a good stop-gap measure to keep the place
humming for a while. One of our kids went to school there and we would
hate to see another brick of Old Alameda get tossed away, so we are hoping
that things can be worked out in the same way the former Arthur Anderson
school project helped out the Jets on the West End.
Letters regarding the plastic bag ban have decreased to a dull simmer
on the stove in favor of nationally provoked issues, as in school safety
in the aftermath of the Newtown tragedies. Turns out cursory safety inspections
reveals that plans for handling Newtown-style events have been in place
a long time -- they just are not being followed even to date.
Edison, Lum and Ruby Bridges retain multiple open access points, unlocked
classrooms, unchallenged entry points, unchallenged visitors, and a plethora
of other lapses that indicate that some folks in charge seem to believe
we are living in Oz, not in the middle of a 5 county metropolis of nearly
ten million people, two millions of which live in Alameda County alone.
On that subject, loosely, some citizens have called for Big 5 stores,
which has an outlet in Southshore Mall, to cease the selling of fully
automatic assault weapons with extended clips.
You have to wonder just what would happen should someone actually employ
such a thing for personal defense in a place as crowded as the Island
with its thin walls and children's rooms. Even trained police will sometimes
hit innocent bystanders during a gunfight. Have bullets, will travel.
. . .
Of course you could always get to know your neighbors, learn each others
habits of movement, and watch out for one another. There is always that
In the Crimestoppers Notebook we saw an uptick in burgluries, arrests
on outstanding warrants, at least one violent mugging, and over ten 5150
detentions for "psychiatric evaluation."

Monday, besides being Inauguration Day for our esteemed President, is
also Martin Luther King Day. Here is the scoop on AC Transit:
On the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, Monday, January 21, 2013, all
AC Transit offices will be closed and Local and Transbay bus lines-- except
for those crossing the Dumbarton Bridge-- will run on a Sunday schedule.
Dumbarton Bridge service will be maintained at its normal frequency.
Regular business operations and scheduling will resume on Tuesday, January
Complete scheduling information is available online at www.actransit.org;
or by telephoning 511 and saying AC Transit.
We would like to add everyone can sit anywhere they like on the bus and
upon arrival may enter any emporium regardless of appearance straight
through the front door. In addition, anyone can sit anyplace they like
in any sort of bar to watch on TV a Black man get sworn in as President.
For the second time.
We have King and the Freedom Riders to thank for that.
So anyway, now is come the depths of the still winter, when the trees
shake their long black bones against the pearl grey, unremitting sky,
all calcified and hard against desire. Yet, still, under the soft hummocks
of snow, the equally persistent root of life winds and bends its way upwards,
seeking any old crack.
Over at the Pampered Pup Lionel is in a jovial, backslapping mood, for
on the morrow he will be closing up shop to head over to Oaktown and Everett
and Jones to watch brother Obama get sworn in for the second time on the
big screens there.
Arthur sat at the counter with an all beef special wrapped up in an Alaskan
parka with the furred hoodie. "You got that right," he said.
"I expect that Justice Roberts will get the oath right this time,
dontcha thing?"
we live in a mighty time, a mighty time indeed!
"O tomorrow, tomorrow!" Lionel said. "On Martin Luther
King day no less! And on the Dee Cee Mall to boot! I say we live in a
mighty time, a mighty time indeed!"
"Welp," Arthur said licking the moustard from his lips. "We'll
see what happens to the Public Option after this. I am going over to the
Old Same Place later on."
"I'll see you there," Lionel said. "Give my regards to
Jacqueline if you go by there. . .".
Arthur sighed. "I don't see what you see in that woman. She's as
skinny as a stick . . ."
"O now, you get out of here, you!"
"Ha ha!"
Kings and queens may trade their thrones, but all avails and matters
naught within the golden round of the court of Love. There the antic sits
and with his pin, well, bores everyone to tears. Everyone would have slept
through Romeo and Juliet if the fools had not killed each other in some
dramatic fashion.
As the night settled down with ebony folds to drape the town with cold
sparkles shining through its fur, streetlights glinting and leaf-torn
puddles left from the last lashing of storms, the various inhabitants
of the Island huddled, each as was their wont, to wait out this time of
expectation, this season of patiently attending the steadily marching
hours towards the longer days.
soon the entire block is enveloped in a prison of crystalline ice
Meanwhile the moisture on the windshield stars up, expands, exfoliating
into fractals with infinite permutations. The ice expands over the glass,
covers the car, creeps along the road, making spiky topographic maps of
dreams, creeps up the houses and soon the entire block is enveloped in
a prison of crystalline structure that meets others rise up to envelope
the old trees -- the city would cut them down anyway -- and brings down
the powerlines with the weight, isolating each house with its iPads and
its Wifi without electricty or heat until the entire city soon is domed
over and fingers of the ice continue to lace out like Fibonacci numbers
to crush Oaktown and all the neighboring cities while people slept, body
cores gradually cooling in all the people, all the children, all the dogs,
until everything was crushed quietly, quietly under a solid lightless
sheet of ice and dark and every form of life was stilled . . .
The Editor snapped away from his nightmare in the cold newsroom and stared
about him wildly. "What? What? No!"
But there he was in the cubicle, cold but not frozen, while the machines
muttered their old complaints by way of their fans. All around him the
silent desks with their lamps, computer screens.
Down by the old cannery building, Officer O'Madhauen sat in his Crown
Vic, sipping his cup of coffee, ostensibly watching for red light dodgers,
but at this time of night, on the eve of a holiday, there was scant chance
of anyone coming by through the industrial park. It was just a place he
liked to sit and let his mind go blank while the swelling moon rose over
the old Beltline zone.
Tommy and Toby's boat, The Lavendar Surprise, rocked gently in its berth
in the marina slip while its owners rested comfortably in each other's
arms beneath a down coverlet from LL. Bean.
Mrs. Sanchez, nee Ms. Morales, stepped lightly wearing her nightgown
down the hall to where Mr. Sanchez lay half asleep. Tomorrow no school,
but there were papers to grade. Enough for tomorrow, so she slipped under
the covers and snuggled up next to him for warmth.
At Mr. Howitzer's mansion, the one on Grand Street with the two stone
lions in front, the master of the house have final terse orders to the
ever patient Dodd, who remained at work although it was nearing midnight.
There would be a ball. Or something similar. On February 14th. Roses.
Candies. Music. Pink champagne. Fluffy shit. Be ready for it.
Yes sir. How many attendees?
Fifty. Be ready.
Yes sir.
Over at Marlene and Andre's household, the place had packed in as folks
who slept outside during the warmer months had shifted indoors, meaning
all fifteen souls were sharing the same air. And the same bathroom.
"Martini, get your foot out of my eye," Jose said with irritation.
"Sorry . . .". a voice emitted in the dark.
"Put it in your sleeping bag for the sake of god would you!"
"Sorryyyyyy. . . ".
Someone else called out in the dark, "Hey! Anyone got any spare
Effexor? I am out."
"O for Pete's sake," Pahrump said.
The household was a model of social interdependence.
Their traditional cheer was a high five and the mantra "Bunchgrass
Down the way Katrina Smite stood up from her topographic map of the area
after having dismissed the members of the Native Plants Association from
their campaign meeting. The group had been planning activities for the
coming year as part of their program to eradicated all foreign plant species.
Their traditional cheer was a high five and the mantra "Bunchgrass
Katrina remained in the door as the last of the members ambled down through
the cold to their cars parked on Shoreline. From her steps she could see
the Bay and the distant hump of Babylon's southern hills. As well as the
horrid marsh with its nasty foreign sawgrass they had been going at for
a couple years now. Once that was gone, then the beachhead would be theirs!
Yes, it was a brand new year made ready and panting with expectation.
The thought of the upcoming battle made her almost, dare we say, moist.
As she stood there, the long howl of the the throughpassing train ululated
from far across the water, across the waves of the estuary and across
the non-native grasses of the Buena Vista flats as the locomotive glided
past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed
off on its journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.
JANUARY 13, 2013
This week's photo is an old one from the archives and was submitted by
Mike Rettie in the West End a while ago. Mike's wife works for Callahan
Piano which has a workshop on the Point. Clearly, sometimes the usually
sedate business of caring for old instruments can get pretty unruly.

The Horror Days have come and gone along with Xmas and all that blather
about great deals for 99.99. Hopefully by now all of you have removed
the tinsel from your beards and merkins and you all got what was coming
to you.
Maybe you even got a merkin for Xmas, a gift which is highly personal
although seldom considered as the weather is usually too chill around
this time of year to put on on and have it properly displayed.
Although this period tends to slow-news days we note a few events and
happenings here along with developments for old stories.
Measure H, which was partly struck down by the Circuit Court, is now
going through appeal subsequent to the court's decision to vacate and
reconsider. The decision against split-level taxation affects a number
of other communities around the Bay who have instituted similar creative
funding schemes. Measure H funds were to go to support the public schools.
Measure A, also passed by voters, seeks to cover the losses should Measure
H eventually go down in defeat, however the litigation is likely to continue
on the contentious issue for quite some time. Ironically, Measure A looks
like it will impose higher taxes on a flat-field basis than its predecessor
($299 Vs $120 for single family dwellings and 32 cents per sq. foot for
commercial property owners).
Already hard at work from his new Assembly seat, Rob Bonta has introduced
a bill that will clarify funding for school districts statewide. His bill
will likely put him side by side with Governor Jerry Brown as Brown seeks
to simplify revenue streams.
We remember Jean Sweeney as a gracious and courteous lady. Courteous
and tenacious. The 23 acre open space property she secured via diligent
records research that is now named in her honor will have its future decided
by committee in various meetings. The first public meeting will be 10
- noon, at the Officer's Club on 641 Red Line Road out at the Point. Another
meeting will be held 7 - 9pm February 13 in the Council Chambers at City
The Jean Sweeney Open Space Park Committee has a Facebook page. Facebookers
only need do a search on Facebook.com for her name together with "open
space" to show the love.
We have been remiss with updates on what has been happening with AC Transit,
and we apologize. The Bus Rapid Transit got a new Director, named David
Wilkins, way back in October. According to AC Transit's Press Release,
"The BRT project is more than just a transit project. It is an economic
development project that will contribute to the economy by creating local
construction and construction support jobs as well as stimulate the growth
of businesses along the corridor due to the new service. Construction
is expected to begin in 2014 with the BRT system fully implemented in
Wilkins is a heavy hitter with a wildly packed resume of credentials
handling multi-million dollar projects, so we expect great things from
Also we have this regarding opportunities for public service:
To ensure that its transit services are used and easily obtainable by
all members of the public, AC Transit is seeking volunteers to fill vacancies
on its Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC). The District appealed for
applications from people interested in volunteering their input by serving
on the committee as advocates for seniors and disabled bus riders.
The AAC, consisting of 14 members, typically meets on the second Tuesday
of the month to address concerns aboutand implement and enhanceAC
Transits programs and services as related to seniors and people
with disabilities. The committee was established specifically to review
policies and procedures, as well as comment and advise the District and
its seven-member Board of Directors on all matters related to bus accessibility.
Citizens appointed to serve on the committee shall serve a term of one
(1) year beginning March 1, 2013. In an effort to maintain a diversified
panel representative of people who are seniors, people with varying disabilities
and of diverse ethnic backgrounds, two committee members will be appointed
by each Director.
Qualified applicants must use AC Transits fixed-route service,
be a senior or individual with a disability and/or represent such groups,
and be willing to devote the necessary hours to attend meetings. Along
with identifying problems and offering probable solutions and ideas, prospective
applicants should also have respect for others, be open to hearing divergent
points of view, and commit up to six (6) hours a month to committee-related
If interested, applications can be obtained from and returned to the
District Secretarys Office, 1600 Franklin Street, 10th Floor, Oakland,
CA 94612 or by calling (510) 891-7201. Completed applications also can
be faxed to: (510) 891- 4705. All applications must be returned to the
District Secretary by February 1, 2013.
AC Transit has been sending us reports on a regular basis and we hope,
as things begin to mend around here, to start reporting again more frequently
on mass transit issues.
So anyway the weather has been brisk for around here. Native San Franciscans
have been lurking about the Island and we can see them clearly for who
they are. These are the folks who stroll around wearing sandals without
socks in their shirtsleeves while the saner people around them scrape
the ice from their windshields, wearing mittens, fuzzy hats, and full
parkas from REI.
Decent people would at least pretend to be chilled so as to bond in some
kind of human sympathy with the rest of the world, but not these folks
seeking avenues of escape from the obscenely high rents over there in
Babylon. Meanwhile, Jacqueline of Jackie's Hair Salon looks out these
mornings and smiles to herself, as Jackie stems from Bear Lake upstate
Minnesota near the Canadian border. You talk about cold you just talk
to Jackie while she is in there doing a tint job on Mrs. Blather, trying
to make the lady look a little less gray.
But tastefully, tastefully. Jackie would not have it any other way.
Jackie tells the story about the rumored reason about how the Erickson
kid with the cleft lip got that way and the story goes that this boy,
whose name was Alfred, had done the worst thing that a boy could do in
wintertime. He had taken the double dare and acted out the most grievous
nightmare -- plus or minus a few other really really horrible things involving
knives and witches -- that afflicted all of us while growing up.
Yes, the hapless child put his tongue upon an iron pump handle after
the temperature had dropped well below minus twenty degrees. And there
he found himself frozen to the metal there and unable to get loose.
If you touch someone who has been electrocuted then you would get electrocuted
So there poor Alfred was stuck and all the kids too scared to do anything
and half afraid if they helped him they would get stuck too somehow the
way electricity was known to do -- everyone knows about that, right? If
you touch someone who has been electrocuted then you would get electrocuted
and have a heartattack and die and be buried in the cold ground. It is
a known and proven fact and my cousin read about it in a magazine or saw
it on TV.
So all the kids ran off, too scared to do something to help poor Alfred
with his tongue frozen to the pump handle and the reason nobody is around
to tell about this now is that they all were embarrassed by their cowardice
and so each one of them grew up with this terrible dark secret in their
hearts about having failed to help a fellow human being.
Even Gwen, dear sweet Gwen with the blond hair and the blue eyes whom
Alfred had rather liked in Mr. Joe's Biology class for figuring out the
ATP pump cycle before anyone else and who always had smiled at him even
though he lived on a farm with his dull brother Axel, even she had run
So there he was, all alone, surrounded by snow, hearing the howling of
wolves, or something that sounded like wolves, half afraid he would just
die there of exposure overnight, his family wondering where he had gotten
off to at suppertime and his father in a wax on his lateness and his mother
sorrowfully putting away the hot dish casserole.
He would die and they would find him and cut loose the pipe there and
put him in a casket with the pump still attached to his tongue and he
would bury him like that in a coffin in the farmyard with Father Danyluk
debating with Rome as to whether this was considered a suicide or a hapless
accident and the good father winning out over that German fellow in the
Vatican because Father Danyluk was a good man as head of the parish of
Our Lady of Incessant Complaint.
You will have to chose to go to the Other Place
So that is the way he would approach the kingdom of heaven, with the
pump handle frozen to his tongue and him having to carry it right up to
St. Peter with his beard and the Book among the Host of Heaven and St.
Peter exclaiming, "Well we really cannot have this sort of thing
in Heaven you know! You will have to chose to go to the Other Place, where
it may be hot enough to thaw that thing, or Gabriel.
So of course he chooses Gabriel and along comes the ferocious archangel
with his terrible mighty sword with comes up and swishes down and . .
O my gawd! So much blood in heaven not been seen for so long . . .
In the other scenario, Old Grima, the neighboring bachelor farmer comes
along and deals with the situation as tough Norwegian bachelor farmers
are known to do. Out comes the knife, the same one he uses for the bulls
to make them tame, and . . .
O my gawd . . .!
So that is how the Erickson boy got his cleft lip and got the way he
was. However the story does not end there.
Alfred's family saved up their pennies and got the boy to a surgeon who
fixed his cleft lip, however with the unfortunate result that the boy
spoke with a French accent the rest of his life.
Alfred got a scholarship that took him to France where he stayed and
changed his name to Eric, while his brother, Axel, remained on the farm
tending livestock. All the French marveled at how, finally, they had discovered
one American who finally could speak their difficult language flawlessly.
People came from miles around just to listen to him speak.
Eric became immensely successful as a novelist and a fashion designer
and he sent home pots of money to help out his aging parents who fixed
up the farm so well that Axel became a sort of tour guide for transplanted
Minnesotans who traveled up from San Diego to visit the Erickson Estates
and ride Percheron horses on the farm that had been made into a dude ranch.
And during the long winter months he invited his family to a little place
he kept on the Cote d'Azure, where they drank campari by the beach and
wore sandals with no socks and shirtsleeves in weather properly designed
for such.
As for his companions who had abandoned him, no one now remembers them
at all. Not one.
So however the boy had gotten his cleft lip, he wound up pretty well
off in the end.
So let this be a lesson to you. Seize the day. Take the dare. It may
hurt a lot at first, it might cost you a world of pain, but you just might
go places you otherwise might never have seen.
the terrible disaster on El Abuelito di Diablo had nearly killed all
of them
High above MacArthur Boulevard, Denby, Javier, Festus, and a few of the
other Islandlife crew went through their rehab paces, enforced as physical
therapy regimens for each one to deal with their respective injuries after
the terrible disaster on El Abuelito di Diablo had nearly killed all of
them in September of last year. The room was filled with men, women and
teenagers working laboriously on cable machines and padded tables, struggling
to regain function in shattered limbs. A fortyish man walked himself between
chrome rails over a thick pad, gripping the rails to either side while
trying to make his legs work again. A thickset man wearing an armbrace
tossed a ball to an inclined trampoline over and over. A teenager removed
a solid boot from his right foot on one of the padded benches to run through
his routine.
Festus, standing in the window sill, called Denby over from his bicycle,
where the musician had set the seat at 9 to get his knee to bend again
via constant rotation.
"Look down there," Festus said.
Denby looked down to see a young woman with flowing black hair wheeling
a baby carriage down Broadway past the park towards the intersection with
its tangle of concrete barriers painted orange and the flapping draped
construction going on for the new high rise across the way. The woman
was on the Macarthur Park side approaching Macarthur itself and the long
light there, breath steaming out of her in the frigid air outside.
"That's Amanita," Denby said. "I know her."
Indeed. Amanita had once a boyfriend who had gotten her pregnant while
both had been going to Washington High School. Washington had closed,
due to the fiscal crisis, before officialdom could react to yet one more
case of a teen pregnancy. The boyfriend had long since vanished, his parents
choosing to remove to the Valley rather than face disgrace.
It was unknown if the boy had much say in the matter, but that left Amanita
with child and a Catholic upbringing, a combination not conducive to kindness,
leniency, or comfort. Father Danyluk, who understood the ways of the world,
had hooked her up with some County support and WIC, but having a child
at 17 is always a hard row to hoe and sometimes the laughter dies if nothing
she started wheeling the carriage in a circle
Amanita reached the corner as the light turned red and she briefly stood
there, a thin-stick waif wearing a thick black parka, breathing clouds
of steam. Then, suddenly she started wheeling the carriage in a circle
and flinging her dark hair and the two of them watching from the fourth
floor of the Kaiser building could she that she was singing as she danced
with her child.
After a few long moments the light changed, and the girl was gone and
the two returned to their routines in the heart of the cold city.
Out on the swell of the wine-dark sea, Pedro fiddled with his radio,
trying to bring in his favorite broadcast of the Rotschue Televangalist
Variety Show, and got a sort of poor connection with hall-echo sound that
made it seem like everyone was talking inside an immense cold auditorium.
There would not be much comfort this night from the show.
There were scant days left on the calendar for crabbing on this season
before the pots and nets would give up to lines for herring and other
things. As a sole proprietor he was bound to the schedule of local ordinance
as well as to the seasons.
As it turned out, the haul was less than as expected this time around
and so he returned to port, patient and unbowed, knowing the sea would
always provide in some fashion, even though the times had changed, the
catch had varied and even the weather had turned quandary.
Out on the high seas, the small hillocks of the waves lifting and lowering
his boat El Borracho Perdido, he remembered the pile of ashes by the back
steps and the plant which had appeared there one year, a small tearose.
Latterly, despite the gloomy weather, he had noticed the scrawny thing
sending out a series of green shoots, one ending in some kind of swelling.
By now in other parts of the country people may be noticing green shoots
firing up through the coverlet of snow.
the old tramp shambles in the cold
In Mosswood Park, in Oaktown across the street from the Kaiser building,
the old tramp shambles in the cold as the rain began to fall to the bench.
He failed to get to the shelter on time, so there would be no bed or food
and he thought he might get on the bench and huddle up with newspapers.
On the table there someone had left a white box. The tramp opened up the
box and inside was a big cake with the printing "Congratulations
Marsha and Allen" and a small figure of a man in a tuxedo dancing
with a woman in a bridal dress. The cake had been partially carved with
some pieces missing on one end.
The rain came down and pitted the frosting. The tramp took a cut piece,
ate it and went over to the covered busstop and lay down there and went
to sleep. He left the box open and the rain came down on the cake, destroying
the message.
From far across the water, the long howl of the the throughpassing train
ululated across the waves of the estuary and the grasses of the Buena
Vista flats as the locomotive glided past the dark and shuttered doors
of the Jack London Waterfront, headed off on its journey to parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.
JANUARY 6, 2013
This week's hopeful image comes from facebooker friend Cindy, who joyfully
greets every opportunity with enviable zest. It is a shot over the Castro
between one of our recent rain showers.

We see by the hits that people have been peppering the camping section.
Well, circumstances obviously intervened as to getting the 2012 entry
up, but now it is all there, with all the gruesome details. Well, actually,
we left out the more gruesome details, if only to make sure that this
story helps save someone's life out there.
While the drama may feel excessive for some, four people did die up there.
We would like to reduce that number to zero, as Tom the EMT is really
a nice guy and putting him through more of that, we feel, is a bit too
You can view the story and the pix HERE.
The docs say that although we will set off airport detectors for years
to come, we eventually will walk normally again.
By now you have all carted your ailing pine to the curb, put away the
menorahs and whooped it up or not as the case may be for the new year.
January 1 brought in a raft of new laws, the most obviously intrusive
is the "plastic bag" ban which means that you must bring your
own totes or pay for them at the register in retail markets.
We think this is a good thing if only for one major advancement: Validation
of the Manpurse.
Yes, you stalwart red-blooded Americans can now bare your bags with pride.
Uh, swing your bags . . . uh . . . whatever.
So anyway there already are complainers in the letters to the edtor,
already listing statistics like the damned liars they are, to rail against
the bag ban.
O just get over it people
The other laws, featuring anti-smoking ordinances, appear far more invidious,
largely because they negatively affect non-smokers.
Well, we all all for taking smokers out to the obliette and dropping
them in one by one so their 2nd hand reek kills only each other. That
would be a very fine and good thing. But that is not what the ordinances
are about. They are about money. Rent money. Landlords all over Oaktown
and other places have taken to evicting folks on the charge of "condemned
smoker" so as to raise the rents to even more obscene values that
cause Satan to giggle like a little girl and ruin the general ambience
of the place.
Heck, they destroyed Frisco with their high rents and outright greed.
Now they want to come over here and do the same to us and the anti-smoking
foofaw is just so much hooey for the sake of greed.
The Navy League Council is meeting at the Air Museum 2151 Ferry Point
Road, Building 77 and folks interested in military sea services, or just
wanting to check in on the museum can visit www.navyleaguealameda.org.
The next event is a raffle and dinner on 21 January. Tickets are $40 and
go towards assisting active units. One of the adopted units is Alameda
4th Force Recon, USMC, a unit whose detail has always been of special
interest to some of us here with some history with the USN. Long Range
Patrol - go long, do it, come back.
Usually we do a comprehensive list of folks who passed away in the past
year with a short eval of their life's works. This time, let it be shorter
than usual, as who are we to burden the present and the future with the
decaying and dead past.
Ronald Searle - Cartoonist
Omar Sharriff - musician
Etta James - Queen of the Blues
Whitney Houston - R&B singer
Don Cornelius - music impresario
Anthony Shadid - journalist
Davy Jones - musician, rock
Adrienne Rich - poet
Earl Scruggs - musician, banjo, country style
Mike Wallace - reporter
Dick Clark - game-show host, radio and tv personality
Levon helm - musician
Adam Yauch - mca beastie boys
Maurice Sendak - illustrator
Vidal Sassoon - barber
Carlos Fuentes - author
Harold Baron Jackson - radio personality
Doc Watson - bluegrass music legend
Ray Bradbury - science writer
Neil Alden Armstrong - astronaut, first man on the moon
Sally Ride - astronaut
Rodney King - police victim
Ernest Borgnine - actor
Phyliss Diller - comedian, former Alamedan
Tony Scott - Director
Helen Gurley Brown - feminist activist
George Mcgovern - politician
Alan Farley - beloved local radio personality
Larry Hagman - TV actor
Gore Vidal - author, genius
Robert Bork - political toady
Dave Brubeck - jazz musician and civil rights advocate
Russell Means - Native American activist
Ravi Shankar - musician
Daniel Inouye - War veteran and US senator
Norman Schwarzkopf - military general
If you had only a few words to describe your life up to now, would any
of these apply to you? Would "love" be any one of those words?
So anyway the New Year has ambled through rainshowers like a careless
girl sidestepping puddles to the here and new, and suddenly here we are
facing the rest of a decade that perhaps may hold a little bit more promise
than the months of dark night that preceded this.
O lord, we bewail that tangle of prepositions and dangling referents,
but stetanorum est.
Life does not pause. You cannot parse out a lifeline's syntax -- by the
time you are finished you are done, really done.
Jose came shrieking around the corner,
That is why Jose came shrieking around the corner at nearly 75 miles
per hour, riding the silver Razor broken down to its essence of a skateboard,
which Adam's friend Hushpuppy got for an xmas present.
Jose, . . .could not help widespread destruction.
Kids being what they are, the Razor had, after a few days of mayhem involving
broken glass and dented car doors, been retired in favor of more electronic
presents that could play really neat stuff like Angry Birds and War Dwarf.
Jose, like most of the Household, living in a state of arrested childhood,
had seized the scooter as a means of opportunity, not as a gratuitous
path to further mayhem, however, Jose, being the sort of fellow he was
among the sorts of fellows he lived with, could not help widespread destruction.
Having destroyed Ms. Quim's daffodil bed and thoroughly annihilated Mr.
Fluxsome's early risers, Jose was streaking toward Mr. Howitzer's tulips,
so carefully laid in by Dodd, the irrepressible manservant, when Grumbles,
an aging opossum crossed the road in front of him, causing a choice between
genuinely dead opossum or slaughtered roses belonging to Mrs. Grimoire,
a octogenarian and former resident of a midwestern place known as Bloom
Mrs. Grimoire, a formidible defender of the ASPCA, the local animal shelter
and the library upon her arrival, had spent considerable effort to resurrect
the rare and highly exclusive Bloom County Bloom Rose, known for its spectacular
idiosyncratic foliage, now tenderly clinging to an o so fragile trellis
in NorCal.
Trembling, the roses pleaded to batman, or any hero abouts, O, please
save me!
In such circumstances, a gentleman always chooses blooms over life and
reason, and so Jose slammed into an opossum nicknamed Grumbles and weighing
in excess of some forty-five pounds to cause said opossum to scream with
pain and alarm and flee the terrible scene, which featured Jose tumbling
over the incipient tulips on Mr. Howitzer's front lawn right under Dodd's
view from the window above.
"Oooooo!" went the opossum, which did not die, nor pretend
to, instead lumbering as its kind is wont to do away from that place of
near death and destruction.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" went Jose, who rolled and tumbled all night
"O dear," went Dodd, who observed the floral carnage in all
of its atavistic savagery.
Down below, Jose lay moaning amid the wreckage that used to be Mr. Howitzer's
flowerbed as Martini, Tipitinia, Pahrump and Adam came running.
Dodd descended the stairs to the front door with his vermilion bathrobe
flowing behind.
"This is a find how do you do," he said. "A fine happy
new year."
"Same to you and yours," Jose said groaning. "I mean sorry
about all this."
"I think not." said Dodd. "You nearly murdered "Auld
"Ah, well, Grumbles, well, sorry about that . . . mi escuse . .
. glad he lives . . . sorry really sorry, about the tulips, I'll fix it
tomorrow . . .".
I am heartened the American spirit of rebelliousness persists
"Shut up you ninny!" Dodd said. "I'll plant impatience
and the master will never notice. I am heartened the American spirit of
rebelliousness persists, despite the avaricious depredations of people
with far too much money in relation to their lamentable lack of title,
sense, or decent school ties and the odious Bush family and I wish you
begone and be well. Furthermore I take this to be a positive sign the
S&P shall improve this year over 4.5%. Get out of here now!"
"Yessir! Yessir! Ok, I am going now, I am going now . . ."!
As Jose made himself rapidly to vanish and the wounded marsupial examined
himself with annoyance in his den, from far across the water, the long
howl of the the throughpassing train ululated across the waves of the
estuary and the grasses of the Buena Vista flats as the locomotive glided
past the dark and shuttered doors of the Jack London Waterfront, headed
off on its journey to the new year and parts unknown.
That's the way it is on the Island. Have a great week.